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  • 转IE伟大的haslayout 简单



      “Layout”是一个 IE/Win 的私有概念,它决定了一个元素如何显示以及约束其包含的内容、如何与其他元素交互和建立联系、如何响应和传递应用程序事件/用户事件等,这有点类似于一个窗体的概念。

      微软的开发者们认为盒状元素(box-type elements)应该具有一个“属性(property)”(这是面向对象编程中的一个概念),于是他们便使用了 layout , 也就是 hasLayout。

      hasLayout 其实既不是一个属性更不是一个行为,而是 IE 这个渲染引擎代代继承一贯拥有的一个渲染概念,在这个概念下渲染的元素将具有一种特性。

      实际上这种渲染特性在有些 HTML 元素中与身俱来,而在另外一些元素中也可以通过一些 CSS 属性将其触发为 true ,且一旦触发将不可逆转。


    Many common IE float bugs.
    Boxes themselves treating basic properties differently.
    Margin collapsing between a container and its descendants.
    Various problems with the construction of lists.
    Differences in the positioning of background images.
    Differences between browsers when using scripting.

    IE 很多常见的浮动 bug 。

    元素本身对一些基本属性的异常处理问题。容器和其子孙之间的边距重叠(margin collapsing)问题。使用列表时遇到的诸多问题。背景图像的定位偏差问题。使用脚本时遇到的浏览器之间处理不一致的问题。

    下列元素默认 hasLayout=true

    <table> <td> <body> <img> <hr /> <input>, <select>, <textarea>, <button> <iframe>, <embed>, <object>, <applet> <marquee>

    haslayout是不能设置的,只能触发,设置下列属性也会导致 hasLayout=true

    position: absolute
    Refers to its containing block, and that's where some problems begin.

    float: left|right
    The float model has a lot of quirks due to some aspects of a layout element.

    display: inline-block
    Sometimes a cure when the element is at inline level and needs layout. Applying layout is probably the only real effect of this property. The “inline-block behaviour” itself can be achieved in IE, but quite independently: IE/Win: inline-block and hasLayout.

    any value
    This is often an implicit fix, more often the trigger when hasLayout does things wrong.

    height: any value
    height: 1% is used in the Holly Hack.

    zoom: any value (MSDN)
    MS proprietary, does not validate. zoom: 1 can be used for debugging.

    writing-mode: tb-rl (MSDN)
    MS proprietary, does not validate.

    inline 元素的特殊情况

    width and height trigger hasLayout in IE 5.x and IE 6 in quirks mode only. As of IE6, when the browser is in “standards-compliance mode” inline elements will ignore the width and height properties, and setting the width and height properties will not cause the element to have layout.

    ie5.x和 ie 6 quirk 模式中,设置了 width 或者 height 属性的元素 hasLayout=true。ie 6 standards-compliance mode(标准兼容模式)时,设置了 width 或者 height 属性的元素 hasLayout=false

    zoom always triggers hasLayout, but it's not supported in IE5.0.

    zoom 会导致 hasLayout=true,但 ie 5 不支持该属性。


    This entry was written by FoxLing, posted on 2008年08月19日 at 11:44, filed under HTML/CSS/XML and tagged haslayout,IE. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this postPost a comment or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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