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  • easyui treegrid实现显示checkbox详解





      1 var root = 20543;
      2             //初始化产品树
      3             function InitProductTreeGrid(rootid) {
      4                 var type = '<%=Controler.ProductType%>';
      5             var ishowPack = true;
      6             var ishowMirro = true;
      7             //1,包库;2,镜像
      8             if (type == '1') {
      9                 ishowPack = false;
     10                 ishowMirro = true;
     11             } else {
     12                 ishowPack = true;
     13                 ishowMirro = false;
     14             };
     15             $('#tt_Product').treegrid({
     16                 url: '../Handlers/Contract_ProductHandler.ashx',
     17                 queryParams: {
     18                     handlertype: "InitProductTreeGrid",
     19                     ContractId: $('#ContractId').val(),
     20                     CatalogId: rootid,
     21                     pindex: $('#pindex').val()
     22                 },
     23                 idField: 'id',
     24                  930,
     25                 treeField: 'CatalogName',
     26                 fitColumns: true, //宽度自适应窗口
     27                 rownumbers: false, //是否加行号
     28                 singleSelect: true,
     29                 scrollbarSize: 0,     //去除滚动条,否则右边最后一列会自动多处一块
     30                 columns: [[
     31                     { title: '产品列表', field: 'CatalogName',  210 },
     32                     { title: '产品ID', field: 'CatalogId', hidden: true },
     33                     { title: '父产品ID', field: 'ParentId', hidden: true },
     34                     { title: '父产品名称', field: 'ParentName', hidden: true },
     35                     { title: '产品类型', field: 'ProductType', hidden: true },
     36                     { title: '是否为子节点', field: 'isLeaf', hidden: true },    //备注:(1,是;0,否)
     37                     { title: '是否为父节点', field: 'isParent', hidden: true },
     38                     { title: 'IsChecked', field: 'IsCheck', hidden: true },
     39                     { title: 'CurrentYearPrices', field: 'type1', hidden: true },
     40                     { title: 'MirrorCurrentYearPrices', field: 'type3', hidden: true },
     41                     { title: 'MirrorEarlyPrices', field: 'type4', hidden: true },
     42                     { title: 'MirrorPrevious3YearPrices', field: 'type5', hidden: true },
     43                     {
     44                         field: 'CurrentYearPrices', title: '当前价格',  200, hidden: ishowPack,
     45                         formatter: function (value, rec, index) {
     46                             var d = '<input type="checkbox" name="CurrentYearPrices" catalogid="' + rec.CatalogId + '" ' + (rec.type1 == 'True' ? 'checked="checked"' : '') + ' id="CurrentYearPrices' + rec.CatalogId + '" onclick="showProductTree(this,\'CurrentYearPrices\',' + rec.CatalogId + ',' + rec.isParent + ');" parent="CurrentYearPrices' + rec.ParentId + '" isparent="' + rec.isParent + '" value="' + value + '" />&nbsp;&nbsp;' + (value != 0 ? value.substr(0, value.length - 2) : '0.00');
     52                             return d;
     53                         }
     54                     },
     55                     {
     56                         field: 'MirrorCurrentYearPrices', title: '当前价格',  200, hidden: ishowMirro,
     57                         formatter: function (value, rec, index) {
     58                             var d = '<input type="checkbox" name="MirrorCurrentYearPrices" catalogid="' + rec.CatalogId + '" ' + (rec.type3 == 'True' ? 'checked="checked"' : '') + ' id="MirrorCurrentYearPrices' + rec.CatalogId + '" onclick="showProductTree(this,\'MirrorCurrentYearPrices\',' + rec.CatalogId + ',' + rec.isParent + ');" parent="MirrorCurrentYearPrices' + rec.ParentId + '" isparent="' + rec.isParent + '" value="' + value + '" />&nbsp;&nbsp;' + value.substr(0, value.length - 2);
     59                             //var d = '<span name="CurrentYearMirrorPrice" id="CurrentYearMirrorPrice' + rec.CatalogId + '"  class="tree-checkbox tree-checkbox0">' + value + '</span>';
     60                             return d;
     61                         }
     62                     },
     63                     {
     64                         field: 'MirrorPrevious3YearPrices', title: '前阶段价格',  200, hidden: ishowMirro,
     65                         formatter: function (value, rec, index) {
     66                             var d = '<input type="checkbox" name="MirrorPrevious3YearPrices" catalogid="' + rec.CatalogId + '" ' + (rec.type5 == 'True' ? 'checked="checked"' : '') + ' id="MirrorPrevious3YearPrices' + rec.CatalogId + '" onclick="showProductTree(this,\'MirrorPrevious3YearPrices\',' + rec.CatalogId + ',' + rec.isParent + ');"  parent="MirrorPrevious3YearPrices' + rec.ParentId + '" isparent="' + rec.isParent + '"  value="' + value + '" />&nbsp;&nbsp;' + value.substr(0, value.length - 2);
     67                             return d;
     68                         }
     69                     },
     70                     {
     71                         field: 'MirrorEarlyPrices', title: '早期价格',  200, hidden: ishowMirro,
     72                         formatter: function (value, rec, index) {
     73                             var d = '<input type="checkbox" name="MirrorEarlyPrices" catalogid="' + rec.CatalogId + '" ' + (rec.type4 == 'True' ? 'checked="checked"' : '') + ' id="MirrorEarlyPrices' + rec.CatalogId + '" onclick="showProductTree(this,\'MirrorEarlyPrices\',' + rec.CatalogId + ',' + rec.isParent + ');" parent="MirrorEarlyPrices' + rec.ParentId + '" isparent="' + rec.isParent + '" value="' + value + '"  />&nbsp;&nbsp;' + value.substr(0, value.length - 2);
     74                             return d;
     75                         }
     76                     },
     77                     {
     78                         field: 'type0', title: '是否赠送',  200,
     79                         formatter: function (value, rec, index) {
     80                             //alert(rec.isPresent);
     81                             var d = '<input type="checkbox" name="IsPresent"  catalogid="' + rec.CatalogId + '" ' + (rec.type0 == 'True' ? 'checked="checked"' : '') + ' id="IsPresent' + rec.CatalogId + '" onclick="showProductTree(this,\'IsPresent\',' + rec.CatalogId + ',' + rec.isParent + ');" parent="IsPresent' + rec.ParentId + '" isparent="' + rec.isParent + '" value="0"  />&nbsp;&nbsp;';
     82                             return d;
     83                         }
     84                     }
     85                 ]],
     86                 loadFilter: function (data, parentId) {
     87                     //逐层加载
     88                     function setData() {
     89                         var todo = [];
     90                         for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
     91                             todo.push(data[i]);
     92                         }
     93                         while (todo.length) {
     94                             var node = todo.shift();
     95                             if (node.children) {
     96                                 node.state = 'closed';
     97                                 node.children1 = node.children;
     98                                 node.children = undefined;
     99                                 todo = todo.concat(node.children1);
    100                             }
    101                         }
    102                     }
    103                     setData(data);
    104                     var tg = $(this);
    105                     var opts = tg.treegrid('options');
    106                     opts.onBeforeExpand = function (row) {
    107                         if (row.children1) {
    108                             tg.treegrid('append', {
    109                                 parent: row[opts.idField],
    110                                 data: row.children1
    111                             });
    112                             row.children1 = undefined;
    113                             tg.treegrid('expand', row[opts.idField]);
    114                         }
    115                         return row.children1 == undefined;
    116                     };
    117                     return data;
    118                 },
    119                 onLoadSuccess: function (row, data) {
    120                     //alert(data[0].CatalogId)
    121                     RelativeTreeGridCheck();
    122                 }
    123             });
    124         };


     1 var parentcid;
     2         var ispid;
     3         var tempid;
     4         //父节点选中关联子节点选中
     5         function RelativeTreeGridCheck() {
     6             var rows = $('#addProductTbl').find('.datagrid-view2 .datagrid-body .datagrid-btable tr');
     7             for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
     8                 if ($(rows).eq(i).attr('node-id') != undefined) {
     9                     parentcid = "";
    10                     ispid = -1;
    11                     tempid = "";
    12                     catalogid = $(rows).eq(i).attr('node-id');
    13                     //alert(catalogid);
    14                     var cols = $(rows).eq(i).find('td');
    15                     var fields = '';
    16                     for (var j = 0; j < cols.length; j++) {
    17                         fields = $(cols).eq(j).attr('field');
    18                         //alert('fields:' + fields);
    19                         switch (fields) {
    20                             case 'CurrentYearPrices':
    21                             case 'MirrorCurrentYearPrices':
    22                             case 'MirrorPrevious3YearPrices':
    23                             case 'MirrorEarlyPrices':
    24                             case 'type0':
    25                                 if ($(cols).eq(j).find('div input:checked').length > 0) {
    26                                     parentcid = $(cols).eq(j).parent().find("td[field='CatalogId']").find('div').html();
    27                                     ispid = $(cols).eq(j).parent().find("td[field='isParent']").find('div').html();
    28                                     contractproducttype = $(cols).eq(j).find('div input').attr('name');
    29                                     if (ispid == '1') {
    30                                         //获取checkbox对象
    31                                         var obj = $(cols).eq(j).find('div input:checkbox');
    32                                         //如果父节点选中,自己点也连带选中
    33                                         showProductTree(obj, contractproducttype, parentcid, ispid)
    34                                     }
    35                                 }
    36                                 break;
    37                         }
    38                     }
    39                 }
    40             }
    41         }
     1  function showProductTree(obj, catalogtype, id, isparent) {
     2             //alert(id.indexof('2'));
     5             if (isparent == 1) {
     6                 //当前节点下包库子节点
     8                 //alert('$(obj).attr(checked)' + $(obj).attr('checked'));
     9                 var state = $(obj).attr('checked') == undefined ? false : true;
    10                 //alert('state:'+state+'  id:'+id);
    12                 //找出子节点
    13                 var nodes = $('input[name="' + catalogtype + '"][parent="' + catalogtype + id + '"]');
    15                 nodes.each(function () {
    16                     //alert('$(this).attr(checked):' + $(this).attr('checked'));
    17                     var curobjstate = $(this).attr('checked') == undefined ? false : true;
    19                     disabledOthersCatalogType($(this), state, catalogtype)
    20                     //alert('curobjstate:' + curobjstate + '  state:' + state + '  id:' + id + ' isparent: ' + $(this).attr('isparent'));
    21                     if (curobjstate == state && $(this).attr('isparent') == '0') {
    22                         //alert('leaf');
    23                         //如果当前节点的选中状态和父节点不同,并且当前节点不是父节点
    24                         $(this).attr('checked', state);
    25                         $(this).prop('checked', state);
    26                     } else {
    27                         //alert('$(this).attr(catalogid)' + $(this).attr('catalogid') + '---$(this).attr(isparent)' + $(this).attr('isparent'));
    28                         $(this).attr('checked', state);
    29                         $(this).prop('checked', state);
    30                         showProductTree($(this), catalogtype, $(this).attr('catalogid'), $(this).attr('isparent'))
    31                     }
    32                     if (state) {
    33                         $(this).removeAttr('disabled');
    34                     }
    35                 });
    37                 $(obj).prop('checked', state);
    39                 disabledOthersCatalogType($(obj), state, catalogtype)
    40             } else {
    41                 var state = $(obj).attr('checked') == undefined ? false : true;
    42                 //alert(state);
    43                 //alert(catalogtype);
    44                 disabledOthersCatalogType($(obj), state, catalogtype)
    45                 updateParentNodeCheckState($(obj), state, catalogtype)
    46             }
    47         }
    48         //修改其他产品类型的checkbox的只读状态
    49         function disabledOthersCatalogType(obj, state, catalogtype) {
    50             $('input[catalogid="' + $(obj).attr('catalogid') + '"]').each(function () {
    51                 if ($(this).attr('name') != catalogtype) {
    52                     if (state) {
    53                         $(this).attr('disabled', 'disabled');
    54                     } else {
    55                         $(this).removeAttr('disabled');
    56                     }
    57                     $(this).attr('checked', false).prop('checked', false);
    59                 }
    60             });
    61         }
    62         //查找上一层节点,修改其状态
    63         function updateParentNodeCheckState(obj, state, catalogtype) {
    64             var pid = $(obj).attr('parent');
    66             //如果父节点是根节点,则不再执行
    67             if (pid == catalogtype + root || $('#' + pid).length == 0) return;
    68             var parent = $('#' + pid);
    70             if (!state) {
    71                 //取消父节点的选中状态
    72                 parent.attr('checked', false)
    73                 parent.prop('checked', false)
    74             } else {
    75                 //alert('pid:'+pid+'---'+$('input[parent="' + pid + '"]:checked').length+'------'+$('input[parent="' + pid + '"]').length);
    76                 //alert('checkedLen:' + $('input[parent="' + pid + '"]:checked').length + '   len:' + $('input[parent="' + pid + '"]').length);
    77                 //子节点全部选中
    78                 if ($('input[parent="' + pid + '"]:checked').length == $('input[parent="' + pid + '"]').length) {
    79                     parent.attr('checked', true);
    80                     parent.prop('checked', true);
    81                 }
    82             }
    83             //修改其他产品类型的checkbox的只读状态
    84             disabledOthersCatalogType(parent, state, catalogtype)
    85             //继续查找上一层节点
    86             updateParentNodeCheckState(parent, state, catalogtype)
    87         }


      1 //新增产品单击操作处理
      2         function subAddProduct() {  5             var strJson = '';
      6             var selectedvalued = $('#cbo_selFirstCombbox').combobox('getValue');
      7             //下拉框选中的value
      8             selectedvalued = selectedvalued == '' ? '20544' : selectedvalued;
      9             //
     10             var ids = ''; 
    var rows = $('#addProductTbl').find('.datagrid-view2 .datagrid-body .datagrid-btable tr'); 24 strJson += "["; 25 26 for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { 27 catalogid = -1; 28 catalogname = ''; 29 productfather = -1; 30 contractproducttype = ''; 31 quoteprice = -1; 32 isfather = -1; 33 productfathername = ''; 34 if ($(rows).eq(i).attr('node-id') != undefined) { 35 36 catalogid = $(rows).eq(i).attr('node-id'); 37 //alert(catalogid); 38 var cols = $(rows).eq(i).find('td'); 39 var fields = ''; 40 for (var j = 0; j < cols.length; j++) { 41 fields = $(cols).eq(j).attr('field'); 42 //alert('fields:' + fields); 43 switch (fields) { 44 case 'CatalogName': 45 $(cols).eq(j).find('div span').each(function (index) { 46 if ($(cols).eq(j).find('div span').eq(index).hasClass('tree-title')) { 47 catalogname = $(cols).eq(j).find('div span').eq(index).html(); 48 } 49 }); 50 //alert(catalogname); 51 break; 52 case 'ParentId': 53 productfather = $(cols).eq(j).find('div').html(); 54 break; 55 case 'IsCheck': 56 //原树选中节点id的获取(不包含修改的id节点),此步骤目的是为了配合后台方法,作用是先删除当前版本下所有树选中的节点,再获取页面中修改后的 57 //节点,进行更新操作 58 var oldcheck = $(cols).eq(j).find('div').html(); 59 if (oldcheck == 'True') { 60 var cid = $(cols).eq(j).parent().find("td[field='CatalogId']").find('div').html(); 61 ids += cid + ','; 62 //alert(ids) 63 } 64 break; 65 case 'CurrentYearPrices': 66 case 'MirrorCurrentYearPrices': 67 case 'MirrorPrevious3YearPrices': 68 case 'MirrorEarlyPrices': 69 case 'type0': 70 71 if ($(cols).eq(j).find('div input:checked').length > 0) { 72 isfather = $(cols).eq(j).parent().find("td[field='isParent']").find('div').html(); 73 productfathername = $(cols).eq(j).parent().find("td[field='ParentName']").find('div').html(); 74 contractproducttype = $(cols).eq(j).find('div input').attr('name'); 75 if (contractproducttype == 'IsPresent') { 76 var type = '<%=Controler.ProductType%>'; 77 contractproducttype = type == '1' ? 'CurrentYearPrices' : 'MirrorCurrentYearPrices'; //如果类型为镜像,则默认为镜像当年 78 //alert($(cols).eq(j).parent().find("td[field='" + contractproducttype + "']").find('div input').val()); 79 //quoteprice = 0; 80 quoteprice = $(cols).eq(j).parent().find("td[field='" + contractproducttype + "']").find('div input').val(); 81 ispresent = 1; 82 } else { 83 84 quoteprice = $(cols).eq(j).find('div input').val(); 85 ispresent = 0; 86 } 87 88 //alert('name:' + $(cols).eq(j).find('div input').attr('name') + ' value:' + $(cols).eq(j).find('div input').val()); 89 } 90 break; 91 92 } 93 94 } 95 96 //alert('catalogid:' + catalogid + '--catalogname:' + catalogname + '--productfather:' + productfather + '--contractproducttype:' + contractproducttype + '--quoteprice:' + quoteprice); 97 if (catalogid != -1 && catalogname != '' && productfather != -1 && contractproducttype != '' && quoteprice != -1 && productfathername != '') { 98 strJson += "{\"ProductID\":\"" + catalogid + "\",\"ContractProductType\":\"" + contractproducttype + "\",\"ProductFather\":\"" + productfather + "\",\"Productname\":\"" + catalogname + "\",\"Quotedprice\":\"" + quoteprice + "\",\"Oldproduct\":\"" + oldproduct + "\",\"IsPresent\":\"" + ispresent + "\",\"ContractID\":\"" + $('#ContractId').val() + "\",\"SelectedID\":\"" + selectedvalued + "\",\"IsParent\":\"" + isfather + "\",\"ProductFatherName\":\"" + productfathername + "\",\"IsNull\":\"0\"},"; 99 } 100 101 102 } 103 104 } 105 106 //alert(strJson); 107 if (strJson == '[') { 108 strJson = "[{\"ContractID\":\"" + $('#ContractId').val() + "\",\"SelectedID\":\"" + selectedvalued + "\",\"IsNull\":\"1\"}]"; 109 } else { 110 strJson = strJson.substr(0, strJson.length - 1); 111 strJson += "]"; 112 } 113 ids = ids.substr(0, ids.length - 1); 114 subProduct(strJson, ids); 115 //alert(rows.length); 116 } 117 //新增产品提交操作 118 function subProduct(strJson, ids) { 119 $.post('../Handlers/Contract_ProductHandler.ashx', { 'handlertype': 'subAddProduct', 'strJson': strJson, 'ids': ids, 'pindex': $('#pindex').val() }, function (responseData) {121 switch (responseData.Status) { 122 case "success": 123 //成功的操作 124 $.messager.alert('提示', responseData.Msg); 125 $('#ProductWinTree').window('close'); 126 //$('#selFirstCombbox').val('6774'); 127 $('#dg_Product').datagrid('reload'); 128 break; 129 case "failed": 130 //失败的操作 131 $.messager.alert('提示', responseData.Msg); 132 break; 133 } 134 }, 'json'); 135 }


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