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  • 03-14_WLST配置现有的Domain


    1. WLST在线模式配置现有的domains。
    2. WLST离线模式配置现有的domains。







    connect("username", "password", " # 连接一个运行中的实例

    edit() # 进入可更改的树

    startEdit() # 开启一个start session,获取一个配置锁

    svr = cmo.createServer("managedServer") # 创建一个受管服务器

    svr.setListenPort(8001) # 设置受管服务器端口

    svr.setListenAddress("my-address") # 设置监听地址

    save() # 保存更改,类似控制台中点击保存按钮

    activate(block="true") # 激活所有更改,类似控制台中应用更改按钮,block参数代表是否等待activate操作完成才进入下一步操作,true代表等待。


    # get the server mbean to target it

    tBean = getMBean("Servers/managedServer") # 判断是否创建成功

    if tBean != None:

    print "Found our target"


    disconnect() # 断开连接

    exit() # 退出脚本



    wls:/offline> connect('weblogic', '!QAZ2wsx', '')

    Connecting to t3:// with userid weblogic ...

    Successfully connected to Admin Server 'AdminServer' that belongs to domain 'base_domains'.


    Warning: An insecure protocol was used to connect to the

    server. To ensure on-the-wire security, the SSL port or

    Admin port should be used instead.


    wls:/base_domains/serverConfig> edit()

    Location changed to edit tree. This is a writable tree with

    DomainMBean as the root. To make changes you will need to start

    an edit session via startEdit().


    For more help, use help(edit)


    wls:/base_domains/edit> startEdit()

    Starting an edit session ...

    Started edit session, please be sure to save and activate your

    changes once you are done.

    wls:/base_domains/edit !> cmo.setProductionModeEnabled(false)

    wls:/base_domains/edit !> activate()

    Activating all your changes, this may take a while ...

    The edit lock associated with this edit session is released

    once the activation is completed.


    The following non-dynamic attribute(s) have been changed on MBeans

    that require server re-start:

    MBean Changed : com.bea:Name=AdminServer,Type=WebServerLog,Server=AdminServer,WebServer=AdminServer

    Attributes changed : RotateLogOnStartup


    MBean Changed : com.bea:Name=Server-0,Type=WebServerLog,Server=Server-0,WebServer=Server-0

    Attributes changed : RotateLogOnStartup


    MBean Changed : com.bea:Name=AdminServer,Type=Log,Server=AdminServer

    Attributes changed : RotateLogOnStartup


    MBean Changed : com.bea:Name=AdminServer,Type=DataSourceLogFile,DataSource=AdminServer,Server=AdminServer

    Attributes changed : RotateLogOnStartup


    MBean Changed : com.bea:Name=base_domains,Type=Log

    Attributes changed : RotateLogOnStartup


    MBean Changed : com.bea:Name=base_domains,Type=Domain

    Attributes changed : ProductionModeEnabled


    MBean Changed : com.bea:Name=Server-0,Type=Log,Server=Server-0

    Attributes changed : RotateLogOnStartup


    MBean Changed : com.bea:Name=Server-0,Type=DataSourceLogFile,DataSource=Server-0,Server=Server-0

    Attributes changed : RotateLogOnStartup


    Activation completed

    wls:/base_domains/edit> exit()



    Exiting WebLogic Scripting Tool.


    wls:/offline> connect('weblogic', '!QAZ2wsx', '')

    Connecting to t3:// with userid weblogic ...

    Successfully connected to Admin Server 'AdminServer' that belongs to domain 'base_domains'.


    Warning: An insecure protocol was used to connect to the

    server. To ensure on-the-wire security, the SSL port or

    Admin port should be used instead.


    wls:/base_domains/serverConfig> edit()

    Location changed to edit tree. This is a writable tree with

    DomainMBean as the root. To make changes you will need to start

    an edit session via startEdit().


    For more help, use help(edit)


    wls:/base_domains/edit> startEdit()

    Starting an edit session ...

    Started edit session, please be sure to save and activate your

    changes once you are done.

    wls:/base_domains/edit !> cmo.createServer('managed2')


    wls:/base_domains/edit !> cd('Servers/managed2')

    wls:/base_domains/edit/Servers/managed2 !> cmo.setListenPort(7702)

    wls:/base_domains/edit/Servers/managed2 !> showChanges() # 查看未提交更改


    All changes that are made but not yet activated are:


    MBean Changed : com.bea:Name=base_domains,Type=Domain

    Operation Invoked : create

    Attribute Modified : Servers

    Attributes Old Value : null

    Attributes New Value : managed2

    Server Restart Required : false



    MBean Changed : com.bea:Name=managed2,Type=Server

    Operation Invoked : modify

    Attribute Modified : ListenPort

    Attributes Old Value : null

    Attributes New Value : 7702

    Server Restart Required : false


    wls:/base_domains/edit/Servers/managed2 !> save()

    Saving all your changes ...

    Saved all your changes successfully.

    wls:/base_domains/edit/Servers/managed2 !> activate()

    Activating all your changes, this may take a while ...

    The edit lock associated with this edit session is released

    once the activation is completed.

    Activation completed






    上一节中描述的标准change-management命令是用于调用configurationManagerMBean中操作的便捷命令。 除了这些操作之外,configurationManagerMBean还包含描述编辑会话的属性和操作。


    有关详细信息,请参阅Oracle WebLogic Server MBean Reference中的"configurationManagerMBean"


    要访问此MBean,请使用WLST getConfigManager命令。


    示例中的WLST联机脚本以管理员身份将WLST连接到服务器实例,检查进行更改的当前编辑器是否是特定的运算符,然后取消配置编辑。 该脚本还会清除所有已完成的激活任务。


    1. WLST离线模式配置现有的domains(本文略,详见:03-07_创建域自定义模版)


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