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    树分治,每次统计时有两种组合%3==2和%3==1, %3==0和%3==0

    # include <stdio.h>
    # include <stdlib.h>
    # include <iostream>
    # include <algorithm>
    # include <string.h>
    # define IL inline
    # define RG register
    # define Fill(a, b) memset(a, b, sizeof(a))
    using namespace std;
    typedef long long ll;
    IL ll Read(){
        RG char c = getchar(); RG ll x = 0, z = 1;
        for(; c < '0' || c > '9'; c = getchar()) z = c == '-' ? -1 : 1;
        for(; c >= '0' && c <= '9'; c = getchar()) x = (x << 1) + (x << 3) + c - '0';
        return x * z;
    const int MAXN(40010), INF(2147483647);
    int n, cnt, fst[MAXN], to[MAXN], nxt[MAXN], w[MAXN];
    int size[MAXN], rt, sz, mx[MAXN], vis[MAXN];
    ll d[3], num;
    IL void Add(RG int u, RG int v, RG int f){  nxt[cnt] = fst[u]; to[cnt] = v; w[cnt] = f; fst[u] = cnt++;  }
    IL void Getroot(RG int u, RG int fa){
        size[u] = 1; mx[u] = 0;
        for(RG int e = fst[u]; e != -1; e = nxt[e]){
            if(vis[to[e]] || fa == to[e]) continue;
            Getroot(to[e], u);
            size[u] += size[to[e]];
            mx[u] = max(mx[u], size[to[e]]);
        mx[u] = max(mx[u], sz - size[u]);
        if(mx[u] < mx[rt]) rt = u;
    IL void Getdeep(RG int u, RG int fa, RG int dis){
        d[dis % 3]++;
        for(RG int e = fst[u]; e != -1; e = nxt[e]){
            if(vis[to[e]] || fa == to[e]) continue;
            Getdeep(to[e], u, (dis + w[e]) % 3);
    IL ll Calc(RG int u, RG int ww){
        d[0] = d[1] = d[2] = 0;
        Getdeep(u, 0, ww);
        return d[1] * d[2] * 2 + d[0] * d[0];
    IL void Solve(RG int u){
        vis[u] = 1; num += Calc(u, 0);
        for(RG int e = fst[u]; e != -1; e = nxt[e]){
            if(vis[to[e]]) continue;
            num -= Calc(to[e], w[e]);
            rt = 0; sz = size[to[e]];
            Getroot(to[e], u);
    IL ll Gcd(RG ll a, RG ll b){  return !a ? b : Gcd(b % a, a);  }
    int main(RG int argc, RG char* argv[]){
        n = Read(); Fill(fst, -1);
        for(RG int i = 1; i < n; i++){
            RG int u = Read(), v = Read(), f = Read();
            Add(u, v, f); Add(v, u, f);
        mx[0] = INF; sz = n; Getroot(1, 0); Solve(rt);
        RG ll a = num, b = 1LL * n * n, g = Gcd(a, b);
    ", a / g, b / g);
        return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cjoieryl/p/8206386.html
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