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  • Bzoj4540: [Hnoi2016]序列








    # include <bits/stdc++.h>
    # define IL inline
    # define RG register
    # define Fill(a, b) memset(a, b, sizeof(a))
    using namespace std;
    typedef long long ll;
    template <class Int>
    IL void Input(RG Int &x){
    	RG int z = 1; RG char c = getchar(); x = 0;
    	for(; c < '0' || c > '9'; c = getchar()) z = c == '-' ? -1 : 1;
    	for(; c >= '0' && c <= '9'; c = getchar()) x = (x << 1) + (x << 3) + (c ^ 48);
    	x *= z;
    const int maxn(1e5 + 5);
    const int oo(1e9);
    int n, q, p, m, l[maxn], r[maxn], sta[maxn];
    ll ans[maxn], ck[2][maxn], cb[2][maxn], a[maxn];
    struct Modify{
    	int x, l, r;
    	ll k, b;
    	IL int operator <(RG Modify b) const{
    		return x < b.x;
    } mdy[maxn << 1];
    struct Query{
    	int x, l, r, id, v;
    	IL int operator <(RG Query b) const{
    		return x < b.x;
    } qry[maxn << 1];
    IL void Add(RG ll *c, RG int x, RG ll v){
    	for(; x <= n; x += x & -x) c[x] += v;
    IL ll Sum(RG ll *c, RG int x){
    	RG ll ret = 0;
    	for(; x; x -= x & -x) ret += c[x];
    	return ret;
    IL void BITModify(RG int l, RG int r, RG ll vk, RG ll vb){
    	Add(ck[0], l, vk), Add(ck[0], r + 1, -vk);
    	Add(cb[0], l, vk * (1 - l)), Add(cb[0], r + 1, vk * r);
    	Add(ck[1], l, vb), Add(ck[1], r + 1, -vb);
    	Add(cb[1], l, vb * (1 - l)), Add(cb[1], r + 1, vb * r);
    IL ll BITQuery(RG int x, RG int l, RG int r){
    	RG ll sum1, sum2, k, b;
    	sum1 = Sum(ck[0], l - 1) * (l - 1) + Sum(cb[0], l - 1);
    	sum2 = Sum(ck[0], r) * r + Sum(cb[0], r);
    	k = sum2 - sum1;
    	sum1 = Sum(ck[1], l - 1) * (l - 1) + Sum(cb[1], l - 1);
    	sum2 = Sum(ck[1], r) * r + Sum(cb[1], r);
    	b = sum2 - sum1;
    	return k * x + b;
    int main(RG int argc, RG char* argv[]){
    	Input(n), Input(q), m = n << 1, p = q << 1;
    	a[0] = a[n + 1] = -oo, sta[1] = 0;
    	for(RG int i = 1, top = 1; i <= n; ++i){
    		l[i] = i, Input(a[i]);
    		while(top && a[i] < a[sta[top]]) --top;
    		if(top) l[i] = sta[top] + 1;
    		sta[++top] = i;
    	sta[1] = n + 1;
    	for(RG int i = n, top = 1; i; --i){
    		r[i] = i;
    		while(top && a[i] <= a[sta[top]]) --top;
    		if(top) r[i] = sta[top] - 1;
    		sta[++top] = i;
    	for(RG int i = 1; i <= n; ++i){
    		mdy[i] = (Modify){l[i], i, r[i], a[i], a[i] * (1 - l[i])};
    		mdy[i + n] = (Modify){i + 1, i, r[i], -a[i], a[i] * i};
    	sort(mdy + 1, mdy + m + 1);
    	for(RG int i = 1, l, r; i <= q; ++i){
    		Input(l), Input(r);
    		qry[i] = (Query){l - 1, l, r, i, -1};
    		qry[i + q] = (Query){r, l, r, i, 1};
    	sort(qry + 1, qry + p + 1);
    	for(RG int i = 1, j = 1; i <= p; ++i){
    		while(j <= m && mdy[j].x <= qry[i].x)
    			BITModify(mdy[j].l, mdy[j].r, mdy[j].k, mdy[j].b), ++j;
    		ans[qry[i].id] += BITQuery(qry[i].x, qry[i].l, qry[i].r) * qry[i].v;
    	for(RG int i = 1; i <= q; ++i) printf("%lld
    ", ans[i]);
    	return 0;
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