It seems that is too later to learn C++11 new feature in 2019. But later is better than never.
Introduction to C++11
Major new features in C++11
For your interest, here’s a list of the major features that C++11 adds. Note that this list is not comprehensive, but rather intended to highlight some of the key features of interest.
- auto (S.4.8 -- The auto keyword)
- char16_t and char32_t and new literals to support them (no tutorial yet)
- constexpr (4.13 -- Const, constexpr, and symbolic constants)
- decltype (no tutorial yet)
- default specifier (no tutorial yet)
- Delegating constructors (8.6 -- Overlapping and delegating constructors)
- delete specifier (9.13 -- Converting constructors, explicit, and delete)
- Enum classes (S.4.5a -- Enum classes)
- Extern templates (no tutorial yet)
- Lambda expressions (no tutorial yet)
- long long int (4.3 -- Object sizes and the sizeof operator)
- Move constructor and assignment (15.3 -- Move constructors and move assignment)
- Noexcept specifier (quick mention in 14.4 -- Uncaught exceptions, catch-all handlers, and exception specifiers)
- nullptr (6.7a -- Null pointers)
- override and final specifiers(12.2a -- The override and final specifiers, and covariant return types)
- Range-based for statements (6.12a -- For-each loops)
- r-value references (15.2 -- R-value references)
- static_assert (7.12a -- Assert and static_assert) : assert work in runtime, so its args can be var; static_assert work in compile time, its args must be constexpr. A few notes. Because static_assert is evaluated by the compiler, the conditional part of a static_assert must be able to be evaluated at compile time. Because static_assert is not evaluated at runtime, static_assert statements can also be placed anywhere in the code file (even in global space).
- std::initializer_list (10.7 -- std::initializer_list)
- Trailing return type syntax (S.4.8 -- The auto keyword)
- Type aliases (S.4.6 -- Typedefs and type aliases)
- typedef can now typedef template classes
- Uniform initialization (4.1 -- Introduction to fundamental data types)
- User-defined literals (no tutorial yet)
- Variadic templates (no tutorial yet)
- >> will now properly be interpreted as closing a template object
There are also many new classes in the C++ standard library available for use.
- Better support for multi-threading and thread-local storage (no tutorial yet)
- Hash tables (no tutorial yet)
- Random number generation improvements (basic discussion in 5.9 -- Random number generation)
- Reference wrappers (12.8 -- Object slicing)
- Regular expressions (no tutorial yet)
- std::auto_ptr has been deprecated (15.1 -- Intro to smart pointers and move semantics)
- std::tuple (quick mention at 7.4a -- Returning values by value, reference, and address)
- std::unique_ptr (15.5 -- std::unique_ptr)