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  • springboot+druid

     最近项目需要搭建新工程,打算使用微服务的形式搭建便于后期拓展。看了一圈发现springboot易于搭建,配置简单,强化注解功能,"just run"。

      Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based Applications that you can "just run". We take an opinionated view of the Spring platform and third-party libraries so you can get started with minimum fuss. Most Spring Boot applications need very little Spring configuration.





    <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
        xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
            <!-- <dependency>
            </dependency> -->
            <!-- <dependency>
            </dependency> -->
        <!-- Add Spring repositories -->
        <!-- (you don't need this if you are using a .RELEASE version) -->


    package hello.configuration;
    import javax.sql.DataSource;
    import org.springframework.boot.bind.RelaxedPropertyResolver;
    import org.springframework.context.EnvironmentAware;
    import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
    import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
    import org.springframework.core.env.Environment;
    import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.EnableTransactionManagement;
    import com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidDataSource;
    public class DataBaseConfiguration implements EnvironmentAware {
        private RelaxedPropertyResolver propertyResolver;
        public void setEnvironment(Environment env) {
            this.propertyResolver = new RelaxedPropertyResolver(env, "spring.datasource.");
        @Bean(destroyMethod = "close", initMethod = "init")
        public DataSource writeDataSource() {
            DruidDataSource datasource = new DruidDataSource();
            return datasource;


    # \u4E0B\u9762\u4E3A\u8FDE\u63A5\u6C60\u7684\u8865\u5145\u8BBE\u7F6E\uFF0C\u5E94\u7528\u5230\u4E0A\u9762\u6240\u6709\u6570\u636E\u6E90\u4E2D
    # \u521D\u59CB\u5316\u5927\u5C0F\uFF0C\u6700\u5C0F\uFF0C\u6700\u5927
    # \u914D\u7F6E\u83B7\u53D6\u8FDE\u63A5\u7B49\u5F85\u8D85\u65F6\u7684\u65F6\u95F4
    # \u914D\u7F6E\u95F4\u9694\u591A\u4E45\u624D\u8FDB\u884C\u4E00\u6B21\u68C0\u6D4B\uFF0C\u68C0\u6D4B\u9700\u8981\u5173\u95ED\u7684\u7A7A\u95F2\u8FDE\u63A5\uFF0C\u5355\u4F4D\u662F\u6BEB\u79D2 
    # \u914D\u7F6E\u4E00\u4E2A\u8FDE\u63A5\u5728\u6C60\u4E2D\u6700\u5C0F\u751F\u5B58\u7684\u65F6\u95F4\uFF0C\u5355\u4F4D\u662F\u6BEB\u79D2 


    package hello.hibernate;
    import java.io.Serializable;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Map;
    import org.hibernate.Criteria;
    import org.hibernate.Query;
    import org.hibernate.SQLQuery;
    import org.hibernate.criterion.Criterion;
    import hello.page.PageFinder;
     * hibernate接口
     * @author chenlili
     * @param <T>
    public interface IHibernateBaseDao<T> {
         * 根据ID获取实体对象.
         * @param id
         *            记录ID
         * @return 实体对象
        public T get(Serializable id);
         * 根据ID获取实体对象.
         * @param id
         *            记录ID
         * @return 实体对象
        public T load(Serializable id);
         * 根据ID数组获取实体对象集合.
         * @param ids
         *            ID对象数组
         * @return 实体对象集合
        public List<T> get(Serializable[] ids);
         * 根据属性名和属性值获取实体对象.
         * @param propertyName
         *            属性名称
         * @param value
         *            属性值
         * @return 实体对象
        public T get(String propertyName, Object value);
         * 根据属性名和属性值获取实体对象集合.
         * @param propertyName
         *            属性名称
         * @param value
         *            属性值
         * @return 实体对象集合
        public List<T> getList(String propertyName, Object value);
         * @Title: getList
         * @Description: 根据属性名和属性值数组获取实体对象集合.
         * @param propertyName
         * @param values
         * @return
         * @throws
         * @date: 2015-1-9上午10:01:49
        public List<T> getList(String propertyName, Object[] values);
         * 获取所有实体对象集合.
         * @return 实体对象集合
        public List<T> getAll();
         * 获取所有实体对象总数.
         * @return 实体对象总数
        public Long getTotalCount();
         * 根据属性名、修改前后属性值判断在数据库中是否唯一(若新修改的值与原来值相等则直接返回true).
         * @param propertyName
         *            属性名称
         * @param oldValue
         *            修改前的属性值
         * @param oldValue
         *            修改后的属性值
         * @return boolean
        public boolean isUnique(String propertyName, Object oldValue, Object newValue);
         * 根据属性名判断数据是否已存在.
         * @param propertyName
         *            属性名称
         * @param value
         *            值
         * @return boolean
        public boolean isExist(String propertyName, Object value);
         * 保存实体对象.
         * @param entity
         *            对象
         * @return ID
        public Serializable save(T entity);
         * 更新实体对象.
         * @param entity
         *            对象
        public void update(T entity);
         * 删除实体对象.
         * @param entity
         *            对象
         * @return
        public void delete(T entity);
         * 根据ID删除实体对象.
         * @param id
         *            记录ID
        public void delete(Serializable id);
         * 根据ID数组删除实体对象.
         * @param ids
         *            ID数组
        public void delete(Serializable[] ids);
         * @Title: delete
         * @Description: 根据指定属性名和值删除记录
         * @param propertyName
         * @param value
         * @throws
         * @date: 2015-4-2下午02:07:36
        public void delete(String propertyName, Object value);
        public int delete(Map<String, Object> condition) throws Exception;
         * 清除某一对象.
         * @param object
         *            需要清除的对象
        public void evict(Object object);
        public void flush();
        public void clear();
         * 保存或更新对象
         * @Title: saveOrUpdate
         * @param o
         * @return 返回保存的对象
         * @throws Exception
         * @throws
         * @date: 2015-12-17上午11:49:31
        public T saveOrUpdate(T o);
         * 创建 Criteria
         * @Title: createCriteria
         * @param criterions
         * @return
         * @throws
         * @date: 2015-12-17下午01:29:46
        public Criteria createCriteria(Criterion... criterions);
         * 取得Entity的Criteria对象,带排序字段与升降序字段.
         * @param orderBy
         * @param isAsc
         * @param criterions
         * @return
        public Criteria createCriteria(String orderBy, boolean isAsc, Criterion... criterions);
         * 获得所有并排序
         * @Title: getAllByOrder
         * @param orderBy
         * @param isAsc
         * @return
         * @throws
        public List<T> getAllByOrder(String orderBy, boolean isAsc, boolean useCache);
         * 获得指定条数并排序
         * @Title: getLimitByOrder
         * @param orderBy
         * @param isAsc
         * @param limit
         * @return
         * @throws
        public List<T> getLimitByOrder(String orderBy, boolean isAsc, int limit, boolean useCache);
         * 获得总条数
         * @Title: getRowCount
         * @param criteria
         * @return
         * @throws
        public int getRowCount(Criteria criteria);
         * @Title: getListByCriteria
         * @Description: 根据标准查询器,查询数据
         * @param criteria
         * @return
         * @throws
        public List<T> getListByCriteria(Criteria criteria);
         * 从指定行查询指定条数据
         * @Title: getListByCriteria
         * @param criteria
         * @param fistResult
         * @param maxResult
         * @return
         * @throws
        public List<T> getListByCriteria(Criteria criteria, int fistRow, int rowNum, boolean useCache);
         * 分页查询
         * @Title: pagedByCriteria
         * @param criteria
         * @param pageNo
         * @param pageSize
         * @return
         * @throws
        public PageFinder<T> pagedByCriteria(Criteria criteria, int pageNo, int pageSize);
         * 创建hqlQuery
         * @Title: createQuery
         * @param hql
         * @param values
         * @return
         * @throws
        public Query createQuery(String hql, Object... values);
         * 创建hqlQuery
         * @Title: createQuery
         * @param hql
         * @param values
         * @return
         * @throws
        public Query createQuery(String hql, Map<String, ?> values);
         * 创建sqlQuery
         * @Title: createSQLQuery
         * @param sql
         * @param values
         * @return
         * @throws
        public SQLQuery createSQLQuery(String sql, Object... values);
         * 创建sqlQuery
         * @Title: createSQLQuery
         * @param sql
         * @param values
         * @return
         * @throws
        public Query createSQLQuery(String sql, Map<String, ?> values);
         * 通过HQL得到一个对象
         * @Title: getObjectByHql
         * @param hql
         * @param values
         * @return
         * @throws
        public T getObjectByHql(String hql, Map<String, Object> values);
         * 通过HQL得到一个对象
         * @Title: getObjectByHql
         * @param hql
         * @param values
         * @return
        public T getObjectByHql(String hql, Object... values);
         * 通过HQL得到查询列表
         * @Title: getListByHql
         * @param hql
         * @param values
         * @return
         * @throws
        public List<T> getListByHql(String hql, Map<String, Object> values);
         * 通过HQL得到查询列表
         * @Title: getListByHql
         * @param hql
         * @param values
         * @return
        public List<T> getListByHql(String hql, Object... values);
         * 通过HQL得到查询列表
         * @Title: getListByHql
         * @param hql
         * @param values
         * @param firstRow
         * @param maxNum
         * @return
         * @throws
        public List<T> getListByHql(String hql, int firstRow, int maxNum, Map<String, Object> values);
         * 通过HQL得到查询列表
         * @Title: getListByHql
         * @param hql
         * @param firstRow
         * @param maxNum
         * @param values
         * @return
        public List<T> getListByHql(String hql, int firstRow, int maxNum, Object... values);
         * 分页查询:通过HQL,HQL不要包含子查询
         * @Title: pagedByHQL
         * @param hql
         * @param toPage
         * @param pageSize
         * @param values
         * @return
         * @throws
        public PageFinder<T> pagedByHQL(String hql, int toPage, int pageSize, Map<String, Object> values);
         * 分页查询:通过HQL,HQL不要包含子查询
         * @Title: pagedByHQL
         * @param hql
         * @param toPage
         * @param pageSize
         * @param values
         * @return
        public PageFinder<T> pagedByHQL(String hql, int toPage, int pageSize, Object... values);
         * 定制数据列表查询
         * @Title: getListByHQL
         * @param datasql
         * @param values
         * @return
         * @throws
        public List getListByHQL(String datasql, Map<String, Object> values);
         * 定制数据列表查询
         * @Title: getListByHQL
         * @param datasql
         * @param firstRow
         * @param maxNum
         * @param values
         * @return
         * @throws
        public List getListByHQL(String datasql, int firstRow, int maxNum, Map<String, Object> values);
         * 分页定制数据查询
         * @Title: pagedByHQLtoObject
         * @param countHql
         * @param hql
         * @param toPage
         * @param pageSize
         * @param values
         * @return
         * @throws
        public PageFinder<Object> pagedObjectByHQL(String countHql, String hql, int toPage, int pageSize,
                Map<String, Object> values);
         * 通过SQL语句列表查询
         * @Title: getListBySQL
         * @param datasql
         * @param values
         * @return
         * @throws
        public List<Object> getListBySQL(String datasql, Map<String, Object> values);
         * 通过SQL语句列表查询
         * @Title: getListBySQL
         * @param datasql
         * @param firstRow
         * @param maxNum
         * @param values
         * @return
         * @throws
        public List<Object> getListBySQL(String datasql, int firstRow, int maxNum, Map<String, Object> values);
         * 通过SQL语句分页查询
         * @Title: pagedBySQL
         * @param countsql
         * @param datasql
         * @param toPage
         * @param pageSize
         * @param values
         * @return
         * @throws
        public PageFinder<Object> pagedObjectBySQL(String countsql, String datasql, int toPage, int pageSize,
                Map<String, Object> values);
    package hello.hibernate.impl;
    import java.io.Serializable;
    import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Collection;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.Set;
    import java.util.regex.Matcher;
    import java.util.regex.Pattern;
    import javax.annotation.Resource;
    import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils;
    import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
    import org.hibernate.Criteria;
    import org.hibernate.NonUniqueResultException;
    import org.hibernate.Query;
    import org.hibernate.SQLQuery;
    import org.hibernate.Session;
    import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
    import org.hibernate.criterion.Criterion;
    import org.hibernate.criterion.Order;
    import org.hibernate.criterion.Projections;
    import org.hibernate.metadata.ClassMetadata;
    import org.springframework.util.Assert;
    import hello.hibernate.IHibernateBaseDao;
    import hello.page.PageFinder;
    import hello.utils.ReflectionUtils;
    public class HibernateBaseDao<T> implements IHibernateBaseDao<T> {
        private final Class<T> entityClass;
        protected SessionFactory sessionFactory;
        public HibernateBaseDao() {
            this.entityClass = ReflectionUtils.getSuperClassGenricType(this.getClass(), 0);
        public T load(Serializable id) {
            Assert.notNull(id, "id is required");
            return (T) this.getSession().load(this.entityClass, id);
        protected void setSessionFactory(SessionFactory sessionFactory) {
            this.sessionFactory = sessionFactory;
        protected Session getSession() {
            return this.sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
        public T get(Serializable id) {
            Assert.notNull(id, "id is required");
            return (T) this.getSession().get(this.entityClass, id);
        public List<T> get(Serializable[] ids) {
            Assert.notEmpty(ids, "ids must not be empty");
            String hql = "from " + this.entityClass.getName() + " as model where model.id in(:ids)";
            return this.getSession().createQuery(hql).setParameterList("ids", ids).list();
        public T get(String propertyName, Object value) {
            // Assert.hasText(propertyName, "propertyName must not be empty");
            // Assert.notNull(value, "value is required");
            if (value == null) {
                return null;
            String hql = "from " + this.entityClass.getName() + " as model where model." + propertyName + " = ?";
            return (T) this.getSession().createQuery(hql).setParameter(0, value).uniqueResult();
        public List<T> getList(String propertyName, Object value) {
            Assert.hasText(propertyName, "propertyName must not be empty");
            Assert.notNull(value, "value is required");
            String hql = "from " + this.entityClass.getName() + " as model where model." + propertyName + " = ?";
            return this.getSession().createQuery(hql).setParameter(0, value).list();
        public List<T> getList(String propertyName, Object[] values) {
            Assert.hasText(propertyName, "propertyName must not be empty");
            Assert.notNull(values, "values is required");
            String hql = "from " + this.entityClass.getName() + " as model where model." + propertyName + " in(:values)";
            return this.getSession().createQuery(hql).setParameterList("values", values).list();
        public List<T> getAll() {
            String hql = "from " + this.entityClass.getName();
            return this.getSession().createQuery(hql).list();
        public Long getTotalCount() {
            String hql = "select count(*) from " + this.entityClass.getName();
            return (Long) this.getSession().createQuery(hql).uniqueResult();
        public boolean isUnique(String propertyName, Object oldValue, Object newValue) {
            Assert.hasText(propertyName, "propertyName must not be empty");
            Assert.notNull(newValue, "newValue is required");
            if (newValue == oldValue || newValue.equals(oldValue)) {
                return true;
            if (newValue instanceof String) {
                if (oldValue != null && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase((String) oldValue, (String) newValue)) {
                    return true;
            T object = this.get(propertyName, newValue);
            return object == null;
        public boolean isExist(String propertyName, Object value) {
            Assert.hasText(propertyName, "propertyName must not be empty");
            Assert.notNull(value, "value is required");
            T object = this.get(propertyName, value);
            return object != null;
        public Serializable save(T entity) {
            Assert.notNull(entity, "entity is required");
            return this.getSession().save(entity);
        public void update(T entity) {
            Assert.notNull(entity, "entity is required");
        public T saveOrUpdate(T o) {
            return o;
        public void delete(T entity) {
            Assert.notNull(entity, "entity is required");
        public void delete(Serializable id) {
            Assert.notNull(id, "id is required");
            T entity = this.load(id);
        public void delete(Serializable[] ids) {
            Assert.notEmpty(ids, "ids must not be empty");
            for (Serializable id : ids) {
                T entity = this.load(id);
        public void delete(String propertyName, Object value) {
            Assert.notNull(propertyName, "propertyName is required");
            Assert.notNull(value, "value is required");
            String hql = "delete from " + this.entityClass.getName() + " as model where model." + propertyName + " = ?";
            this.getSession().createQuery(hql).setParameter(0, value).executeUpdate();
        public int delete(Map<String, Object> conditions) throws Exception {
            if (null == conditions || conditions.isEmpty()) {
                throw new Exception("No conditions!");
            StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer("delete from " + this.entityClass.getName() + " as model ");
            if (null != conditions && conditions.size() > 0) {
                hql.append(" where ");
                int i = 1;
                Set<String> keySet = conditions.keySet();
                for (String key : keySet) {
                    Object value = conditions.get(key);
                    if (i > 1) {
                        hql.append(" AND ");
                    if (value instanceof Collection<?> || value instanceof Object[]) {
                        hql.append(" model." + key + " IN(:" + key + ") ");
                    } else {
                        hql.append(" model." + key + " = :" + key + " ");
            Query createQuery = this.getSession().createQuery(hql.toString());
            createQuery = this.setParameter(createQuery, conditions);
            return createQuery.executeUpdate();
        public void evict(Object object) {
            Assert.notNull(object, "object is required");
        public void flush() {
        public void clear() {
        public Criteria createCriteria(Criterion... criterions) {
            Criteria criteria = this.getSession().createCriteria(this.entityClass);
            for (Criterion c : criterions) {
            return criteria;
        public Criteria createCriteria(String orderBy, boolean isAsc, Criterion... criterions) {
            Criteria criteria = this.createCriteria(criterions);
            if (isAsc) {
            } else {
            return criteria;
        public List<T> getAllByOrder(String orderBy, boolean isAsc, boolean useCache) {
            return this.getLimitByOrder(orderBy, isAsc, -1, useCache);
        public List<T> getLimitByOrder(String orderBy, boolean isAsc, int limit, boolean useCache) {
            Order order = isAsc ? Order.asc(orderBy) : Order.desc(orderBy);
            Criteria criteria = this.createCriteria();
            if (limit > 0) {
            return criteria.list();
        public int getRowCount(Criteria criteria) {
            Long totalRows = (Long) criteria.uniqueResult();
            return totalRows.intValue();
        public List<T> getListByCriteria(Criteria criteria) {
            criteria = criteria.setResultTransformer(Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY);
            return criteria.list();
        public List<T> getListByCriteria(Criteria criteria, int fistRow, int rowNum, boolean useCache) {
            criteria = criteria.setFirstResult(fistRow).setMaxResults(rowNum).setResultTransformer(Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY).setCacheable(useCache);
            return criteria.list();
        public PageFinder<T> pagedByCriteria(Criteria criteria, int pageNo, int pageSize) {
            int totalRows = this.getRowCount(criteria);
            if (totalRows < 1) {
                PageFinder<T> finder = new PageFinder<T>(pageNo, pageSize, totalRows);
                finder.setData(new ArrayList<T>());
                return finder;
            } else {
                PageFinder<T> finder = new PageFinder<T>(pageNo, pageSize, totalRows);
                List<T> list = this.getListByCriteria(criteria, finder.getStartOfPage(), finder.getPageSize(), false);
                return finder;
        public Query createQuery(String hql, Object... values) {
            Assert.hasText(hql, "sql 不能为空");
            Query query = this.getSession().createQuery(hql);
            if (values != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
                    query.setParameter(i, values[i]);
            return query;
        public Query createQuery(String hql, Map<String, ?> values) {
            Assert.hasText(hql, "sql 不能为空");
            Query query = this.createQuery(hql);
            if (values != null) {
                query = this.setParameter(query, values);
            return query;
        public T getObjectByHql(String hql, Map<String, Object> values) {
            Query query = this.createQuery(hql, values);
            return (T) query.uniqueResult();
        public List<T> getListByHql(String hql, Map<String, Object> values) {
            Query query = this.createQuery(hql);
            query = this.setParameter(query, values);
            return query.list();
        public List<T> getListByHql(String hql, int firstRow, int maxNum, Map<String, Object> values) {
            Query query = this.createQuery(hql);
            query = this.setParameter(query, values);
            return query.list();
        public PageFinder<T> pagedByHQL(String hql, int toPage, int pageSize, Map<String, Object> values) {
            String countQueryString = " select count(*) " + this.removeSelect(this.removeOrders(hql));
            List<T> countlist = this.getListByHql(countQueryString, values);
            Long totalCount = (Long) countlist.get(0);
            if (totalCount.intValue() < 1) {
                return new PageFinder<T>(toPage, pageSize, totalCount.intValue());
            } else {
                final PageFinder<T> finder = new PageFinder<T>(toPage, pageSize, totalCount.intValue());
                List<T> list = this.getListByHql(hql, finder.getStartOfPage(), finder.getPageSize(), values);
                return finder;
        public List getListByHQL(String datasql, Map<String, Object> values) {
            Query dataQuery = this.createQuery(datasql, values);
            return dataQuery.list();
        public List getListByHQL(String datasql, int firstRow, int maxNum, Map<String, Object> values) {
            Query dataQuery = this.createQuery(datasql, values);
            return dataQuery.list();
        public PageFinder<Object> pagedObjectByHQL(String countHql, String hql, int toPage, int pageSize, Map<String, Object> values) {
            Query query = this.createQuery(countHql, values);
            Long totalCount = (Long) query.uniqueResult();
            if (totalCount.intValue() < 1) {
                return new PageFinder<Object>(toPage, pageSize, totalCount.intValue());
            } else {
                PageFinder<Object> finder = new PageFinder<Object>(toPage, pageSize, totalCount.intValue());
                List<Object> list = this.getListByHQL(hql, finder.getStartOfPage(), finder.getPageSize(), values);
                return finder;
        public T getObjectByHql(String hql, Object... values) {
            Query query = this.createQuery(hql, values);
            List<T> list = query.list();
            if (null != list && list.size() > 0) {
                T first = list.get(0);
                for (int i = 1; i < list.size(); i++) {
                    if (list.get(i) != first) {
                        throw new NonUniqueResultException(list.size());
                return first;
            return null;
        public List<T> getListByHql(String hql, Object... values) {
            Query dataQuery = this.createQuery(hql, values);
            return dataQuery.list();
        public List<T> getListByHql(String hql, int firstRow, int maxNum, Object... values) {
            Query query = this.createQuery(hql, values);
            return query.list();
        public PageFinder<T> pagedByHQL(String hql, int toPage, int pageSize, Object... values) {
            String countQueryString = " select count(*) " + this.removeSelect(this.removeOrders(hql));
            List<T> countlist = this.getListByHql(countQueryString, values);
            Long totalCount = (Long) countlist.get(0);
            if (totalCount.intValue() < 1) {
                return new PageFinder<T>(toPage, pageSize, totalCount.intValue());
            } else {
                final PageFinder<T> finder = new PageFinder<T>(toPage, pageSize, totalCount.intValue());
                List<T> list = this.getListByHql(hql, finder.getStartOfPage(), finder.getPageSize(), values);
                return finder;
        public SQLQuery createSQLQuery(String sql, Object... values) {
            Assert.hasText(sql, "sql 不能为空");
            SQLQuery query = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(sql);
            if (values != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
                    query.setParameter(i, values[i]);
            return query;
        public SQLQuery createSQLQuery(String sql, Map<String, ?> values) {
            Assert.hasText(sql, "sql 不能为空");
            Query query = this.createSQLQuery(sql);
            if (values != null) {
                query = this.setParameter(query, values);
            return (SQLQuery) query;
        public List<Object> getListBySQL(String datasql, Map<String, Object> values) {
            SQLQuery dataQuery = this.createSQLQuery(datasql, values);
            return dataQuery.list();
        public List<Object> getListBySQL(String datasql, int firstRow, int maxNum, Map<String, Object> values) {
            SQLQuery dataQuery = this.createSQLQuery(datasql, values);
            return dataQuery.list();
        public PageFinder<Object> pagedObjectBySQL(String countsql, String datasql, int toPage, int pageSize, Map<String, Object> values) {
            SQLQuery query = this.createSQLQuery(countsql, values);
            Long totalCount = Long.parseLong(query.uniqueResult().toString());
            if (totalCount.intValue() < 1) {
                return new PageFinder<Object>(toPage, pageSize, totalCount.intValue());
            } else {
                PageFinder<Object> finder = new PageFinder<Object>(toPage, pageSize, totalCount.intValue());
                List<Object> list = this.getListBySQL(datasql, finder.getStartOfPage(), finder.getPageSize(), values);
                return finder;
         * 取得对象的主键值,辅助函数.
        private Serializable getId(Object entity) throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
            return (Serializable) PropertyUtils.getProperty(entity, this.getIdName());
         * 取得对象的主键名,辅助函数.
        private String getIdName() {
            ClassMetadata meta = this.sessionFactory.getClassMetadata(this.entityClass);
            Assert.notNull(meta, "Class " + this.entityClass + " not define in hibernate session factory.");
            String idName = meta.getIdentifierPropertyName();
            Assert.hasText(idName, this.entityClass.getSimpleName() + " has no identifier property define.");
            return idName;
         * hql 设置参数
         * @Title: setParameter
         * @Description: TODO
         * @param query
         * @param map
         * @return
         * @throws
         * @author: yong
         * @date: 2012-12-17下午05:56:15
        private Query setParameter(Query query, Map<String, ?> map) {
            if (map != null && !map.isEmpty()) {
                Set<String> keySet = map.keySet();
                for (String string : keySet) {
                    Object obj = map.get(string);
                    // 这里考虑传入的参数是什么类型,不同类型使用的方法不同
                    if (obj instanceof Collection<?>) {
                        query.setParameterList(string, (Collection<?>) obj);
                    } else if (obj instanceof Object[]) {
                        query.setParameterList(string, (Object[]) obj);
                    } else {
                        query.setParameter(string, obj);
            return query;
         * 去除hql的select 子句,未考虑union的情况用于pagedQuery.
         * @param hql
         * @return
        private String removeSelect(String hql) {
            int beginPos = hql.toLowerCase().indexOf("from");
            Assert.isTrue(beginPos != -1, " hql : " + hql + " must has a keyword 'from'");
            return hql.substring(beginPos);
         * 去除hql的orderby 子句,用于pagedQuery.
         * @param hql
         * @return
        private String removeOrders(String hql) {
            Pattern p = Pattern.compile("order\\s*by[\\w|\\W|\\s|\\S]*", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
            Matcher m = p.matcher(hql);
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
            while (m.find()) {
                m.appendReplacement(sb, "");
            return sb.toString();


    package hello.page;
    import java.io.Serializable;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Map;
    import com.google.gson.annotations.Expose;
    import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName;
     * 分页对象. 包含当前页数据及分页信息
    public class PageFinder<T> implements Serializable {
        public final static int DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = 10;
         * 每页的记录数
        private int pageSize = DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;
         * 当前页中存放的数据
        private List<T> data;
         * 总记录数
        private int rowCount;
         * 页数
        private int pageCount;
         * 跳转页数
        private int pageNo;
         * 是否有上一页
        private boolean hasPrevious = false;
         * 是否有下一页
        private boolean hasNext = false;
         * 表格页脚数据
        private List<Map<String, Object>> footers;
        public PageFinder() {
        public PageFinder(int pageNo, int rowCount) {
            this.pageNo = pageNo;
            this.rowCount = rowCount;
            this.pageCount = getTotalPageCount();
         * 构造方法
        public PageFinder(int pageNo, int pageSize, int rowCount) {
            this.pageNo = pageNo;
            this.pageSize = pageSize;
            this.rowCount = rowCount;
            this.pageCount = getTotalPageCount();
        public PageFinder(int pageNo, int pageSize, int rowCount, List<T> data) {
            this.pageNo = pageNo;
            this.pageSize = pageSize;
            this.rowCount = rowCount;
            this.pageCount = getTotalPageCount();
            this.data = data;
         * 取总页数
        private final int getTotalPageCount() {
            if (rowCount % pageSize == 0)
                return rowCount / pageSize;
                return rowCount / pageSize + 1;
         * 刷新当前分页对象数据
        private void refresh() {
            if (pageCount <= 1) {
                hasPrevious = false;
                hasNext = false;
            } else if (pageNo == 1) {
                hasPrevious = false;
                hasNext = true;
            } else if (pageNo == pageCount) {
                hasPrevious = true;
                hasNext = false;
            } else {
                hasPrevious = true;
                hasNext = true;
         * 取每页数据数
        public int getPageSize() {
            return pageSize;
         * 取当前页中的记录.
        public Object getResult() {
            return data;
        public List<T> getData() {
            return data;
        public void setData(List<T> data) {
            this.data = data;
        public int getRowCount() {
            return rowCount;
        public void setRowCount(int rowCount) {
            this.rowCount = rowCount;
        public int getPageCount() {
            return pageCount;
        public void setPageCount(int pageCount) {
            this.pageCount = pageCount;
        public int getPageNo() {
            return pageNo;
        public void setPageNo(int pageNo) {
            this.pageNo = pageNo;
        public boolean isHasPrevious() {
            return hasPrevious;
        public void setHasPrevious(boolean hasPrevious) {
            this.hasPrevious = hasPrevious;
        public boolean isHasNext() {
            return hasNext;
        public void setHasNext(boolean hasNext) {
            this.hasNext = hasNext;
        public void setPageSize(int pageSize) {
            this.pageSize = pageSize;
        public List<Map<String, Object>> getFooters() {
            return footers;
        public void setFooters(List<Map<String, Object>> footers) {
            this.footers = footers;
         * 获取跳转页第一条数据在数据集的位置
        public int getStartOfPage() {
            return ((pageNo - 1)<0?0:pageNo) * pageSize;


    package hello;
    import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
    import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
    import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
    import org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor.HibernateJpaSessionFactoryBean;
    public class Application {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);
         * 注入sessionfatory
         * @return
        public HibernateJpaSessionFactoryBean sessionFactory() {
            return new HibernateJpaSessionFactoryBean();


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