[1454] Lux
- 时间限制: 2000 ms 内存限制: 65535 K
- 问题描述
Lux pretty good at the math. And she is thinking about the prime question.
Lux want to find the two adjacent primes C1 and C2 (L<=C1< C2<=U) that are closest (i.e. C2-C1 is the minimum) and the two are most distance (i.e. C2-C1 is the maximun).
If there are other pairs that are the same distance apart, use the first pair.
- 输入
There are muti-case.
For each test case, contains two integers L and U (1 ≤ L < U ≤ 2, 147, 483, 647).
(U - L < 1,000,000) - 输出
For each test case output the two closest adjacent primes and the two most distant adjacent primes.
If there are no adjacent primes print "-1"; - 样例输入
2 17 14 17
- 样例输出
2 3 7 11 -1
- 提示
- 来源

#pragma comprint(linker, "/STACK:1024000000,1024000000") #include<cstdio> #include<string> #include<iostream> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> #include<stack> #include<queue> #include<vector> #include<map> #include<stdlib.h> #include<time.h> #include<algorithm> #define LL __int64 #define FIN freopen("in.txt","r",stdin) using namespace std; const int MAXN=1000000+5; const int INF=0x3f3f3f3f; int vis[MAXN],pri[MAXN]; int tot; void sieve(int n) { int m=(int)sqrt(n+0.5); memset(vis,0,sizeof(vis)); for(int i=2;i<=m;i++) if(!vis[i]) for(int j=i*i;j<=n;j+=i) vis[j]=1; } void gen_primes(int n) { sieve(n); tot=0; for(int i=2;i<=n;i++) if(!vis[i]) pri[tot++]=i; } //筛法求素数 int subpri[MAXN]; bool sign[MAXN]; int getsubprimes(LL a,LL b) { LL totl=0,i,j; memset(sign,true,sizeof(sign)); if(a<2) a=2; LL l=b-a+1; for(i=0;i<tot;i++) { if((j=pri[i]*(a/pri[i]))<a) j+=pri[i]; if(j<pri[i]*pri[i]) j=pri[i]*pri[i]; for(;j<=b;j+=pri[i]) sign[j-a]=false; } for(int i=0;i<l;i++) if(sign[i]) subpri[totl++]=a+i; return totl; } //求区间素数 int main() { //FIN; gen_primes(100000); int L,R; while(scanf("%d %d",&L,&R)!=EOF) { int cnt=getsubprimes(L,R); int x,y,xx,yy; if(cnt<2) {printf("-1 ");} else { int maxn=-INF,minn=INF,numa,numb; for(int i=0;i<cnt-1;i++) { int numa=subpri[i],numb=subpri[i+1]; if(numb-numa>maxn) { maxn=numb-numa; x=i; y=i+1; } if(numb-numa<minn) { minn=numb-numa; xx=i; yy=i+1; } } printf("%d %d %d %d ",subpri[xx],subpri[yy],subpri[x],subpri[y]); } } return 0; }