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  • hadr启动报错码

    Unable to start HADR. Reason code = reason-code.
    The explanation corresponding to the reason code is:

    The database is not recoverable because circular logging is in use.

    The database has infinite active logging enabled.

    The database has DATALINKS enabled.

    Invalid entry for the hadr_local_host configuration parameter.

    Invalid service name for the hadr_local_svc configuration parameter.

    Invalid service name for the hadr_remote_svc configuration parameter.

    The primary database failed to establish a connection to its standby database within the HADR timeout interval. There are multiple scenarios that can cause this error condition. For example, this message can be returned with reason code 7 if the value of the hadr_timeout configuration parameter or the hadr_peer_window configuration parameter on the primary database is not the same as the value on the standby database.

    The value of one or more of the following HADR database configuration parameters is NULL:

    hadr_local_host or hadr_local_svc
    hadr_remote_host, hadr_remote_svc, or hadr_remote_inst in an environment other than DB2 pureScale.
    hadr_target_list in a DB2 pureScale environment.
    The database is configured to use raw logs. However, HADR does not support the use of raw I/O (direct disk access) for database log files.

    The command was interrupted by HADR shutdown due to a STOP HADR command, deactivation of the database, or an internal error.

    The entries specified by the hadr_remote_host, hadr_local_host, or hadr_target_list configuration parameter do not resolve to the same IP format.

    Invalid entry for the hadr_remote_host configuration parameter.

    An HADR standby database cannot start without at least one regular buffer pool. A buffer pool could not be started due to insufficient memory.

    The entries for the hadr_target_list configuration parameter do not contain the pair specified in the hadr_remote_host and hadr_remote_svc configuration parameters.

    An entry for the hadr_target_list configuration parameter cannot be resolved into a valid TCP/IP address.

    The entries specified for the hadr_target_list configuration parameter are not in the correct format.

    The hadr_replay_delay configuration parameter can only be set to a non-zero value if the hadr_syncmode configuration parameter is SUPERASYNC.

    The hadr_replay_delay configuration parameter can only be set to 0 on a HADR primary database.

    Cannot start as primary database because another primary database is detected.

    The hadr_syncmode database configuration parameter cannot be SYNC or NEARSYNC in a DB2 pureScale environment.

    The value specified by the hadr_local_svc configuration parameter conflicts with client/server communication ports.

    The value specified by the hadr_local_svc configuration parameter conflicts with fast communication manager (FCM) communication ports.

    The value specified by the hadr_local_svc configuration parameter conflicts with cluster caching facility (CF) communication ports.

    Failed to allocate TCP socket buffer specified by DB2 registry variable DB2_HADR_SOSNDBUF.

    Failed to allocate TCP socket buffer specified by DB2 registry variable DB2_HADR_SORCVBUF.

    A table space is not available.

    The hadr_peer_window database configuration parameter is not set to 0 in a DB2 pureScale environment.

    A valid HADR license is not installed. The command did not complete successfully.

    An internal error occurred during HADR startup.

    User response
    The user response corresponding to the reason code is:

    The database must be a recoverable database. Activate log archiving by setting database configuration parameter logarchmeth1 or logarchmeth2 to a value other than OFF. Take an offline database backup to make the database recoverable and reissue the command.
    Disable infinite active logging and reissue the command.

    Update the database manager configuration file so that DATALINKS is set to NO and reissue the command.

    Ensure that the hadr_local_host configuration parameter can be mapped to an IPv4 or IPv6 address associated with the local host.

    Ensure that the hadr_local_svc configuration parameter is set to a valid service name. For Unix platforms, edit the /etc/services file. For Windows, edit %SystemRoot%system32driversetcservices. Alternatively, a literal port number can be specified for this parameter.

    Ensure that the hadr_remote_svc configuration parameter is a valid service name. For Unix platforms, edit the /etc/services file. For Windows, edit %SystemRoot%system32driversetcservices. Alternatively, a literal port number can be specified for this parameter.

    Perform the following troubleshooting steps:

    Ensure that the standby is online and that the network is functioning.
    Look in the db2diag.log files for other error messages that indicate there are incompatible configuration settings on the primary database and the standby database.
    Confirm that the hadr_remote_host and hadr_remote_svc configuration parameters are set correctly on the primary database and the standby database.
    Ensure that the value of the hadr_timeout configuration parameter is the same on both the primary database and the standby database.
    Ensure that the value of the hadr_peer_window configuration parameter is the same on both the primary database and the standby database.
    Increase the hadr_timeout configuration parameter if the network is slow, or start the primary database using the BY FORCE option
    Ensure that the following HADR database configuration parameters have a non-NULL value where required:

    You can determine the current value of these HADR configuration parameters by using the GET DATABASE CONFIGURATION command.

    Reconfigure the database to use only file system storage for the log files, instead of using raw I/O (direct disk access) devices.

    Address the cause of the HADR shutdown, and if desired, reissue the START HADR command.

    Ensure that the hadr_local_host, hadr_remote_host, and hadr_target_list configuration parameters are in the same IP format (IPv4 or IPv6) or can be resolved to the same format.

    Ensure that the hadr_remote_host configuration parameter can be mapped to an IPv4 or IPv6 address.

    Ensure that the dbheap configuration parameter is configured properly and that the system has sufficient memory available for the size of the buffer pool defined. Then retry the operation. If you need to change the size of a buffer pool on the HADR standby, you need to perform a new database restore operation using a backup image from the primary database that includes the new buffer pool size.

    Ensure that the hadr_target_list configuration parameter has an entry for the pair specified by the hadr_remote_host and hadr_remote_svc configuration parameters.

    Ensure that all of the entries specified by the hadr_target_list configuration parameter are valid host:service pairs.

    Ensure that the entries for the hadr_target_list configuration parameter are in the correct format.

    Either set the hadr_replay_delay configuration parameter to 0 or change the hadr_syncmode configuration parameter to SUPERASYNC.

    Ensure the hadr_replay_delay configuration parameter is set to 0 on the HADR primary database.

    Determine which database should be the primary. Drop the other primary database or try converting it to a standby. If both should be primary, they should be removed from each other's hadr_target_list, so that they are independent.

    Set the hadr_syncmode database configuration parameter to either ASYNC or SUPERASYNC.

    Update the value specified by either the hadr_local_svc or the svcename configuration parameter so that the TCP port used by hadr_local_svc is not in the port range (inclusively) of svcename and svcename + 1.

    Update the hadr_local_svc database configuration parameter or the system service names so that the TCP port used by hadr_local_svc is not between (inclusively) the ports defined by service name DB2_instance and DB2_instance_END, where 'instance' is the name of the DB2 instance. To update system service names, on Unix platforms, edit the /etc/services file; on Windows, edit %SystemRoot%system32driversetcservices.

    Update the hadr_local_svc database configuration parameter or the system service names so that the TCP port used by hadr_local_svc is not between (inclusively) the ports defined by the following pairs of service names:

    DB2CA_instance_CMD and DB2CA_instance_CMD_END
    DB2CA_instance_NOTIFY and DB2CA_instance_NOTIFY_END
    DB2CA_instance_MGMT and DB2CA_instance_MGMT_END
    In these service names, 'instance' represents the name of the DB2 instance. To update system service names, on Unix platforms, edit the /etc/services file; on Windows, edit %SystemRoot%system32driversetcservices.

    Check that DB2 registry variable DB2_HADR_SOSNDBUF is set properly. It should not exceed available memory or system level socket buffer size limit.

    Check that DB2 registry variable DB2_HADR_SORCVBUF is set properly. It should not exceed available memory or system level socket buffer size limit.

    Refer to db2diag.log to identify the table space that is not available. Resolve the root cause and ensure the storage for the table space is available. If required, recover the affected table space using the RESTORE DATABASE or ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command. Otherwise, you can drop the table space if it is no longer needed.

    Set the hadr_peer_window database configuration parameter to 0 in a DB2 pureScale environment.

    Obtain and install a valid HADR license and resubmit the command.

    If the problem persists, contact IBM Support.

    Related information:
    hadr_target_list - HADR target list database configuration parameter
    hadr_replay_delay - HADR replay delay configuration parameter
    START HADR command
    hadr_peer_window - HADR peer window configuration parameter
    newlogpath - Change the database log path configuration parameter
    logpath - Location of log files configuration parameter
    hadr_timeout - HADR timeout value configuration parameter
    hadr_remote_host - HADR remote host name configuration parameter
    hadr_remote_svc - HADR remote service name configuration parameter
    hadr_local_svc - HADR local service name configuration parameter
    hadr_local_host - HADR local host name configuration parameter


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