1 php artisan make:command SendRejectEmail
1 /** 2 * The name and signature of the console command. 3 * 4 * @var string 5 */ 6 protected $signature = 'send-reject-email:email'; 7 8 /** 9 * The console command description. 10 * 11 * @var string 12 */ 13 protected $description = 'send reject email';
- 需要执行的方法写在handle中
1 /** 2 * Execute the console command. 3 * 4 * @return mixed 5 */ 6 public function handle() 7 { 8 9 }
- 附上完整个人代码(laravel发送邮件相关配置可参考我另一篇博客:https://www.cnblogs.com/clubs/p/10640682.html)
1 <?php 2 namespace AppConsoleCommands; 3 4 use CarbonCarbon; 5 use IlluminateConsoleCommand; 6 use AppModelsResumeRejectMail; 7 use AppMailRejectMail; 8 use AppElasticSearchIndexResumeFilterIndex; 9 use Mail; 10 11 class SendRejectEmail extends Command 12 { 13 /** 14 * The name and signature of the console command. 15 * 16 * @var string 17 */ 18 protected $signature = 'send-reject-email:email'; 19 20 /** 21 * The console command description. 22 * 23 * @var string 24 */ 25 protected $description = 'send reject email'; 26 27 /** 28 * Create a new command instance. 29 * 30 * @return void 31 */ 32 public function __construct() 33 { 34 parent::__construct(); 35 } 36 37 /** 38 * Execute the console command. 39 * 40 * @return mixed 41 */ 42 public function handle() 43 { 44 $lists = ResumeRejectMail::Status(ResumeRejectMail::STATUS)->select('id','resume_id','reject_time')->get(); 45 $index = new ResumeFilterIndex(); 46 47 if($lists){ 48 foreach ($lists as $key=>$val) 49 { 50 if(Carbon::now()->timestamp > strtotime($val->reject_time)){ 51 //获取es上当前id信息 52 $data = $index->getValue($val->resume_id); 53 if($data){ 54 $toMail = $data['email']; 55 // 获取邮箱标题 56 $title = '面试邀请'; 57 Mail::to($toMail)->send(new RejectMail($data,$title)); 58 59 //更改es简历为失效 60 $es_data = ['status' => 3]; 61 $index->updateValue($val->resume_id,$es_data); 62 63 //更新邮件拒信表 64 ResumeRejectMail::ID($val->id)->update([ 65 'email' => $toMail, 66 'sendtime' => Carbon::now(), 67 'status' => 2, 68 ]); 69 } 70 } 71 } 72 } 73 74 return true; 75 } 76 }
1 <?php 2 3 namespace AppConsole; 4 5 use IlluminateConsoleSchedulingSchedule; 6 use IlluminateFoundationConsoleKernel as ConsoleKernel; 7 8 class Kernel extends ConsoleKernel 9 { 10 /** 11 * The Artisan commands provided by your application. 12 * 13 * @var array 14 */ 15 protected $commands = [ 16 // 17 CommandsSendRejectEmail::class, 18 ]; 19 20 /** 21 * Define the application's command schedule. 22 * 23 * @param IlluminateConsoleSchedulingSchedule $schedule 24 * @return void 25 */ 26 protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule) 27 { 28 // $schedule->command('inspire') 29 // ->hourly(); 30 $schedule->command('send-reject-email:email')->everyMinute(); 31 } 32 33 /** 34 * Register the commands for the application. 35 * 36 * @return void 37 */ 38 protected function commands() 39 { 40 $this->load(__DIR__.'/Commands'); 41 42 require base_path('routes/console.php'); 43 } 44 }
4.在linux的crontab -e中插入
建议:这里的php路径不要和文档一样就写php,否则crontab可能识别不到,造成手动执行可以生效,写在定时器中却不执行,执行 whereis php 可以查看当前php执行文件,按实际填写php路径
1 * * * * * /usr/local/php/bin/php /usr/share/nginx/recruitmentapi/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
5.关于laravel crontab不执行的问题
手动执行:php artisan send-reject-email:email 可以生效
但是写在定时器中却不执行 :* * * * * php /usr/share/nginx/recruitmentapi/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
原因:php的路径并不识别 或者说 crontab 中使用的php的可执行文件 和在脚本中执行的php文件不一样
执行 whereis php
[root@izwz94f1q2m5ldkvsdx5rkz recruitmentapi]# whereis php php: /usr/local/php /usr/local/php/bin/php
可以发现 当前有不只一个的php执行文件 发现自己在使用的php路径之后 修改 crontab中的配置
1 crontab -e 2 3 4 * * * * * /usr/local/php/bin/php /usr/share/nginx/recruitmentapi/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
查看crontab日志记录:tail -f /var/log/cron
laravel写crontab: https://www.jianshu.com/p/fc90ff514ce7
laravel crontab不执行的问题: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_36638599/article/details/80692922