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  • python---haproxy---文件操作

    haproxy 文件操作,操作属于简单操作,不复杂

     1 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
     2 # LC
     4 def search(*args):                              #查找Haproxy文件中的服务器
     5     list1 = []
     6     with open("haproxyfile","r") as f:
     7         flag = False
     8         for line in f:
     9             if line.strip() == "backend %s" % args:             #查找第一个以backend + 输入域名的起头的backend,将相关信息记录list中
    10                 flag = True
    11                 list1.append(line.strip())
    12                 continue                                        #并继续循环,为了将backend下一行执行,即按着flag = True执行
    13             if line.strip().startswith("backend") or line.strip() == "":              #查到第二个backend这将flag置于Fasle,如果是空行,也将flag置于Fasle中,(防止文章末尾有多个空行)
    14                 flag = False
    15             if flag:
    16                 list1.append(line.strip())                  #将正确backend的后续信息继续记录至list中
    17         return list1
    20 def delete(string):
    21     dict = eval(string)
    22     backend = dict["backend"]
    23     record = dict["record"]
    24     new_file_list = []
    25     if backend in domain_list():                        #判读要删除的域名是否在文件内
    26         with open("haproxyfile","r",encoding="utf-8") as f_read:
    27             for line in f_read:
    28                 new_file_list.append(line)                          #读取文件的每行,将每行写入列表
    29                 if line.strip() == "backend %s" %backend:           #如果有符合的backend,则将最近的写入列表弹出
    30                     new_file_list.pop()
    31                 if line.strip() == "server %s weight %s maxconn %s" %(record["server"],record["weight"],record["maxconn"]):#如果有符合的server信息,则将最近的写入列表弹出
    32                     new_file_list.pop()
    33         with open("haproxyfile1", "a") as f_write:              #将删除后的写入文件中
    34             for line in new_file_list:
    35                 f_write.write(line)
    36     else:
    37         print("The Domain not in this file!")
    39 def add(string):                                    #增加ha文件配置服务器信息
    40     dict = eval(string)
    41     backend = dict["backend"]
    42     record = dict["record"]
    43     with open("haproxyfile","a") as f_write:
    44         f_write.write("backend %s
    45         f_write.write("		server %s %s weight %s maxconn %s"%(record["server"][0],record["server"][1],
    46                                                             record["weight"],
    47                                                             record["maxconn"]))
    50 def domain_list():                #将文件中所有的domain都摘出来
    51     backend_name = []
    52     with open("haproxyfile","r") as f_read:
    53         for line in f_read:
    54             if line.startswith("backend"):
    55                 domain_name = line.split()[1]
    56                 backend_name.append(domain_name)
    57     return backend_name
    59 #域名信息查找
    60 domain_search_name = input("Please input the domain your search:")
    61 if domain_search_name in domain_list():
    62     domain_info = search(domain_search_name)
    63     print(domain_info)
    65 #域名信息删除
    67 string = "{'backend': 'www.yst.com.cn','record':{'server':'','weight': 30,'maxconn': 2300}}"
    68 delete(string)
    70 #域名信息增加
    71 string = "{'backend': 'www.yst.com.cn','record':{'server':'','weight': 30,'maxconn': 2300}}"
    72 add(string)
     1 def backend_info():
     2     with open("haproxyfile","r") as f_read:
     3         backend_list = []
     4         dict_all = {}
     5         dict_ser = {}
     6         server_list = []
     7         for line in f_read:
     8             if line.strip().startswith("backend"):
     9                 backend_name = line.split()[1]
    10                 backend_list.append(backend_name)
    11                 server_list = []
    12             if line.strip().startswith("server"):
    13                 dict_ser['server'] = line.strip().split()[1]
    14                 dict_ser['weight'] = line.strip().split()[3]
    15                 dict_ser['maxconn'] = line.strip().split()[5]
    16                 server_list.append(dict_ser)
    17                 dict_all[backend_name] = server_list
    18     return backend_list,dict_all                #返回backend的所有域名信息和域名包含的服务器信息


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/clv5/p/7078593.html
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