环境: Ubuntu 16.04 | go 1.7.4 | docker 17.03.0-ce
版本: Fabric v1.0.0-alpha
环境变量: GOPATH
其他:Hyperledger fabric工程必须位于 $GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric 路径
cd $farbric make clean
# 编译fabric binary文件,包括peer、orderer、configtxgen、crypto-gen等 make native # 拉取用于安装chaincode的docker镜像 docker pull hyperledger/fabric-ccenv:x86_86-1.0.0-alpha docker pull hyperledger/fabric-baseos:x86_86-0.3.0 docker pull hyperledger/fabric-baseimage:x86_86-0.3.0
rm -rf /var/hyperledger/*
# 生成system genesis block
# 启动orderer节点
Use the ``configtxgen`` tool to create the orderer genesis block:
.. code:: bash
configtxgen -profile SampleSingleMSPSolo -outputBlock orderer.block
**Vagrant window 2**
Start the orderer with the genesis block you just generated:
.. code:: bash
**Vagrant window 1**
Create the channel configuration transaction:
.. code:: bash
configtxgen -profile SampleSingleMSPSolo -outputCreateChannelTx channel.tx -channelID <channel-ID>
This will generate a ``channel.tx`` file in your current directory
**Vagrant window 3**
Start the peer in *"chainless"* mode
.. code:: bash
peer node start --peer-defaultchain=false
**Note**: Use Vagrant window 1 for the remainder of commands
Create channel
Ask peer to create a channel with the configuration parameters in
.. code:: bash
peer channel create -o orderer:7050 -c mychannel -f channel.tx
This will return a channel genesis block - ``mychannel.block`` - in your
current directory.
Join channel
Ask peer to join the channel by passing in the channel genesis block:
.. code:: bash
peer channel join -b mychannel.block
Install chaincode on the peer:
.. code:: bash
peer chaincode install -o orderer:7050 -n mycc -v 1.0 -p github.com/hyperledger/fabric/examples/chaincode/go/chaincode_example02
Make sure the chaincode is in the filesystem:
.. code:: bash
ls /var/hyperledger/production/chaincodes
You should see ``mycc.1.0``
Instantiate the chaincode:
.. code:: bash
peer chaincode instantiate -o orderer:7050 -C mychannel -n mycc -v 1.0 -p github.com/hyperledger/fabric/examples/chaincode/go/chaincode_example02 -c '{"Args":["init","a", "100", "b","200"]}'
Check your active containers:
.. code:: bash
docker ps
If the chaincode container started successfully, you should see:
.. code:: bash
bd9c6bda7560 dev-jdoe-mycc-1.0 "chaincode -peer.a..." 5 seconds ago Up 5 seconds dev-jdoe-mycc-1.0
Issue an invoke to move "10" from "a" to "b":
.. code:: bash
peer chaincode invoke -o orderer:7050 -C mychannel -n mycc -c '{"Args":["invoke","a","b","10"]}'
Wait a few seconds for the operation to complete
Query for the value of "a":
.. code:: bash
# this should return 90
peer chaincode query -o orderer:7050 -C mychannel -n mycc -c '{"Args":["query","a"]}'
Don't forget to clear ledger folder ``/var/hyperledger/`` after each
rm -rf /var/hyperledger/*
Using CouchDB
The state database can be switched from the default (goleveldb) to CouchDB.
The same chaincode functions are available with CouchDB, however, there is the
added ability to perform rich and complex queries against the state database
data content contingent upon the chaincode data being modeled as JSON.
To use CouchDB instead of the default database (goleveldb), follow the same
procedure in the **Prerequisites** section, and additionally perform the
following two steps to enable the CouchDB containers and associate each peer
container with a CouchDB container:
- Make the CouchDB image.
.. code:: bash
# make sure you are in the /fabric directory
make couchdb
- Open the ``fabric/examples/e2e_cli/docker-compose.yaml`` and un-comment
all commented statements relating to CouchDB containers and peer container
use of CouchDB. These instructions are are also outlined in the
same ``docker-compose.yaml`` file. Search the file for 'couchdb' (case insensitive) references.
*chaincode_example02* should now work using CouchDB underneath.
***Note***: If you choose to implement mapping of the fabric-couchdb container
port to a host port, please make sure you are aware of the security
implications. Mapping of the port in a development environment allows the
visualization of the database via the CouchDB web interface (Fauxton).
Production environments would likely refrain from implementing port mapping in
order to restrict outside access to the CouchDB containers.
You can use *chaincode_example02* chaincode against the CouchDB state database
using the steps outlined above, however in order to exercise the query
capabilities you will need to use a chaincode that has data modeled as JSON,
(e.g. *marbles02*). You can locate the *marbles02* chaincode in the
``fabric/examples/chaincode/go`` directory.
Install, instantiate, invoke, and query *marbles02* chaincode by following the
same general steps outlined above for *chaincode_example02* in the **Manually
create the channel and join peers through CLI** section . After the **Join
channel** step, use the following steps to interact with the *marbles02*
- Install and instantiate the chaincode in ``peer0`` (replace ``$ORDERER_IP``
with the IP address of the orderer. One way to find the address is with the
command ``docker inspect orderer | grep "IPAddress"``):
.. code:: bash
peer chaincode install -o $ORDERER_IP:7050 -n marbles -v 1.0 -p github.com/hyperledger/fabric/examples/chaincode/go/marbles02
peer chaincode instantiate -o $ORDERER_IP:7050 -C $mychannel -n marbles -v 1.0 -p github.com/hyperledger/fabric/examples/chaincode/go/marbles02 -c '{"Args":["init"]}' -P "OR ('Org0MSP.member','Org1MSP.member')"
- Create some marbles and move them around:
.. code:: bash
peer chaincode invoke -o $ORDERER_IP:7050 -C mychannel -n marbles -c '{"Args":["initMarble","marble1","blue","35","tom"]}'
peer chaincode invoke -o $ORDERER_IP:7050 -C mychannel -n marbles -c '{"Args":["initMarble","marble2","red","50","tom"]}'
peer chaincode invoke -o $ORDERER_IP:7050 -C mychannel -n marbles -c '{"Args":["initMarble","marble3","blue","70","tom"]}'
peer chaincode invoke -o $ORDERER_IP:7050 -C mychannel -n marbles -c '{"Args":["transferMarble","marble2","jerry"]}'
peer chaincode invoke -o $ORDERER_IP:7050 -C mychannel -n marbles -c '{"Args":["transferMarblesBasedOnColor","blue","jerry"]}'
peer chaincode invoke -o $ORDERER_IP:7050 -C mychannel -n marbles -c '{"Args":["delete","marble1"]}'
- If you chose to activate port mapping, you can now view the state database
through the CouchDB web interface (Fauxton) by opening a browser and
navigating to one of the two URLs below.
For containers running in a vagrant environment:
For non-vagrant environment, use the port address that was mapped in CouchDB
container specification:
You should see a database named ``mychannel`` and the documents
inside it.
- You can run regular queries from the `cli` (e.g. reading ``marble2``):
.. code:: bash
peer chaincode query -o $ORDERER_IP:7050 -C mychannel -n marbles -c '{"Args":["readMarble","marble2"]}'
You should see the details of ``marble2``:
.. code:: bash
Query Result: {"color":"red","docType":"marble","name":"marble2","owner":"jerry","size":50}
Retrieve the history of ``marble1``:
.. code:: bash
peer chaincode query -o $ORDERER_IP:7050 -C mychannel -n marbles -c '{"Args":["getHistoryForMarble","marble1"]}'
You should see the transactions on ``marble1``:
.. code:: bash
Query Result: [{"TxId":"1c3d3caf124c89f91a4c0f353723ac736c58155325f02890adebaa15e16e6464", "Value":{"docType":"marble","name":"marble1","color":"blue","size":35,"owner":"tom"}},{"TxId":"755d55c281889eaeebf405586f9e25d71d36eb3d35420af833a20a2f53a3eefd", "Value":{"docType":"marble","name":"marble1","color":"blue","size":35,"owner":"jerry"}},{"TxId":"819451032d813dde6247f85e56a89262555e04f14788ee33e28b232eef36d98f", "Value":}]
- You can also perform rich queries on the data content, such as querying marble fields by owner ``jerry``:
.. code:: bash
peer chaincode query -o $ORDERER_IP:7050 -C myc1 -n marbles -c '{"Args":["queryMarblesByOwner","jerry"]}'
The output should display the two marbles owned by ``jerry``:
.. code:: bash
Query Result: [{"Key":"marble2", "Record":{"color":"red","docType":"marble","name":"marble2","owner":"jerry","size":50}},{"Key":"marble3", "Record":{"color":"blue","docType":"marble","name":"marble3","owner":"jerry","size":70}}]
Query by field ``owner`` where the value is ``jerry``:
.. code:: bash
peer chaincode query -o $ORDERER_IP:7050 -C myc1 -n marbles -c '{"Args":["queryMarbles","{"selector":{"owner":"jerry"}}"]}'
The output should display:
.. code:: bash
Query Result: [{"Key":"marble2", "Record":{"color":"red","docType":"marble","name":"marble2","owner":"jerry","size":50}},{"Key":"marble3", "Record":{"color":"blue","docType":"marble","name":"marble3","owner":"jerry","size":70}}]