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  • Pyton 实现SQLHelper



    1. dbcontext继承自threading.local,确保每个线程中都有独立的一个dbcontext对象,保证个用户数据独立。

    2. connection对象是对dbcontext对象的一个封装,实现了getcursor方法,和关闭方法。

    3. 现在的代码不够DRY,select方法和update方法调用了connection对象后都要手动关闭,可以实现一个装饰器,把要调用connection对象的代码块儿包裹起来,初始化和关闭connection对象的代码提取到装饰器中。下次补上。


      1 import MySQLdb,logging,threading,time,uuid
      2 logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO,format='%(asctime)s %(filename)s[line:%(lineno)d] %(levelname)s %(message)s',datefmt='%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S')
      4 def next_id(t=None):
      5     '''
      6     Return next id as 50-char string.
      8     Args:
      9         t: unix timestamp, default to None and using time.time().
     10     '''
     11     if t is None:
     12         t = time.time()
     13     return '%015d%s000' % (int(t * 1000), uuid.uuid4().hex)
     15 class Dict(dict):
     16     def __init__(self,names=(),values=(),**args):
     17         super(Dict,self).__init__(**args)
     18         for k,v in zip(names,values):
     19             self[k]=v
     20     def __getattr__(self, item):
     21         try:
     22             return self[item]
     23         except KeyError:
     24             raise AttributeError('it has no attribute named %s'%(str(item),))
     25     def __setattr__(self, key, value):
     26         self[key]=value
     28 class dbcontext(threading.local):
     29     def __init__(self):
     30         self.db= MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost",port=3306,passwd='toor',user='root',db='xdyweb')
     31     def getdb(self):
     32         return self.db
     34 class conntection(object):
     35     def __init__(self):
     36         self.dbctx=dbcontext()
     37         self.db=self.dbctx.getdb()
     38         self.cursor=self.db.cursor()
     39     def getcursor(self):
     40         return self.cursor
     41     def close(self):
     42         self.db.close()
     43         self.cursor=None
     44 def _select(sql,first,*args):
     45     conn=conntection()
     46     csr=conn.getcursor()
     47     sql=sql.replace('?','%s')
     48     values=csr.execute(sql,*args)
     49     try:
     50         if csr.description:
     51             names=[x[0] for x in csr.description]
     52         if first:
     53             values=csr.fetchone()
     54             if values is None:
     55                 return None
     56             return Dict(names,values)
     57         return  [Dict(names,x) for x in csr.fetchall()]
     58     finally:
     59         conn.close()
     61 def select(sql,first,*args):
     62     return _select(sql,first,*args)
     63 def select_one(sql,pk):
     64     return _select(sql,True,pk)
     66 def update(sql,*args):
     67     r'''
     68     Execute update SQL.
     70     >>> u1 = dict(id=1000, name='Michael', email='michael@test.org', passwd='123456', last_modified=time.time())
     71     >>> insert('user', **u1)
     72     1
     73     >>> u2 = select_one('select * from user where id=?', 1000)
     74     >>> u2.email
     75     u'michael@test.org'
     76     >>> u2.passwd
     77     u'123456'
     78     >>> update('update user set email=?, passwd=? where id=?', 'michael@example.org', '654321', 1000)
     79     1
     80     >>> u3 = select_one('select * from user where id=?', 1000)
     81     >>> u3.email
     82     u'michael@example.org'
     83     >>> u3.passwd
     84     u'654321'
     85     >>> update('update user set passwd=? where id=?', '***', '123\' or id=\'456')
     86     0
     87     '''
     88     conn=conntection()
     89     csr=conn.getcursor()
     90     sql=sql.replace('?','%s')
     92     try:
     93         csr.execute(sql,args)
     94         return csr.rowcount
     95     finally:
     96         conn.close()
     97 def insert(table,**kw):
     98     '''
     99     Execute insert SQL.
    101     >>> u1 = dict(id=2000, name='Bob', email='bob@test.org', passwd='bobobob', last_modified=time.time())
    102     >>> insert('user', **u1)
    103     1
    104     >>> u2 = select_one('select * from user where id=?', 2000)
    105     >>> u2.name
    106     u'Bob'
    107     >>> insert('user', **u2)
    108     Traceback (most recent call last):
    109       ...
    110     IntegrityError: 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry '2000' for key 'PRIMARY'
    111     '''
    112     cols, args = zip(*kw.iteritems())
    113     sql = 'insert into `%s` (%s) values (%s)' % (table, ','.join(['`%s`' % col for col in cols]), ','.join(['?' for i in range(len(cols))]))
    114     logging.info(sql)
    115     return update(sql,*args)
    117 def main():
    118     # db=MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost",port=3306,passwd='toor',user='root',db='xdyweb')
    120     # conn=conntection()
    121     # c=conn.getcursor()
    122     # r=c.execute("select * from users where email=%s",('sss@sss.sss',))
    123     # logging.warning(r)
    125     # f=_select('select * from users where email =?',False,('sss@sss.sss',))
    126     # logging.info(f)
    127     # pass
    129     u1 = dict(id=2000, name='Bob', email='bob@test.org', passwd='bobobob', last_modified=time.time())
    130     r=insert('user', **u1)
    131     logging.info(r)
    132 if __name__=="__main__":
    133     main()
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  • 相关阅读:
    15-155. Min Stack
    14-160. Intersection of Two Linked Lists
    13-169. Majority Element
    12-206. Reverse Linked List
    11-215. Kth Largest Element in an Array
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cncyber/p/4432599.html
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