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  • [LeetCode] 986. Interval List Intersections

    You are given two lists of closed intervals, firstList and secondList, where firstList[i] = [starti, endi] and secondList[j] = [startj, endj]. Each list of intervals is pairwise disjoint and in sorted order.

    Return the intersection of these two interval lists.

    A closed interval [a, b] (with a <= b) denotes the set of real numbers x with a <= x <= b.

    The intersection of two closed intervals is a set of real numbers that are either empty or represented as a closed interval. For example, the intersection of [1, 3] and [2, 4] is [2, 3].

    Example 1:

    Input: firstList = [[0,2],[5,10],[13,23],[24,25]], secondList = [[1,5],[8,12],[15,24],[25,26]]
    Output: [[1,2],[5,5],[8,10],[15,23],[24,24],[25,25]]

    Example 2:

    Input: firstList = [[1,3],[5,9]], secondList = []
    Output: []

    Example 3:

    Input: firstList = [], secondList = [[4,8],[10,12]]
    Output: []

    Example 4:

    Input: firstList = [[1,7]], secondList = [[3,10]]
    Output: [[3,7]]


    • 0 <= firstList.length, secondList.length <= 1000
    • firstList.length + secondList.length >= 1
    • 0 <= starti < endi <= 109
    • endi < starti+1
    • 0 <= startj < endj <= 109
    • endj < startj+1


    题意是给两组有序的 intervals of intervals,请将他们的重叠部分合并成一组。这个题目依然是用到扫描线的思想,同时也用到了追击型的双指针。需要创建两个指针 i 和 j,分别记录 interval A 和 B 的位置。试图合并两边的 interval 的时候,依然采取 [start, end],start 两边取大,end 两边取小的原则(11,12行)。判断到底是 i++ 还是 j++ 是通过判断当前遍历到的 interval 谁的 end 小,谁小谁的指针就++(16 - 20行)。




     1 /**
     2  * @param {number[][]} A
     3  * @param {number[][]} B
     4  * @return {number[][]}
     5  */
     6 var intervalIntersection = function (A, B) {
     7     let i = 0;
     8     let j = 0;
     9     let res = [];
    10     while (i < A.length && j < B.length) {
    11         let maxStart = Math.max(A[i][0], B[j][0]);
    12         let minEnd = Math.min(A[i][1], B[j][1]);
    13         if (maxStart <= minEnd) {
    14             res.push([maxStart, minEnd]);
    15         }
    16         if (A[i][1] < B[j][1]) {
    17             i++;
    18         } else {
    19             j++;
    20         }
    21     }
    22     return res;
    23 };


     1 class Solution {
     2     public int[][] intervalIntersection(int[][] A, int[][] B) {
     3         int i = 0;
     4         int j = 0;
     5         List<int[]> res = new ArrayList();
     6         while (i < A.length && j < B.length) {
     7             int low = Math.max(A[i][0], B[j][0]);
     8             int high = Math.min(A[i][1], B[j][1]);
     9             if (low <= high) {
    10                 res.add(new int[] { low, high });
    11             }
    12             if (A[i][1] < B[j][1]) {
    13                 i++;
    14             } else if (A[i][1] == B[j][1]) {
    15                 i++;
    16                 j++;
    17             } else {
    18                 j++;
    19             }
    20         }
    21         // int[][] resArray = new int[res.size()][];
    22         return res.toArray(new int[res.size()][]);
    23     }
    24 }


    LeetCode 题目总结

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