1.磁盘分区工具:Easeus Partition Master(14M),用来移动Unallocated partition
- Install the program normally.
- Close it completely, also from the system tray.
- Copy the Patch and paste in the installation folder of the program.
- Default Directory:
- For 32 Bit Windows = “C:Program FilesEaseUSEaseUS Partition Master 9.2.2in”
- For 64 Bit Windows = “C:Program Files (x86)EaseUSEaseUS Partition Master 9.2.2in”
- Run the Patch from the new location (Vista/7/8 users run as administrator), select your desired edition from the Drop-down list (It is highly recommended to use Technician Edition as it is the Full All-In-One Edition), click Patch, select “Main.exe” and click open.
- Done!
- download Patch
2.Connectify-Turn your PC into a Wi-Fi hotspot and share Internet with all your devices
Connectify能在ICS关闭的情况下分享网络,这点对校园网来说实在是太好了,而且也很稳定,比系统自带的要好得多,不过只能用CRACK版的,由On HAX制作,可直接谷哥“connectify on hax”,但他的教程有点乱,还是直接备份下来为以后省心,而且一般也不必更新,安装后按提示重启再以管理员权限破打开破解程序:下载
①在Everything.ini中加入以下代码,然后右键Open Path可用Totalcmd打开
open_folder_path_command=$exec("d:software otalcmd otalcmd.exe" "$parent(%1)")
②download .mkv 搜索download下的mkv文件
③^c.*\temp$(首先Check "Match Path" and "Enable Regex") 搜索C盘的temp文件夹