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  • Frida的安装


    1)frida 的基本命令操作


    • 使用frida-ps 查看app 信息

      • frida-ps -Uai

    2) Frida 工具

    2.1 基础的工具

    • 1、frida-ps -Uai

    • 2、使用Frida调试分析Windows、macOS、Linux、Android、iOS软件,现在时下再流行不过了。我常用它来提高逆向的效率

      • 2.1https://zhangkn.github.io/2017/12/codeshare.frida.re/

        • objc-method-observer
          • frida –codeshare mrmacete/objc-method-observer -U -p 10490
        • ios-app-info:使用-U -p 参数 查看app的信息
          • frida –codeshare dki/ios-app-info -U -p 4929
      • 2.2 本文重点推荐使用frida-ios-dump-master,而非dumpdecrypted.dylib

        • frida-ios-dump-master 就是在dump-ios基础之上进行改造的 

        • 2.2.1 使用frida-ios-dump-master 只需先用frida-ps查看applications Name ,之后执行dump.py 即可在dump.py 目录下生成砸壳之后的ipa包。

            kunnan.github.io.git git:(master)  cat ~/bin/kndump
          # iphone 的配置Start Cydia and add Frida’s repository by navigating to Manage -> Sources -> Edit -> Add and entering https://build.frida.re
          # frida-ps -Uai 查看,来获取参数
          # devzkndeMBP:bin devzkn$ frida-ps -Ua
            # PID  Name       Identifier        
          # -----  ---------  ------------------
          # 14790  App Store  com.apple.AppStore
          # usage: devzkndeMacBook-Pro:~ devzkn$ kndump 邮件
          # ./dump.py 'App Store'
          # dump app   
          echo "" > ~/.ssh/known_hosts
          cd ~/decrypted/frida-ios-dump-master 
          rm -rf ./Payload
          /usr/bin/python ./dump.py $1
          open .
          exit 0%  
    2.2 dumpdecrypted
    • 2.2.1具体的操作步骤

      • 找到app二进制文件对应的目录

        • ps -e|grep /var/mobile/Container*
      • cypriot -p appname: 获取沙盒路径

        • cy# [NSHomeDirectory()]
      • 将砸壳工具dumpdecrypt.dylib拷贝到ducument目录下; //目的是为了获取写的权限

        devzkndeMacBook-Pro:dumpdecrypted-master devzkn$ scp ./dumpdecrypted.dylib root@
      • 利用环境变量 DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARY 来添加动态库dumpdecrypted.dylib:

        第一个path为dylib,目标path 为app二进制文件对应的目录

        • DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=dumpdecrypted.dylib /var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/01ECB9D1-858D-4BC6-90CE-922942460859/KNWeChat.app/KNWeChat
    • 2.2.2 dumpdecrypted的原理:通过向宏 DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES 里写入动态库的完整路径,就可以在可执行文件加载的时候,将动态链接库插入。

      把自己通过DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES这个环境变量注入到已经通过系统加载器解密的 mach-o文件(因此要求程序是运行状态),再把解密后的内存数据 dump出来–并没有破解 appstore的加密算法

      • CydiaSubstrate.framework 本质也是使用环境变量

        • 使用find 命令查看即可验证这点
          find / -name “.” | xargs grep “DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES” > ~/text.text
          iPhone:~ root# cat  text.text
          Binary file /Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DTDDISupport.framework/libViewDebuggerSupport.dylib matches
          Binary file /Developer/usr/lib/libBacktraceRecording.dylib matches
          Binary file /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateLauncher.dylib matches
          Binary file /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateLoader.dylib matches
          Binary file /System/Library/Caches/com.apple.xpcd/xpcd_cache.dylib matches
          /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.searchd.plist:                no_DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES
    2.3 其他比较成熟的开源工具
    • 3、比较成熟的工具pip3 install objection:  objection - runtime mobile exploration

      • Dump the iOS keychain, and export it to a file.
      • Dump data from common storage such as NSUserDefaults and the shared NSHTTPCookieStorage.
      • Dump various formats of information in human readable forms.
      • Watch for method executions by targeting all methods in a class, or just a single method.
      • Dump encoded .plist files in a human readable format without relying on external parsers.

      • Monitor the iOS pasteboard.

    I 、install frida-server through Cydia


    • 1、 install frida-server through Cydia:Start Cydia and add Frida’s repository by navigating to Manage -> Sources -> Edit -> Add and entering https://build.frida.re
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 11292672 Dec 14 00:54 /usr/sbin/frida-server*
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 779 Dec 14 00:54 /Library/LaunchDaemons/re.frida.server.plist
    • 2、mac里面python自带easy_install pip pip是python的包管理工具
      devzkndeMacBook-Pro:site-packages devzkn$ sudo easy_install pip
    • 3、install the Frida Python package on your host machine
      devzkndeMacBook-Pro:site-packages devzkn$ sudo -H pip install frida
    • 4、Connect your device via USB and make sure that Frida work
      -U, --usb             connect to USB device
      -a, --applications    list only applications
      -i, --installed       include all installed applications
      devzkndeMacBook-Pro:site-packages devzkn$  frida-ps -Uai
      PID  Name          Identifier                 
      ---  ------------  ---------------------------
      904  Cydia         com.saurik.Cydia           
      856  微信            com.tencent.xin            
      858  邮件            com.apple.mobilemail       
      App Store     com.apple.AppStore         
    • 5、 upgrade frida
      devzkndeMacBook-Pro:bin devzkn$ sudo pip install --upgrade frida --ignore-installed six

    II 、debug

    动态调试py 脚本(dump.py)的例子

    • 1、pdb.py can be invoked as a script to debug other scripts.: ` python -m pdb xxxxpy arg`

      python -m pdb  ./dump.py 微信
      • Pdb help

        (Pdb) h
        Documented commands (type help ):
        EOF    bt         cont      enable  jump  pp       run      unt   
        a      c          continue  exit    l     q        s        until 
        alias  cl         d         h       list  quit     step     up    
        args   clear      debug     help    n     r        tbreak   w     
        b      commands   disable   ignore  next  restart  u        whatis
        break  condition  down      j       p     return   unalias  where 

    pdb 常用命令

    • break 或b : 设置断点 设置断点

    • continue或c: 继续执行程序

      list 或l : 查看当前行的代码段

      step 或s : 进入函数

    • return 或r : 执行代码直到从当前函数返回

    • exit 或 q : 中止并退出

      next 或 n : 执行下一行

      pp : 打印变量的值

      (Pdb) pp os.getcwd()
      • python print 汉字

        (Pdb) print sys.argv
        ['./dump.py', 'xe5xbexaexe4xbfxa1']
        (Pdb) print sys.argv[1]



    • Failed to spawn 的替代方案

      • 1、先使用frida-ps -Uai 查看PID
      • 2、使用 frida -p attach
    • -sh: /usr/sbin/frida-server: Bad CPU type in executable

      installed Frida for 32-bit devices
    • frida-server 没有启动

      iPhone:/usr/sbin root# killall SpringBoard
      iPhone:/usr/sbin root# ps -e |grep frida-server
       2290 ttys000    0:00.01 grep frida-server

    See Also


    • 查询可签名证书
    exit 0devzkndeMacBook-Pro:.git devzkn$ security find-identity -v -p codesigning
    • 为dumpecrypted.dylib签名的例子
    codesign --force --verify --verbose --sign "iPhone Developer: xxx xxxx (xxxxxxxxxx)" dumpdecrypted.dylib


    • -A 可以查看方法在文件的实现地址
    devzkndeMBP:bin devzkn$ swiftOCclass-dump  --arch arm64 /Users/devzkn/decrypted/AppStoreV10.2/Payload/AppStore.app/AppStore -H -o -A /Users/devzkn/decrypted/AppStoreV10.2/head


    Failed to enumerate processes: unable to communicate with remote frida-server; please ensure that major versions match and that the remote Frida has the feature you are trying to use

    • update your frida to ensure that the frida and frida-server version matches

      iPhone:~ root# frida-server --version 
        ~ frida --version
      • 升级保证版本一致即可。另外要重新打开terminal 才会生效。


    /Users/devzkn/bin/knpost install_frida_on_device_and_mac Frida的安装 -t frida
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cnsec/p/11515750.html
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