转载:请务必注明出处 保留版权 cnsoft
Keyword: Provision Ad-hoc
前提: 已经active 当前配置为 IOS Device . Ad-Hoc 或者 Distribution 这样才是发布到Appstore的版本的.
所以正式开始Deploy 之前先要去 Developer Portal生成 Provisioning file 然后下载到Mac上 并安装到 Xcode 里. 签名啥的都准备好. (此处省略100字.常规ios开发要做的事)
注意红字: 那个Provisioning Profile 要填在Mac 机器上的全路径. 你也可以统一放在一个目录下 比如 /Users/shared/xxx.mobileprovision 从 Developer Portal下载放哪里即可.
正式发布之前:还要替换图标以及Default 图.
先占个位. 稍后更新.
To complete a provisioning profile for the iOS Device platform (App Store)
- Open the Provisioning page on either the Tool Options or the Project Options dialog box.
- Note: If you are configuring the Provisioning page on the Project Options dialog box, you must select the iOS Device platform in the Target drop-down list.
- In the Build Type drop-down list, select iOS Device - App Store (Tools Options) or AppStore (Project Options).
- In the Distribution Certificate field, enter your distribution certificate name. For example: iPhone Distribution.
- In the Mobile Provisioning Profile field, enter the complete path to your distribution profile file. The path must look like
<your user folder>/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/<filename>.mobileprovision
In the bottom-right corner of the Developer Program ID field, click Load ID to retrieve your default developer program ID from your Mac.
- Note: You can enter a different developer program ID if you want.“
- 如何修改 bundle ID: 在version info里设置.
- For example, if Apple tells you that your bundle ID entries do not match, check that you configured inProject > Options > Version Info a value for the
key that fits the app ID you created for your application. - https://itunesconnect.apple.com/apploader/ApplicationLoader_2.8.dmg
- 显然需要Application Loader 来上传到appstore. 不知有没有 xcode 那种 archive 的方法. 在xcode 里感觉好一些..
Delphi XE4 FireMonkey 开发 IOS APP 发布到 AppStore 最后一步. 这里有进一步的说明. 5/2013