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  • 为女票写的计算工作时间的SQL


    -- 删除函数
    DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS calculateWorkingTime;
    set @workStartTime='09:30:00'; 
    set @workEndTime='18:30:00'; 
    -- 创建函数
    CREATE FUNCTION calculateWorkingTime(startDate datetime,endDate datetime)
    RETURNS decimal(32,4)
      DECLARE intnum int(255) DEFAULT 0;
      DECLARE decimalnum decimal(32,4) DEFAULT 0.000;
      DECLARE workStartTimeHour decimal(32,4) DEFAULT 0.000;
      DECLARE workEndTimeHour decimal(32,4) DEFAULT 0.000;
      DECLARE currentDay int(10) DEFAULT 0;
      DECLARE tempTimeHour decimal(32,4) DEFAULT 0.000;
      -- DECLARE temp varchar(2048) DEFAULT '';
      -- deal starttime and endtime is nonworkdays
      SET startDate = (CASE WHEN weekday(startDate)=5 THEN concat(date(timestampadd(day,2,startDate)),' ',@workStartTime) WHEN weekday(startDate)=6 THEN concat(date(timestampadd(day,1,startDate)),' ',@workStartTime) ELSE startDate END);
      SET endDate = (CASE WHEN weekday(endDate)=5 THEN concat(date(timestampadd(day,-1,endDate)),' ',@workEndTime) WHEN weekday(endDate)=6 THEN concat(date(timestampadd(day,-2,endDate)),' ',@workEndTime) ELSE endDate END);
    --  SET temp = concat(temp,' ',startDate,';',endDate);
       if startDate < endDate then
        -- deal starttime and endtime is nonworktime
        if time(startDate)<=@workStartTime THEN
           SET startDate = concat(date(startDate),' ', @workStartTime);
        elseif date(startDate) < date(endDate) and time(startDate)>@workEndTime then 
           SET startDate = concat(date(date_add(startDate, interval 1 day)),' ',@workStartTime);
        end if;
        if time(endDate)>=@workEndTime then
          SET endDate = concat(date(endDate),' ',@workEndTime);
        elseif date(startDate) < date(endDate) and time(endDate)<@workStartTime then 
           SET endDate = concat(date(date_add(endDate, interval -1 day)),' ',@workEndTime);
        end if;
        -- calculate time diff
        SET decimalnum = (minute(endDate)*60+second(endDate)-minute(startDate)*60-second(startDate))/3600;
      end if;
      -- calculate work time second
      SET workStartTimeHour = hour(@workStartTime)+minute(@workStartTime)/60+second(@workStartTime)/3600;
      SET workEndTimeHour = hour(@workEndTime)+minute(@workEndTime)/60+second(@workEndTime)/3600; 
     --  WHILE (floor((unix_timestamp(endDate) - unix_timestamp(startDate))/3600) > 0) DO
     WHILE ((floor(unix_timestamp(endDate)/3600) - floor(unix_timestamp(startDate)/3600)) > 0) DO
         SET tempTimeHour = hour(startDate)+minute(startDate)/60+second(startDate)/3600;
         if   workStartTimeHour <= tempTimeHour and tempTimeHour < workEndTimeHour then
        --   SET temp = concat(temp,' ',tempTimeHour,';');
           SET intnum = (CASE WHEN weekday(startDate)=5 or weekday(startDate)=6 then intnum ELSE intnum+1 END);
         end if;
         SET startDate = timestampadd(hour,1,startDate);
       END WHILE;
       SET decimalnum = intnum + decimalnum;
      -- concat(decimalnum,';',workStartTimeHour,' ',workEndTimeHour,' ',intnum,';;;',temp);
      RETURN decimalnum;
    -- select calculateWorkingTime('2017-02-17 07:30:00','2017-02-21 17:39:00');
    select transport_id,create_at1,create_at2,create_at3, calculateWorkingTime(create_at1,create_at2), calculateWorkingTime(create_at2,create_at3),calculateWorkingTime(create_at1,create_at3) from newTable;
    select transport_id,calculateWorkingTime(create_at1,create_at2) from newTable;


                女票是搞数据运营的,经常需要统计员工的工作时间;听女票说,这段SQL代码统计时好像有些问题,但还没来的急分析原因呢;女票又有新需求来了,不仅需要将非工作时间、非工作日去掉,还需要将节假日去掉   我将上面代码重构,实现想要功能(重构后的代码就不放出了)




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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/codeOfLife/p/6918776.html
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