export LANG=UTF-8(set encode)
vim + filepath [--cmd "set encoding=charset":opens files with the specified encoding,file--in Unix system ,getting file encoding - coder1000 - 博客园 (cnblogs.com)]
in vim:
: help doc-file-list (manual)
:set number(show line number)
:set hlsearch(highlight matches)
: sp + filepath( show one more file 【ctrl+w(double)】switch )
:q!(quit vim by force)
:/ + matchString behind cursor ("n"or"N",next one or previous one)
:?+ matchString in front of cursor ("n"or"N",previous one or next one)
ctrl + f(forward)/b(backward) (page down/page up)
ctrl + i/o (latter/previous cursor position)
33G(move to line 33)