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  • 215. Kth Largest Element in an Array

    Find the kth largest element in an unsorted array. Note that it is the kth largest element in the sorted order, not the kth distinct element.

    For example,
    Given [3,2,1,5,6,4] and k = 2, return 5.

    You may assume k is always valid, 1 ≤ k ≤ array's length.


    1 public class Solution {
    2     public int findKthLargest(int[] nums, int k) {
    3         Arrays.sort(nums);
    4         return nums[nums.length-k];
    5     }
    6 }


     1 public class Solution {
     2     public int findKthLargest(int[] nums, int k) {
     3         PriorityQueue<Integer> pq = new PriorityQueue<Integer>();
     4         for(int num:nums){
     5             pq.add(num);
     6             if(pq.size()>k) pq.poll();
     7         }
     8         return pq.peek();
     9     }
    10 }


     1 public class Solution {
     2     public int findKthLargest(int[] nums, int k) {
     3         int len = nums.length;
     4         int kindex = len-k;
     5         int lo = 0;
     6         int hi = len-1;
     7         while(lo<hi){
     8             int j = quicksort(nums,lo,hi);
     9             if(j>kindex){
    10                 hi = j-1;
    11             }else if(j<kindex){
    12                 lo = j+1;
    13             }else{
    14                 break;
    15             }
    16         }
    17         return nums[kindex];
    19     }
    20     public int quicksort(int[] nums,int lo,int hi){
    21         int i = lo;
    22         int j = lo;
    23         int pivot = nums[hi];
    24         while(i<hi){
    25             if(pivot>nums[i]){
    26                 swap(nums,i,j);
    27                 j++;
    28             }
    29             i++;
    30         }
    31         swap(nums,hi,j);
    32         return j;
    33     }
    34     public void swap(int[] nums,int i,int j){
    35         int temp = nums[i];
    36         nums[i] = nums[j];
    37         nums[j] = temp;
    38     }
    39 }
    40 // the run time complexity of this algorithm could be O(n), the worst case could be O(n^2),the space complexity could be O(1);



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/codeskiller/p/6592617.html
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