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  • c++标准库bitset文件

    // bitset standard header
    // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
    // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
    #pragma once
    #ifndef _BITSET_
    #define _BITSET_
    #include <yvals_core.h>
    #include <iosfwd>
    #include <xstring>
    #pragma pack(push, _CRT_PACKING)
    #pragma warning(push, _STL_WARNING_LEVEL)
    #pragma warning(disable : _STL_DISABLED_WARNINGS)
    #pragma push_macro("new")
    #undef new
    #pragma warning(disable : 6294) // Ill-defined for-loop:
                                    // initial condition does not satisfy test.  Loop body not executed.
    // CLASS TEMPLATE bitset
    template <size_t _Bits>
    class bitset { // store fixed-length sequence of Boolean elements
    #pragma warning(push)
    #pragma warning(disable : 4296) // expression is always true (/Wall)
        using _Ty = conditional_t<_Bits <= sizeof(unsigned long) * CHAR_BIT, unsigned long, unsigned long long>;
    #pragma warning(pop)
        // CLASS reference
        class reference { // proxy for an element
            friend bitset<_Bits>;
            ~reference() noexcept { // TRANSITION, ABI
            reference& operator=(bool _Val) noexcept {
                _Pbitset->_Set_unchecked(_Mypos, _Val);
                return *this;
            reference& operator=(const reference& _Bitref) noexcept {
                _Pbitset->_Set_unchecked(_Mypos, static_cast<bool>(_Bitref));
                return *this;
            reference& flip() noexcept {
                return *this;
            _NODISCARD bool operator~() const noexcept {
                return !_Pbitset->_Subscript(_Mypos);
            operator bool() const noexcept {
                return _Pbitset->_Subscript(_Mypos);
            reference() noexcept : _Pbitset(nullptr), _Mypos(0) {}
            reference(bitset<_Bits>& _Bitset, size_t _Pos) : _Pbitset(&_Bitset), _Mypos(_Pos) {}
            bitset<_Bits>* _Pbitset;
            size_t _Mypos; // position of element in bitset
        static void _Validate(size_t _Pos) { // verify that _Pos is within bounds
            (void) _Pos;
    #else // ^^^ _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 0 ^^^ // vvv _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL != 0 vvv
            _STL_VERIFY(_Pos < _Bits, "bitset index outside range");
    #endif // _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 0
        constexpr bool _Subscript(size_t _Pos) const {
            return (_Array[_Pos / _Bitsperword] & (_Ty{1} << _Pos % _Bitsperword)) != 0;
        _NODISCARD constexpr bool operator[](size_t _Pos) const {
            return _Subscript(_Pos);
    #else // _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 0
            return _Bits <= _Pos ? (_Validate(_Pos), false) : _Subscript(_Pos);
    #endif // _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 0
        _NODISCARD reference operator[](size_t _Pos) {
            return reference(*this, _Pos);
        constexpr bitset() noexcept : _Array() {} // construct with all false values
        static constexpr bool _Need_mask = _Bits < CHAR_BIT * sizeof(unsigned long long);
        static constexpr unsigned long long _Mask = (1ULL << (_Need_mask ? _Bits : 0)) - 1ULL;
        constexpr bitset(unsigned long long _Val) noexcept : _Array{static_cast<_Ty>(_Need_mask ? _Val & _Mask : _Val)} {}
        template <class _Traits, class _Elem>
        void _Construct(const _Elem* const _Ptr, size_t _Count, const _Elem _E0, const _Elem _E1) {
            if (_Count > _Bits) {
                for (size_t _Idx = _Bits; _Idx < _Count; ++_Idx) {
                    const auto _Ch = _Ptr[_Idx];
                    if (!_Traits::eq(_E1, _Ch) && !_Traits::eq(_E0, _Ch)) {
                _Count = _Bits;
            size_t _Wpos = 0;
            if (_Count != 0) {
                size_t _Bits_used_in_word = 0;
                auto _Last                = _Ptr + _Count;
                _Ty _This_word            = 0;
                do {
                    const auto _Ch = *_Last;
                    _This_word |= static_cast<_Ty>(_Traits::eq(_E1, _Ch)) << _Bits_used_in_word;
                    if (!_Traits::eq(_E1, _Ch) && !_Traits::eq(_E0, _Ch)) {
                    if (++_Bits_used_in_word == _Bitsperword) {
                        _Array[_Wpos] = _This_word;
                        _This_word         = 0;
                        _Bits_used_in_word = 0;
                } while (_Ptr != _Last);
                if (_Bits_used_in_word != 0) {
                    _Array[_Wpos] = _This_word;
            for (; _Wpos <= _Words; ++_Wpos) {
                _Array[_Wpos] = 0;
        template <class _Elem, class _Traits, class _Alloc>
        explicit bitset(const basic_string<_Elem, _Traits, _Alloc>& _Str,
            typename basic_string<_Elem, _Traits, _Alloc>::size_type _Pos   = 0,
            typename basic_string<_Elem, _Traits, _Alloc>::size_type _Count = basic_string<_Elem, _Traits, _Alloc>::npos,
            _Elem _E0                                                       = static_cast<_Elem>('0'),
            _Elem _E1 = static_cast<_Elem>('1')) { // construct from [_Pos, _Pos + _Count) elements in string
            if (_Str.size() < _Pos) {
                _Xran(); // _Pos off end
            if (_Str.size() - _Pos < _Count) {
                _Count = _Str.size() - _Pos; // trim _Count to size
            _Construct<_Traits>(_Str.data() + _Pos, _Count, _E0, _E1);
        template <class _Elem>
        explicit bitset(const _Elem* _Ntcts, typename basic_string<_Elem>::size_type _Count = basic_string<_Elem>::npos,
            _Elem _E0 = static_cast<_Elem>('0'), _Elem _E1 = static_cast<_Elem>('1')) {
            if (_Count == basic_string<_Elem>::npos) {
                _Count = char_traits<_Elem>::length(_Ntcts);
            _Construct<char_traits<_Elem>>(_Ntcts, _Count, _E0, _E1);
        bitset& operator&=(const bitset& _Right) noexcept {
            for (size_t _Wpos = 0; _Wpos <= _Words; ++_Wpos) {
                _Array[_Wpos] &= _Right._Array[_Wpos];
            return *this;
        bitset& operator|=(const bitset& _Right) noexcept {
            for (size_t _Wpos = 0; _Wpos <= _Words; ++_Wpos) {
                _Array[_Wpos] |= _Right._Array[_Wpos];
            return *this;
        bitset& operator^=(const bitset& _Right) noexcept {
            for (size_t _Wpos = 0; _Wpos <= _Words; ++_Wpos) {
                _Array[_Wpos] ^= _Right._Array[_Wpos];
            return *this;
        bitset& operator<<=(size_t _Pos) noexcept { // shift left by _Pos, first by words then by bits
            const auto _Wordshift = static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(_Pos / _Bitsperword);
            if (_Wordshift != 0) {
                for (ptrdiff_t _Wpos = _Words; 0 <= _Wpos; --_Wpos) {
                    _Array[_Wpos] = _Wordshift <= _Wpos ? _Array[_Wpos - _Wordshift] : 0;
            if ((_Pos %= _Bitsperword) != 0) { // 0 < _Pos < _Bitsperword, shift by bits
                for (ptrdiff_t _Wpos = _Words; 0 < _Wpos; --_Wpos) {
                    _Array[_Wpos] = (_Array[_Wpos] << _Pos) | (_Array[_Wpos - 1] >> (_Bitsperword - _Pos));
                _Array[0] <<= _Pos;
            return *this;
        bitset& operator>>=(size_t _Pos) noexcept { // shift right by _Pos, first by words then by bits
            const auto _Wordshift = static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(_Pos / _Bitsperword);
            if (_Wordshift != 0) {
                for (ptrdiff_t _Wpos = 0; _Wpos <= _Words; ++_Wpos) {
                    _Array[_Wpos] = _Wordshift <= _Words - _Wpos ? _Array[_Wpos + _Wordshift] : 0;
            if ((_Pos %= _Bitsperword) != 0) { // 0 < _Pos < _Bitsperword, shift by bits
                for (ptrdiff_t _Wpos = 0; _Wpos < _Words; ++_Wpos) {
                    _Array[_Wpos] = (_Array[_Wpos] >> _Pos) | (_Array[_Wpos + 1] << (_Bitsperword - _Pos));
                _Array[_Words] >>= _Pos;
            return *this;
        bitset& set() noexcept { // set all bits true
            _CSTD memset(&_Array, 0xFF, sizeof(_Array));
            return *this;
        bitset& set(size_t _Pos, bool _Val = true) { // set bit at _Pos to _Val
            if (_Bits <= _Pos) {
                _Xran(); // _Pos off end
            return _Set_unchecked(_Pos, _Val);
        bitset& reset() noexcept { // set all bits false
            _CSTD memset(&_Array, 0, sizeof(_Array));
            return *this;
        bitset& reset(size_t _Pos) { // set bit at _Pos to false
            return set(_Pos, false);
        _NODISCARD bitset operator~() const noexcept { // flip all bits
            return bitset(*this).flip();
        bitset& flip() noexcept { // flip all bits
            for (size_t _Wpos = 0; _Wpos <= _Words; ++_Wpos) {
                _Array[_Wpos] = ~_Array[_Wpos];
            return *this;
        bitset& flip(size_t _Pos) { // flip bit at _Pos
            if (_Bits <= _Pos) {
                _Xran(); // _Pos off end
            return _Flip_unchecked(_Pos);
        _NODISCARD unsigned long to_ulong() const {
            constexpr bool _Bits_zero  = _Bits == 0;
            constexpr bool _Bits_small = _Bits <= 32;
            constexpr bool _Bits_large = _Bits > 64;
                _CONSTEXPR_IF(_Bits_zero) {
                    return 0;
            else if
                _CONSTEXPR_IF(_Bits_small) {
                    return static_cast<unsigned long>(_Array[0]);
            else {
                    _CONSTEXPR_IF(_Bits_large) {
                        for (size_t _Idx = 1; _Idx <= _Words; ++_Idx) {
                            if (_Array[_Idx] != 0) {
                                _Xoflo(); // fail if any high-order words are nonzero
                if (_Array[0] > ULONG_MAX) {
                return static_cast<unsigned long>(_Array[0]);
        _NODISCARD unsigned long long to_ullong() const {
            constexpr bool _Bits_zero  = _Bits == 0;
            constexpr bool _Bits_large = _Bits > 64;
                _CONSTEXPR_IF(_Bits_zero) {
                    return 0;
            else {
                    _CONSTEXPR_IF(_Bits_large) {
                        for (size_t _Idx = 1; _Idx <= _Words; ++_Idx) {
                            if (_Array[_Idx] != 0) {
                                _Xoflo(); // fail if any high-order words are nonzero
                return _Array[0];
        template <class _Elem = char, class _Tr = char_traits<_Elem>, class _Alloc = allocator<_Elem>>
        _NODISCARD basic_string<_Elem, _Tr, _Alloc> to_string(
            _Elem _E0 = static_cast<_Elem>('0'), _Elem _E1 = static_cast<_Elem>('1')) const { // convert bitset to string
            basic_string<_Elem, _Tr, _Alloc> _Str;
            for (auto _Pos = _Bits; 0 < _Pos;) {
                _Str.push_back(_Subscript(--_Pos) ? _E1 : _E0);
            return _Str;
        _NODISCARD size_t count() const noexcept { // count number of set bits
            const char* const _Bitsperbyte = "112122312232334"
            const unsigned char* _Ptr       = &reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char&>(_Array);
            const unsigned char* const _End = _Ptr + sizeof(_Array);
            size_t _Val                     = 0;
            for (; _Ptr != _End; ++_Ptr) {
                _Val += _Bitsperbyte[*_Ptr];
            return _Val;
        _NODISCARD constexpr size_t size() const noexcept {
            return _Bits;
        _NODISCARD bool operator==(const bitset& _Right) const noexcept {
            return _CSTD memcmp(&_Array[0], &_Right._Array[0], sizeof(_Array)) == 0;
        _NODISCARD bool operator!=(const bitset& _Right) const noexcept {
            return !(*this == _Right);
        _NODISCARD bool test(size_t _Pos) const {
            if (_Bits <= _Pos) {
                _Xran(); // _Pos off end
            return _Subscript(_Pos);
        _NODISCARD bool any() const noexcept {
            for (size_t _Wpos = 0; _Wpos <= _Words; ++_Wpos) {
                if (_Array[_Wpos] != 0) {
                    return true;
            return false;
        _NODISCARD bool none() const noexcept {
            return !any();
        _NODISCARD bool all() const noexcept {
            return count() == size();
        _NODISCARD bitset operator<<(size_t _Pos) const noexcept {
            return bitset(*this) <<= _Pos;
        _NODISCARD bitset operator>>(size_t _Pos) const noexcept {
            return bitset(*this) >>= _Pos;
        _NODISCARD _Ty _Getword(size_t _Wpos) const noexcept { // nonstandard extension; get underlying word
            return _Array[_Wpos];
        friend hash<bitset<_Bits>>;
        static constexpr ptrdiff_t _Bitsperword = CHAR_BIT * sizeof(_Ty);
        static constexpr ptrdiff_t _Words       = _Bits == 0 ? 0 : (_Bits - 1) / _Bitsperword; // NB: number of words - 1
        void _Trim() noexcept { // clear any trailing bits in last word
            constexpr bool _Work_to_do = _Bits == 0 || _Bits % _Bitsperword != 0;
                _CONSTEXPR_IF(_Work_to_do) {
                    _Array[_Words] &= (_Ty{1} << _Bits % _Bitsperword) - 1;
        bitset& _Set_unchecked(size_t _Pos, bool _Val) noexcept { // set bit at _Pos to _Val, no checking
            auto& _Selected_word = _Array[_Pos / _Bitsperword];
            const auto _Bit      = _Ty{1} << _Pos % _Bitsperword;
            if (_Val) {
                _Selected_word |= _Bit;
            } else {
                _Selected_word &= ~_Bit;
            return *this;
        bitset& _Flip_unchecked(size_t _Pos) noexcept { // flip bit at _Pos, no checking
            _Array[_Pos / _Bitsperword] ^= _Ty{1} << _Pos % _Bitsperword;
            return *this;
        [[noreturn]] void _Xinv() const {
            _Xinvalid_argument("invalid bitset char");
        [[noreturn]] void _Xoflo() const {
            _Xoverflow_error("bitset overflow");
        [[noreturn]] void _Xran() const {
            _Xout_of_range("invalid bitset position");
        _Ty _Array[_Words + 1];
    template <size_t _Bits>
    _NODISCARD bitset<_Bits> operator&(const bitset<_Bits>& _Left, const bitset<_Bits>& _Right) noexcept {
        bitset<_Bits> _Ans = _Left;
        return _Ans &= _Right;
    template <size_t _Bits>
    _NODISCARD bitset<_Bits> operator|(const bitset<_Bits>& _Left, const bitset<_Bits>& _Right) noexcept {
        bitset<_Bits> _Ans = _Left;
        return _Ans |= _Right;
    template <size_t _Bits>
    _NODISCARD bitset<_Bits> operator^(const bitset<_Bits>& _Left, const bitset<_Bits>& _Right) noexcept {
        bitset<_Bits> _Ans = _Left;
        return _Ans ^= _Right;
    template <class _Elem, class _Tr, size_t _Bits>
    basic_ostream<_Elem, _Tr>& operator<<(basic_ostream<_Elem, _Tr>& _Ostr, const bitset<_Bits>& _Right) {
        using _Ctype             = typename basic_ostream<_Elem, _Tr>::_Ctype;
        const _Ctype& _Ctype_fac = _STD use_facet<_Ctype>(_Ostr.getloc());
        const _Elem _E0          = _Ctype_fac.widen('0');
        const _Elem _E1          = _Ctype_fac.widen('1');
        return _Ostr << _Right.template to_string<_Elem, _Tr, allocator<_Elem>>(_E0, _E1);
    // TEMPLATE operator>>
    template <class _Elem, class _Tr, size_t _Bits>
    basic_istream<_Elem, _Tr>& operator>>(basic_istream<_Elem, _Tr>& _Istr, bitset<_Bits>& _Right) {
        using _Istr_t                    = basic_istream<_Elem, _Tr>;
        using _Ctype                     = typename _Istr_t::_Ctype;
        const _Ctype& _Ctype_fac         = _STD use_facet<_Ctype>(_Istr.getloc());
        const _Elem _E0                  = _Ctype_fac.widen('0');
        const _Elem _E1                  = _Ctype_fac.widen('1');
        typename _Istr_t::iostate _State = _Istr_t::goodbit;
        bool _Changed                    = false;
        string _Str;
        const typename _Istr_t::sentry _Ok(_Istr);
        if (_Ok) { // valid stream, extract elements
            typename _Tr::int_type _Meta = _Istr.rdbuf()->sgetc();
            for (size_t _Count = _Right.size(); 0 < _Count; _Meta = _Istr.rdbuf()->snextc(), (void) --_Count) {
                // test _Meta
                _Elem _Char;
                if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _Meta)) { // end of file, quit
                    _State |= _Istr_t::eofbit;
                } else if ((_Char = _Tr::to_char_type(_Meta)) != _E0 && _Char != _E1) {
                    break; // invalid element
                } else if (_Str.max_size() <= _Str.size()) { // no room in string, give up (unlikely)
                    _State |= _Istr_t::failbit;
                } else { // valid, append '0' or '1'
                    _Str.push_back('0' + (_Char == _E1));
                    _Changed = true;
            _CATCH_IO_(_Istr_t, _Istr)
        if (!_Changed) {
            _State |= _Istr_t::failbit;
        _Right = bitset<_Bits>(_Str); // convert string and store
        return _Istr;
    template <size_t _Bits>
    struct hash<bitset<_Bits>> {
        _CXX17_DEPRECATE_ADAPTOR_TYPEDEFS typedef bitset<_Bits> argument_type;
        _CXX17_DEPRECATE_ADAPTOR_TYPEDEFS typedef size_t result_type;
        _NODISCARD size_t operator()(const bitset<_Bits>& _Keyval) const noexcept {
            return _Hash_representation(_Keyval._Array);
    #pragma pop_macro("new")
    #pragma warning(pop)
    #pragma pack(pop)
    #endif // _BITSET_
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/coding365/p/12872382.html
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