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  • cocos2dx扩展CCAction实现精灵抛物线运动


      先根据已知条件求出物体在x轴和y轴上的初速度,再根据公式f(t)=v0t+0.5*at2  求出运动轨迹。


     1 CCParabolaMove* CCParabolaMove::create(const CCPoint& startPosition, const CCPoint& endPosition, float angle, float g,float &return_duration)
     2 {
     3     CCParabolaMove *pRet = new CCParabolaMove();
     4     float vx0,vy0, x1, y1,  duration;
     6     x1 = endPosition.x - startPosition.x;
     7     y1 = endPosition.y - startPosition.y
    8 x1 /= PIXELS_PER_METER; //像素到米的转换,PIXELS_PER_METER为转换系数,这里设置为100 9 y1 /= PIXELS_PER_METER; 10 angle = angle*3.14 / 180;//convert t to radian 11 12 if (x1<0) 13 { 14 angle *= -1; 15 } 16 17 vx0 = x1*sqrt(g / 2 / (x1*tan(angle) - y1)); //求出初速度 18 vy0 = vx0 * tan(angle); 19 20 duration = x1 / vx0; //求出整个运动的时间 21 return_duration = duration; //将duration通过参数返回
    22 pRet->initWithDuration(duration,startPosition, endPosition, angle,g, vx0, vy0); 23 pRet->autorelease(); 24 25 return pRet; 26 }


     1 bool CCParabolaMove::initWithDuration(float duration, const CCPoint& startPosition, const CCPoint& endPosition, float angle, float g, float vx0, float vy0)
     2 {
     3     if (CCActionInterval::initWithDuration(duration))
     4     {
     5         m_vx0 = vx0;
     6         m_vy0 = vy0;
     7         m_startPosition = startPosition;
     8         m_endPosition = endPosition;
     9         angle = angle*3.14 / 180;//convert t to radian
    10         m_angle = angle;
    11         m_dur = duration;
    12         m_tan_a = tan(angle);
    13         m_g = g;
    14         return true;
    15     }
    17     return false;
    18 }

    在runaction时startWithTarget(CCNode *pTarget)会首先被调用,通过pTarget为执行动作的对象指针:

    1 void CCParabolaMove::startWithTarget(CCNode *pTarget)
    2 {
    3     CCActionInterval::startWithTarget(pTarget);
    5 }

    update(float t)中参数t表示当前运动时间与整个运动时长的比值,范围0到1。

     1 void CCParabolaMove::update(float t)
     2 {
     3     if (m_pTarget)
     4     {
     5         float elapsed = t * m_fDuration; //获得当前的运动时间
     6         float diff_x = m_vx0 * elapsed;
     7         float diff_y = m_vy0 * elapsed - 0.5 * m_g * elapsed * elapsed; 
     9         CCPoint newPos = ccpAdd(m_startPosition, ccp(diff_x * PIXELS_PER_METER, diff_y * PIXELS_PER_METER)); //单位由米转换为像素
    10         m_pTarget->setPosition(newPos);
    13     }
    14 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/codingdiary/p/4133617.html
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