1 { TConditionItem }
3 procedure TConditionItem.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
4 begin
5 if Source is TConditionItem then
6 begin
7 if Assigned(Collection) then Collection.BeginUpdate;
8 try
9 //RestoreDefaults;
10 ConditionName := TConditionItem(Source).ConditionName;
11 ConditionLabel := TConditionItem(Source).ConditionLabel;
12 ConditionEditType := TConditionItem(Source).ConditionEditType;
13 ConditionValueType := TConditionItem(Source).ConditionValueType;
14 finally
15 if Assigned(Collection) then Collection.EndUpdate;
16 end;
17 end
18 else
19 inherited Assign(Source);
20 end;
22 constructor TConditionItem.Create(Collection: TCollection);
23 begin
24 try
25 inherited Create(Collection);
26 FConditionName := Self.ClassName+IntToStr(Collection.Count);
27 FConditionLabel := '查询条件'+IntToStr(Collection.Count);
28 FConditionValueType := cidtString;
29 FConditionEditType := cetButtonEdit;
30 if Collection is TConditionItems then
31 begin
32 if TConditionItems(Collection).FConditionUI <> nil then
33 TConditionItems(Collection).FConditionUI.BuildConditionGridByItems;
34 end;
35 finally
37 end;
38 end;
40 procedure TConditionItem.SetConditionEditType(
41 const Value: TConditionEditType);
42 begin
43 FConditionEditType := Value;
44 end;
46 procedure TConditionItem.SetConditionLabel(const Value: string);
47 begin
48 FConditionLabel := Value;
49 end;
51 procedure TConditionItem.SetConditionName(const Value: string);
52 begin
53 FConditionName := Value;
54 end;
56 procedure TConditionItem.SetConditionValue(const Value: Variant);
57 begin
58 FConditionValue := Value;
59 end;
61 procedure TConditionItem.SetConditionValueType(
62 const Value: TConditionItemDataType);
63 begin
64 FConditionValueType := Value;
65 end;
67 procedure TConditionItem.SetIndex(Value: Integer);
68 begin
69 inherited SetIndex(Value);
70 // 这里不需要处理,SetIndex会触发Changed,从而触发容器的Update。Update已经有控制表格的处理逻辑。
71 // if Collection is TConditionItems then
72 // begin
73 // if TConditionItems(Collection).FConditionUI <> nil then
74 // TConditionItems(Collection).FConditionUI.BuildConditionGridByItems;
75 // end;
76 end;
1 { TConditionItems }
3 function TConditionItems.Add: TConditionItem;
4 begin
5 Result := TConditionItem(inherited Add);
6 end;
8 constructor TConditionItems.Create(AConditionUI: TConditionUI;
9 ItemClass: TItemClass);
10 begin
11 inherited Create(ItemClass);
12 FConditionUI := AConditionUI;
13 end;
15 function TConditionItems.FindItemIndex(index: Integer): TConditionItem;
16 var
17 i : Integer;
18 begin
19 Result := nil;
20 for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
21 begin
22 if Items[i].Index = index then
23 begin
24 Result := Items[i];
25 Break;
26 end;
27 end;
28 end;
30 function TConditionItems.FindItemName(
31 AConditionName: string): TConditionItem;
32 var
33 i : Integer;
34 begin
35 Result := nil;
36 for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
37 begin
38 if Items[i].ConditionName = AConditionName then
39 begin
40 Result := Items[i];
41 Break;
42 end;
43 end;
44 end;
46 function TConditionItems.GetItems(Index: Integer): TConditionItem;
47 begin
48 Result := TConditionItem(inherited Items[Index]);
49 end;
51 function TConditionItems.GetOwner: TPersistent;
52 begin
53 Result := FConditionUI;
54 end;
56 procedure TConditionItems.SetItems(Index: Integer;
57 const Value: TConditionItem);
58 begin
59 Items[Index].Assign(Value);
60 end;
62 procedure TConditionItems.Update(Item: TCollectionItem);
63 begin
64 if (FConditionUI.ConditionGrid = nil) or (csLoading in FConditionUI.ConditionGrid.ComponentState) then Exit;
65 if Item = nil then
66 begin
68 end
69 else
70 begin
72 end;
73 FConditionUI.BuildConditionGridByItems;
74 end;
1 { TConditionUI }
3 procedure TConditionUI.BuildConditionGridByItems;
4 const AColumnCaption: array[0..2] of string = ('查询条件', '条件值', '隐藏列');
5 var
6 i : integer;
7 Column : TcxGridColumn;
8 begin
9 if FConditionGrid <> nil then
10 begin
11 with FConditionGrid do
12 begin
13 BeginUpdate;
14 // 清空表格记录
15 OptionsSelection.CellMultiSelect := true;
16 DataController.ClearSelection;
17 DataController.SelectAll;
18 DataController.DeleteSelection;
19 OptionsSelection.CellMultiSelect := False;
21 // 清空表格列
22 for i := FConditionGrid.ColumnCount - 1 downto 0 do
23 begin
24 FConditionGrid.Columns[i].Free;
25 end;
27 // 创建表格列
28 for i := 0 to 2 do
29 begin
30 Column := FConditionGrid.CreateColumn;
31 Column.Caption := AColumnCaption[i];
32 if i = 0 then
33 Column.Options.Focusing := False
34 else
35 if i = 2 then
36 Column.Visible := False;
37 end;
38 // 创建表格行
39 for i := 0 to FConditionItems.Count -1 do
40 begin
41 DataController.AppendRecord;
42 DataController.Values[i, 0] := TConditionItem(FConditionItems.FindItemIndex(i)).ConditionLabel; //TConditionItem(FConditionItems.FindItemID(i)).ConditionLabel; //FConditionItems.Items[i].ConditionLabel;
43 DataController.Values[i, 2] := 0;
44 DataController.Values[i, 1] := '2012-01-01';
45 end;
47 EndUpdate;
48 end;
49 end;
50 end;
52 constructor TConditionUI.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
53 begin
54 inherited Create(AOwner);
55 FSelectedStyle := TcxStyle.Create(Self);
56 FSelectedStyle.Name := 'cxSelectedStyle';
57 FSelectedStyle.Font.Name := 'MS Sans Serif';
58 FSelectedStyle.Font.Size := 8;
59 FSelectedStyle.Color := $00FED2B3;
60 FSelectedStyle.AssignedValues := [svColor, svTextColor];
62 FNormalStyle := TcxStyle.Create(Self);
63 FNormalStyle.Name := 'cxNormalStyle';
64 FNormalStyle.Font.Name := '宋体';
65 FNormalStyle.Font.Size := 9;
66 FNormalStyle.Color := $00FED2B3;
67 FNormalStyle.AssignedValues := [svColor, svFont, svTextColor];
69 FConditionItems := CreateConditionItems;
70 end;
72 function TConditionUI.CreateConditionItems: TConditionItems;
73 begin
74 Result := TConditionItems.Create(Self, TConditionItem);
75 end;
77 procedure TConditionUI.CustomDrawIndicatorCell(Sender: TcxGridTableView;
78 ACanvas: TcxCanvas; AViewInfo: TcxCustomGridIndicatorItemViewInfo;
79 var ADone: Boolean);
80 var
81 vstr: string;
82 vCol: integer;
83 vIndicatorViewInfo: TcxGridIndicatorRowItemViewInfo;
84 vTextRect: TRect;
85 vStyle: TcxStyle;
86 begin
87 // 行号设置
88 if not (AViewInfo is TcxGridIndicatorRowItemViewInfo) then
89 Exit;
91 vTextRect := AViewInfo.ContentBounds;
92 vIndicatorViewInfo := AViewInfo as TcxGridIndicatorRowItemViewInfo;
93 InflateRect(vTextRect, -2, -1);
94 //vCol := 0;
96 //判断有没有子集
97 if Sender.FindItemByName('gd_ClassViews_SonCount') <> nil then
98 begin
99 vCol := Sender.FindItemByName('gd_ClassViews_SonCount').Index;
101 if vIndicatorViewInfo.GridRecord.Values[vCol] > 0 then
102 vstr := IntToStr(vIndicatorViewInfo.GridRecord.Index + 1) + '..'
103 else
104 vstr := IntToStr(vIndicatorViewInfo.GridRecord.Index + 1);
105 end
106 else
107 vstr := IntToStr(vIndicatorViewInfo.GridRecord.Index + 1);
109 if vIndicatorViewInfo.GridRecord.Selected then
110 vStyle := FSelectedStyle
111 else
112 vStyle := FNormalStyle;
113 Sender.LookAndFeelPainter.DrawHeader(ACanvas, AViewInfo.ContentBounds,
114 vTextRect, [], cxBordersAll, cxbsNormal, taCenter, vaCenter,
115 False, False, vstr,
116 vStyle.Font, vStyle.TextColor, vStyle.Color);
118 ADone := True;
119 end;
121 destructor TConditionUI.Destroy;
122 begin
123 FConditionItems.Free;
124 FConditionItems := nil;
126 inherited;
127 end;
129 function TConditionUI.GetConditionValue(AConditionName: string): Variant;
130 var
131 AConditionItem : TConditionItem;
132 begin
133 Result := EmptyParam;
134 AConditionItem := FConditionItems.FindItemName(AConditionName);
135 if AConditionItem <> nil then
136 begin
137 Result := AConditionItem.ConditionValue;
138 end;
139 end;
141 procedure TConditionUI.SetConditionGrid(const Value: TcxGridTableView);
142 begin
143 FConditionGrid := Value;
144 if FConditionGrid <> nil then
145 begin
146 // 行号
147 FConditionGrid.OptionsView.Indicator := True;
148 FConditionGrid.OptionsView.IndicatorWidth := 24;
149 FConditionGrid.OnCustomDrawIndicatorCell := CustomDrawIndicatorCell;
150 FConditionGrid.OptionsView.GroupByBox := False;
151 end;
152 end;
154 procedure TConditionUI.SetConditionItems(const Value: TConditionItems);
155 begin
156 FConditionItems.Assign(Value);
157 end;
159 procedure TConditionUI.SetNormalStyle(const Value: TcxStyle);
160 begin
161 FNormalStyle.Assign(Value);
162 end;
164 procedure TConditionUI.SetSelectedStyle(const Value: TcxStyle);
165 begin
166 FSelectedStyle.Assign(Value);
167 end;