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  • 分页存储过程

      1 Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[up_DataPager] 
      2  @tblName varchar(255), -- 表名 
      3  @fldName varchar(255), -- 排序的字段名,一般为唯一标识 
      4  @strGetFields varchar(1000) = ' * ', -- 需要返回的列  
      5  @PageSize int = 10, -- 每页有多少条记录 
      6  @PageIndex int = 1, -- 第几页 
      7  @Count int output, -- 返回记录总数 
      8  @OrderType bit = 0, -- 设置排序类型, 非 0 值则降序 
      9  @strWhere varchar(1500) = ' 1=1 ' -- 查询条件 (注意: 不要加 where,初始化为1=1使得查询条件永远不为空) 
     10 AS 
     11  declare @strSQL varchar(5000) -- 主语句 
     12  declare @strTmp varchar(110) -- 临时变量 
     13  declare @strOrder varchar(400) -- 排序类型 
     14  declare @sumsql nvarchar(3000) -- 记录总数 
     15  --执行总数统计。 
     16  set @sumsql = 'select @Count = count(*) from '+@tblname +' where '+@strwhere 
     17  exec sp_executesql @sumsql,N'@Count int output',@Count output-- 纪录总数 
     18  --如果@OrderType不是0,就执行降序 
     19  if @OrderType != 0 
     20   begin 
     21    set @strTmp = '<(select min' 
     22    set @strOrder = ' order by [' + @fldName +'] desc' 
     23   end 
     24  else 
     25   begin 
     26    set @strTmp = '>(select max' 
     27    set @strOrder = ' order by [' + @fldName +'] asc' 
     28   end 
     29  --如果是第一页就执行以下代码,加快执行速度 
     30  if @PageIndex = 1 
     31   set @strSQL ='select top ' + str(@PageSize) +' '+@strGetFields+ ' 
     32   from [' + @tblName + '] where ' + @strWhere + ' ' + @strOrder 
     33  else 
     34   --以下代码赋予了@strSQL以真正执行的SQL代码  
     35   set @strSQL = 'select top ' + str(@PageSize) +'  '+@strGetFields+ ' from [' 
     36   + @tblName + '] where [' + @fldName + ']' + @strTmp + '([' 
     37   + @fldName + ']) from (select top ' + str((@PageIndex-1)*@PageSize) + ' [' 
     38   + @fldName + '] from [' + @tblName + '] where ' + @strWhere + ' ' 
     39   + @strOrder + ') as tblTmp) and ' + @strWhere + ' ' + @strOrder 
     40  exec (@strSQL)
     41 GO
     43 -- =============================================
     44 -- 使用RowNumber分页
     45 -- 参数
     46 --       {
     47 --       @SQL           :    查询语句
     48 --        @Order         :    排序字段
     49 --        @CurPage       :    当前页
     50 --        @PageRows      :    每页大小
     51 --        @TotalRecorder :    记录总数
     52 --      }
     53 -- =============================================
     54 CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[up_DataPageRowNumber]
     55     -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
     56     @SQL Nvarchar(2000),
     57     @Order Nvarchar(20),
     58     @PageIndex int,
     59     @PageSize int,
     60     @TotalRecorder int output
     61 AS
     62 BEGIN
     63     -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
     64     SET NOCOUNT ON;
     65     declare @ExceSQL nvarchar(4000)
     68     --设置开始行号
     69     declare  @start_row_num AS int
     70     SET @start_row_num = (@PageIndex - 1) * @PageSize + 1
     71     --设置结束行号
     72     declare @end_row_num int
     73     set @end_row_num = @PageIndex * @PageSize
     75     --设置标识语句
     76     declare @RowNumber nvarchar(100)
     77     set @RowNumber = ', ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY ' + @Order + ') as RowNumber from '
     79     set @SQL = Replace(@SQL,' from ',@RowNumber)
     81     --获取记录总数
     82     set @ExceSQL = 'select @TotalRecorder=max(RowNumber) from (' + @SQL + ') as tmp’
     84     execute sp_executesql @ExceSQL,N'@TotalRecorder int output',@TotalRecorder output
     86     --设置查询语句
     87     set @ExceSQL = 'select * from (' + @SQL + ') as tmp where RowNumber between ' + Convert(nvarchar,@start_row_num)
     88         + ' And ' + Convert(nvarchar, @end_row_num)
     90     execute(@ExceSQL)
     92 END
     93 GO
     97 /*********************************************************  
     98 * 作    用:数据分页(完整SQL分页存储过程(支持多表联接))
     99 * 使用说明:
    100     1、单表调用方法:EXEC up_DataPagerCommon @tblName = 'ipa',@fldName = '*',@pageSize =50,@page = 6789,@fldSort = '',@Sort = 1,@strCondition = '',@ID = 'id',@Dist = 0,@pageCount = null,@Counts = NULL
    101     2、多表调用方法:EXEC up_DataPagerCommon @tblName = 'Info LEFT JOIN InfoType it ON it.typeid=Info.tid',@fldName = 'info.*,it.tname',@pageSize =50,@page = 1806,@fldSort = '',@Sort = 0,@strCondition = '',@ID = 'id',@Dist = 0,    @pageCount = null,@Counts = NULL    
    102 * 多表联合查询使用需注意:1、多表中的主键字段不能为相同的名称。2、多表中不能允许具有相同名称的字段,如果存在相同名称的字段你可以使用AS重命名
    103 *********************************************************/  
    104 CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[up_DataPagerCommon]  
    105  (  
    106  @tblName     nvarchar(200),        ----要显示的表或多个表的连接  
    107  @fldName     nvarchar(500) = '*',    ----要显示的字段列表  
    108  @pageSize    int = 10,        ----每页显示的记录个数  
    109  @page        int = 1,        ----要显示那一页的记录  
    110  @fldSort    nvarchar(200) = null,    ----排序字段列表或条件  
    111  @Sort        bit = 0,        ----排序方法,1为升序,0为降序(如果是多字段排列Sort指代最后一个排序字段的排列顺序(最后一个排序字段不加排序标记)--程序传参如:' SortA Asc,SortB Desc,SortC ')  
    112  @strCondition    nvarchar(1000) = null,    ----查询条件,不需where  
    113  @ID        nvarchar(150),        ----主表的主键  
    114  @Dist      bit = 0,           ----是否添加查询字段的 DISTINCT 默认0不添加/1添加  
    115  @pageCount    int = 1 output,            ----查询结果分页后的总页数  
    116  @Counts    int = 1 output                ----查询到的记录数  
    117  )  
    118  AS  
    119  SET NOCOUNT ON  
    120  Declare @sqlTmp nvarchar(1000)        ----存放动态生成的SQL语句  
    121  Declare @strTmp nvarchar(1000)        ----存放取得查询结果总数的查询语句  
    122  Declare @strID     nvarchar(1000)        ----存放取得查询开头或结尾ID的查询语句  
    124  Declare @strSortType nvarchar(10)    ----数据排序规则A  
    125  Declare @strFSortType nvarchar(10)    ----数据排序规则B  
    127  Declare @SqlSelect nvarchar(50)         ----对含有DISTINCT的查询进行SQL构造  
    128  Declare @SqlCounts nvarchar(50)          ----对含有DISTINCT的总数查询进行SQL构造  
    131  if @Dist  = 0  
    132  begin  
    133      set @SqlSelect = 'select '  
    134      set @SqlCounts = 'Count(0)'  
    135  end  
    136  else  
    137  begin  
    138      set @SqlSelect = 'select distinct '  
    139      set @SqlCounts = 'Count(DISTINCT '+@ID+')'  
    140  end  
    143  if @Sort=0  
    144  begin  
    145      set @strFSortType=' DESC '  
    146      set @strSortType=' DESC '  
    147  end  
    148  else  
    149  begin  
    150      set @strFSortType=' ASC '  
    151      set @strSortType=' ASC '  
    152  end  
    154 if(@fldSort is not null and @fldSort<>'')
    155 begin
    156     set @fldSort=','+@fldSort
    157 end
    158 else
    159 begin
    160     set @fldSort=' '
    161 end
    163  --------生成查询语句--------  
    164  --此处@strTmp为取得查询结果数量的语句  
    165  if @strCondition is null or @strCondition=''     --没有设置显示条件  
    166  begin  
    167      set @sqlTmp =  @fldName + ' From ' + @tblName  
    168      set @strTmp = @SqlSelect+' @Counts='+@SqlCounts+' FROM '+@tblName  
    169      set @strID = ' From ' + @tblName  
    170  end  
    171  else  
    172  begin  
    173      set @sqlTmp = + @fldName + 'From ' + @tblName + ' where (1>0) ' + @strCondition  
    174      set @strTmp = @SqlSelect+' @Counts='+@SqlCounts+' FROM '+@tblName + ' where (1>0) ' + @strCondition  
    175      set @strID = ' From ' + @tblName + ' where (1>0) ' + @strCondition  
    176  end  
    178  ----取得查询结果总数量-----  
    179  exec sp_executesql @strTmp,N'@Counts int out ',@Counts out  
    180  declare @tmpCounts int  
    181  if @Counts = 0  
    182      set @tmpCounts = 1  
    183  else  
    184      set @tmpCounts = @Counts  
    186      --取得分页总数  
    187      set @pageCount=(@tmpCounts+@pageSize-1)/@pageSize  
    189      /**//**当前页大于总页数 取最后一页**/  
    190      if @page>@pageCount  
    191          set @page=@pageCount  
    193      --/*-----数据分页2分处理-------*/  
    194      declare @pageIndex int --总数/页大小  
    195      declare @lastcount int --总数%页大小   
    197      set @pageIndex = @tmpCounts/@pageSize  
    198      set @lastcount = @tmpCounts%@pageSize  
    199      if @lastcount > 0  
    200          set @pageIndex = @pageIndex + 1  
    201      else  
    202          set @lastcount = @pagesize  
    204  --为配合显示  
    205  --set nocount off  
    206  --select @page curpage,@pageSize pagesize,@pageCount countpage,@tmpCounts [Rowcount]  
    207  --set nocount on  
    209   --//***显示分页  
    210      if @strCondition is null or @strCondition=''     --没有设置显示条件  
    211      begin  
    212          if @pageIndex<2 or @page<=@pageIndex / 2 + @pageIndex % 2   --前半部分数据处理  
    213              begin   
    214                  if @page=1  
    215                      set @strTmp=@SqlSelect+' top '+ CAST(@pageSize as VARCHAR(40))+' '+ @fldName+' from '+@tblName                          
    216                          +' order by '+ @ID+' '+ @strFSortType+@fldSort
    217                  else  
    218                  begin                      
    219                      set @strTmp=@SqlSelect+' top '+ CAST(@pageSize as VARCHAR(40))+' '+ @fldName+' from '+@tblName  
    220                          +' where '+@ID  
    221                      if @Sort=0  
    222                         set @strTmp = @strTmp + '>(select max('  
    223                      else  
    224                         set @strTmp = @strTmp + '<(select min('  
    225                      set @strTmp = @strTmp + @ID +') from ('+ @SqlSelect+' top '+ CAST(@pageSize*(@page-1) as Varchar(20)) +' '+ @ID +' from '+@tblName  
    226                          +' order by '+ @ID+' '+ @strFSortType+@fldSort+') AS TBMinID)'  
    227                          +' order by '+ @ID+' '+ @strFSortType+@fldSort
    228                  end      
    229              end  
    230          else  
    232              begin  
    233              set @page = @pageIndex-@page+1 --后半部分数据处理  
    234                  if @page <= 1 --最后一页数据显示              
    235                      set @strTmp=@SqlSelect+' * from ('+@SqlSelect+'top '+ CAST(@lastcount as VARCHAR(40))+' '+ @fldName+' from '+@tblName  
    236                          +' order by '+ @ID +' '+ @strSortType+@fldSort+') AS TempTB'+' order by '+ @ID+' '+ @strFSortType+@fldSort 
    237                  else  
    238                      begin  
    239       set @strTmp=@SqlSelect+' * from ('+@SqlSelect+'top '+ CAST(@pageSize as VARCHAR(40))+' '+ @fldName+' from '+@tblName  
    240                          +' where '+@ID  
    241                          if @Sort=0  
    242                             set @strTmp=@strTmp+' <(select min('  
    243                          else  
    244                             set @strTmp=@strTmp+' >(select max('  
    245       set @strTmp=@strTmp+ @ID +') from('+ @SqlSelect+' top '+ CAST(@pageSize*(@page-2)+@lastcount as Varchar(20)) +' '+ @ID +' from '+@tblName  
    246                          +' order by '+ @ID +' '+ @strSortType+@fldSort+') AS TBMaxID)'  
    247                          +' order by '+ @ID +' '+ @strSortType+@fldSort+') AS TempTB'+' order by '+ @ID+' '+ @strFSortType+@fldSort 
    248                     end  
    249              end  
    251      end  
    253      else --有查询条件  
    254      begin  
    255          if @pageIndex<2 or @page<=@pageIndex / 2 + @pageIndex % 2   --前半部分数据处理  
    256          begin  
    257                  if @page=1  
    258                      set @strTmp=@SqlSelect+' top '+ CAST(@pageSize as VARCHAR(40))+' '+ @fldName+' from '+@tblName                          
    259                          +' where 1=1 ' + @strCondition + ' order by '+ @ID+' '+ @strFSortType+@fldSort
    260                  else  
    261                  begin                      
    262                      set @strTmp=@SqlSelect+' top '+ CAST(@pageSize as VARCHAR(40))+' '+ @fldName+' from '+@tblName  
    263                          +' where '+@ID  
    264                      if @Sort=0  
    265                         set @strTmp = @strTmp + '>(select max('  
    266                      else  
    267                         set @strTmp = @strTmp + '<(select min('  
    269                   set @strTmp = @strTmp + @ID +') from ('+ @SqlSelect+' top '+ CAST(@pageSize*(@page-1) as Varchar(20)) +' '+ @ID +' from '+@tblName  
    270                          +' where (1=1) ' + @strCondition +' order by '+ @ID+' '+ @strFSortType+@fldSort+') AS TBMinID)'  
    271                          +' '+ @strCondition +' order by '+ @ID+' '+ @strFSortType+@fldSort
    272                  end              
    273          end  
    274          else  
    275          begin   
    276              set @page = @pageIndex-@page+1 --后半部分数据处理  
    277              if @page <= 1 --最后一页数据显示  
    278                      set @strTmp=@SqlSelect+' * from ('+@SqlSelect+'top '+ CAST(@lastcount as VARCHAR(40))+' '+ @fldName+' from '+@tblName  
    279                          +' where (1=1) '+ @strCondition +' order by '+ @ID +' '+ @strSortType+@fldSort+') AS TempTB'+' order by '+ @ID+' '+ @strFSortType+@fldSort                     
    280              else  
    281                    begin  
    282                      set @strTmp=@SqlSelect+' * from ('+@SqlSelect+'top '+ CAST(@pageSize as VARCHAR(40))+' '+ @fldName+' from '+@tblName  
    283                          +' where '+@ID  
    284                      if @Sort=0  
    285                         set @strTmp = @strTmp + '<(select min('  
    286                      else  
    287                         set @strTmp = @strTmp + '>(select max('  
    288                 set @strTmp = @strTmp + @ID +') from('+ @SqlSelect+' top '+ CAST(@pageSize*(@page-2)+@lastcount as Varchar(20)) +' '+ @ID +' from '+@tblName  
    289                          +' where (1=1) '+ @strCondition +' order by '+ @ID +' '+ @strSortType+@fldSort+') AS TBMaxID)'  
    290                          +' '+ @strCondition+' order by '+ @ID +' '+ @strSortType+@fldSort+') AS TempTB'+' order by '+ @ID+' '+ @strFSortType+@fldSort  
    291                   end                
    292          end      
    294      end  
    296  ------返回查询结果-----  
    297 SET NOCOUNT off  
    298  exec sp_executesql @strTmp  
    299 print @strTmp  
    301 GO
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/colyn/p/2639119.html
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