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  • tableview的动画


      1 //
      2 //  WdTableView.h
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      5 //  Created by Windy on 12/27/13.
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      7 //
      9 #ifndef __tttt__WdTableView__
     10 #define __tttt__WdTableView__
     12 #include "cocos2d.h"
     13 #include "cocos-ext.h"
     15 class WdTableView
     16 : public cocos2d::extension::CCTableView, /** 继承cctableview */
     17 public cocos2d::CCRGBAProtocol /** 继承rgb通道, 使该控件能够做渐隐和渐显 */
     18 {
     19     /// @{
     20     /// @name 创建方法
     21 public:
     22     WdTableView();
     23     virtual ~WdTableView();
     24     /**
     25      *    @brief    根据数据代理和大小去创建一个table
     26      *
     27      *    @Modified by chenbaicai at 2013-12-27 18:34:02
     28      *    @param     dataSource     数据代理
     29      *    @param     size     控件大小
     30      *
     31      *    @return    创建好的table大小
     32     **/
     33     static WdTableView* create(cocos2d::extension::CCTableViewDataSource* dataSource, cocos2d::CCSize size);
     35     /**
     36      *    @brief    根据数据代理的大小,主要容器去创建一个table
     37      *
     38      *    @Modified by chenbaicai at 2013-12-27 18:36:46
     39      *    @param     dataSource     数据代理
     40      *    @param     size     控件大小
     41      *    @param     container     主要容器(如果自己设置,本类不负责retain)
     42      *
     43      *    @return    返回一个创建成功的table
     44     **/
     45     static WdTableView* create(cocos2d::extension::CCTableViewDataSource* dataSource, cocos2d::CCSize size, cocos2d::CCNode *container);
     47     /// @} end 创建方法
     48     /// @{
     49     /// @name 属性方法
     50     /**
     51      *    @brief    动态插入cell
     52      *
     53      *    @Modified by chenbaicai at 2013-12-27 18:42:21
     54      *    @param     idx     下标位置
     55      *    @param     insertDelayTime     这个delaytime只是为了跟其他动画配合,可以独立一个函数
     56     **/
     57     void insertCellAtIndex(unsigned int idx, float insertDelayTime);
     58     /**
     59      *    @brief    某个点下cell下标
     60      *
     61      *    @Modified by chenbaicai at 2013-12-27 18:46:40
     62      *    @param     x     x
     63      *    @param     y     y
     64      *
     65      *    @return    下标index
     66     **/
     67     int indexFromPoint(int x, int y);
     69     /**
     70      *    @brief    返回指定下标的位置
     71      *
     72      *    @Modified by chenbaicai at 2013-12-27 18:47:17
     73      *    @param     index     下标
     74      *
     75      *    @return    坐标
     76     **/
     77     cocos2d::CCPoint pointFromIndex(int index);
     79     /**
     80      *    @brief    把cell放置到指定的index下
     81      *
     82      *    @Modified by chenbaicai at 2013-12-27 18:47:46
     83      *    @param     index     要移动到的目标的下标
     84      *    @param     cell     当前要移动的cell
     85      *    @param     animate     是否要作动画
     86     **/
     87     void _setIndexForCell(unsigned int index, cocos2d::extension::CCTableViewCell *cell, bool animate);
     89     /**
     90      *    @brief    移除指定下标下的cell
     91      *
     92      *    @Modified by chenbaicai at 2013-12-27 18:50:36
     93      *    @param     idx     要移除的cell的下标
     94     **/
     95     void removeCellAtIndex(unsigned int idx);
     97     /**
     98      *    @brief    作推迟插入cell的动画时,回调插入cell的方法
     99      *
    100      *    @Modified by chenbaicai at 2013-12-27 18:52:04
    101     **/
    102     void delayInsertCell();
    105     /// @note   这些都是rgb通道的方法
    106     /**
    107      * Changes the color with R,G,B bytes
    108      *
    109      * @param color Example: ccc3(255,100,0) means R=255, G=100, B=0
    110      */
    111     virtual void setColor(const cocos2d::ccColor3B& color);
    113     /**
    114      * Returns color that is currently used.
    115      *
    116      * @return The ccColor3B contains R,G,B bytes.
    117      */
    118     virtual const cocos2d::ccColor3B& getColor(void);
    120     /**
    121      * Returns the displayed color.
    122      *
    123      * @return The ccColor3B contains R,G,B bytes.
    124      */
    125     virtual const cocos2d::ccColor3B& getDisplayedColor(void);
    127     /**
    128      * Returns the displayed opacity.
    129      *
    130      * @return  The opacity of sprite, from 0 ~ 255
    131      */
    132     virtual GLubyte getDisplayedOpacity(void);
    133     /**
    134      * Returns the opacity.
    135      *
    136      * The opacity which indicates how transparent or opaque this node is.
    137      * 0 indicates fully transparent and 255 is fully opaque.
    138      *
    139      * @return  The opacity of sprite, from 0 ~ 255
    140      */
    141     virtual GLubyte getOpacity(void);
    143     /**
    144      * Changes the opacity.
    145      *
    146      * @param   value   Goes from 0 to 255, where 255 means fully opaque and 0 means fully transparent.
    147      */
    148     virtual void setOpacity(GLubyte opacity);
    150     // optional
    151     /**
    152      * Changes the OpacityModifyRGB property.
    153      * If thie property is set to true, then the rendered color will be affected by opacity.
    154      * Normally, r = r * opacity/255, g = g * opacity/255, b = b * opacity/255.
    155      *
    156      * @param   bValue  true then the opacity will be applied as: glColor(R,G,B,opacity);
    157      *                  false then the opacity will be applied as: glColor(opacity, opacity, opacity, opacity);
    158      */
    159     virtual void setOpacityModifyRGB(bool bValue);
    160     /**
    161      * Returns whether or not the opacity will be applied using glColor(R,G,B,opacity)
    162      * or glColor(opacity, opacity, opacity, opacity)
    163      *
    164      * @return  Returns opacity modify flag.
    165      */
    166     virtual bool isOpacityModifyRGB(void);
    167     /**
    168      *  whether or not color should be propagated to its children.
    169      */
    170     virtual bool isCascadeColorEnabled(void);
    171     virtual void setCascadeColorEnabled(bool cascadeColorEnabled);
    173     /**
    174      *  recursive method that updates display color
    175      */
    176     virtual void updateDisplayedColor(const cocos2d::ccColor3B& color);
    178     /**
    179      *  whether or not opacity should be propagated to its children.
    180      */
    181     virtual bool isCascadeOpacityEnabled(void);
    182     virtual void setCascadeOpacityEnabled(bool cascadeOpacityEnabled);
    184     /**
    185      *  recursive method that updates the displayed opacity.
    186      */
    187     virtual void updateDisplayedOpacity(GLubyte opacity);
    188     /// @} end 属性方法
    190     /// @{
    191     /// @name 属性
    192 public:
    193     int m_indexToInsert;                // 延时插入新数据时备份
    194 protected:
    195     GLubyte        _displayedOpacity;      /// 展示的透明度
    196     GLubyte     _realOpacity;           /// 真实透明度
    197     cocos2d::ccColor3B    _displayedColor;/// 真实色彩
    198     cocos2d::ccColor3B   _realColor;    /// 展示色彩
    199     bool        _cascadeColorEnabled;   /// 是否开启色彩变幻
    200     bool        _cascadeOpacityEnabled; /// 是否开启透明渐变
    201     /// @} end 属性
    202 };
    203 #endif /* defined(__tttt__WdTableView__) */
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      2 //  WdTableView.cpp
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      5 //  Created by Windy on 12/27/13.
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      9 #include "WdTableView.h"
     11 USING_NS_CC;
     12 USING_NS_CC_EXT;
     15 /// 初始化部分成员属性
     16 WdTableView::WdTableView()
     17 : _displayedOpacity(255)
     18 , _realOpacity(255)
     19 , _displayedColor(ccWHITE)
     20 , _realColor(ccWHITE)
     21 , _cascadeColorEnabled(false)
     22 , _cascadeOpacityEnabled(false)
     23 {
     24 }
     25 WdTableView::~WdTableView(){
     27 }
     29 WdTableView* WdTableView::create(CCTableViewDataSource* dataSource, CCSize size)
     30 {
     31     return WdTableView::create(dataSource, size, NULL);
     32 }
     34 WdTableView* WdTableView::create(CCTableViewDataSource* dataSource, CCSize size, CCNode *container)
     35 {
     36     WdTableView *table = new WdTableView();
     37     /// 以下方法都是利用父类来作出初始化的
     38     table->initWithViewSize(size, container);
     39     table->autorelease();
     40     table->setDataSource(dataSource);
     41     table->_updateCellPositions();
     42     table->_updateContentSize();
     44     return table;
     45 }
     46 void WdTableView::insertCellAtIndex(unsigned  int idx, float insertDelayTime)
     47 {
     48     if (idx == CC_INVALID_INDEX)
     49     {
     50         return;
     51     }
     53     unsigned int uCountOfItems = m_pDataSource->numberOfCellsInTableView(this);
     54     if (0 == uCountOfItems || idx > uCountOfItems-1)
     55     {
     56         return;
     57     }
     59     CCTableViewCell* cell = NULL;
     60     int newIdx = 0;
     62     cell = (CCTableViewCell*)m_pCellsUsed->objectWithObjectID(idx);
     63     m_pIndices->clear();
     64     if (cell)
     65     {
     66         newIdx = m_pCellsUsed->indexOfSortedObject(cell);
     68         for (int i = 0; i < (int)newIdx; ++i) {
     69             cell = (CCTableViewCell*)m_pCellsUsed->objectAtIndex(i);
     70             m_pIndices->insert(cell->getIdx());
     71         }
     73         for (unsigned int i=newIdx; i<m_pCellsUsed->count(); i++)
     74         {
     75             cell = (CCTableViewCell*)m_pCellsUsed->objectAtIndex(i);
     76             int ni = cell->getIdx()+1;
     77             this->_setIndexForCell(ni, cell, true);
     78             m_pIndices->insert(ni);
     79         }
     80     }
     81     /// 是否要作推迟插入cell
     82     if (insertDelayTime > 0) {
     83         m_indexToInsert = idx;
     84         /// 动画,如果有需要。,可以自己抽出来改
     85         CCDelayTime* delay = CCDelayTime::create(0.2f);
     86         CCCallFunc* call = CCCallFunc::create(this, callfunc_selector(WdTableView::delayInsertCell));
     87         CCSequence* seq = CCSequence::createWithTwoActions(delay, call);
     88         this->runAction(seq);
     89     } else {
     90         cell = m_pDataSource->tableCellAtIndex(this, idx);
     91         this->_setIndexForCell(idx, cell, false);
     92         this->_addCellIfNecessary(cell);
     94         this->_updateCellPositions();
     95         this->_updateContentSize();
     96     }
     97 }
     99 void WdTableView::delayInsertCell()
    100 {
    101     /// 重新更新一下整个table
    102     CCTableViewCell* cell = m_pDataSource->tableCellAtIndex(this, m_indexToInsert);
    103     this->_setIndexForCell(m_indexToInsert, cell, false);
    104     this->_addCellIfNecessary(cell);
    106     this->_updateCellPositions();
    107     this->_updateContentSize();
    108 }
    110 void WdTableView::removeCellAtIndex(unsigned int idx)
    111 {
    112     if (idx == CC_INVALID_INDEX)
    113     {
    114         return;
    115     }
    117     unsigned int uCountOfItems = m_pDataSource->numberOfCellsInTableView(static_cast<CCTableView*>(this));
    118     if (0 == uCountOfItems || idx > uCountOfItems-1)
    119     {
    120         return;
    121     }
    123     unsigned int newIdx = 0;
    125     CCTableViewCell* cell = this->cellAtIndex(idx);
    126     if (!cell)
    127     {
    128         return;
    129     }
    131     newIdx = m_pCellsUsed->indexOfSortedObject(cell);
    133     //remove first
    134     this->_moveCellOutOfSight(cell);
    137     this->_updateCellPositions();
    138     //    [m_pIndices shiftIndexesStartingAtIndex:idx+1 by:-1];
    140     // 重新修改indices的值
    141     m_pIndices->clear();
    142     for (int i = 0; i < (int)newIdx; ++i) {
    143         cell = (CCTableViewCell*)m_pCellsUsed->objectAtIndex(i);
    144         m_pIndices->insert(cell->getIdx());
    145     }
    147     for (int i=(int)m_pCellsUsed->count()-1; i >= (int)newIdx; --i)
    148     {
    149         cell = (CCTableViewCell*)m_pCellsUsed->objectAtIndex(i);
    150         int ni = cell->getIdx()-1;
    151         this->_setIndexForCell(ni, cell, true);
    152         m_pIndices->insert(ni);
    153     }
    155     // 补充最后一个元素
    156     if (m_pCellsUsed->count() > 0) {
    157         cell = (CCTableViewCell*)m_pCellsUsed->objectAtIndex(m_pCellsUsed->count() - 1);
    158         int index = cell->getIdx() + 1;
    159         if (index < (int)m_pDataSource->numberOfCellsInTableView(this)) {
    160             // 超出显示范围,更新
    161             this->updateCellAtIndex(index);
    163             // 更新完毕,重新取最后一个cell
    164             cell = (CCTableViewCell*)m_pCellsUsed->objectAtIndex(m_pCellsUsed->count() - 1);
    165             CCPoint dst = cell->getPosition();
    166             cell->setPositionX(dst.x + m_vCellsPositions[index] - m_vCellsPositions[index - 1]);
    167             CCMoveTo* moveTo = CCMoveTo::create(0.2f, dst);
    168             cell->runAction(moveTo);
    169         }
    170     }
    171 }
    173 void WdTableView::_setIndexForCell(unsigned int index, CCTableViewCell *cell, bool animate)
    174 {
    175     if (!cell) {
    176         return;
    177     }
    178     cell->setAnchorPoint(ccp(0.0f, 0.0f));
    179     CCPoint pt = this->_offsetFromIndex(index);
    180     if (animate) {
    181         CCMoveTo* moveTo = CCMoveTo::create(0.2f, pt);
    182         cell->runAction(moveTo);
    183     } else {
    184         cell->setPosition(pt);
    185     }
    187     cell->setIdx(index);
    188 }
    190 int WdTableView::indexFromPoint(int x, int y)
    191 {
    192     CCPoint offset = this->convertToNodeSpace(ccp(x, y));
    193     CCPoint of2 = getContentOffset();
    194     offset.x -= of2.x;
    195     offset.y -= of2.y;
    196     int index =  _indexFromOffset(offset);
    197     CCPoint roffset = _offsetFromIndex(index);
    198     CCSize size = m_pDataSource->cellSizeForTable(this);
    199     if (offset.x - roffset.x >= size.width / 2) {
    200         ++index;
    201     }
    203     if (index < 0) {
    204         index = 0;
    205     }
    207     int amount = m_pDataSource->numberOfCellsInTableView(this);
    208     if (index > amount) {
    209         index = amount;
    210     }
    211     return index;
    212 }
    214 CCPoint WdTableView::pointFromIndex(int index)
    215 {
    216     CCPoint offset = __offsetFromIndex(index);
    217     CCPoint of2 = getContentOffset();
    218     offset.x += of2.x;
    219     offset.y += of2.y;
    221     CCPoint pt = convertToWorldSpace(offset);
    222     pt = getParent()->convertToNodeSpace(pt);
    223     return pt;
    224 }
    226 #pragma mark -
    227 #pragma mark CCRGBAProtocol
    228 /**
    229  * Changes the color with R,G,B bytes
    230  *
    231  * @param color Example: ccc3(255,100,0) means R=255, G=100, B=0
    232  */
    233 void WdTableView::setColor(const ccColor3B& color){
    234     _displayedColor = _realColor = color;
    236     if (_cascadeColorEnabled)
    237     {
    238         ccColor3B parentColor = ccWHITE;
    239         CCRGBAProtocol *parent = dynamic_cast<CCRGBAProtocol*>(m_pParent);
    240         if (parent && parent->isCascadeColorEnabled())
    241         {
    242             parentColor = parent->getDisplayedColor();
    243         }
    245         updateDisplayedColor(parentColor);
    246     }
    247 }
    249 /**
    250  * Returns color that is currently used.
    251  *
    252  * @return The ccColor3B contains R,G,B bytes.
    253  */
    254 const ccColor3B& WdTableView::getColor(void){
    255     return _realColor;
    256 }
    258 /**
    259  * Returns the displayed color.
    260  *
    261  * @return The ccColor3B contains R,G,B bytes.
    262  */
    263 const ccColor3B& WdTableView::getDisplayedColor(void){
    264     return _displayedColor;
    265 }
    267 /**
    268  * Returns the displayed opacity.
    269  *
    270  * @return  The opacity of sprite, from 0 ~ 255
    271  */
    272 GLubyte WdTableView::getDisplayedOpacity(void){
    273     return _displayedOpacity;
    274 }
    275 /**
    276  * Returns the opacity.
    277  *
    278  * The opacity which indicates how transparent or opaque this node is.
    279  * 0 indicates fully transparent and 255 is fully opaque.
    280  *
    281  * @return  The opacity of sprite, from 0 ~ 255
    282  */
    283 GLubyte WdTableView::getOpacity(void){
    284     return _realOpacity;
    285 }
    287 /**
    288  * Changes the opacity.
    289  *
    290  * @param   value   Goes from 0 to 255, where 255 means fully opaque and 0 means fully transparent.
    291  */
    292 void WdTableView::setOpacity(GLubyte opacity){
    293     _displayedOpacity = _realOpacity = opacity;
    295     if (_cascadeOpacityEnabled)
    296     {
    297         GLubyte parentOpacity = 255;
    298         CCRGBAProtocol* pParent = dynamic_cast<CCRGBAProtocol*>(m_pParent);
    299         if (pParent && pParent->isCascadeOpacityEnabled())
    300         {
    301             parentOpacity = pParent->getDisplayedOpacity();
    302         }
    303         this->updateDisplayedOpacity(parentOpacity);
    304     }
    305     if (opacity == 0) {
    306         setVisible(false);
    307     }
    308     else
    309         setVisible(true);
    310 }
    312 // optional
    314 /**
    315  *  whether or not color should be propagated to its children.
    316  */
    317 bool WdTableView::isCascadeColorEnabled(void){
    318     return _cascadeColorEnabled;
    319 }
    320 void WdTableView::setCascadeColorEnabled(bool cascadeColorEnabled){
    321     _cascadeColorEnabled = cascadeColorEnabled;
    322 }
    324 /**
    325  *  recursive method that updates display color
    326  */
    327 void WdTableView::updateDisplayedColor(const ccColor3B& parentColor){
    329     _displayedColor.r = _realColor.r * parentColor.r/255.0;
    330     _displayedColor.g = _realColor.g * parentColor.g/255.0;
    331     _displayedColor.b = _realColor.b * parentColor.b/255.0;
    333     if (_cascadeColorEnabled)
    334     {
    335         CCObject *obj = NULL;
    336         CCARRAY_FOREACH(m_pChildren, obj)
    337         {
    338             CCRGBAProtocol *item = dynamic_cast<CCRGBAProtocol*>(obj);
    339             if (item)
    340             {
    341                 item->updateDisplayedColor(_displayedColor);
    342             }
    343         }
    344     }
    345 }
    347 /**
    348  *  whether or not opacity should be propagated to its children.
    349  */
    350 bool WdTableView::isCascadeOpacityEnabled(void){
    351     return _cascadeOpacityEnabled;
    352 }
    353 void WdTableView::setCascadeOpacityEnabled(bool cascadeOpacityEnabled){
    354     _cascadeOpacityEnabled = cascadeOpacityEnabled;
    355 }
    357 /**
    358  *  recursive method that updates the displayed opacity.
    359  */
    360 void WdTableView::updateDisplayedOpacity(GLubyte parentOpacity){
    361     _displayedOpacity = _realOpacity * parentOpacity/255.0;
    363     if (_cascadeOpacityEnabled)
    364     {
    365         CCObject* _s_pcell = NULL;
    366         CCARRAY_FOREACH(m_pCellsUsed, _s_pcell)
    367         {
    368             CCObject* pObj = NULL;
    369             CCTableViewCell* cell = dynamic_cast<CCTableViewCell*>(_s_pcell);
    371             if (cell) {
    372                 CCARRAY_FOREACH(cell->getChildren(), pObj)
    373                 {
    374                     CCRGBAProtocol* item = dynamic_cast<CCRGBAProtocol*>(pObj);
    375                     if (item)
    376                     {
    377                         item->setOpacity(_displayedOpacity);
    378                     }
    379                 }
    380             }
    381         }
    382     }
    383 }
    385 bool WdTableView::isOpacityModifyRGB(void){
    386     return false;
    387 }
    388 void WdTableView::setOpacityModifyRGB(bool bValue){
    389     CC_UNUSED_PARAM(bValue);
    390 }
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