// Check to see if our number is actually a string
if ( typeof num == "string" )
// If it is, then parse a number out of it
num = parseInt( num );
// Check to see if our array is actually a string
if ( typeof arr == "string" )
// If that's the case, make an array, splitting on commas
arr = arr.split(",");
The use of the typeof statement helps to lead us into the topic of type-checking. Since
JavaScript is (currently) a dynamically typed language, this proves to be a very useful and
important topic. There are a number of different ways to check the type of a variable; we’re
going to look at two that are particularly useful.
The first way of checking the type of an object is by using the obvious-sounding typeof
operator. This utility gives us a string name representing the type of the contents of a variable.
This would be the perfect solution except that for variables of type object or array, or a custom
object such as user, it only returns object, making it hard to differentiate between all objects.
The second way of checking the type of an object is by referencing a property of all
JavaScript objects called constructor. This property is a reference to the function used to
originally construct this object.
// Check to see if our number is actually a string
if ( num.constructor == String )
// If it is, then parse a number out of it
num = parseInt( num );
// Check to see if our string is actually an array
if ( str.constructor == Array )
// If that's the case, make a string by joining the array using commas
str = str.join(',');
Table 2-1 shows the results of type-checking different object types using the two differ
methods that I’ve described. The first column in the table shows the object that we’re tryin
find the type of. The second column is the result of running typeof Variable (where Variabl
the value contained in the first column). The result of everything in this column is a string.
Finally, the third column shows the result of running Variable.constructor against the objec
contained in the first column. The result of everything in this column is an object.
Table 2-1. Type-Checking Variables
Variable typeof Variable Variable.constructor
{ an: “object” } object Object
[ “an”, “array” ] object Array
function(){} function Function
“a string” string String
55 number Number
true boolean Boolean
new User() object User