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  • 快速双边滤波 附完整C代码







    代码见:bilateralFilter_cpu.cpp 文件。

    #include <math.h>
    #include <string.h>
    // export C interface
    #define EPSILON 1e-3
    extern "C" void updateGaussianGold(float delta, int radius);
    extern "C" void bilateralFilterGold(unsigned int *pSrc,
                                        unsigned int *pDest,
                                        float e_d,
                                        int w, int h, int r);
    float gaussian[50];
    struct float4
        float x;
        float y;
        float z;
        float w;
        float4() {};
        float4(float value)
            x = y = z = w = value;
    void updateGaussianGold(float delta, int radius)
        for (int i = 0; i < 2 * radius + 1; i++)
            int x = i - radius;
            gaussian[i] = exp(-(x * x) /
                              (2 * delta * delta));
    float heuclideanLen(float4 a, float4 b, float d)
        float mod = (b.x - a.x) * (b.x - a.x) +
                    (b.y - a.y) * (b.y - a.y) +
                    (b.z - a.z) * (b.z - a.z) +
                    (b.w - a.w) * (b.w - a.w);
        return exp(-mod / (2 * d * d));
    unsigned int hrgbaFloatToInt(float4 rgba)
        unsigned int w = (((unsigned int)(fabs(rgba.w) * 255.0f)) & 0xff) << 24;
        unsigned int z = (((unsigned int)(fabs(rgba.z) * 255.0f)) & 0xff) << 16;
        unsigned int y = (((unsigned int)(fabs(rgba.y) * 255.0f)) & 0xff) << 8;
        unsigned int x = ((unsigned int)(fabs(rgba.x) * 255.0f)) & 0xff;
        return (w | z | y | x);
    float4 hrgbaIntToFloat(unsigned int c)
        float4 rgba;
        rgba.x = (c & 0xff) * 0.003921568627f;       //  /255.0f;
        rgba.y = ((c>>8) & 0xff) * 0.003921568627f;  //  /255.0f;
        rgba.z = ((c>>16) & 0xff) * 0.003921568627f; //  /255.0f;
        rgba.w = ((c>>24) & 0xff) * 0.003921568627f; //  /255.0f;
        return rgba;
    float4 mul(float a, float4 b)
        float4 ans;
        ans.x = a * b.x;
        ans.y = a * b.y;
        ans.z = a * b.z;
        ans.w = a * b.w;
        return ans;
    float4 add4(float4 a, float4 b)
        float4 ans;
        ans.x = a.x + b.x;
        ans.y = a.y + b.y;
        ans.z = a.z + b.z;
        ans.w = a.w + b.w;
        return ans;
    void bilateralFilterGold(unsigned int *pSrc,
                             unsigned int *pDest,
                             float e_d,
                             int w, int h, int r)
        float4 *hImage = new float4[w * h];
        float domainDist, colorDist, factor;
        for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
                hImage[y * w + x] = hrgbaIntToFloat(pSrc[y * w + x]);
        for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
                float4 t(0.0f);
                float sum = 0.0f;
                for (int i = -r; i <= r; i++)
                    int neighborY = y + i;
                    //clamp the neighbor pixel, prevent overflow
                    if (neighborY < 0)
                        neighborY = 0;
                    else if (neighborY >= h)
                        neighborY = h - 1;
                    for (int j = -r; j <= r; j++)
                        domainDist = gaussian[r + i] * gaussian[r + j];
                        //clamp the neighbor pixel, prevent overflow
                        int neighborX = x + j;
                        if (neighborX < 0)
                            neighborX = 0;
                        else if (neighborX >= w)
                            neighborX = w - 1;
                        colorDist = heuclideanLen(hImage[neighborY * w + neighborX], hImage[y * w + x], e_d);
                        factor = domainDist * colorDist;
                        sum += factor;
                        t = add4(t, mul(factor, hImage[neighborY * w + neighborX]));
                pDest[y * w + x] = hrgbaFloatToInt(mul(1 / sum, t));
        delete[] hImage;







    #ifndef INCLUDE_RBF
    #define INCLUDE_RBF
    #include <math.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #define QX_DEF_CHAR_MAX 255
    /* ======================================================================
    RecursiveBF: A lightweight library for recursive bilateral filtering.
    Intro:      Recursive bilateral filtering (developed by Qingxiong Yang) 
                is pretty fast compared with most edge-preserving filtering 
                -   computational complexity is linear in both input size and 
                -   takes about 43 ms to process a one mega-pixel color image
                    (i7 1.8GHz & 4GB memory)
                -   about 18x faster than Fast high-dimensional filtering 
                    using the permutohedral lattice
                -   about 86x faster than Gaussian kd-trees for fast high-
                    dimensional filtering
    Usage:      // ----------------------------------------------------------
                // Basic Usage
                // ----------------------------------------------------------
                unsigned char * img = ...;                    // input image
                unsigned char * img_out = 0;            // output image
                int width = ..., height = ..., channel = ...; // image size
                recursive_bf(img, img_out, 
                             sigma_spatial, sigma_range, 
                             width, height, channel);
                // ----------------------------------------------------------
                // Advanced: using external buffer for better performance
                // ----------------------------------------------------------
                unsigned char * img = ...;                    // input image
                unsigned char * img_out = 0;            // output image
                int width = ..., height = ..., channel = ...; // image size
                float * buffer = new float[                   // external buf
                                     ( width * height* channel 
                                     + width * height
                                     + width * channel 
                                     + width) * 2];
                recursive_bf(img, img_out, 
                             sigma_spatial, sigma_range, 
                             width, height, channel, 
                delete[] buffer;
    Notice:     Large sigma_spatial/sigma_range parameter may results in 
                visible artifact which can be removed by an additional 
                filter with small sigma_spatial/sigma_range parameter.
    Reference:  Qingxiong Yang, Recursive Bilateral Filtering,
                European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2012, 399-413.
    ====================================================================== */
    inline void recursive_bf(
        unsigned char * img_in, 
        unsigned char *& img_out, 
        float sigma_spatial, float sigma_range, 
        int width, int height, int channel, 
        float * buffer /*= 0*/);
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    inline void _recursive_bf(
        unsigned char * img,
        float sigma_spatial, float sigma_range, 
        int width, int height, int channel,
        float * buffer = 0)
        const int width_height = width * height;
        const int width_channel = width * channel;
        const int width_height_channel = width * height * channel;
        bool is_buffer_internal = (buffer == 0);
        if (is_buffer_internal)
            buffer = new float[(width_height_channel + width_height 
                                + width_channel + width) * 2];
        float * img_out_f = buffer;
        float * img_temp = &img_out_f[width_height_channel];
        float * map_factor_a = &img_temp[width_height_channel];
        float * map_factor_b = &map_factor_a[width_height]; 
        float * slice_factor_a = &map_factor_b[width_height];
        float * slice_factor_b = &slice_factor_a[width_channel];
        float * line_factor_a = &slice_factor_b[width_channel];
        float * line_factor_b = &line_factor_a[width];
        //compute a lookup table
        float range_table[QX_DEF_CHAR_MAX + 1];
        float inv_sigma_range = 1.0f / (sigma_range * QX_DEF_CHAR_MAX);
        for (int i = 0; i <= QX_DEF_CHAR_MAX; i++) 
            range_table[i] = static_cast<float>(exp(-i * inv_sigma_range));
        float alpha = static_cast<float>(exp(-sqrt(2.0) / (sigma_spatial * width)));
        float ypr, ypg, ypb, ycr, ycg, ycb;
        float fp, fc;
        float inv_alpha_ = 1 - alpha;
        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
            float * temp_x = &img_temp[y * width_channel];
            unsigned char * in_x = &img[y * width_channel];
            unsigned char * texture_x = &img[y * width_channel];
            *temp_x++ = ypr = *in_x++; 
            *temp_x++ = ypg = *in_x++; 
            *temp_x++ = ypb = *in_x++;
            unsigned char tpr = *texture_x++; 
            unsigned char tpg = *texture_x++;
            unsigned char tpb = *texture_x++;
            float * temp_factor_x = &map_factor_a[y * width];
            *temp_factor_x++ = fp = 1;
            // from left to right
            for (int x = 1; x < width; x++) 
                unsigned char tcr = *texture_x++; 
                unsigned char tcg = *texture_x++; 
                unsigned char tcb = *texture_x++;
                unsigned char dr = abs(tcr - tpr);
                unsigned char dg = abs(tcg - tpg);
                unsigned char db = abs(tcb - tpb);
                int range_dist = (((dr << 1) + dg + db) >> 2);
                float weight = range_table[range_dist];
                float alpha_ = weight*alpha;
                *temp_x++ = ycr = inv_alpha_*(*in_x++) + alpha_*ypr; 
                *temp_x++ = ycg = inv_alpha_*(*in_x++) + alpha_*ypg; 
                *temp_x++ = ycb = inv_alpha_*(*in_x++) + alpha_*ypb;
                tpr = tcr; tpg = tcg; tpb = tcb;
                ypr = ycr; ypg = ycg; ypb = ycb;
                *temp_factor_x++ = fc = inv_alpha_ + alpha_*fp;
                fp = fc;
            *--temp_x; *temp_x = 0.5f*((*temp_x) + (*--in_x));
            *--temp_x; *temp_x = 0.5f*((*temp_x) + (*--in_x));
            *--temp_x; *temp_x = 0.5f*((*temp_x) + (*--in_x));
            tpr = *--texture_x; 
            tpg = *--texture_x; 
            tpb = *--texture_x;
            ypr = *in_x; ypg = *in_x; ypb = *in_x;
            *--temp_factor_x; *temp_factor_x = 0.5f*((*temp_factor_x) + 1);
            fp = 1;
            // from right to left
            for (int x = width - 2; x >= 0; x--) 
                unsigned char tcr = *--texture_x; 
                unsigned char tcg = *--texture_x; 
                unsigned char tcb = *--texture_x;
                unsigned char dr = abs(tcr - tpr);
                unsigned char dg = abs(tcg - tpg);
                unsigned char db = abs(tcb - tpb);
                int range_dist = (((dr << 1) + dg + db) >> 2);
                float weight = range_table[range_dist];
                float alpha_ = weight * alpha;
                ycr = inv_alpha_ * (*--in_x) + alpha_ * ypr; 
                ycg = inv_alpha_ * (*--in_x) + alpha_ * ypg; 
                ycb = inv_alpha_ * (*--in_x) + alpha_ * ypb;
                *--temp_x; *temp_x = 0.5f*((*temp_x) + ycr);
                *--temp_x; *temp_x = 0.5f*((*temp_x) + ycg);
                *--temp_x; *temp_x = 0.5f*((*temp_x) + ycb);
                tpr = tcr; tpg = tcg; tpb = tcb;
                ypr = ycr; ypg = ycg; ypb = ycb;
                fc = inv_alpha_ + alpha_*fp;
                *temp_factor_x = 0.5f*((*temp_factor_x) + fc);
                fp = fc;
        alpha = static_cast<float>(exp(-sqrt(2.0) / (sigma_spatial * height)));
        inv_alpha_ = 1 - alpha;
        float * ycy, * ypy, * xcy;
        unsigned char * tcy, * tpy;
        memcpy(img_out_f, img_temp, sizeof(float)* width_channel);
        float * in_factor = map_factor_a;
        float*ycf, *ypf, *xcf;
        memcpy(map_factor_b, in_factor, sizeof(float) * width);
        for (int y = 1; y < height; y++)
            tpy = &img[(y - 1) * width_channel];
            tcy = &img[y * width_channel];
            xcy = &img_temp[y * width_channel];
            ypy = &img_out_f[(y - 1) * width_channel];
            ycy = &img_out_f[y * width_channel];
            xcf = &in_factor[y * width];
            ypf = &map_factor_b[(y - 1) * width];
            ycf = &map_factor_b[y * width];
            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                unsigned char dr = abs((*tcy++) - (*tpy++));
                unsigned char dg = abs((*tcy++) - (*tpy++));
                unsigned char db = abs((*tcy++) - (*tpy++));
                int range_dist = (((dr << 1) + dg + db) >> 2);
                float weight = range_table[range_dist];
                float alpha_ = weight*alpha;
                for (int c = 0; c < channel; c++) 
                    *ycy++ = inv_alpha_*(*xcy++) + alpha_*(*ypy++);
                *ycf++ = inv_alpha_*(*xcf++) + alpha_*(*ypf++);
        int h1 = height - 1;
        ycf = line_factor_a;
        ypf = line_factor_b;
        memcpy(ypf, &in_factor[h1 * width], sizeof(float) * width);
        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) 
            map_factor_b[h1 * width + x] = 0.5f*(map_factor_b[h1 * width + x] + ypf[x]);
        ycy = slice_factor_a;
        ypy = slice_factor_b;
        memcpy(ypy, &img_temp[h1 * width_channel], sizeof(float)* width_channel);
        int k = 0; 
        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
            for (int c = 0; c < channel; c++) {
                int idx = (h1 * width + x) * channel + c;
                img_out_f[idx] = 0.5f*(img_out_f[idx] + ypy[k++]) / map_factor_b[h1 * width + x];
        for (int y = h1 - 1; y >= 0; y--)
            tpy = &img[(y + 1) * width_channel];
            tcy = &img[y * width_channel];
            xcy = &img_temp[y * width_channel];
            float*ycy_ = ycy;
            float*ypy_ = ypy;
            float*out_ = &img_out_f[y * width_channel];
            xcf = &in_factor[y * width];
            float*ycf_ = ycf;
            float*ypf_ = ypf;
            float*factor_ = &map_factor_b[y * width];
            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                unsigned char dr = abs((*tcy++) - (*tpy++));
                unsigned char dg = abs((*tcy++) - (*tpy++));
                unsigned char db = abs((*tcy++) - (*tpy++));
                int range_dist = (((dr << 1) + dg + db) >> 2);
                float weight = range_table[range_dist];
                float alpha_ = weight*alpha;
                float fcc = inv_alpha_*(*xcf++) + alpha_*(*ypf_++);
                *ycf_++ = fcc;
                *factor_ = 0.5f * (*factor_ + fcc);
                for (int c = 0; c < channel; c++)
                    float ycc = inv_alpha_*(*xcy++) + alpha_*(*ypy_++);
                    *ycy_++ = ycc;
                    *out_ = 0.5f * (*out_ + ycc) / (*factor_);
            memcpy(ypy, ycy, sizeof(float) * width_channel);
            memcpy(ypf, ycf, sizeof(float) * width);
        for (int i = 0; i < width_height_channel; ++i)
            img[i] = static_cast<unsigned char>(img_out_f[i]);
        if (is_buffer_internal)
            delete[] buffer;
    inline void recursive_bf(
        unsigned char * img_in,
        unsigned char *& img_out,
        float sigma_spatial, float sigma_range,
        int width, int height, int channel,
        float * buffer = 0)
        if (img_out == 0)
            img_out = new unsigned char[width * height * channel];
        for (int i = 0; i < width * height * channel; ++i)
            img_out[i] = img_in[i];
        _recursive_bf(img_out, sigma_spatial, sigma_range, width, height, channel, buffer);
    #endif // INCLUDE_RBF







    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include "RBFilterPlain.h"
    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include <algorithm>
    using namespace std;
    #define QX_DEF_CHAR_MAX 255
    // assumes 3/4 channel images, 1 byte per channel
    void CRBFilterPlain::reserveMemory(int max_width, int max_height, int channels)
        // basic sanity check
        _ASSERT(max_width >= 10 && max_width < 10000);
        _ASSERT(max_height >= 10 && max_height < 10000);
        _ASSERT(channels >= 1 && channels <= 4);
        m_reserve_width = max_width;
        m_reserve_height = max_height;
        m_reserve_channels = channels;
        int width_height = m_reserve_width * m_reserve_height;
        int width_height_channel = width_height * m_reserve_channels;
        m_left_pass_color = new float[width_height_channel];
        m_left_pass_factor = new float[width_height];
        m_right_pass_color = new float[width_height_channel];
        m_right_pass_factor = new float[width_height];
        m_down_pass_color = new float[width_height_channel];
        m_down_pass_factor = new float[width_height];
        m_up_pass_color = new float[width_height_channel];
        m_up_pass_factor = new float[width_height];
    void CRBFilterPlain::releaseMemory()
        m_reserve_width = 0;
        m_reserve_height = 0;
        m_reserve_channels = 0;
        if (m_left_pass_color)
            delete[] m_left_pass_color;
            m_left_pass_color = nullptr;
        if (m_left_pass_factor)
            delete[] m_left_pass_factor;
            m_left_pass_factor = nullptr;
        if (m_right_pass_color)
            delete[] m_right_pass_color;
            m_right_pass_color = nullptr;
        if (m_right_pass_factor)
            delete[] m_right_pass_factor;
            m_right_pass_factor = nullptr;
        if (m_down_pass_color)
            delete[] m_down_pass_color;
            m_down_pass_color = nullptr;
        if (m_down_pass_factor)
            delete[] m_down_pass_factor;
            m_down_pass_factor = nullptr;
        if (m_up_pass_color)
            delete[] m_up_pass_color;
            m_up_pass_color = nullptr;
        if (m_up_pass_factor)
            delete[] m_up_pass_factor;
            m_up_pass_factor = nullptr;
    int CRBFilterPlain::getDiffFactor(const unsigned char* color1, const unsigned char* color2) const
        int final_diff;
        int component_diff[4];
        // find absolute difference between each component
        for (int i = 0; i < m_reserve_channels; i++)
            component_diff[i] = abs(color1[i] - color2[i]);
        // based on number of components, produce a single difference value in the 0-255 range
        switch (m_reserve_channels)
        case 1:
            final_diff = component_diff[0];
        case 2:
            final_diff = ((component_diff[0] + component_diff[1]) >> 1);
        case 3:
            final_diff = ((component_diff[0] + component_diff[2]) >> 2) + (component_diff[1] >> 1);
        case 4:
            final_diff = ((component_diff[0] + component_diff[1] + component_diff[2] + component_diff[3]) >> 2);
            final_diff = 0;
        _ASSERT(final_diff >= 0 && final_diff <= 255);
        return final_diff;
    // memory must be reserved before calling image filter
    // this implementation of filter uses plain C++, single threaded
    // channel count must be 3 or 4 (alpha not used)
    void CRBFilterPlain::filter(unsigned char* img_src, unsigned char* img_dst,
        float sigma_spatial, float sigma_range,
        int width, int height, int channel)
        _ASSERT(m_reserve_channels == channel);
        _ASSERT(m_reserve_width >= width);
        _ASSERT(m_reserve_height >= height);
        // compute a lookup table
        float alpha_f = static_cast<float>(exp(-sqrt(2.0) / (sigma_spatial * 255)));
        float inv_alpha_f = 1.f - alpha_f;
        float range_table_f[QX_DEF_CHAR_MAX + 1];
        float inv_sigma_range = 1.0f / (sigma_range * QX_DEF_CHAR_MAX);
            float ii = 0.f;
            for (int i = 0; i <= QX_DEF_CHAR_MAX; i++, ii -= 1.f)
                range_table_f[i] = alpha_f * exp(ii * inv_sigma_range);
        // Left pass
            const unsigned char* src_color = img_src;
            float* left_pass_color = m_left_pass_color;
            float* left_pass_factor = m_left_pass_factor;
            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                const unsigned char* src_prev = src_color;
                const float* prev_factor = left_pass_factor;
                const float* prev_color = left_pass_color;
                // process 1st pixel separately since it has no previous
                *left_pass_factor++ = 1.f;
                for (int c = 0; c < channel; c++)
                    *left_pass_color++ = *src_color++;
                // handle other pixels
                for (int x = 1; x < width; x++)
                    // determine difference in pixel color between current and previous
                    // calculation is different depending on number of channels
                    int diff = getDiffFactor(src_color, src_prev);
                    src_prev = src_color;
                    float alpha_f = range_table_f[diff];
                    *left_pass_factor++ = inv_alpha_f + alpha_f * (*prev_factor++);
                    for (int c = 0; c < channel; c++)
                        *left_pass_color++ = inv_alpha_f * (*src_color++) + alpha_f * (*prev_color++);
        // Right pass
            // start from end and then go up to begining 
            int last_index = width * height * channel - 1;
            const unsigned char* src_color = img_src + last_index;
            float* right_pass_color = m_right_pass_color + last_index;
            float* right_pass_factor = m_right_pass_factor + width * height - 1;
            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                const unsigned char* src_prev = src_color;
                const float* prev_factor = right_pass_factor;
                const float* prev_color = right_pass_color;
                // process 1st pixel separately since it has no previous
                *right_pass_factor-- = 1.f;
                for (int c = 0; c < channel; c++)
                    *right_pass_color-- = *src_color--;
                // handle other pixels
                for (int x = 1; x < width; x++)
                    // determine difference in pixel color between current and previous
                    // calculation is different depending on number of channels
                    int diff = getDiffFactor(src_color, src_color - 3);
                    //    src_prev = src_color;
                    float alpha_f = range_table_f[diff];
                    *right_pass_factor-- = inv_alpha_f + alpha_f * (*prev_factor--);
                    for (int c = 0; c < channel; c++)
                        *right_pass_color-- = inv_alpha_f * (*src_color--) + alpha_f * (*prev_color--);
        // vertical pass will be applied on top on horizontal pass, while using pixel differences from original image
        // result color stored in 'm_left_pass_color' and vertical pass will use it as source color
            float* img_out = m_left_pass_color; // use as temporary buffer
            const float* left_pass_color = m_left_pass_color;
            const float* left_pass_factor = m_left_pass_factor;
            const float* right_pass_color = m_right_pass_color;
            const float* right_pass_factor = m_right_pass_factor;
            int width_height = width * height;
            for (int i = 0; i < width_height; i++)
                // average color divided by average factor
                float factor = 1.f / ((*left_pass_factor++) + (*right_pass_factor++));
                for (int c = 0; c < channel; c++)
                    *img_out++ = (factor * ((*left_pass_color++) + (*right_pass_color++)));
        // Down pass
            const float* src_color_hor = m_left_pass_color; // result of horizontal pass filter
            const unsigned char* src_color = img_src;
            float* down_pass_color = m_down_pass_color;
            float* down_pass_factor = m_down_pass_factor;
            const unsigned char* src_prev = src_color;
            const float* prev_color = down_pass_color;
            const float* prev_factor = down_pass_factor;
            // 1st line done separately because no previous line
            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                *down_pass_factor++ = 1.f;
                for (int c = 0; c < channel; c++)
                    *down_pass_color++ = *src_color_hor++;
                src_color += channel;
            // handle other lines
            for (int y = 1; y < height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    // determine difference in pixel color between current and previous
                    // calculation is different depending on number of channels
                    int diff = getDiffFactor(src_color, src_prev);
                    src_prev += channel;
                    src_color += channel;
                    float alpha_f = range_table_f[diff];
                    *down_pass_factor++ = inv_alpha_f + alpha_f * (*prev_factor++);
                    for (int c = 0; c < channel; c++)
                        *down_pass_color++ = inv_alpha_f * (*src_color_hor++) + alpha_f * (*prev_color++);
        // Up pass
            // start from end and then go up to begining 
            int last_index = width * height * channel - 1;
            const unsigned char* src_color = img_src + last_index;
            const float* src_color_hor = m_left_pass_color + last_index; // result of horizontal pass filter
            float* up_pass_color = m_up_pass_color + last_index;
            float* up_pass_factor = m_up_pass_factor + (width * height - 1);
            //    const unsigned char* src_prev = src_color;
            const float* prev_color = up_pass_color;
            const float* prev_factor = up_pass_factor;
            // 1st line done separately because no previous line
            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                *up_pass_factor-- = 1.f;
                for (int c = 0; c < channel; c++)
                    *up_pass_color-- = *src_color_hor--;
                src_color -= channel;
            // handle other lines
            for (int y = 1; y < height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    // determine difference in pixel color between current and previous
                    // calculation is different depending on number of channels
                    src_color -= channel;
                    int diff = getDiffFactor(src_color, src_color + width * channel);
                    float alpha_f = range_table_f[diff];
                    *up_pass_factor-- = inv_alpha_f + alpha_f * (*prev_factor--);
                    for (int c = 0; c < channel; c++)
                        *up_pass_color-- = inv_alpha_f * (*src_color_hor--) + alpha_f * (*prev_color--);
        // average result of vertical pass is written to output buffer
            const float* down_pass_color = m_down_pass_color;
            const float* down_pass_factor = m_down_pass_factor;
            const float* up_pass_color = m_up_pass_color;
            const float* up_pass_factor = m_up_pass_factor;
            int width_height = width * height;
            for (int i = 0; i < width_height; i++)
                // average color divided by average factor
                float factor = 1.f / ((*up_pass_factor++) + (*down_pass_factor++));
                for (int c = 0; c < channel; c++)
                    *img_dst++ = (unsigned char)(factor * ((*up_pass_color++) + (*down_pass_color++)));









    int   getDiffFactor(const unsigned char* color1, const unsigned char* color2, const  int & channels)
        int final_diff;
        int component_diff[4];
        // find absolute difference between each component
        for (int i = 0; i < channels; i++)
            component_diff[i] = abs(color1[i] - color2[i]);
        // based on number of components, produce a single difference value in the 0-255 range
        switch (channels)
        case 1:
            final_diff = component_diff[0];
        case 2:
            final_diff = ((component_diff[0] + component_diff[1]) >> 1);
        case 3:
            final_diff = ((component_diff[0] + component_diff[2]) >> 2) + (component_diff[1] >> 1);
        case 4:
            final_diff = ((component_diff[0] + component_diff[1] + component_diff[2] + component_diff[3]) >> 2);
            final_diff = 0;
        _ASSERT(final_diff >= 0 && final_diff <= 255);
        return final_diff;
    void CRB_HorizontalFilter(unsigned char* Input, unsigned char* Output, int Width, int Height, int Channels, float * range_table_f, float inv_alpha_f, float* left_Color_Buffer, float* left_Factor_Buffer, float* right_Color_Buffer, float* right_Factor_Buffer)
        // Left pass and Right pass 
        int Stride = Width * Channels;
        const unsigned char* src_left_color = Input;
        float* left_Color = left_Color_Buffer;
        float* left_Factor = left_Factor_Buffer;
        int last_index = Stride * Height - 1;
        const unsigned char* src_right_color = Input + last_index;
        float* right_Color = right_Color_Buffer + last_index;
        float* right_Factor = right_Factor_Buffer + Width * Height - 1;
        for (int y = 0; y < Height; y++)
            const unsigned char* src_left_prev = Input;
            const float* left_prev_factor = left_Factor;
            const float* left_prev_color = left_Color;
            const unsigned char* src_right_prev = src_right_color;
            const float* right_prev_factor = right_Factor;
            const float* right_prev_color = right_Color;
            // process 1st pixel separately since it has no previous
                //if x = 0 
                *left_Factor++ = 1.f;
                *right_Factor-- = 1.f;
                for (int c = 0; c < Channels; c++)
                    *left_Color++ = *src_left_color++;
                    *right_Color-- = *src_right_color--;
            // handle other pixels
            for (int x = 1; x < Width; x++)
                // determine difference in pixel color between current and previous
                // calculation is different depending on number of channels
                int left_diff = getDiffFactor(src_left_color, src_left_prev, Channels);
                src_left_prev = src_left_color;
                int right_diff = getDiffFactor(src_right_color, src_right_color - Channels, Channels);
                src_right_prev = src_right_color;
                float left_alpha_f = range_table_f[left_diff];
                float right_alpha_f = range_table_f[right_diff];
                *left_Factor++ = inv_alpha_f + left_alpha_f * (*left_prev_factor++);
                *right_Factor-- = inv_alpha_f + right_alpha_f * (*right_prev_factor--);
                for (int c = 0; c < Channels; c++)
                    *left_Color++ = (inv_alpha_f * (*src_left_color++) + left_alpha_f * (*left_prev_color++));
                    *right_Color-- = (inv_alpha_f * (*src_right_color--) + right_alpha_f * (*right_prev_color--));
        // vertical pass will be applied on top on horizontal pass, while using pixel differences from original image
        // result color stored in 'leftcolor' and vertical pass will use it as source color
            unsigned char* dst_color = Output; // use as temporary buffer  
            const float* leftcolor = left_Color_Buffer;
            const float* leftfactor = left_Factor_Buffer;
            const float* rightcolor = right_Color_Buffer;
            const float* rightfactor = right_Factor_Buffer;
            int width_height = Width * Height;
            for (int i = 0; i < width_height; i++)
                // average color divided by average factor
                float factor = 1.f / ((*leftfactor++) + (*rightfactor++));
                for (int c = 0; c < Channels; c++)
                    *dst_color++ = (factor * ((*leftcolor++) + (*rightcolor++)));
    void CRB_VerticalFilter(unsigned char* Input, unsigned char* Output, int Width, int Height, int Channels, float * range_table_f, float inv_alpha_f, float* down_Color_Buffer, float* down_Factor_Buffer, float* up_Color_Buffer, float* up_Factor_Buffer)
        // Down pass and Up pass 
        int Stride = Width * Channels;
        const unsigned char* src_color_first_hor = Output; // result of horizontal pass filter 
        const unsigned char* src_down_color = Input;
        float* down_color = down_Color_Buffer;
        float* down_factor = down_Factor_Buffer;
        const unsigned char* src_down_prev = src_down_color;
        const float* down_prev_color = down_color;
        const float* down_prev_factor = down_factor;
        int last_index = Stride * Height - 1;
        const unsigned char* src_up_color = Input + last_index;
        const unsigned char* src_color_last_hor = Output + last_index; // result of horizontal pass filter
        float* up_color = up_Color_Buffer + last_index;
        float* up_factor = up_Factor_Buffer + (Width * Height - 1);
        const float* up_prev_color = up_color;
        const float* up_prev_factor = up_factor;
        // 1st line done separately because no previous line
            //if y=0 
            for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++)
                *down_factor++ = 1.f;
                *up_factor-- = 1.f;
                for (int c = 0; c < Channels; c++)
                    *down_color++ = *src_color_first_hor++;
                    *up_color-- = *src_color_last_hor--;
                src_down_color += Channels;
                src_up_color -= Channels;
        // handle other lines 
        for (int y = 1; y < Height; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++)
                // determine difference in pixel color between current and previous
                // calculation is different depending on number of channels
                int down_diff = getDiffFactor(src_down_color, src_down_prev, Channels);
                src_down_prev += Channels;
                src_down_color += Channels;
                src_up_color -= Channels;
                int up_diff = getDiffFactor(src_up_color, src_up_color + Stride, Channels);
                float down_alpha_f = range_table_f[down_diff];
                float up_alpha_f = range_table_f[up_diff];
                *down_factor++ = inv_alpha_f + down_alpha_f * (*down_prev_factor++);
                *up_factor-- = inv_alpha_f + up_alpha_f * (*up_prev_factor--);
                for (int c = 0; c < Channels; c++)
                    *down_color++ = inv_alpha_f * (*src_color_first_hor++) + down_alpha_f * (*down_prev_color++);
                    *up_color-- = inv_alpha_f * (*src_color_last_hor--) + up_alpha_f * (*up_prev_color--);
        // average result of vertical pass is written to output buffer
            unsigned char *dst_color = Output;
            const float* downcolor = down_Color_Buffer;
            const float* downfactor = down_Factor_Buffer;
            const float* upcolor = up_Color_Buffer;
            const float* upfactor = up_Factor_Buffer;
            int width_height = Width * Height;
            for (int i = 0; i < width_height; i++)
                // average color divided by average factor
                float factor = 1.f / ((*upfactor++) + (*downfactor++));
                for (int c = 0; c < Channels; c++)
                    *dst_color++ = (factor * ((*upcolor++) + (*downcolor++)));
    // memory must be reserved before calling image filter
    // this implementation of filter uses plain C++, single threaded
    // channel count must be 3 or 4 (alpha not used)
    void    CRBFilter(unsigned char* Input, unsigned char* Output, int Width, int Height, int Stride, float sigmaSpatial, float sigmaRange)
        int Channels = Stride / Width;
        int reserveWidth = Width;
        int reserveHeight = Height;
        // basic sanity check
        _ASSERT(reserveWidth >= 10 && reserveWidth < 10000);
        _ASSERT(reserveHeight >= 10 && reserveHeight < 10000);
        _ASSERT(Channels >= 1 && Channels <= 4);
        int reservePixels = reserveWidth * reserveHeight;
        int numberOfPixels = reservePixels * Channels;
        float* leftColorBuffer = (float*)calloc(sizeof(float)*numberOfPixels, 1);
        float* leftFactorBuffer = (float*)calloc(sizeof(float)*reservePixels, 1);
        float* rightColorBuffer = (float*)calloc(sizeof(float)*numberOfPixels, 1);
        float* rightFactorBuffer = (float*)calloc(sizeof(float)*reservePixels, 1);
        if (leftColorBuffer == NULL || leftFactorBuffer == NULL || rightColorBuffer == NULL || rightFactorBuffer == NULL)
            if (leftColorBuffer)  free(leftColorBuffer);
            if (leftFactorBuffer) free(leftFactorBuffer);
            if (rightColorBuffer) free(rightColorBuffer);
            if (rightFactorBuffer) free(rightFactorBuffer);
        float* downColorBuffer = leftColorBuffer;
        float* downFactorBuffer = leftFactorBuffer;
        float* upColorBuffer = rightColorBuffer;
        float* upFactorBuffer = rightFactorBuffer;
        // compute a lookup table
        float alpha_f = static_cast<float>(exp(-sqrt(2.0) / (sigmaSpatial * 255)));
        float inv_alpha_f = 1.f - alpha_f;
        float range_table_f[255 + 1];
        float inv_sigma_range = 1.0f / (sigmaRange * 255);
        float ii = 0.f;
        for (int i = 0; i <= 255; i++, ii -= 1.f)
            range_table_f[i] = alpha_f * exp(ii * inv_sigma_range);
        CRB_HorizontalFilter(Input, Output, Width, Height, Channels, range_table_f, inv_alpha_f, leftColorBuffer, leftFactorBuffer, rightColorBuffer, rightFactorBuffer);
        CRB_VerticalFilter(Input, Output, Width, Height, Channels, range_table_f, inv_alpha_f, downColorBuffer, downFactorBuffer, upColorBuffer, upFactorBuffer);
        if (leftColorBuffer)
            leftColorBuffer = NULL;
        if (leftFactorBuffer)
            leftFactorBuffer = NULL;
        if (rightColorBuffer)
            rightColorBuffer = NULL;
        if (rightFactorBuffer)
            rightFactorBuffer = NULL;

    void    CRBFilter(unsigned char* Input, unsigned char* Output, int Width, int Height, int Stride, float sigmaSpatial, float sigmaRange);





    好久没上来发文了,最近有好多网友,询问关于《票据OCR前预处理 (附Demo)》一些算法相关的细节。




    邮箱: gaozhihan@vip.qq.com






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