0 or 1
Time Limit: 2000ms
Memory Limit: 32768KB
This problem will be judged on HDU. Original ID: 437064-bit integer IO format: %I64d Java class name: Main
Given a n*n matrix Cij (1<=i,j<=n),We want to find a n*n matrix $X_{ij} (1<=i,j<=n)$,which is 0 or 1.
Besides,Xij meets the following conditions:
3.for each i (1<i<n), satisfies [sum{X_{ki}} (1<=k<=n)=sum{X_{ij}} (1<=j<=n)].
For example, if n=4,we can get the following equality:
[ X_{12}+X_{13}+X_{14}=1 ]
[ X_{14}+X_{24}+X_{34}=1 ]
[ X_{12}+X_{22}+X_{32}+X_{42}=X_{21}+X_{22}+X_{23}+X_{24} ]
[ X_{13}+X_{23}+X_{33}+X_{43}=X_{31}+X_{32}+X_{33}+X_{34} ]
Now ,we want to know the minimum of $sum{C_{ij} imes X_{ij}}(1<=i,j<=n)$ you can get.
For sample, $X_{12}=X_{24}=1$,all other $X_{ij}$ is 0.
Besides,Xij meets the following conditions:
3.for each i (1<i<n), satisfies [sum{X_{ki}} (1<=k<=n)=sum{X_{ij}} (1<=j<=n)].
For example, if n=4,we can get the following equality:
[ X_{12}+X_{13}+X_{14}=1 ]
[ X_{14}+X_{24}+X_{34}=1 ]
[ X_{12}+X_{22}+X_{32}+X_{42}=X_{21}+X_{22}+X_{23}+X_{24} ]
[ X_{13}+X_{23}+X_{33}+X_{43}=X_{31}+X_{32}+X_{33}+X_{34} ]
Now ,we want to know the minimum of $sum{C_{ij} imes X_{ij}}(1<=i,j<=n)$ you can get.
For sample, $X_{12}=X_{24}=1$,all other $X_{ij}$ is 0.
The input consists of multiple test cases (less than 35 case).
For each test case ,the first line contains one integer n (1<n<=300).
The next n lines, for each lines, each of which contains n integers, illustrating the matrix C, The j-th integer on i-th line is $C_{ij}(0<=Cij<=100000)$.
For each test case ,the first line contains one integer n (1<n<=300).
The next n lines, for each lines, each of which contains n integers, illustrating the matrix C, The j-th integer on i-th line is $C_{ij}(0<=Cij<=100000)$.
For each case, output the minimum of $sum{C_{ij} imes X_{ij}}$ you can get.
Sample Input
4 1 2 4 10 2 0 1 1 2 2 0 5 6 3 1 2
Sample Output
解题:居然可以转化为最短路 惊呆了。。
观察等式我们可以发现 1的出度为1 n的入度为1 其余的入度等于出度
01矩阵 2-n-1行 行和等于列和
可以求从1到n的最短路,这个还可以理解,那个1到其他再到1 n到其他再到n 暂时我没法理解
1 #include <iostream> 2 #include <cstdio> 3 #include <queue> 4 #include <cstring> 5 using namespace std; 6 const int maxn = 310; 7 int n,mp[maxn][maxn],d[maxn]; 8 int spfa(int s,int t,int &val) { 9 queue<int>q; 10 bool inq[maxn] = {false}; 11 memset(d,0x3f,sizeof d); 12 q.push(s); 13 d[s] = 0; 14 val = INT_MAX; 15 while(!q.empty()) { 16 int u = q.front(); 17 q.pop(); 18 inq[u] = false; 19 for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { 20 if(u != s && i == s) val = min(val,d[u]+mp[u][i]); 21 if(d[i] > d[u] + mp[u][i]) { 22 d[i] = d[u] + mp[u][i]; 23 if(!inq[i]) { 24 inq[i] = true; 25 q.push(i); 26 } 27 } 28 } 29 } 30 return d[t]; 31 } 32 int main() { 33 while(~scanf("%d",&n)) { 34 for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) 35 for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j) 36 scanf("%d",mp[i]+j); 37 int a,b; 38 int ret = spfa(0,n-1,a); 39 spfa(n-1,0,b); 40 printf("%d ",min(a+b,ret)); 41 } 42 return 0; 43 }