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  • HDU 3487 Play with Chain

    Play with Chain

    Time Limit: 2000ms
    Memory Limit: 32768KB
    This problem will be judged on HDU. Original ID: 3487
    64-bit integer IO format: %I64d      Java class name: Main
    YaoYao is fond of playing his chains. He has a chain containing n diamonds on it. Diamonds are numbered from 1 to n.
    At first, the diamonds on the chain is a sequence: 1, 2, 3, …, n.
    He will perform two types of operations:
    CUT a b c: He will first cut down the chain from the ath diamond to the bth diamond. And then insert it after the cth diamond on the remaining chain.
    For example, if n=8, the chain is: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8; We perform “CUT 3 5 4”, Then we first cut down 3 4 5, and the remaining chain would be: 1 2 6 7 8. Then we insert “3 4 5” into the chain before 5th diamond, the chain turns out to be: 1 2 6 7 3 4 5 8.

    FLIP a b: We first cut down the chain from the ath diamond to the bth diamond. Then reverse the chain and put them back to the original position.
    For example, if we perform “FLIP 2 6” on the chain: 1 2 6 7 3 4 5 8. The chain will turn out to be: 1 4 3 7 6 2 5 8

    He wants to know what the chain looks like after perform m operations. Could you help him? 


    There will be multiple test cases in a test data. 
    For each test case, the first line contains two numbers: n and m (1≤n, m≤3*100000), indicating the total number of diamonds on the chain and the number of operations respectively.
    Then m lines follow, each line contains one operation. The command is like this:
    CUT a b c // Means a CUT operation, 1 ≤ a ≤ b ≤ n, 0≤ c ≤ n-(b-a+1).
    FLIP a b    // Means a FLIP operation, 1 ≤ a < b ≤ n.
    The input ends up with two negative numbers, which should not be processed as a case.


    For each test case, you should print a line with n numbers. The ith number is the number of the ith diamond on the chain.

    Sample Input

    8 2
    CUT 3 5 4
    FLIP 2 6
    -1 -1

    Sample Output

    1 4 3 7 6 2 5 8


    解题:splay 真是会play啊
      1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
      2 using namespace std;
      3 const int maxn = 300010;
      4 struct SplayTree {
      5     int val[maxn],fa[maxn],ch[maxn][2];
      6     int flip[maxn],sz[maxn],tot,root;
      7     bool flag;
      8     inline void pushdown(int x) {
      9         if(flip[x]) {
     10             flip[ch[x][0]] ^= 1;
     11             flip[ch[x][1]] ^= 1;
     12             swap(ch[x][0],ch[x][1]);
     13             flip[x] = 0;
     14         }
     15     }
     16     inline void pushup(int x) {
     17         sz[x] = 1 + sz[ch[x][0]] + sz[ch[x][1]];
     18     }
     19     void newnode(int &x,int key,int f) {
     20         x = ++tot;
     21         val[x] = key;
     22         fa[x] = f;
     23         sz[x] = 1;
     24         flip[x] = ch[x][0] = ch[x][1] = 0;
     25     }
     26     void rotate(int x,int kd) {
     27         int y = fa[x];
     28         pushdown(y);
     29         pushdown(x);
     30         ch[y][kd^1] = ch[x][kd];
     31         fa[ch[x][kd]] = y;
     32         fa[x] = fa[y];
     33         ch[x][kd] = y;
     34         fa[y] = x;
     35         if(fa[x]) ch[fa[x]][y == ch[fa[x]][1]] = x;
     36         pushup(y);
     37     }
     38     void splay(int x,int goal) {
     39         pushdown(x);
     40         while(fa[x] != goal) {
     41             pushdown(fa[fa[x]]);
     42             pushdown(fa[x]);
     43             pushdown(x);
     44             if(fa[fa[x]] == goal) rotate(x,x == ch[fa[x]][0]);
     45             else {
     46                 int y = fa[x],z = fa[y],s = (y == ch[z][0]);
     47                 if(x == ch[y][s]) {
     48                     rotate(x,s^1);
     49                     rotate(x,s);
     50                 } else {
     51                     rotate(y,s);
     52                     rotate(x,s);
     53                 }
     54             }
     55         }
     56         pushup(x);
     57         if(!goal) root = x;
     58     }
     59     void select(int k,int goal){
     60         int x = root;
     61         pushdown(x);
     62         while(sz[ch[x][0]] + 1 != k){
     63             if(k < sz[ch[x][0]] + 1) x = ch[x][0];
     64             else{
     65                 k -= sz[ch[x][0]] + 1;
     66                 x = ch[x][1];
     67             }
     68             pushdown(x);
     69         }
     70         splay(x,goal);
     71     }
     72     void build(int &x,int L,int R,int f){
     73         if(L > R) return;
     74         int mid = (L + R)>>1;
     75         newnode(x,mid,f);
     76         build(ch[x][0],L,mid-1,x);
     77         build(ch[x][1],mid + 1,R,x);
     78         pushup(x);
     79     }
     80     void init(int n){
     81         sz[0] = tot = root = 0;
     82         flip[0] = ch[0][0] = ch[0][1] = 0;
     83         val[0] = fa[0] = 0;
     84         newnode(root,-1,0);
     85         newnode(ch[root][1],-1,root);
     86         sz[root] = 2;
     87         build(ch[ch[root][1]][0],1,n,ch[root][1]);
     88     }
     89     void OUT(int x){
     90         if(!x) return;
     91         pushdown(x);
     92         OUT(ch[x][0]);
     93         if(~val[x]){
     94             if(flag) putchar(' ');
     95             printf("%d",val[x]);
     96             flag = true;
     97         }
     98         OUT(ch[x][1]);
     99     }
    100     void out(){
    101         flag = false;
    102         OUT(root);
    103         putchar('
    104     }
    105     void cut(int a,int b,int c){
    106         select(a-1 + 1,0);
    107         select(b + 1 + 1,root);
    108         int tmp = ch[ch[root][1]][0];
    109         ch[ch[root][1]][0] = 0;
    110         pushup(ch[root][1]);
    111         pushup(root);
    112         select(c+1,0);
    113         select(c+1+1,root);
    114         ch[ch[root][1]][0] = tmp;
    115         fa[tmp] = ch[root][1];
    116         pushup(ch[root][1]);
    117         pushup(root);
    118     }
    119     void reverse(int L,int R){
    120         select(L - 1 + 1,0);
    121         select(R + 1 + 1,root);
    122         flip[ch[ch[root][1]][0]] ^= 1;
    123     }
    124 }spt;
    125 int main() {
    126     char op[10];
    127     int n,m,a,b,c;
    128     while(~scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)){
    129         if(n == -1 && m == -1) break;
    130         spt.init(n);
    131         for(int i = 1; i <= m; ++i){
    132             scanf("%s",op);
    133             if(op[0] == 'C'){
    134                 scanf("%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c);
    135                 spt.cut(a,b,c);
    136             }else{
    137                 scanf("%d%d",&a,&b);
    138                 spt.reverse(a,b);
    139             }
    140         }
    141         spt.out();
    142     }
    143     return 0;
    144 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/crackpotisback/p/4875217.html
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