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  • [1441] Babelfish noj(宁波)


    • [1441] Babelfish

    • 时间限制: 1000 ms 内存限制: 65535 K
    • 问题描述
    • You have just moved from Waterloo to a big city. The people here speak an incomprehensible dialect of a foreign language. Fortunately, you have a dictionary to help you understand them.
    • 输入
    • Input consists of up to 100,000 dictionary entries, followed by a blank line, followed by a message of up to 100,000 words. Each dictionary entry is a line containing an English word, followed by a space and a foreign language word. No foreign word appears more than once in the dictionary. The message is a sequence of words in the foreign language, one word on each line. Each word in the input is a sequence of at most 10 lowercase letters.
    • 输出
    • Output is the message translated to English, one word per line. Foreign words not in the dictionary should be translated as "eh".
    • 样例输入
    • dog ogday
      cat atcay
      pig igpay
      froot ootfray
      loops oopslay
    • 样例输出
    • cat
    •  1 #include<math.h>
       2 #include<algorithm>
       3 #include<string.h>
       4 #include<string>
       5 #include<ctime>
       6 #include<queue>
       7 #include<list>
       8 #include<map>
       9 #include<set>
      10 #include<vector>
      11 #include<stack>
      12 #include<iostream>
      13 #define INF 999999999
      14 #define N 50010
      15 using namespace std;
      17 int cnt=1;
      18 typedef struct node
      19 {
      20     node * next[26];
      21     int num;
      22     node()
      23     {
      24         num=0;
      25         memset(next,NULL,sizeof(next));
      26     }
      27 }Nod;
      28 void insert_tree(Nod * head,char *str)
      29 {
      30     Nod *h=head;
      31     int len=strlen(str);
      32     int i;
      33     for(i=0;i<len;i++)
      34     {
      35         int id=str[i]-'a';
      36         if(h->next[id]==NULL)
      37             h->next[id]=new node;
      38         h=h->next[id];
      39     }
      40     h->num=cnt++;   //这个标记结尾,并标记是第几个,作为hash
      41 }
      42 int find_tree(Nod *head,char *str)
      43 {
      44     int i;
      45     Nod *h=head;
      46     int len=strlen(str);
      47     for(i=0;i<len;i++)
      48     {
      49         int id=str[i]-'a';
      50         if(h->next[id]==NULL)
      51             return 0;     //没找到则返回0
      52         h=h->next[id];
      53     }
      54     if(h!=NULL)
      55         return h->num;  //当h不为空,返回hash
      56     return 0;
      57 }
      58 void freedom(Nod *h)  //这是对指针的释放,这个题不知道怎么回事,释放会超时,估计是因为递归释放耗时太多,不过题目只有一组测试,可以不释放
      59 {
      60     int i;
      61     for(i=0;i<26;i++)
      62     {
      63         if(h->next[i]!=NULL)
      64             freedom(h->next[i]);
      65     }
      66     delete h;
      67 }
      69 char tstr[100010][20]={"eh",}; //初始化hash字符数组
      71 int main()
      72 {
      73     char str[20];
      74     int i=1,n;
      75     cnt=1;
      76     Nod *head;
      77     head=new node;
      78     char ch;
      79     while(~scanf("%s",tstr[i]))
      80     {
      81         ch=getchar();
      82         if(ch==10)    //输入这里我用了getchar来查看字符串后面的字符是不是回车
      83             break;
      84         scanf("%s",str);
      85         insert_tree(head,str);
      86         i++;
      87     }
      88     int pos=find_tree(head,tstr[i]);
      89     puts(tstr[pos]);
      90     while(~scanf("%s",str))
      91     {
      92         pos=find_tree(head,str);
      93         puts(tstr[pos]);
      94     }
      95     //freedom(head);
      96     return 0;
      97 }
  • 相关阅读:
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    xgqfrms™, xgqfrms® : xgqfrms's offical website of GitHub!
    xgqfrms™, xgqfrms® : xgqfrms's offical website of GitHub!
    xgqfrms™, xgqfrms® : xgqfrms's offical website of GitHub!
    xgqfrms™, xgqfrms® : xgqfrms's offical website of GitHub!
    xgqfrms™, xgqfrms® : xgqfrms's offical website of GitHub!
    xgqfrms™, xgqfrms® : xgqfrms's offical website of GitHub!
    xgqfrms™, xgqfrms® : xgqfrms's offical website of GitHub!
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/crazyapple/p/3045740.html
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