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  • SpringSession header/cookie/attribute存放 session id

    SpringSession header/cookie/attribute存放 SessionID(死磕)

    疯狂创客圈 Java 高并发【 亿级流量聊天室实战】实战系列 【博客园总入口

    架构师成长+面试必备之 高并发基础书籍 【Netty Zookeeper Redis 高并发实战


    Crazy-SpringCloud 微服务脚手架 &视频介绍

    Crazy-SpringCloud 微服务脚手架,是为 Java 微服务开发 入门者 准备的 学习和开发脚手架。并配有一系列的使用教程和视频,大致如下:

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    SpringCloud Config springcloud Config 入门,带视频
    spring security spring security 原理+实战
    Spring Session SpringSession 独立使用
    分布式 session 基础 RedisSession (自定义)
    重点: springcloud 开发脚手架 springcloud 开发脚手架
    SpingSecurity + SpringSession 死磕 (写作中) SpingSecurity + SpringSession 死磕

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    由于 SpingSecurity + SpringSession 整合场景,涉及到SpringSession SessionID 存取的问题。


    由 SpringSecurity 将sessionID放在了 request 的 attribute中, SpringSession 需要从 request 的 attribute中取得。

    SpringSession 自带的 sessionId 存取器:



    1: SpringSession header 存取 SessionID



    如果要使用HeaderHttpSessionIdResolver ,方法为

    增加Spring Bean,类型为 HeaderHttpSessionIdResolver

    import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
    import org.springframework.session.data.redis.config.annotation.web.http.EnableRedisHttpSession;
    import org.springframework.session.web.http.HeaderHttpSessionIdResolver;
    @EnableRedisHttpSession(maxInactiveIntervalInSeconds= 1800)
    public class HttpSessionConfig {
        public HeaderHttpSessionIdResolver headerHttpSessionIdResolver() {
            return new HeaderHttpSessionIdResolver("x-auth-token");



    更加完整的内容,参见 博文

    2: SpringSession cookie 存取 SessionID


    下面为 CookieHttpSessionIdResolver 源码, 仅供参考。如果不做定制, SpringSession 默认的 IdResolver 就是这种了。

     * Copyright 2014-2017 the original author or authors.
     * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
     *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     * limitations under the License.
    package org.springframework.session.web.http;
    import java.util.List;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import org.springframework.session.web.http.CookieSerializer.CookieValue;
    public final class CookieHttpSessionIdResolver implements HttpSessionIdResolver {
    	private static final String WRITTEN_SESSION_ID_ATTR = CookieHttpSessionIdResolver.class
    	private CookieSerializer cookieSerializer = new DefaultCookieSerializer();
        //重点:从cookie 取得sessionid
    	public List<String> resolveSessionIds(HttpServletRequest request) {
    		return this.cookieSerializer.readCookieValues(request);
          //重点:设置 sessionid 到 cookie 
    	public void setSessionId(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
    			String sessionId) {
    		if (sessionId.equals(request.getAttribute(WRITTEN_SESSION_ID_ATTR))) {
    		request.setAttribute(WRITTEN_SESSION_ID_ATTR, sessionId);
    				.writeCookieValue(new CookieValue(request, response, sessionId));
    	public void expireSession(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
    		this.cookieSerializer.writeCookieValue(new CookieValue(request, response, ""));
    	 * Sets the {@link CookieSerializer} to be used.
    	 * @param cookieSerializer the cookieSerializer to set. Cannot be null.
    	public void setCookieSerializer(CookieSerializer cookieSerializer) {
    		if (cookieSerializer == null) {
    			throw new IllegalArgumentException("cookieSerializer cannot be null");
    		this.cookieSerializer = cookieSerializer;

    3 SpringSession Attribute 存取 SessionID

    如果要从 Attribute 存取 SessionID ,则必须实现一个定制的 HttpSessionIdResolver,代码如下:

    package com.crazymaker.springcloud.standard.config;
    import com.crazymaker.springcloud.common.constants.SessionConstants;
    import lombok.Data;
    import org.springframework.data.redis.core.RedisTemplate;
    import org.springframework.session.web.http.HeaderHttpSessionIdResolver;
    import org.springframework.session.web.http.HttpSessionIdResolver;
    import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import java.util.Collections;
    import java.util.List;
    public class CustomedSessionIdResolver implements HttpSessionIdResolver {
        private RedisTemplate<Object, Object> redisTemplet = null;
        private static final String HEADER_AUTHENTICATION_INFO = "Authentication-Info";
        private final String headerName;
         * Convenience factory to create {@link HeaderHttpSessionIdResolver} that uses
         * "X-Auth-Token" header.
         * @return the instance configured to use "X-Auth-Token" header
        public static HeaderHttpSessionIdResolver xAuthToken() {
            return new HeaderHttpSessionIdResolver(SessionConstants.SESSION_SEED);
         * Convenience factory to create {@link HeaderHttpSessionIdResolver} that uses
         * "Authentication-Info" header.
         * @return the instance configured to use "Authentication-Info" header
        public static HeaderHttpSessionIdResolver authenticationInfo() {
            return new HeaderHttpSessionIdResolver(HEADER_AUTHENTICATION_INFO);
         * The name of the header to obtain the session id from.
         * @param headerName the name of the header to obtain the session id from.
        public CustomedSessionIdResolver(String headerName) {
            if (headerName == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("headerName cannot be null");
            this.headerName = headerName;
        //重点,springsession 用来获得sessionID
        public List<String> resolveSessionIds(HttpServletRequest request) {
            String headerValue = request.getHeader(this.headerName);
            if (StringUtils.isEmpty(headerValue)) {
                headerValue = (String) request.getAttribute(SessionConstants.SESSION_SEED);
                if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(headerValue)) {
                    headerValue = SessionConstants.getRedisSessionID(headerValue);
            if (StringUtils.isEmpty(headerValue)) {
                headerValue = (String) request.getAttribute(SessionConstants.SESSION_ID);
            return (headerValue != null) ?
                    Collections.singletonList(headerValue) : Collections.emptyList();
        //重点,springsession 用来存放sessionid
        public void setSessionId(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
                                 String sessionId) {
            response.setHeader(this.headerName, sessionId);
        public void expireSession(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
            response.setHeader(this.headerName, "");
         * hash的赋值去设置
         * @param key   key
         * @param hkey  hkey
         * @param value value
        public void hset(String key, String hkey, String value) {
            redisTemplet.opsForHash().put(key, hkey, value);
         * hash的赋值去取值
         * @param key  key
         * @param hkey hkey
        public String hget(String key, String hkey) {
            return (String) redisTemplet.opsForHash().get(key, hkey);
        public Object getSessionId(String loginName) {
            return hget(SessionConstants.SESSION_ID + ":KEYS", loginName);
        public void setSessionId(String loginName, String sid) {
            hset(SessionConstants.SESSION_ID + ":KEYS", loginName, sid);

    SpringSession SessionID 存取 原理

    牛逼的 SessionRepositoryFilter 过滤器: 位于 spring-session-core 包中,间接涉及到 SpringSession 的ID的获取和保存。

    SessionRepositoryFilter 作为 SpringSession 的重要的一环,涉及两个非常重要的工作:

    (1)请求处理前,SessionRepositoryFilter 通过多层函数调用, 从 HttpSessionIdResolver 中取得 SessionID。

    (2)请求 处理完成后,SessionRepositoryFilter 负责session的提交(如:保存到redis),并且通过 HttpSessionIdResolver 输出sessionID。



    具体,请关注 Java 高并发研习社群博客园 总入口

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    疯狂创客圈,倾力推出:面试必备 + 面试必备 + 面试必备 的基础原理+实战 书籍 《Netty Zookeeper Redis 高并发实战


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  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/crazymakercircle/p/12037747.html
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