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  • 【NLP新闻2013.05.15】How Google is setting the new search standard with voice and knowledge graph




    Google’s search capabilities are king, and they’re getting richer now with features including the use of more powerful voice recognition on mobile devices and desktops,


    At its Google I/O conference Wednesday, company execs introduced “conversational search” capabilities. As Google implements its “hotwords,” users will no longer need to click the microphone in the search bar to start using voice recognition. All users have to do is say, “OK, Google,” and then speak commands. Google relies on natural language processing to figure out what users want to do and then serves up results.

    在星期三的Google I/0的会议中,公司通过演示介绍了具有强大的谈话功能的能力。当google想搜索热词的时候,用户不用在点击手机上的搜索栏然后去开始语音识别。所有的用户需要去说:“OK,Google ”,然后说口令。谷歌依靠自然语言处理去分辨出用户想要做什么,然后把处理的结果呈献给用户。

    Combine that with Google search’s ability to go beyond serving up graphs and other data in response to user questions and actually weave in additional information Google thinks users are looking for. For example, if you search for China, Google will not only show changes in population over the decades, but it will also graph the countries  China’s population is often compared to — India and the United States.

    结合Google 的搜索能力,已经不再仅仅是提供图表和一些其他的数据来反馈用户的问题,实际上他会去编织更多附加的信息,而这些信息Google 认为是用户正在寻找的。我们举个例子,如果你搜索China ,Google 不仅仅去展示近十年的人数的变化,他也会使用图表表示出中国与其他国家人口的对比,比如印度和美国。

    This is possible as Google keeps expanding knowledge graph, which now has more than 570 million entities, such as people, places and things, said Amit Singhal, a senior vice president and Google Fellow.

    谷歌的研究员和总裁,Amit  Singhal 说:Google 保持扩大知识图谱是有可能的,现在这个知识图谱已经有了超过570000000个实体,这些实体有人类、地方还有一些事物。

    【扩展:knowledge graph知识图谱:Knowledge Graph 即知识图谱,允许用户搜索Google知道的事物,人物或者地方,包括地标,名人,城市,球队,建筑,地理特征,电影,天体,艺术作品等等,而且能够显示关于你的查询的实时信息 。他是迈向下一代搜索业务关键的第一步,使得搜索智能化,根据用户的意图给出用户想要的结果。 值得注意的是这些内容有一部分是直接采集自那些人肉整理好的知识网站,比如维基百科、Freease和CIA World Factbook。Google说自己也有进行采集

    Coming soon: More knowledgeable searches


    The knowledge graph operates with searches in English and eight other languages. Starting today, Singhal said, it will be  available in simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, Polish and Turkish.

    这个知识图谱现在运转在英语还有其他8个国家的语言之上。从今天开始,Singhal 说,将要开始支持简体中文、繁体中文和波兰语、土耳其语。

    Google is also integrating personal data into searches in Chrome on desktops and laptops, which makes loads of sense. Flight reservations, restaurant reservations, package deliveries, and other user-generated information can be rapidly pulled up in the familiar interface of Google search results. That could put an end to going through emails of paper for this sort of information, saving users time.

    Google 也会整合Chrome 和桌面应用的个人数据进入到搜索当中,这些数据将会使搜索变得更加的明智。机票预订、酒店预订、包裹递送和其他用户产生的信息也会很快的被用到大家熟悉的Google 搜索的结果当中。这样就会结束用户使用电子邮件来找寻这些信息,大大的节约了用户的时间。


    Google has provoked lots of buzz and some concerns with its Google Now feature on mobile devices. The application will soon allow users to set reminders — to call someone, buy something — and expect them to occur only at the right time.

    Google 在移动设备上的新功能已经引起了广泛的关注。这个应用在不久的将来可以允许用户设置提醒-给某人打电话,要买什么东西-并且可以设置在我们希望的时间才会触发。

    Parlaying personal and general data


    Johanna Wright, vice president of search and assist for mobile at Google, took some of these new and upcoming features for a spin. As an example, she said she wanted to plan a day trip to Santa Cruz, Calif. So she said “OK, Google” — bringing Google to attention — “show me pictures of the Santa Cruz boardwalk.” Up came multiple pictures in a horizontal bar at the top of search results. She wanted to know the length of the trip and said, “OK, Google, how far is it from here?” Google figured out that “here” was her current location, in San Francisco, and “there” was Santa Cruz and displayed a map and spoke back that the drive would take an hour and 21 minutes.

    Johanna Wright, 副总裁,对一些即将到来的功能做了讲述。例如,她说她想制定一个去Santa  Cruz,Calif 的计划。所以,他先说:“OK,Google ”-这句话引起了Google 的注意-“给我展示一下Santa  Cruz boardwalk 的照片吧”。然后各种各样的图片在一个横板的布局下出现在了搜索的最顶端。她又想知道旅行的长度,然后又说:“OK,Google ,我到那里有多远?”Google 指出了“这里”是她目前所在的地方,在San Francisco ,然后“那里”就是Santa Cruz。然后,又显示出了一个地图,这个移动装置(手机)返回了语音结果将需要1个小时21分钟。

    She then asked seafood restaurants and got a list. Then she asked Google a tough question: “How tall do you have to be to ride the Giant Dipper?” Google came back with, “You must be at least 4 feet 3 inches tall to ride the Giant Dipper. “Nice,” she said. “Looks like my son can go on.”

    然后,她又问到,吃海鲜的地方,最后得到了一个列表。她又问了Google 一个难题:“多高才能去乘坐Giant Dipper (过山车)”,Google 回答:“你必须至少4英尺3英寸高才可以乘坐Giant Dipper ”。最后,她说非常漂亮,看起来我的儿子就可以去了。

    On a mobile device, Wright also directed Google Now to send a quick email based on her voice commands, which happened right away, and set a reminder for her to call a friend when she arrives in New York on a business trip. FInally, she was able to tell Google to show the pictures she made during a previous trip. And about 16 pictures came right up.

    在一个移动设备商上,Wright 也指出了Google 现在可以很快的在她的语音命令下发送一份邮件,就是在刚刚才发生的,设置了一个提醒,当她的商务旅行到达了纽约之后立即告诉他的朋友这个消息。最后,她展示了,她可以告诉Google 展示她之前旅游的图片,然后16张图片马上就显示出来了。

    The combination of personal data with more traditional search data is a logical next step for Google, which has no shortage of either. While Google Now has critics, it could become more popular with these new features. And how could people — investors included — question Google’s innovations in search, its core product. The voice recognition capabilities make searching still more intuitive and set the bar still higher for everyone else.

    个人数据和传统的搜索数据的结合对于Google的下一步发展来说是合乎常理的,在这方面是没有短缺的。Google 现在有评论者,它可以在新功能下变得越来越流行。人们要怎样通过创新才能保持Google 的核心产品,核心竞争力,语音识别让搜索变得更加的直观,Google 的搜索栏依然是每个人的选择。(最后一段翻译的太水了)

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