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    How to manage remote MySQL databases on Linux VPS using a GUI tool
    如何在一个linux VPS上使用一个GUI工具来远程管理MySQL数据库

    If you need to run a MySQL server on a remote VPS instance, how will you manage databases hosted by the server remotely?
    假如你需要在一个远程vps 实例上运行一个MySQL服务器,你将如何远程地管理由服务器托管的数据库。
    Perhaps web-based database administration tools such as phpMyAdmin or Adminer will first come to mind.
    These web-based management tools require a backend web server and PHP engine up and running.
    这些基于web的管理工具需要一个后台web 服务器和PHP引擎启动并运行。
    However, if your VPS instance is used as a standalone database server (e.g., for a multi-tier app), provisioning a whole LAMP stack for occasional database management is a waste of VPS resource.
    Worse, the LAMP stack with an additional HTTP port can be a source of security vulnerabilities of your VPS.

    Alternatively, you can turn to a native MySQL client running on a client host.
    Of course a pure command-line MySQL client (mysql-client) can be your default choice if nothing else.
    But the capabilities of the command-line client are limited, so it is not suitable for production-level database administration such as visual SQL development, performance tuning, schema validation, etc.
    If you are looking for full-blown MySQL administration features, a MySQL GUI tool will meet your requirements better.
    假如你正寻找完全成熟的MySQL管理特性,一个MySQL GUI工具会更好地满足你的需要。

    What is MySQL Workbench?
    什么是MySQL Workbench?
    Developed as an integrated database tool environment by Oracle, MySQL Workbench is more than a simple MySQL client.
    由oracle开发为一个集成数据库工具,MySQL Workbench不只是一个简单的MySQL客户端。
    In a nutshell, Workbench is a cross-platform (e.g., Linux, MacOS X, Windows) GUI tool for database design, development and administration.
    简单地说,Workbench 是一个数据库设计,开发和管理的跨平台GUI工具。
    The Community Edition of MySQL Workbench is available for free under the GPL.
    社区版的MySQL Workbench在GPL下自由可用。
    As a database administrator, you can use Workbench to configure MySQL server, manage MySQL users, perform database backup and recovery, and monitor database health, all in GUI-based user-frienly environment.
    In this tutorial, let's review how to install and use MySQL Workbench on Linux.
    在这份指南中,让我们回顾一下如何在linux下安装使用MySQL Workbench。

    Install MySQL Workbench on Linux
    在linux下安装MySQL Workbench
    To set up remote database administration environment, grab any desktop Linux machine where you will be running MySQL Workbench.
    拿起任何你将运行MySQL Workbench的桌面linux机器来创建远程数据库管理环境。
    While some Linux distributions (e.g., Debian/Ubuntu) carry MySQL Workbench in their repositories, it is a good idea to install it from the official repositories, as they offer the latest version.
    一些linux发行版(例如,Debian/Ubuntu)在它们的库中搭载了MySQL Workbench,从官方库中安装它是一个好主意,因为它们提供最新版。
    Here is how to set up the official Workbench repository and install Workbench from it.
    这里是如何建立官方Workbench 库并从中安装它的方法。

    Debian-based Desktop (Debian, Ubuntu, Mint):
    Go to the official website. Download and install the DEB file for the repository. Choose one that matches with your environment.
    到官方网站。从库中下载和安装DEB 文件。选择匹配你环境的一个文件。
    For example, on Ubuntu 14.10:
    例如,在Ubuntu 14.10上:

    $ wget http://dev.mysql.com/get/mysql-apt-config_0.3.4-2ubuntu14.10_all.deb
    $ sudo dpkg -i mysql-apt-config_0.3.4-2ubuntu14.10_all.deb

    on Debian 7:
    在Debian 7上:

    $ wget http://dev.mysql.com/get/mysql-apt-config_0.3.3-1debian7_all.deb
    $ sudo dpkg -i mysql-apt-config_0.3.3-1debian7_all.deb

    When installing the DEB file, you will see the following package configuration menu, and be asked to choose MySQL product to configure.

    Choose "Utilities". Once you are done with configuration, choose "Apply" to save it.
    Finally, update package index, and install Workbench.

    $ sudo apt-get update
    $ sudo apt-get install mysql-workbench

    Red Hat-based Desktop (CentOS, Fedora, RHEL):
    Go to the official website. Download and install the RPM repository package for your Linux evironment.
    For example, on CentOS 7:
    例如,在CentOS 7上:

    $ wget http://dev.mysql.com/get/mysql-community-release-el7-5.noarch.rpm
    $ sudo yum localinstall mysql-community-release-el7-5.noarch.rpm

    on Fedora 21:

    $ wget http://dev.mysql.com/get/mysql-community-release-fc21-6.noarch.rpm
    $ sudo yum localinstall mysql-community-release-fc21-6.noarch.rpm

    Verify that "MySQL Tools Community" repository has been set up.
    校验"MySQL 社区工具"库已经创建。
    $ yum repolist enabled

    Go ahead and install Workbench.
    $ sudo yum install mysql-workbench-community

    Set up a Secure Remote Database Connection

    The next step is to set up a remote connection to your MySQL server running on a VPS. Of course you can connect directly to the remote MySQL server from Workbench GUI (after enabling remote access in the database server).
    下一步是创建一个到MySQL服务器的远程连接,MySQL服器运行在VPS之上。当然你可以从Workbench GUI中直接连接远程MySQL服务器(在数据库服务器启用远程访问后)。
    However, it is a huge security risk to do so, as someone can easily eavesdrop on database access traffic, and a publicly-open MySQL port can be another attack vector.

    A better approach is to disable remote access of MySQL server (i.e., only allow access from of a VPS).

    Then set up an SSH tunnel between a local client machine and a remote VPS, so that MySQL traffic can be securely relayed via their loopback interfaces.
    在本地客户机器和一个远程VPS之间建立一个SSH 隧道,以便MySQL流量能安全地通过它们的本地回环接口转发。
    Compared to setting up SSL-based encrypted connections, configuring SSH tunneling requires little effort as it only requires SSH server, which is already deployed on most VPS instances.
    比较建立一个基于ssl的加密连接,配置ssh隧道需要更小的代价,因为它只需要SSH 服务器,而它已经在大多数的VPS实例上部署。
    Let's see how we can set up an SSH tunnel for MySQL Workbench.
    让我们看一下如何为MySQL Workbench来建立一个SSH隧道。
    In this setup, you don't need to enable remote access of a MySQL server.
    On a local client host where MySQL Workbench will be running, type the following command. Replace 'user' and 'remote_vps' with your own info.
    在运行MySQL Workbench的本地客户机上,输入如下命令,替换user和remote_vps为你自己的信息。
    $ ssh user@remote_vps -L 3306: -N

    You will be asked to type an SSH password for your VPS. Once you successfully log in to the VPS, an SSH tunnel will be established between port 3306 of local host and port 3306 of a remote VPS. Note that you won't see any message in the foreground.
    Optionally, you can set the SSH tunnel running in the background. For that, press Ctrl+Z to stop the command, type bg and press ENTER.
    The SSH tunnel will now be running in the background.

    Manage a Remote MySQL Server with MySQL Workbench
    用MySQL Workbench 管理一个远程MySQL 服务器
    With an SSH tunnel established, you are ready to connect to a remote MySQL server from MySQL Workbench.
    伴随着SSH隧道的建立,你准备从MySQL Workbench来连接一个远程MySQL服务器。
    Launch Workbench by typing:
    $ mysql-workbench

    Click on the plus icon at the top of the Workbench screen to create a new database connection. Fill in connection information as follows.
        Connection Name: any description (e.g., My remote VPS database)
        Port: 3306
        Username: MySQL username (e.g., root)

    Note that since the tunnel's local endpoint is, the hostname field must be, not the IP address/hostname of a remote VPS.
    Once you set up a new database connection, you will see a new box for the connection appear on Workbench window. Click on the box to actually establish a connection to a remote MySQL server.
    一旦你建立一个新的数据库连接,你将看到一个新的连接框出现在Workbench 窗口。点击方框来实际地建立一个到远程MySQL 服务器的连接。
    Once you are logged in to the MySQL server, you will see various administrative tasks in the left-side panel. Let's review some of common administrative tasks.

    MySQL Server Status

    This menus shows real-time dashboard of database server resource usage (e.g., traffic, connections, read/write).
    Client Connections

    The total number of client connections is a critical resource to monitor. This menu shows detailed information of individual client connections.

    Users and Privileges

    This menu allows you to manage MySQL users, including their resource limits and privileges.
    这个菜单允许你管理MySQL 用户,包括它们的资源限制和权限。
    MySQL Server Administration

    You can start or stop a MySQL server, and examine its server logs.

    Database Schema Management

    You can view, change or inspect database schema visually. For that, choose and right-click on any database or table under "Schemas" heading.
    Database Query

    You can execute any arbitrary query (as long as your login privilege allows), and inspect its result.
    Note that performance statistics and reports are available for MySQL server 5.6 and higher. For 5.5 and lower, the performance section will be grayed out.
    注意性能统计和报告只在MySQL 服务器5.6及更高才可用。5.5及以下,性能部分将变灰。

    The clean and intuitive tabbed interface, comprehensive feature sets, and open-source licensing make MySQL Workbench one of the best visual database design and administration tools out there.
    干净和直观的标签式接口,综合特性集,和开源许可证使得MySQL Workbench成为最好的可视化数据库设计与管理工具之一。
    One known downside of Workbench is its performance. I notice that Workbench sometimes gets sluggish while running queries on a busy server.
    Despite its less than stellar performance, I still consider MySQL Workbench an essential tool for any professional MySQL database administrator and designer.
    尽管它的性能不是一流的,我依然认为MySQL Workbench对任何一个专业的MySQL数据库管理员和设计者来说都是一个专业工具。
    Have you ever used Workbench in your work environment? Or do you recommend any other GUI tool? Feel free to share your experience.

    permissible adj. 可允许的;获得准许的

    spatial adj. 空间的;存在于空间的;受空间条件限制的

    This chapter provides an overview of these data types, 本章提供了这些数据类型的一个概述,

    a more detailed description of the properties of the types in each category, 在每一个类别中的类型属性的更详细描述

    and a summary of the data type storage requirements. 和一个数据类型存储需求摘要。

    A value of 0 signifies that there is no fractional part. 0值表示没有小数部分

    fractional adj. 部分的;[数] 分数的,小数的

    fractional seconds precision 简称fsp


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/createyuan/p/4557268.html
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