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  • MySql查询功能梳理

    CREATE DATABASE CristinMysql


    Create table employee(

    eId int(9) not null auto_increment,

    eName varchar(8) charset utf8 not null,

    eComeDate date not null,

    eGender enum('Male','Female','Uncertaion') default null,

    primary key (eId)

    ) engine = InnoDB auto_increment = 20170001 default charset = utf8mb4;



    --engine = InnoDB 支持事务查询,engine = ISAM 执行读取操作的速度很快,而且不占用大量的内存和存储资源。ISAM的两个主要不足之处在于,它不支持事务处理,也不能够容错;



    insert into employee values(null,'张三','2015-01-01','Male'),(null,'李四','2015-01-01','Male'),(null,'王五','2014-01-01','Male'),(null,'白凤九','2016-01-01','Male'),(null,'白凤八','2017-01-01','Male'),(null,'张三丰','2015-06-01','Male')



    select * from employee;



    select * from employee where eName = '张';


    --like % _【模糊查询,%与_区别:%表示模糊位数,_表示第几位模糊】

    select * from employee where eName like '张%';

    select * from employee where eName like '张_';


    --between and < > <>【区间查询,between and 从哪里到哪里;< > 逻辑区间;<>表示不等于】

    select * from employee where eComeDate between 20150101 and 20170101;

    select * from employee where eComeDate >= 20160101;


    --order by limit【排序规则,默认升序排列,limit表示取几个】

    select * from employee where eComeDate >= 20150101 order by eComeDate desc limit 3;


    -- and or【和与或】

    select * from employee where eComeDate >= 20150101 and eName like '白%';

    select * from employee where eComeDate <20150101 or eName like '白%';


    -- group by regexp【group by分组查询,regexp选择性查询】

    select eGender,count(eId) from employee group by eGender;

    select * from employee where eName regexp '张|白';



    select count(eId) from employee;//集合

    select avg(eComeDate) from employee;//平均

    select max(eComeDate) from employee;//最大

    select min(eComeDate) from employee;//最小



    select curdate();-- 获取数据库服务器当前时间

    select date_sub(curdate(),interval 1 year);-- DATE_SUB() 函数从日期减去指定的时间间隔,curdate() 参数是合法的日期表达式。interval 1 year 参数是您希望添加的时间间隔。

    select * from employee where eComeDate < date_sub(curdate(), interval 1 year);



    select distinct(eGender) from employee; --返回唯一不同的值



    create table company(

    id int(3) not null auto_increment,

    cName varchar(8) charset utf8mb4 not null,

    cEId int (9) not null,

    primary key(id)

    )engine = InnoDB default charset = utf8;


    show tables;


    insert into company values (null,'张三','20170001'),(null,'梁宽','20150101'),(null,'白凤九','20170004'),(null,'梁窄','201570001');

    select * from company;


    -- 查询employee 和 company两个表中cEId都有的数据

    -- 子查询

    select * from company where cEId in (select eId from employee);


    -- 连接查询(四种:交叉查询、内查询、左连接、右连接)逻辑:形成一个虚拟表,将多表查询出来之后的连查数据放在里面

    -- 交叉查询

    select * from company c , employee e where e.eId = c.cEId; -- 隐式的交叉查询,左边表和右边表相同记录的内容,显示出来

    select * from company c , employee e where e.eId <> c.cEId; -- 不等于交叉查询,左边表乘以右边表再把相同的记录去掉,然后展示出来

    select * from company c cross join employee e where e.eId = c.cEId; -- 隐式的交叉查询,左边表和右边表相同记录的内容,显示出来


    -- 【内链接】

    select * from company c inner join employee e where e.eId = c.cEId; -- 内链接

    select * from company c join employee e where e.eId = c.cEId; -- 默认的内链接


    -- 左连接,意义:左表中的数据全部查出来,如果与右表中没有匹配的就用null表示

    select * from company c left join employee e on e.eId = c.cEId; -- 写法1

    select * from company c left outer join employee e on e.eId = c.cEId; -- 写法2


    -- 右连接,意义:右表中的数据全部查出来,如果与左表中没有匹配的就用null表示

    select * from company c right join employee e on e.eId = c.cEId;

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    RAC安装时,报The specified nodes are not clusterable 的解决方法
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cristin/p/7266618.html
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