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  • duilib的caption上的Edit无法激活


    主要和WindowImplBase::OnNcHitTest 虚函数有关。

    LRESULT WindowImplBase::OnNcHitTest(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled)
    POINT pt; pt.x = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam); pt.y = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam);
    ::ScreenToClient(*this, &pt);

    RECT rcClient;
    ::GetClientRect(*this, &rcClient);

    if( !::IsZoomed(*this) )
    RECT rcSizeBox = m_PaintManager.GetSizeBox();
    if( pt.y < rcClient.top + rcSizeBox.top )
    if( pt.x < rcClient.left + rcSizeBox.left ) return HTTOPLEFT;
    if( pt.x > rcClient.right - rcSizeBox.right ) return HTTOPRIGHT;
    return HTTOP;
    else if( pt.y > rcClient.bottom - rcSizeBox.bottom )
    if( pt.x < rcClient.left + rcSizeBox.left ) return HTBOTTOMLEFT;
    if( pt.x > rcClient.right - rcSizeBox.right ) return HTBOTTOMRIGHT;
    return HTBOTTOM;

    if( pt.x < rcClient.left + rcSizeBox.left ) return HTLEFT;
    if( pt.x > rcClient.right - rcSizeBox.right ) return HTRIGHT;

    RECT rcCaption = m_PaintManager.GetCaptionRect();
    if( pt.x >= rcClient.left + rcCaption.left && pt.x < rcClient.right - rcCaption.right
    && pt.y >= rcCaption.top && pt.y < rcCaption.bottom ) {
    CControlUI* pControl = static_cast<CControlUI*>(m_PaintManager.FindControl(pt));
    if( pControl && _tcsicmp(pControl->GetClass(), _T("ButtonUI")) != 0 &&
    _tcsicmp(pControl->GetClass(), _T("OptionUI")) != 0 &&
    _tcsicmp(pControl->GetClass(), _T("TextUI")) != 0 &&
    _tcsicmp(pControl->GetClass(), _T("SliderUI")) != 0)
    return HTCAPTION;

    return HTCLIENT;



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