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  • 电缆速度可达打击电信公司

    昨天,有线电视服务提供商康卡斯特宣布,将为波士顿和费城的上网用户提供超高速宽带。要在未来几个月内占领10个主要市场,该服务将提供的速度可达每秒50兆。从本质上说, Comcast将增加大多数用户的一倍速度而不需要任何额外费用。

    声明涉及打击电信运营商,已经苦苦挣扎让用户使用DSL 。在2008年第二季度,有史以来第一次,三大电信运营商的负面报道累计让DSL用户增加。正如伯恩斯坦研究公司的分析师克雷格莫菲特在最近的一次说明中写到,这可能仅仅是个开始。 “The fear for TelCo investors is that DSL is ‘over,’” he wrote. “害怕的电信运营商是投资者的DSL是'多' , ”他写道。部分原因是,无论他们的网络如何建造,电信公司不能跟上电缆连接速度。

    莫菲特提出了一个解决方案,电信运营商在更多的领域中提供所谓的“赤裸裸的DSL ” ,这是网络接入,不需要用户也购买一条电话线。随着莫菲特指出,随着越来越多的消费者减少家庭电话线,这种捆绑正日益成为无关紧要的,都将成为无线。今天,大约25 %的美国人只使用手机。

    当然, “赤裸裸的DSL ”的产品可能会进一步侵蚀电信金融。这是第二十二条军规,绝对的。


    Cable Speeds Up to Deal a Blow to Telcos

    Posted by: Olga Kharif on October 23

    Yesterday, cable service provider Comcast announced it will offer super-fast broadband speeds to Internet access subscribers in Boston and Philadelphia. To become available in 10 major markets in the next few months, the service will offer speeds of up to 50 Megabits per second. Essentially, Comcast will double most subscribers’ speeds at no extra cost.

    The announcement deals a blow to telcos, already struggling to keep subscribers using DSL. In the second quarter of 2008, for the first time ever, the Big Three telcos reported cumulative negative net DSL subscriber additions. As Bernstein Research analyst Craig Moffett wrote in a recent note, this could be just the beginning. “The fear for TelCo investors is that DSL is ‘over,’” he wrote. Part of the reason is, because of how their networks are constructed, telcos can’t keep up with cable in connection speed.

    One solution that Moffett puts forth is for telcos to make available in more areas so-called “naked DSL,” which is Web access that doesn’t require a subscriber to also buy a phone line. As Moffett notes, such a bundle is increasingly becoming irrelevant as more consumers drop home phone lines altogether and become all-wireless. Today, some 25% of Americans only use wireless phones.

    Of course, “naked DSL” offerings could erode telcos’ financials further. It’s a Catch 22, for sure

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/crmhf/p/3823209.html
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