其实解压后根目录的README里面就有如何编译的说明, 简单得很, 但我将自己常用到的开源库的编译都放在博客里, 免得还花时间去找. 方便快捷些, 纯粹摘录:)
Run one of the following command lines:
nmake clean VCE (to build the MSVC dll with C++ exception handling)
nmake clean VSE (to build the MSVC dll with structured exception handling)
nmake clean VC (to build the MSVC dll with C cleanup code)
nmake clean VCE-inlined (to build the MSVC inlined dll with C++ exception handling)
nmake clean VSE-inlined (to build the MSVC inlined dll with structured exception handling)
nmake clean VC-inlined (to build the MSVC inlined dll with C cleanup code)
nmake clean VC-static (to build the MSVC static lib with C cleanup code)
nmake clean VCE-debug (to build the debug MSVC dll with C++ exception handling)
nmake clean VSE-debug (to build the debug MSVC dll with structured exception handling)
nmake clean VC-debug (to build the debug MSVC dll with C cleanup code)
nmake clean VCE-inlined-debug (to build the debug MSVC inlined dll with C++ exception handling)
nmake clean VSE-inlined-debug (to build the debug MSVC inlined dll with structured exception handling)
nmake clean VC-inlined-debug (to build the debug MSVC inlined dll with C cleanup code)
nmake clean VC-static-debug (to build the debug MSVC static lib with C cleanup code)