研究Python UI编程,我偏喜欢其原生组件,于是学习Tkinter、ttk组件用法。找一计算器开源代码,略加修整,以为备忘。
1、源代码(Python 2.7):
# encoding: UTF-8 from Tkinter import * from ttk import * calc = Tk() calc.title('计算器') calc.resizable(False, False) buttons = [ '7', '8', '9', '*', 'C', '4', '5', '6', '/', 'Neg', '1', '2', '3', '-', '$', '0', '.', '=', '+', '@'] # set up GUI row = 1 col = 0 style = Style() style.configure('BW.TButton', padding=12) for i in buttons: action = lambda x=i: click_event(x) Button(calc, text=i, width=7, command=action, style='BW.TButton') .grid(row=row, column=col, sticky='nesw', ) col += 1 if col > 4: col = 0 row += 1 display = Entry(calc, width=60) display.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=5) calc.update() w = calc.winfo_reqwidth() h = calc.winfo_reqheight() s_w = calc.winfo_screenwidth() s_h = calc.winfo_screenheight() calc.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (w, h, (s_w - w) / 2, (s_h - h) / 2)) display.focus_set() def click_event(key): # = -> calculate results if key == '=': # safeguard against integer division if '/' in display.get() and '.' not in display.get(): display.insert(END, '.0') # attempt to evaluate results try: result = eval(display.get()) display.insert(END, ' = ' + str(result)) except: display.insert(END, ' Error, use only valid chars') # C -> clear display elif key == 'C': display.delete(0, END) # $ -> clear display elif key == '$': display.delete(0, END) display.insert(END, '$$$$C.$R.$E.$A.$M.$$$$') # @ -> clear display elif key == '@': display.delete(0, END) display.insert(END, 'website') # neg -> negate term elif key == 'Neg': if '=' in display.get(): display.delete(0, END) try: if display.get()[0] == '-': display.delete(0) else: display.insert(0, '-') except IndexError: pass # clear display and start new input else: if '=' in display.get(): display.delete(0, END) display.insert(END, key) # RUNTIME calc.mainloop()
费尽工夫,也只是少生成几个文件 ,甚为不爽:
而用PyInstaller,可生成单一文件 。但验证其启动速度,甚为耗时: