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  • 【转】打包AAC码流到FLV文件


    1. FLV音频Tag格式
                                  字节位置    意义
    0x08,                        // 0,       TagType
    0xzz, 0xzz, 0xzz,            // 1-3,     DataSize,    
    0xzz, 0xzz, 0xzz, 0xzz,      // 4-6, 7   TimeStamp | TimeStampExtend    
    0x00, 0x00, 0x00,            // 8-10,    StreamID
    0xzz,                        // 11,      AudioTag Header  
    0x0b,                        // 12,      AACPacketType    (如果不是AAC编码 没有这个字节)       
    0xzz ... 0xzz                // 音频数据

    2. AudioTagHeader
    音频格式 4bits | 采样率 2bits | 采样精度 1bits | 声道数 1bits|

    音频格式 4bits
    0x00 = Linear PCM, platform endian
    0x01 = ADPCM
    0x02 = MP3
    0x03 = Linear PCM, little endian
    0x04 = Nellymoser 16-kHz mono
    0x05 = Nellymoser 8-kHz mono
    0x06 = Nellymoser
    0x07 = G.711 A-law logarithmic PCM
    0x08 = G.711 mu-law logarithmic PCM
    0x09 = reserved
    0x0A = AAC
    0x0B = Speex
    0x0E = MP3 8-Khz
    0x0F = Device-specific sound

    采样率 2bits
    0 = 5.5-kHz
    1 = 11-kHz
    2 = 22-kHz
    3 = 44-kHz
    对于AAC总是3,这里看起来FLV不支持48K AAC,其实不是的,后面还是可以定义为48K。

    采样精度 1bits
    0 = snd8Bit
    1 = snd16Bit

    声道数 1bits
    0 = sndMono
    1 = sndStereo

    综上,如果是AAC 48K 16比特精度 双声道编码,该字节为 0b1010 1111 = 0xAF。

    0x00 = AAC sequence header,类似h.264的sps,pps,在FLV的文件头部出现一次。
    0x01 = AAC raw,AAC数据

    3. AAC Sequence header
    AAC sequence header定义AudioSpecificConfig,AudioSpecificConfig包含着一些更加详细的音频信息,它的定义在ISO14496-3中1.6.2.1。
    简化的AudioSpecificConfig 2字节定义如下:
    AAC Profile 5bits | 采样率 4bits | 声道数 4bits | 其他 3bits |

    AAC Profile 5bits,参考ISO-14496-3 Object Profiles Table
    AAC Main 0x01
    AAC LC    0x02
    AAC SSR  0x03


    采样率 4bits
    Value samplingFrequencyIndex
    0x00   96000
    0x01   88200
    0x02   64000
    0x03   48000
    0x04   44100
    0x05   32000
    0x06   24000
    0x07   22050
    0x08   16000
    0x09   12000
    0x0A   11025
    0x0B     8000
    0x0C   reserved
    0x0D   reserved
    0x0E   reserved
    0x0F   escape value

    声道数 4bits
    0x00 - defined in audioDecderSpecificConfig
    0x01 单声道(center front speaker)
    0x02 双声道(left, right front speakers)
    0x03 三声道(center, left, right front speakers)
    0x04 四声道(center, left, right front speakers, rear surround speakers)
    0x05 五声道(center, left, right front speakers, left surround, right surround rear speakers)
    0x06 5.1声道(center, left, right front speakers, left surround, right surround rear speakers, front low frequency effects speaker)
    0x07 7.1声道(center, left, right center front speakers, left, right outside front speakers, left surround, right surround rear speakers, front low frequency effects speaker)
    0x08-0x0F - reserved


    AAC-LC, 48000,双声道 这样的设置 Sequence header 为 0b 00010 0011 0010 000 = 0x11 0x90。
    因此 AAC Sequence header的整个音频Tag包为 0x08, 00 00 04, 00 00 00 00, 00 00 00, AF 00 11 90 | 00 00 00 0F

    AAC Sequence header这个音频包有些FLV文件里面没有也可以正确解码。但对于RTMP播放,必须要在发送第一个音频数据包前发送这个header包。

    4. AAC音频包
    结构为:0x08, 3字节包长度,4字节时间戳,00 00 00,AF 01 N字节AAC数据 | 前包长度
    其中编码后AAC纯数据长度为N,3字节包长度 = N + 2

    前包长度 = 11 + 3字节包长度 = 11 + N + 2 = 13 + N。

    1. H264 NALU结构 
        h264 NALU:  0x00 00 00 01 | nalu_type(1字节)| nalu_data (N 字节) | 0x00 00 00 01 | ... 
                          起始码(4字节)          类型                            数据               下一个NALU起始码 
                 H264 NALU固定以 0x00 00 00 01为起始,NALU_data部分不会出现这个起始码; 
                 NALU_type 1字节,定义为:1比特禁止位 | 2比特 重要性指示位  | 5比特 类型 
                                                                 固定为0           11重要 不能少          1-12 由h264使用 
                                                                                        00不重要 可以丢弃      
                                   0x67 (0 11 00111) SPS    非常重要       type = 7 
                                   0x68 (0 11 01000) PPS     非常重要       type = 8 
                                   0x65 (0 11 00101) IDR帧  关键帧  非常重要 type = 5 
                                   0x41 (0 10 00001) P帧      重要         type = 1      
                                   0x01 (0 00 00001) B帧     不重要        type = 1 
                                   0x06 (0 00 00110) SEI     不重要        type = 6 
    2. FLV tag 
        前面讲过FLV文件就是由无数个Tag组成的,Tag有Video Tag, Audio Tag和Script Tag. 
        A/V Tag里面存储的就是音视频编码数据,Script Tag里面是一些码流描述信息。 
        理论上来说,不解析Script tag也可以对A/V Tag完整解码。tag的固定格式是: 
         Tag Type(1字节) | DataSize(3字节) | TimeStamp(3字节) | TimeStampExtended (1字节)| StreamID (3) | ... 

    2. 一般Video tag 
                                             字节位置    意义 
    0x09,                              // 0,        TagType 
    0xzz, 0xzz, 0xzz,              // 1-3,     DataSize,     
    0xzz, 0xzz, 0xzz, 0xzz,    // 4-6, 7 TimeStamp | TimeStampExtend     
    0x00, 0x00, 0x00,            // 8-10,   StreamID 
    0xz7,                                  // 11,       FrameType | CodecID 
    0x01,                                  // 12,       AVCPacketType        
    0x00, 0x00, 0x00,                // 13-15, CompositionTime 
    0xzz, 0xzz, 0xzz, 0xzz,        // 16-19,   NaluLength   NBytes 
    0xzz, ...., ...., 0xzz,             // NBytes,  NaluData   
    0xzz, 0xzz, 0xzz, 0xzz.        // N+1-N+3, PreviousTagSize 

        其中 0xzz的意思是该字节根据实际情况付不同的值 
        2.1 DataSize[0,1,2] = NaluLength + 5 + 4; 
               5 是 AVCPacket头5比特,(FrameType+CodecID | AVCPacketType | CompositionTime) 
               4 是写入NaluLength        

        2.2 对于一个裸h264流,没有时间戳的概念,可以默认以25fps,即40ms一帧数据。 
            int cts = 0; 
            TimeStamp[0,1,2]   = cts[0,1,2]; 
            TimeStampExtend[0] = cts[3];    
            cts += 40; 
        2.3  if(nalu_type == IDR)  FrameType | CodecID = 0x17; 
                else                          FrameType | CodecID = 0x27; 

        2.4 NaluLength就是nalu长度,然后紧跟N字节的Nalu数据。 
        2.5 PreviousTagSize在这里计算最为方便,PreviousTagSize = 11 + 5 + 4 + NaluLength 
                                                                11 是video tag头数据 (TagType到StreamID) 

    3. SPS/PPS NALU 
       SPS和PPS在FLV里面称为序列头信息sequence header,它的AVCPacketType为0x00 
                                          字节位置   意义 
    0x09,                               // 0,       TagType 
    0xzz, 0xzz, 0xzz,               // 1-3,     DataSize,     
    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,      // 4-6, 7;  TimeStamp | TimeStampExtend     
    0x00, 0x00, 0x00,             // 8-10,    StreamID 
                                                // AVC video tage header 5Bytes   
    0x17,                                  // 11,      FrameType | CodecID 
    0x00,                                  // 12,      AVCPacketType        
    0x00, 0x00, 0x00,                // 13-15,   CompositionTime 
                                                // AVCDecoderConfigurationRecord 6 Bytes 
    0x01,                                  // 16, ConfigurationVersion 
    0xzz,                                   // 17,  AVC Profile 
    0x00,                                  // 18,  profile_compatibility 
    0xzz,                                  // 19,  AVC Level 
    0xFF,                                  // 20,  lengthSizeMinusOne, 
                                               //         reserved 6bits | NAL unit length-1, commonly be 3 
    0xzz,                                  // 21,  numOfSequenceParameterSets, 
                                               //         reserved 3bits | SPS count, commonly be 1 

    0xzz, 0xzz,                       // 22-23,   SPS0 Length N0 Byte 
    0xzz, ...., 0xzz,                 // N0 Byte  SPS0 Data 
    0xzz, 0xzz,                       // SPSm Length Nm Byte (如果存在)  循环存放最多31个SPS        
    0xzz, ...., 0xzz,                 // Nm Byte  SPSm Data 
    0xzz,                             //          PPS count 
    0xzz, 0xzz,                      //          PPS0 Length 
    0xzz, ...., 0xzz,                // N0 Byte  PPS0 Data 
    0xzz, 0xzz,                      //          PPSm Length Nm Byte (如果存在)  循环存放最多255个PPS        
    0xzz, ...., 0xzz,                // Nm Byte  PPSm Data 
    0xzz, 0xzz, 0xzz, 0xzz. // N+1-N+3, PreviousTagSize 

      3.1 在H.264码流里面reserved bit一般为0; 而在FLV码流里面reserved bit定义为1 
      3.2 在H.264里面 SPS和PPS是对立的NALU,但是在FLV里面会把他们统一写在一个Video Tag里面。 
             而且这个tag必须是FLV里面第一个Video Tag,否则接收到其他video tag也没法解码. 
      3.3 DataSize=5 +                  // AVC video tag header (FrameType + CodecID | .. CompositionTime) 
                           6 +                   // AVCDecoderConfigurationRecord 
                          SPSCount*2 +               // 每个SPS长度2字节 
                          各个 SPSDataLength + // 所有SPS数据长度和 
                          1 +                                     // PPS个数 
                          PPSCount*2 +                // 每个PPS长度2字节 

                          各个 PPSDataLength;   // 所有PPS数据长度和

      3.4 AVC Profile和 AVC Level就等于SPS NALU里面第1字节和第3字节 (第0字节为NaluType)  

      3.5 lengthSizeMinusOne,这个定义没有理解,不知道低2比特是什么含义,看到很多文档里面就直接设为0b11, 所有这个字节为 0xFF

      3.6 numOfSequenceParameterSets, 低5比特是SPS个数,H.264标准里面定义最多SPS个数为255,这里只有31。 

            不知道会不会存在问题,当然一般情况下就一个SPS,该值为 0xE1 (0b111 00001) 

      3.7 每个SPS,PPS数据长度都用两个字节来表述,

      3.8 这个tag的 PreviousTagSize = 11 + DataSize。 11 是Video tag (TagType到StreamID)    

    4. FLV头 
           'F', 'L', 'V',                              // 0-2 FLV file Signature, also can be 'f''l''v' 
           0x01,                                     // FLV version, 
           0x0z,                                     // AV tag Enable.  0x05 AV both, 0x03 audio only, 0x01 video only 
           0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x09,        // Length of this header. 
           0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00.        // PreviousTagLength. 

    5. SEI NALU 
       FLV没有一个Tag单独包含SEI数据,它把SEI数据和紧随其后那个视频NALU数据打在同一个Video Tag里面。 
                                          字节位置   意义 
    0x09,                               // 0,       TagType 
    0xzz, 0xzz, 0xzz,               // 1-3,     DataSize,     
    0xzz, 0xzz, 0xzz, 0xzz,     // 4-6, 7;  TimeStamp | TimeStampExtend     
    0x00, 0x00, 0x00,             // 8-10,    StreamID 
    0x27,                                   // 11,      FrameType | CodecID 
    0x01,                                   // 12,      AVCPacketType        
    0x00, 0x00, 0x00,                 // 13-15,   CompositionTime 

    0xzz, 0xzz, 0xzz, 0xzz,         // 16-19,   SEILength   NBytes 
    0xzz, ...., ...., 0xzz,              // NBytes,  SEIData   
    0xzz, 0xzz, 0xzz, 0xzz,         //          NaluLength   NBytes 
    0xzz, ...., ...., 0xzz,              // NBytes,  NaluData   
    0xzz, 0xzz, 0xzz, 0xzz.     // PreviousTagSize 

       5.1 DataSize[0,1,2] = (NaluLength + 5 + 4) + (SEILength + 4); 

    6. 得到NALU代码 
    // 输入:  H264_fp 264文件指针 
    // 输出: 找到的Nalu长度, 
    int h264_get_nalu(FILE *h264_fp, uint8_t *nalu_type) { 
        int start_pos = -1; 
        int nalu_size = 0; 
        int zero_num = 0; 
        uint8_t tmp; 
            fread(&tmp, 1, 1, h264_fp); 
            if(tmp == 0) zero_num++; 
            else if(tmp == 1) { 
                if(zero_num >= 3) { 
                    if(start_pos == -1) { 
                        start_pos = ftell(h264_fp); 
                        fread(nalu_type, 1, 1, h264_fp); 
                    } else { 
                        nalu_size = ftell(h264_fp) - start_pos - 4; 
                        fseek(h264_fp, start_pos, 0); 
            } else 
                zero_num = 0; 
        return nalu_size; 


    Flash Video(简称FLV),是一种流行的网络格式。目前国内外大部分视频分享网站都是采用的这种格式.

    File Structure

    从整个文件上开看,FLV是由The FLV header 和 The FLV File Body 组成.

    1.The FLV header

    Field Type Comment
    Signature UI8 Signature byte always 'F' (0x46)
    Signature UI8 Signature byte always 'L' (0x4C)
    Signature UI8 Signature byte always 'V' (0x56)
    Version UI8 File version (for example, 0x01 for FLV version 1)
    TypeFlagsReserved UB [5] Shall be 0
    TypeFlagsAudio UB [1] 1 = Audio tags are present
    TypeFlagsReserved UB [1] Shall be 0
    TypeFlagsVideo UB [1] 1 = Video tags are present
    DataOffset UI32 The length of this header in bytes

    Signature: FLV 文件的前3个字节为固定的‘F’‘L’‘V’,用来标识这个文件是flv格式的.在做格式探测的时候,


    Version: 第4个字节表示flv版本号.

    Flags: 第5个字节中的第0位和第2位,分别表示 video 与 audio 存在的情况.(1表示存在,0表示不存在)

    DataOffset : 最后4个字节表示FLV header 长度.

    2.The FLV File Body

    Field Type Comment
    PreviousTagSize0 UI32 Always 0
    Tag1 FLVTAG First tag
    PreviousTagSize1 UI32

    Size of previous tag, including its header, in bytes. For FLV version1,

    this value is 11 plus the DataSize of the previous tag.

    Tag2 FLVTAG Second tag
    ... ... ...
    PreviousTagSizeN-1 UI32 Size of second-to-last tag, including its header, in bytes.
    TagN FLVTAG Last tag
    PreviousTagSizeN UI32 Size of last tag, including its header, in bytes

    FLV header之后,就是 FLV File Body.

    FLV File Body是由一连串的back-pointers + tags构成.back-pointers就是4个字节数据,表示前一个tag的size.

    FLV Tag Definition




    Field Type Comment
    Reserved UB [2] Reserved for FMS, should be 0
    Filter UB [1] Indicates if packets are filtered.
    0 = No pre-processing required.
    1 = Pre-processing (such as decryption) of the packet is
    required before it can be rendered.
    Shall be 0 in unencrypted files, and 1 for encrypted tags.
    See Annex F. FLV Encryption for the use of filters.
    TagType UB [5]

    Type of contents in this tag. The following types are
    8 = audio
    9 = video
    18 = script data

    DataSize UI24 Length of the message. Number of bytes after StreamID to
    end of tag (Equal to length of the tag – 11)
    Timestamp UI24 Time in milliseconds at which the data in this tag applies.
    This value is relative to the first tag in the FLV file, which
    always has a timestamp of 0.
    TimestampExtended UI8 Extension of the Timestamp field to form a SI32 value. This
    field represents the upper 8 bits, while the previous
    Timestamp field represents the lower 24 bits of the time in
    StreamID UI24 Always 0.
    AudioTagHeader IF TagType == 8
    VideoTagHeader IF TagType == 9
    EncryptionHeader IF Filter == 1
    FilterParams IF Filter == 1
    Data IF TagType == 8
    IF TagType == 9
    IF TagType == 18
    Data specific for each media type.

    TagType: TAG中第1个字节中的前5位表示这个TAG中包含数据的类型,8 = audio,9 = video,18 = script data.


    TimestampTimestampExtended组成了这个TAG包数据的PTS信息,记得刚开始做FVL demux的时候,并没有考虑TimestampExtended的值,直接就把Timestamp默认为是PTS,后来发生的现 象就是画面有跳帧的现象,后来才仔细看了一下文档发现真正数据的PTS是PTS= Timestamp | TimestampExtended<<24.


    Audio Tags



    Field Type Comment
    SoundFormat UB [4] Format of SoundData. The following values are defined:
    0 = Linear PCM, platform endian
    1 = ADPCM
    2 = MP3
    3 = Linear PCM, little endian
    4 = Nellymoser 16 kHz mono
    5 = Nellymoser 8 kHz mono
    6 = Nellymoser
    7 = G.711 A-law logarithmic PCM
    8 = G.711 mu-law logarithmic PCM
    9 = reserved
    10 = AAC
    11 = Speex
    14 = MP3 8 kHz
    15 = Device-specific sound
    Formats 7, 8, 14, and 15 are reserved.
    AAC is supported in Flash Player 9,0,115,0 and higher.
    Speex is supported in Flash Player 10 and higher.
    SoundRate UB [2] Sampling rate. The following values are defined:
    0 = 5.5 kHz
    1 = 11 kHz
    2 = 22 kHz
    3 = 44 kHz
    SoundSize UB [1]

    Size of each audio sample. This parameter only pertains to
    uncompressed formats. Compressed formats always decode
    to 16 bits internally.
    0 = 8-bit samples
    1 = 16-bit samples

    SoundType UB [1] Mono or stereo sound
    0 = Mono sound
    1 = Stereo sound
    AACPacketType IF SoundFormat == 10
    The following values are defined:
    0 = AAC sequence header
    1 = AAC raw


    AudioTagHeader之后跟着的就是AUDIODATA数据了,也就是audio payload 但是这里有个特例,如果音频格式(SoundFormat)是10 = AAC,AudioTagHeader中会多出1个字节的数据AACPacketType,这个字段来表示AACAUDIODATA的类型:0 = AAC sequence header,1 = AAC raw。

    Field Type Comment

    IF AACPacketType ==0 AudioSpecificConfig

    The AudioSpecificConfig is defined in ISO14496-3. Note that this is not the same as the contents of the esds box from an MP4/F4V file.


    ELSE IF AACPacketType == 1 Raw AAC frame data in UI8 [ ]

    audio payload

    AAC sequence header也就是包含了AudioSpecificConfigAudioSpecificConfig包含着一些更加详细音频的信息,AudioSpecificConfig的定义在ISO14496- AudioSpecificConfig,这里就不详细贴了。而且在ffmpeg中有对AudioSpecificConfig解析的函数,ff_mpeg4audio_get_config(),可以对比的看一下,理解更深刻。

    AAC raw 这种包含的就是音频ES流了,也就是audio payload.

    在FLV的文件中,一般情况下 AAC sequence header 这种包只出现1次,而且是第一个audio tag,为什么要提到这种tag,因为当时在做FLVdemux的时候,如果是AAC的音频,需要在每帧AAC ES流前边添加7个字节ADST头,ADST在音频的格式中会详细解读,这是解码器通用的格式,就是AAC的纯ES流要打包成ADST格式的AAC文件,解码器才能正常播放.就是在打包ADST的时候,需要samplingFrequencyIndex这个信息,samplingFrequencyIndex最准确的信息是在AudioSpecificConfig中,所以就对AudioSpecificConfig进行解析并得到了samplingFrequencyIndex。

    到这步你就完全可以把FLV 文件中的音频信息及数据提取出来,送给音频解码器正常播放了。

    Video Tags



    Field Type Comment
    Frame Type UB [4] Type of video frame. The following values are defined:
    1 = key frame (for AVC, a seekable frame)
    2 = inter frame (for AVC, a non-seekable frame)
    3 = disposable inter frame (H.263 only)
    4 = generated key frame (reserved for server use only)
    5 = video info/command frame
    CodecID UB [4] Codec Identifier. The following values are defined:
    2 = Sorenson H.263
    3 = Screen video
    4 = On2 VP6
    5 = On2 VP6 with alpha channel
    6 = Screen video version 2
    7 = AVC
    AVCPacketType IF CodecID == 7

    The following values are defined:
    0 = AVC sequence header
    1 = AVC NALU
    2 = AVC end of sequence (lower level NALU sequence ender is not required or supported)

    CompositionTime IF CodecID == 7
    IF AVCPacketType == 1
    Composition time offset
    See ISO 14496-12, 8.15.3 for an explanation of composition
    times. The offset in an FLV file is always in milliseconds.


    VideoTagHeader之后跟着的就是VIDEODATA数据了,也就是video payload.当然就像音频AAC一样,这里也有特例就是如果视频的格式是AVC(H.264)的话,VideoTagHeader会多出4个字节的信息.

    AVCPacketType 和 CompositionTime。AVCPacketType 表示接下来 VIDEODATA (AVCVIDEOPACKET)的内容:

    IF AVCPacketType == 0 AVCDecoderConfigurationRecord(AVC sequence header)
    IF AVCPacketType == 1 One or more NALUs (Full frames are required)

    AVCDecoderConfigurationRecord.包含着是H.264解码相关比较重要的sps和pps信息,再给AVC解码器送数据流之前一定要把sps和pps信息送出,否则的话解码器不能正常解码。而且在解码器stop之后再次start之前,如seek、快进快退状态切换等,都需要重新送一遍sps和pps的信息.AVCDecoderConfigurationRecord在FLV文件中一般情况也是出现1次,也就是第一个video tag.

    AVCDecoderConfigurationRecord的定义在ISO 14496-15,中,这里不在详细贴,



    SCRIPTDATA 结构十分复杂,定义了很多格式类型,每个类型对应一种结构.

    Field Type Comment
    Type UI8 Type of the ScriptDataValue.
    The following types are defined:
    0 = Number
    1 = Boolean
    2 = String
    3 = Object
    4 = MovieClip (reserved, not supported)
    5 = Null
    6 = Undefined
    7 = Reference
    8 = ECMA array
    9 = Object end marker
    10 = Strict array
    11 = Date
    12 = Long string
    ScriptDataValue IF Type == 0
    IF Type == 1
    IF Type == 2
    IF Type == 3
    IF Type == 7
    IF Type == 8
    IF Type == 10
    IF Type == 11
    IF Type == 12
    Script data value.
    The Boolean value is (ScriptDataValue ≠ 0).



    onMetaData 是SCRIPTDATA中对我们来说十分重要的信息,结构如下表:

    Property Name Type Comment
    audiocodecid Number Audio codec ID used in the file (see E.4.2.1 for available SoundFormat values)
    audiodatarate Number Audio bit rate in kilobits per second
    audiodelay Number Delay introduced by the audio codec in seconds
    audiosamplerate Number Frequency at which the audio stream is replayed
    audiosamplesize Number Resolution of a single audio sample
    canSeekToEnd Boolean Indicating the last video frame is a key frame
    creationdate String Creation date and time
    duration Number Total duration of the file in seconds
    filesize Number Total size of the file in bytes
    framerate Number Number of frames per second
    height Number Height of the video in pixels
    stereo Boolean Indicating stereo audio
    videocodecid Number Video codec ID used in the file (see E.4.3.1 for available CodecID values)
    videodatarate Number Video bit rate in kilobits per second
    width Number Width of the video in pixels



    当时在做flv demux的时候,发现官方的文档中并没有对keyframes index做描述,但是flv的这种结构每个tag又不像TS有同步头,如果没有keyframes index 的话,seek及快进快退的效果会非常差,因为需要一个tag一个tag的顺序读取。后来通过网络查一些资料,发现了一个keyframes的信息藏在SCRIPTDATA中。

    keyframes几乎是一个非官方的标准,也就是民间标准.在网上已经很难看到flv文件格式,但是metadata里面不包含 keyframes项目的视频 . 两个常用的操作metadata的工具是flvtool2和FLVMDI,都是把keyframes作为一个默认的元信息项目.在FLVMDI的主页(http://www.buraks.com/flvmdi/)上有描述:

    keyframes: (Object) This object is added only if you specify the /k switch. 'keyframes' is known to FLVMDI and if /k switch is not specified, 'keyframes' object will be deleted.
    'keyframes' object has 2 arrays: 'filepositions' and 'times'. Both arrays have the same number of elements, which is equal to the number of key frames in the FLV. Values in times array are in 'seconds'. Each correspond to the timestamp of the n'th key frame. Values in filepositions array are in 'bytes'. Each correspond to the fileposition of the nth key frame video tag (which starts with byte tag type 9).

    也就是说keyframes中包含着2个内容 'filepositions' and 'times'分别指的是关键帧的文件位置和关键帧的PTS.通过keyframes可以建立起自己的Index,然后再seek和快进快退的操作中,快速有效的跳转到你想要找的关键帧的位置进行处理。 

    1 提取音频:
    nRead = RTMP_Read(rtmp, buffer, bufferSize);
    }while(!RTMP_ctrlC && nRead > -1 && RTMP_IsConnected(rtmp) && !RTMP_IsTimedout(rtmp));


    int RTMP_Write2(RTMP *r, const char *buf, int size)
      RTMPPacket *pkt = &r->m_write;
      char *pend, *enc;
      int s2 = size, ret, num;

     if (size < 11) {
       /* FLV pkt too small */
       return 0;

     if (buf[0] == 'F' && buf[1] == 'L' && buf[2] == 'V')
         buf += 13;
         s2 -= 13;

     pkt->m_packetType = *buf++;
     pkt->m_nBodySize = AMF_DecodeInt24(buf);
     buf += 3;
     pkt->m_nTimeStamp = AMF_DecodeInt24(buf);
     buf += 3;
     pkt->m_nTimeStamp |= *buf++ << 24;
     buf += 3;
     s2 -= 11;

     if (((pkt->m_packetType == RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_AUDIO
                    || pkt->m_packetType == RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_VIDEO) &&
                !pkt->m_nTimeStamp) || pkt->m_packetType == RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_INFO)
         pkt->m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_LARGE;
         if (pkt->m_packetType == RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_INFO)
          pkt->m_nBodySize += 16;
         pkt->m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_MEDIUM;

    BYTE outbuf2[640];
    int nLen2 = 640;

    AVManager::GetInstance()->Decode((BYTE*)(pkt->m_body+1), pkt->m_nBodySize-1, outbuf2, nLen2);

    evt_OnReceivePacket((char*)outbuf2, nLen2);//回调出来

    pkt->m_nBytesRead = 0;

    把nRead = RTMP_Read(rtmp, buffer, bufferSize);改成:

    RTMPPacket pc = { 0 }, ps = { 0 };
     bool bFirst = true;
    while (RTMP_ReadPacket(rtmp, &pc))
    if (RTMPPacket_IsReady(&pc))
         if (pc.m_packetType == RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_VIDEO && RTMP_ClientPacket(rtmp, &pc))
            bool bIsKeyFrame = false;
         if (result == 0x17)//I frame
            bIsKeyFrame = true;
        else if (result == 0x27)
            bIsKeyFrame = false;
    static unsigned char const start_code[4] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01};
    fwrite(start_code, 1, 4, pf );
    //int ret = fwrite(pc.m_body + 9, 1, pc.m_nBodySize-9, pf);

    if( bFirst) {

    //AVCsequence header



    int spsnum = data[10]&0x1f;

    int number_sps = 11;

    int count_sps = 1;

    while (count_sps<=spsnum){

    int spslen =(data[number_sps]&0x000000FF)<<8 |(data[number_sps+1]&0x000000FF);

    number_sps += 2;

    fwrite(data+number_sps, 1, spslen, pf );
    fwrite(start_code, 1, 4, pf );

    //ioBuffer.put(data,number_sps, spslen);

    number_sps += spslen;

    count_sps ++;



    int ppsnum = data[number_sps]&0x1f;

    int number_pps = number_sps+1;

    int count_pps = 1;

    while (count_pps<=ppsnum){

    int ppslen =(data[number_pps]&0x000000FF)<<8|data[number_pps+1]&0x000000FF;

    number_pps += 2;



    fwrite(data+number_pps, 1, ppslen, pf );
    fwrite(start_code, 1, 4, pf );

    number_pps += ppslen;

    count_pps ++;


    bFirst =false;

    } else {


    int len =0;

    int num =5;



    len =(data[num]&0x000000FF)<<24|(data[num+1]&0x000000FF)<<16|(data[num+2]&0x000000FF)<<8|data[num+3]&0x000000FF;

    num = num+4;



    fwrite(data+num, 1, len, pf );
    fwrite(start_code, 1, 4, pf );

    num = num + len;



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    【C/C++语言入门篇】 位运算
    Broken Necklace
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cslunatic/p/6042875.html
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