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  • 汇编语言学习系列 冒泡排序实现


    void swap(int *p, int *q)
        int tmp = *p;
        *p = *q;
        *q = tmp;
    int main()
        int a[] = {3, 0, 5, 1, 4, 6, 2, 9, 8, 7};
        int i ,j;
        for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            for(j = i + 1; j < 10;j++)
                if(a[i] > a[j]){
                        swap(&a[i], &a[j]);
        int k;
        for(k = 0; k < 10; k++)
    ", a[k]);
        return 0;
    • 汇编代码sort.s
    .section .data
            array: .int 3, 0, 5, 1, 4, 6, 2, 9, 8, 7
            len: .int 10
            format: .asciz "%d
    .section .text
    .global _start
            pushl %ebp
            movl %esp, %ebp
            subl $20, %esp    #allocate space
            movl $array, %eax
            movl %eax, (%esp)    #store &array on the stack
            movl len, %eax
            movl %eax, 4(%esp)    #store len on the stack
            call sort
            call parray
            movl $0, (%esp)    #deallocate space
            call exit
    sort:                    #3, 0, 5, 1, 4, 6, 2, 9, 8, 7
            pushl %ebp
            movl %esp, %ebp
            pushl %ebx
            subl $20, %esp  #allocate space
            movl 8(%ebp), %edx    #get &array
            movl 12(%ebp), %ebx    #get len
            movl $0, %ecx    #init i=0
            cmp %ecx, %ebx
            jle .done
            leal 1(%ecx), %eax #init j=i+1
            cmp %eax, %ebx
            jle .L1    
            movl (%edx, %ecx, 4), %esi    #get a[i]
            movl (%edx, %eax, 4), %edi    #get a[j]
            cmp %edi, %esi
            jl .C1
            leal (%edx, %ecx, 4), %esi
            movl %esi, (%esp)
            leal (%edx, %eax, 4), %esi
            movl %esi, 4(%esp)        
            call swap
            inc %eax
            cmp %eax, %ebx
            jle .L1        
            jmp .L2    
            inc %eax
            cmp %eax, %ebx
            jle .L1
            jmp .L2
            inc %ecx
            cmp %ecx, %ebx
            jle .done
            leal 1(%ecx), %eax #init j=i+1
            cmp %eax, %ebx
            jle .L1
            jmp .L2
            pushl %ebp
            movl %esp, %ebp
            pushl %eax
            pushl %ebx
            pushl %ecx
            pushl %edx
            movl 8(%ebp), %edx    #get p
            movl 12(%ebp), %ecx    #get q
            movl (%edx), %ebx   
            movl (%ecx), %eax    
            movl %eax, (%edx)
            movl %ebx, (%ecx)
            popl %edx
            popl %ecx
            popl %ebx
            popl %eax
            popl %ebp
            addl $20, %esp
            popl %ebx
            popl %ebp
    parray:  #打印数组
            pushl %ebp
            movl %esp, %ebp
            push %ebx        
            movl 8(%ebp), %edx    #get &array
            movl 12(%ebp), %ebx    #get len
            movl $0, %ecx
            cmp %ecx, %ebx
            jle .done2
            movl (%edx, %ecx, 4), %eax
            call print
            inc %ecx
            cmp %ecx, %ebx
            jg .loop        
            popl %ebx
            popl %ebp
            pushl %edx
            pushl %ecx
            pushl %eax
            pushl $format
            call printf
            addl $8, %esp
            popl %ecx
            popl %edx
    • 编译

     as sort.s -o sort.o

    • 链接

    ld -lc -I /lib/ld-linux.so.2 sort.o -o sort

    • 执行


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