- 进入目录tools\build\v2\
- 运行bootstrap.bat脚本文件
- 运行命令:b2 install --prefix=PREFIX。其中PREFIX是为Boost.Build指定的安装目录,生成的编译工具将会存放在该目录下。我指定为c:\boost_1_53
- 把PREFIX/bin路径加入到系统的环境变量。这时要重启一下命令提示符,以便于应用新的环境变量。
这里,我们的编译环境使用的是VS2010,也就是VC10,所以我们将toolset指定为msvc.在VS2010的工具选项中打开visual studio命令提示(2010) 。这个命令提示框中已经配置了VS2010的编译环境变量,不用再手动配置什么环境变量。
b2 --build-dir=build-directory toolset=toolset-name --build-type=complete stage
- 上述命令中下划线的选项必须是小写的。因为b2是大小写敏感的。(b2是boost build工具的缩写)
- build-directory是第4步中指定的中间文件目录,toolset是上述表格中的随意一个,complete指示编译工具编译所有库文件版本(如static, runtime, dll, single thread, multi-thread)。
- stage的含义:该选项指示编译工具将编译完成的所有lib文件都存放在stage\lib\下面。如果要更改,使用b2的选项:--stagedir=directory。
我的编译命令为: b2 --build-dir=c:\boost_1_53\build_manual toolset=msvc --build-type=complete stage
- 在VS2010中,工具>>选项>>项目和解决方案>>VC++目录这个功能已经被取消了,没办法看到全局的VC++目录设置。所以,我们只好在项目的属性中设置。这样稍显麻烦。每一个boost工程都要重新配置一次,无法达到一劳永逸的效果。
- 打开项目属性页面,点击"C/C++"和"链接器"这两个结点,具体配置如下所示:
1 #include <iostream> 2 #include <fstream> 3 #include <ctime> // std::time 4 5 #include <boost/random/linear_congruential.hpp> 6 #include <boost/random/uniform_int.hpp> 7 #include <boost/random/uniform_real.hpp> 8 #include <boost/random/variate_generator.hpp> 9 #include <boost/generator_iterator.hpp> 10 11 // This is a typedef for a random number generator. 12 // Try boost::mt19937 or boost::ecuyer1988 instead of boost::minstd_rand 13 typedef boost::minstd_rand base_generator_type; 14 15 // This is a reproducible simulation experiment. See main(). 16 void experiment(base_generator_type & generator) 17 { 18 // Define a uniform random number distribution of integer values between 19 // 1 and 6 inclusive. 20 typedef boost::uniform_int<> distribution_type; 21 typedef boost::variate_generator<base_generator_type&, distribution_type> gen_type; 22 gen_type die_gen(generator, distribution_type(1, 6)); 23 24 // If you want to use an STL iterator interface, use iterator_adaptors.hpp. 25 boost::generator_iterator<gen_type> die(&die_gen); 26 for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) 27 std::cout << *die++ << " "; 28 std::cout << '\n'; 29 } 30 31 int main() 32 { 33 // Define a random number generator and initialize it with a reproducible 34 // seed. 35 base_generator_type generator(42); 36 37 std::cout << "10 samples of a uniform distribution in [0..1):\n"; 38 39 // Define a uniform random number distribution which produces "double" 40 // values between 0 and 1 (0 inclusive, 1 exclusive). 41 boost::uniform_real<> uni_dist(0,1); 42 boost::variate_generator<base_generator_type&, boost::uniform_real<> > uni(generator, uni_dist); 43 44 std::cout.setf(std::ios::fixed); 45 // You can now retrieve random numbers from that distribution by means 46 // of a STL Generator interface, i.e. calling the generator as a zero- 47 // argument function. 48 for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) 49 std::cout << uni() << '\n'; 50 51 /* 52 * Change seed to something else. 53 * 54 * Caveat: std::time(0) is not a very good truly-random seed. When 55 * called in rapid succession, it could return the same values, and 56 * thus the same random number sequences could ensue. If not the same 57 * values are returned, the values differ only slightly in the 58 * lowest bits. A linear congruential generator with a small factor 59 * wrapped in a uniform_smallint (see experiment) will produce the same 60 * values for the first few iterations. This is because uniform_smallint 61 * takes only the highest bits of the generator, and the generator itself 62 * needs a few iterations to spread the initial entropy from the lowest bits 63 * to the whole state. 64 */ 65 generator.seed(static_cast<unsigned int>(std::time(0))); 66 67 std::cout << "\nexperiment: roll a die 10 times:\n"; 68 69 // You can save a generator's state by copy construction. 70 base_generator_type saved_generator = generator; 71 72 // When calling other functions which take a generator or distribution 73 // as a parameter, make sure to always call by reference (or pointer). 74 // Calling by value invokes the copy constructor, which means that the 75 // sequence of random numbers at the caller is disconnected from the 76 // sequence at the callee. 77 experiment(generator); 78 79 std::cout << "redo the experiment to verify it:\n"; 80 experiment(saved_generator); 81 82 // After that, both generators are equivalent 83 assert(generator == saved_generator); 84 85 // as a degenerate case, you can set min = max for uniform_int 86 boost::uniform_int<> degen_dist(4,4); 87 boost::variate_generator<base_generator_type&, boost::uniform_int<> > deg(generator, degen_dist); 88 std::cout << deg() << " " << deg() << " " << deg() << std::endl; 89 90 { 91 // You can save the generator state for future use. You can read the 92 // state back in at any later time using operator>>. 93 std::ofstream file("rng.saved", std::ofstream::trunc); 94 file << generator; 95 } 96 97 getchar(); 98 return 0; 99 }