最近在更新公司一款Premiere Pro CC导入插件的时候,遇到了一个神奇的现象。具体的现象是这样的:我们的插件需要将一些私有的文件数据放到插件中,比如说当前活动的文件名。当插件中收到不同的selector时,我们能够随时获取到这些私有数据进行操作。具体来说,我们是在收到imGetPrefs8这个selector时,进行设置的。回调函数代码如下:
static prMALError SDKGetPrefs8( imStdParms *stdParms, imFileAccessRec8 *fileInfo8, imGetPrefsRec *prefsRec) { //----------------- // The first time you are called (or if you've been Quieted or Closed) // you will get asked for prefs data. First time called, return the // size of the buffer you want Premiere to store prefs for your plug-in. // Note: if canOpen is not set to kPrTrue, I'm not getting this selector. Why? // Answer: because this selector is associated directly with "hasSetup" if (prefsRec->prefsLength == 0) { prefsRec->prefsLength = sizeof(MediaSettings); } else { MediaSettings* settings = (MediaSettings*)prefsRec->prefs; //do not show dialog for the first time. if (fileInfo8->fileref != imInvalidHandleValue) { auto ctx = (FileContext*)(fileInfo8->fileref); if (!ctx || !ctx->media_source) { return malNoError; } auto oldSettings = ctx->media_source->GetMediaSettings(); settings->layout = oldSettings.layout; settings->lock_direction = oldSettings.lock_direction; settings->use_flowstate = oldSettings.use_flowstate; settings->media_case = oldSettings.media_case; settings->need_update = !settings->need_update; std::string currentFile = ctx->media_source->GetFilePath(); ctx->media_source->ShowSettingsDialog(settings, currentFile); updateSettingFromFile(settings); ctx->media_source->UpdateSettings(settings); } else { //init settings settings->use_flowstate = true; } } return malNoError; }
static prMALError SDKGetSourceVideo( imStdParms *stdparms, imFileRef fileRef, imSourceVideoRec *sourceVideoRec) { int ret; ImporterLocalRec8H ldataH = reinterpret_cast<ImporterLocalRec8H>(sourceVideoRec->inPrivateData); ImporterLocalRec8Ptr localRecP = reinterpret_cast<ImporterLocalRec8Ptr>(*ldataH); // Get parameters for ReadFrameToBuffer() imFrameFormat* frameFormat = &sourceVideoRec->inFrameFormats[0]; prRect theRect; if (frameFormat->inFrameWidth == 0 && frameFormat->inFrameHeight == 0) { frameFormat->inFrameWidth = localRecP->theFile.width; frameFormat->inFrameHeight = localRecP->theFile.height; } // Windows and MacOS have different definitions of Rects, so use the cross-platform prSetRect prSetRect(&theRect, 0, 0, frameFormat->inFrameWidth, frameFormat->inFrameHeight); localRecP->PPixCreatorSuite->CreatePPix(sourceVideoRec->outFrame, PrPPixBufferAccess_ReadWrite, frameFormat->inPixelFormat, &theRect); csSDK_int32 theFrame = static_cast<csSDK_int32>(sourceVideoRec->inFrameTime / (*ldataH)->theFile.frameRate); FileContext* ctx = (FileContext*)(localRecP)->fileRef; if (ctx == nullptr) { return imNoContent; } ... ... return imNoErr; }
MediaSettings* settings = (MediaSettings*)prefsRec->prefs;