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  • Premiere&After Effects的实时预览插件开发


            Adobe Premiere和After Effects在影视编辑、渲染领域已经得到广泛应用。全景视频在相应工具拼接好后也可以导入Premiere/After Effects后也可进行剪辑、渲染。但由于全景视频存在畸变、视角、拼接技术等因素,即使平铺时也无法很好的查看场景细节。这对于视频剪辑带来一定的不变。如果能一边剪辑视频一边在全景播放器中查看效果,那便再好不过了。gopro旗下的Kolor eye视频播放器就实现了这样的一种功能。实际上这个功能做起来并不难,其实就是基于Adobe Premiere Transmitter插件实现的。当然,Kolor Eye播放器插件也不例外。


            下面就聊聊如何开发吧。Adobe Premiere插件开发使用C++语言,并且依赖官方提供的开发包。因此在正式动手前需要下载好Adobe Plugin SDK。在SDK中的Projects目录下即可打开Demo工程:


    #define    PLUGIN_DISPLAY_NAME    L"Demo Preview"


    • 在恰当的时候启动外部全景播放器。
    • 将视频流持续转发给外部全景播放器。


    tmResult TransmitInstance::StartPlaybackClock(
        const tmStdParms* inStdParms,
        const tmInstance* inInstance,
        const tmPlaybackClock* inClock)
        frameTimeInSeconds = (float)inClock->inStartTime / mTicksPerSecond;
        // If not yet playing, and called to play,
        // then register our UpdateClock function that calls the audio callback asynchronously during playback
        // Note that StartPlaybackClock can be called multiple times without a StopPlaybackClock,
        // for example if changing playback speed in the timeline.
        // If already playing, we the callbackContext doesn't change, and we let the current clock continue.
        if (!mPlaying && inClock->inPlayMode == playmode_Playing)
            mPlaying = kPrTrue;
            if (installFlag && !FindProcessByName(wcsrchr(mLocation, L'/') + 1))
                HINSTANCE hInstance;
                hInstance = ShellExecute(NULL, TEXT("open"), mLocation, TEXT("previewplugin 2048 1024"), NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
                LOGINFO(L"ShellExecute returns %d", (int)hInstance);
            // Initialize the ClockInstanceData that the UpdateClock function will need
            // We allocate the data here, and the data will be disposed at the end of the UpdateClock function
        return tmResult_Success;


    tmResult TransmitInstance::PushVideo(
    	const tmStdParms* inStdParms,
    	const tmInstance* inInstance,
    	const tmPushVideo* inPushVideo)
    	frameTimeInSeconds = (float)inPushVideo->inTime / mTicksPerSecond;
    	mSuites.PPixSuite->GetBounds(inPushVideo->inFrames[0].inFrame, &frameBounds);
    	videoSize[0] = (frameBounds.right - frameBounds.left);
    	videoSize[1] = (frameBounds.bottom - frameBounds.top);
    	// Since we have ARGB color space mode.
    	mSuites.PPixSuite->GetPixelAspectRatio(inPushVideo->inFrames[0].inFrame, &parNum, &parDen);
    	mSuites.PPixSuite->GetPixelFormat(inPushVideo->inFrames[0].inFrame, &pixelFormat);
    	mSuites.SequenceInfoSuite->GetZeroPoint(inInstance->inTimelineID, &zeroPointTime);
    	mSuites.SequenceInfoSuite->GetTimecodeDropFrame(inInstance->inTimelineID, &dropFrame);
    	mSuites.PPixSuite->GetPixels(inPushVideo->inFrames[0].inFrame, PrPPixBufferAccess_ReadWrite, &pixelsBuffer);
    	if (videoSize[0] <= 0 || videoSize[1] <= 0)
    		// Dispose of the PPix(es) when done!
    		for (int i = 0; i < inPushVideo->inFrameCount; i++)
    		return tmResult_Success;
    	resizePixels((unsigned int*)pixelsBuffer, videoSize[0], videoSize[1], SCALED_WIDTH, SCALED_HEIGHT);
    	if (!startupFlag)
    		startupFlag = 1;
    		// read registry and launch the player
    		HKEY hKey;
    		DWORD dwSize = MAX_PATH;
    		DWORD dwType = REG_SZ;
    		LPCTSTR studioPath = TEXT("studio");
    		LPCTSTR playerPath = TEXT("player");
    		if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, studioPath, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) || 
    			ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, playerPath, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey))
    			if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKey, TEXT("install_location"), 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&mLocation, &dwSize))
    				installFlag = 1;
    			ret = MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("We failed to find your Studio/Player installation。"), TEXT("Information"), MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OKCANCEL);
    		if (installFlag)
    			HINSTANCE hInstance;
    			hInstance = ShellExecute(NULL, TEXT("open"), mLocation, TEXT("previewplugin 2048 1024"), NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
    			LOGINFO(L"ShellExecute returns %d", (int)hInstance);
    	// get memory file mapping for pixels buffer.
    	if (hPixelsMappingFile == NULL)
    		hPixelsMappingFile = CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE,
    		pbPixelsFile = (void*)MapViewOfFile(hPixelsMappingFile, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, 0);
    	if (hPixelsMappingFile != NULL && pbPixelsFile != NULL)
    		if (videoSize[0] / videoSize[1] == 2)
    			CopyMemory(pbPixelsFile, resizedBuffer, RESIZED_BUFFER_SIZE);
    			FlushViewOfFile(pbPixelsFile, RESIZED_BUFFER_SIZE);
    	return tmResult_Success;



    • 依赖库。如果插件依赖外部程序库,在安装的时候也要复制到插件安装目录,或者是windows系统目录,否则插件是无法正常加载的。要查看插件依赖哪些外部程序库,可以使用VS附带的dumpbin命令:dumpbin /imports。有的时候安装可能会混淆32位和64位程序,那么还阔以通过dumpbin /headers查看程序库的版本。
    • Premiere/After Effects使用的是ARGB颜色模型。因此在利用外部程序库处理时,可能需要进行适当的转换。
    • 权限问题。在高版本的windows上,VS调试系统盘的程序时需要以管理员权限运行打开工程,否则是无法启动程序调试的。


    1. https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1661575

    2. http://www.kolor.com/kolor-eyes/

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/csuftzzk/p/adobe_premiere_transmitter.html
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