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  • 完整mybatis应用

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd" >
    <mapper namespace="com.xy.xyd.rest.crm.repository.CrmClientRepository" >
    <resultMap id="ResultMap" type="com.xy.xyd.rest.crm.entity.CrmClient" >
    <id column="ID" property="id" jdbcType="BIGINT" />
    <result column="NAME" property="name" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
    <result column="LATITUDE" property="latitude" jdbcType="DOUBLE" />
    <result column="IS_DEL" property="isDel" jdbcType="INTEGER" />
    <result column="CREATE_BY" property="createBy" jdbcType="BIGINT" />
    <result column="CREATE_TIME" property="createTime" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" />
    <result column="MODIFY_BY" property="modifyBy" jdbcType="BIGINT" />
    <result column="LAST_CHANGE_TIME" property="lastChangeTime" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" />

    <sql id="Base_Column_List" >

    <!--find查询列 -->
    <sql id="Find_Column_List">

    <sql id="Where_Clause">
    <if test="id != null" >
    and a.ID = #{id,jdbcType=BIGINT}
    <if test="inClientIds != null">
    and a.ID in (${inClientIds})
    <if test="outClientIds != null">
    and a.ID not in (${outClientIds})

    <if test="proId != null" >
    and PRO_ID = #{proId,jdbcType=BIGINT}
    <if test="lastChangeTime != null" >
    and a.LAST_CHANGE_TIME = #{lastChangeTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP}

    <sql id="Order_By">
    order by
    <if test="sort!=null">
    <if test="sort==&quot;id&quot;">
    a.ID ${order}
    <if test="sort==&quot;name&quot;">
    a.NAME ${order}
    <if test="sort==&quot;sortOrder&quot;">
    a.SORT_ORDER ${order}
    <if test="sort==null">
    <sql id="Paging">
    <if test="firstResult!=null"> limit #{firstResult,jdbcType=DECIMAL} ,

    <!--按Id查询 -->
    <select id="selectById" resultMap="ResultMap" parameterType="Long">
    <include refid="Base_Column_List" />
    from crm_client a where id=#{id}

    <!--按Id删除 -->
    <delete id="deleteById" parameterType="Long">
    delete a from crm_client a where id=#{id}

    <!--条件查询,只查询ID -->
    <select id="selectToId" resultType="long" parameterType="map">
    <include refid="Find_Column_List" />
    from crm_client a where 1=1
    <include refid="Where_Clause" />
    <include refid="Order_By"/>
    <include refid="Paging" />

    <select id="select" resultMap="ResultMap" parameterType="map">
    <include refid="Base_Column_List" />
    from crm_client a
    where 1=1
    <include refid="Where_Clause" />

    <!-- 同一家公司,在省的范围内,简称查重 ,如有重复,返回所有重复的客户简称及归属人姓名 -->
    <select id="findRepeatListInProvince" resultType="java.util.Map" parameterType="map">
    a.ID AS id,
    a.NAME AS name,
    a.SHORT_NAME AS shortName,
    a.SALE_MAN AS saleMan
    from crm_client a
    where 1=1
    <include refid="Where_Clause" />
    <include refid="Paging" />

    <select id="findClientInfo" resultType="java.util.Map" parameterType="map" >
    a.NAME AS name,
    a.SHORT_NAME AS shortName,
    a.LATITUDE AS latitude,
    b.DICT_VALUE AS typeValue,
    a.SALE_MAN AS saleMan,
    c.NAME AS saleManName,
    a.LEVEL AS level,
    d.DICT_VALUE AS levelValue,
    a.INTRODUCTION AS introduction

    from crm_client a
    LEFT JOIN cm_dict_type b on a.TYPE = b.DICT_CODE AND b.type ='Client_Type'
    LEFT JOIN cm_xyduser c on a.SALE_MAN = c.ID
    LEFT JOIN cm_dict_type d on a.LEVEL = d.DICT_CODE AND d.type ='Client_Level'
    where 1=1
    <include refid="Where_Clause" />

    <delete id="delete" parameterType="java.lang.Long" >
    delete from crm_client
    where ID = #{id,jdbcType=BIGINT}

    <insert id="save" parameterType="com.xy.xyd.rest.crm.entity.CrmClient" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="id">
    insert into crm_client
    <trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides="," >
    <if test="id != null" >
    <if test="name != null" >
    <if test="cityId != null" >
    <if test="areaId != null" >
    <if test="proId != null" >
    <if test="lastChangeTime != null" >
    <trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides="," >
    <if test="id != null" >
    <if test="name != null" >
    <if test="cityId != null" >
    <if test="areaId != null" >
    <if test="proId != null" >
    <if test="lastChangeTime != null" >

    <update id="update" parameterType="com.xy.xyd.rest.crm.entity.CrmClient" >
    update crm_client
    <set >
    <if test="name != null" >
    NAME = #{name,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
    <if test="cityId != null" >
    CITY_ID = #{cityId,jdbcType=BIGINT},
    <if test="areaId != null" >
    AREA_ID = #{areaId,jdbcType=BIGINT},
    <if test="proId != null" >
    PRO_ID = #{proId,jdbcType=BIGINT},
    <if test="lastChangeTime != null" >
    LAST_CHANGE_TIME = #{lastChangeTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP},
    where ID = #{id,jdbcType=BIGINT}

    <!-- 批量修改 -->
    <update id="updateBatch" parameterType="List" >
    <foreach collection="list" item="obj" index="index" separator=" ; " >
    update crm_client
    <set >
    <if test="obj.name != null" >
    NAME = #{obj.name,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
    <if test="obj.shortName != null" >
    SHORT_NAME = #{obj.shortName,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
    <if test="obj.ownCompanyId != null" >
    OWN_COMPANY_ID = #{obj.ownCompanyId,jdbcType=BIGINT},

    <if test="obj.proId != null" >
    PRO_ID = #{obj.proId,jdbcType=BIGINT},
    <if test="obj.lastChangeTime != null" >
    LAST_CHANGE_TIME = #{obj.lastChangeTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP},
    where ID = #{obj.id,jdbcType=BIGINT}

    <select id="count" resultType="java.lang.Integer" parameterType="map" >
    select count(1) from crm_client a
    where 1=1
    <include refid="Where_Clause" />

    <select id="countShareClientNUmber" resultType="java.lang.Integer" parameterType="map" >
    select count(*) from crm_client a
    where 1=1
    <if test="isShared != null" >
    and a.IS_SHARED = #{isShared,jdbcType=INTEGER}
    <if test="saleMan != null" >
    and a.SALE_MAN = #{saleMan,jdbcType=BIGINT}
    <!-- 级别筛选 -->
    <if test="level != null" >
    and a.LEVEL IN
    <foreach item="levelArray" index="index" collection="level"
    open="(" separator="," close=")">

    <select id="findClientList" resultType="java.util.Map" parameterType="map">
    distinct(a.ID) AS id,
    a.NAME AS name,
    b.MOBILE AS mobile,
    a.SALE_MAN AS saleMan,
    c.NAME AS saleManName,
    a.IS_SHARED AS isShared,
    a.LEVEL AS level,
    d.DICT_VALUE AS levelValue,
    date_format(a.CREATE_TIME,'%Y%m%d%H%i%S') as createTime,
    date_format(a.LAST_TRACK_TIME,'%Y%m%d%H%i%S') as lastTrackTime
    from crm_client a
    LEFT JOIN crm_contact b on a.ID = b.CLIENT_ID AND b.IS_DEFAULT_CONTACT = 1
    LEFT JOIN cm_xyduser c on a.SALE_MAN = c.ID
    LEFT JOIN cm_dict_type d on a.LEVEL = d.DICT_CODE AND d.TYPE = 'Client_Level'
    <if test="mainBusiness != null" >
    inner JOIN crm_main_business_client e on a.ID = e.CLIENT_ID
    where 1=1 and a.IS_DEL = 0 and a.SALE_MAN>-3
    <!-- 省份筛选 -->
    <if test="addProvince != null" >
    <foreach item="typeArray" index="index" collection="addProvince"
    open="(" separator="," close=")">
    <!-- 主营行业筛选 -->
    <if test="mainBusiness != null" >
    <foreach item="typeArray" index="index" collection="mainBusiness"
    open="(" separator="," close=")">
    <!-- 归属筛选 -->
    <if test="ids != null" >
    and a.SALE_MAN IN
    <foreach item="typeArray" index="index" collection="ids"
    open="(" separator="," close=")">
    <if test="ownCompanyId != null" >
    and a.OWN_COMPANY_ID = #{ownCompanyId,jdbcType=BIGINT}
    <!-- 级别筛选 -->
    <if test="level != null" >
    and a.LEVEL IN
    <foreach item="typeArray" index="index" collection="level"
    open="(" separator="," close=")">
    <!-- 类型筛选 -->
    <if test="type != null" >
    and a.TYPE IN
    <foreach item="typeArray" index="index" collection="type"
    open="(" separator="," close=")">
    <!-- 跟踪日期 -->
    <if test="endTrackTime != null" >
    <!-- and ( a.LAST_TRACK_TIME IS NULL OR a.LAST_TRACK_TIME <![CDATA[ < ]]> #{endTrackTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP}) -->
    and a.LAST_TRACK_TIME &lt;= #{endTrackTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP}
    order by a.CREATE_TIME desc
    <include refid="Paging" />

    <select id="countClientListNumber" resultType="java.lang.Integer" parameterType="map">

    from crm_client a
    LEFT JOIN crm_contact b on a.ID = b.CLIENT_ID AND b.IS_DEFAULT_CONTACT = 1
    LEFT JOIN cm_xyduser c on a.SALE_MAN = c.ID
    LEFT JOIN cm_dict_type d on a.LEVEL = d.DICT_CODE AND d.TYPE = 'Client_Level'
    <if test="mainBusiness != null" >
    inner JOIN crm_main_business_client e on a.ID = e.CLIENT_ID
    where 1=1 and a.IS_DEL = 0 and a.SALE_MAN>-3
    <if test="item != null" >
    and a.ITEM = #{item,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
    <!-- 省份筛选 -->
    <if test="addProvince != null" >
    <foreach item="typeArray" index="index" collection="addProvince"
    open="(" separator="," close=")">
    <!-- 主营行业筛选 -->
    <if test="mainBusiness != null" >
    <foreach item="typeArray" index="index" collection="mainBusiness"
    open="(" separator="," close=")">
    <!-- 归属筛选 -->
    <if test="ids != null" >
    and a.SALE_MAN IN
    <foreach item="typeArray" index="index" collection="ids"
    open="(" separator="," close=")">
    <if test="ownCompanyId != null" >
    and a.OWN_COMPANY_ID = #{ownCompanyId,jdbcType=BIGINT}
    <!-- 级别筛选 -->
    <if test="level != null" >
    and a.LEVEL IN
    <foreach item="typeArray" index="index" collection="level"
    open="(" separator="," close=")">
    <!-- 跟踪日期 -->
    <if test="endTrackTime != null" >
    and (a.LAST_TRACK_TIME IS NULL OR a.LAST_TRACK_TIME <![CDATA[ < ]]> #{endTrackTime,jdbcType=BIGINT})
    <!-- 类型筛选 -->
    <if test="type != null" >
    and a.TYPE IN
    <foreach item="typeArray" index="index" collection="type"
    open="(" separator="," close=")">


    <!-- 客户搜索 begin zyf -->
    <select id="selectSearchToId" resultType="long" parameterType="map">
    from crm_client a
    <if test="tell != null" >
    LEFT JOIN crm_contact b ON a.ID = b.CLIENT_ID
    where 1=1
    <if test="ownCompanyId != null" >
    and a.OWN_COMPANY_ID = #{ownCompanyId,jdbcType=BIGINT}
    <if test="userIds != null" >
    and a.SALE_MAN in(${userIds})
    <if test="isDel != null" >
    and a.IS_DEL = #{isDel,jdbcType=INTEGER}
    <if test="name != null" >
    a.NAME like '%${name}%'
    or a.SHORT_NAME like '%${name}%'
    <if test="tell != null" >
    or a.TELL like '${tell}%'
    OR (a.SALE_MAN > 0 and b.MOBILE like '${tell}%')
    <include refid="Order_By"/>
    <include refid="Paging" />

    <select id="selectSearchCount" resultType="java.lang.Integer" parameterType="map" >
    select COUNT(DISTINCT a.ID) from crm_client a
    <if test="tell != null" >
    LEFT JOIN crm_contact b ON a.ID = b.CLIENT_ID
    where 1=1 and a.SALE_MAN > -3
    <if test="ownCompanyId != null" >
    and a.OWN_COMPANY_ID = #{ownCompanyId,jdbcType=BIGINT}
    <if test="userIds != null" >
    and a.SALE_MAN in(${userIds})
    <if test="isDel != null" >
    and a.IS_DEL = #{isDel,jdbcType=INTEGER}
    and (
    <if test="name != null" >
    a.NAME like '%${name}%'
    or a.SHORT_NAME like '%${name}%'
    <if test="tell != null" >
    or a.TELL like '${tell}%'
    OR (a.SALE_MAN > 0 and b.MOBILE like '${tell}%')
    <!-- 客户搜索 end -->
    <select id="findClientContactList" resultType="java.util.HashMap" parameterType="map">
    c.ID as clientId,
    c.NAME clientName,
    c.short_name shortName,
    c.OWN_COMPANY_ID companyId,
    c.ADD_PROVINCE as province,
    d.dict_value as type,
    dt.dict_value as level,
    c.SALE_MAN as saleMan,
    c.IS_SHARED as isShared,
    co.ID as contactId,
    co.`NAME` as contactName,
    co.MOBILE as mobile,
    co.SEX as sex,
    co.POSITION as position

    from crm_client c
    left join crm_contact co on c.ID=co.CLIENT_ID
    left JOIN cm_dict_type d on d.DICT_CODE=c.type and d.type='Client_Type'
    left join cm_dict_type dt on dt.DICT_CODE=c.level and dt.type='Client_Level'
    where co.IS_DEFAULT_CONTACT =1 and c.OWN_COMPANY_ID=#{companyId,jdbcType=BIGINT}

    <if test="outLevel != null" >
    and c.`LEVEL` not in(${outLevel})

    <if test="proId != null" >
    and c.PRO_ID = #{proId,jdbcType=BIGINT}
    <if test="addProvince != null" >
    and c.ADD_PROVINCE like concat('%',#{addProvince,jdbcType=VARCHAR},'%')
    <if test="mainBusiness != null" >
    and (select count(b.ID) from crm_main_business_client b where b.CLIENT_ID=c.ID and b.MAIN_BUSINESS_ID=#{mainBusiness,jdbcType=VARCHAR})>0
    <if test="type != null" >
    and c.TYPE = #{type,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
    <if test="level != null" >
    and c.LEVEL = #{level,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
    <if test="likeName != null" >
    and ( c.NAME like concat('%',#{likeName,jdbcType=VARCHAR},'%') or co.NAME like concat('%',#{likeName,jdbcType=VARCHAR},'%') )
    <include refid="Paging" />

    <select id="findClientContactListCount" resultType="java.lang.Integer" parameterType="map">
    SELECT count(1)
    from crm_client c
    left join crm_contact co on c.ID=co.CLIENT_ID
    left JOIN cm_dict_type d on d.DICT_CODE=c.type and d.type='Client_Level'
    left join cm_dict_type dt on dt.DICT_CODE=c.level and dt.type='Client_Level'
    where co.IS_DEFAULT_CONTACT =1 and c.OWN_COMPANY_ID=#{companyId,jdbcType=BIGINT}
    <if test="outLevel != null" >
    and c.`LEVEL` not in(${outLevel})
    <if test="proId != null" >
    and c.PRO_ID = #{proId,jdbcType=BIGINT}
    <if test="addProvince != null" >
    and c.ADD_PROVINCE like concat('%',#{addProvince,jdbcType=VARCHAR},'%')
    <if test="mainBusiness != null" >
    and (select count(b.ID) from crm_main_business_client b where b.CLIENT_ID=c.ID and b.MAIN_BUSINESS_ID=#{mainBusiness,jdbcType=VARCHAR})>0
    <if test="type != null" >
    and c.TYPE = #{type,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
    <if test="level != null" >
    and c.LEVEL = #{level,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
    <if test="likeName != null" >
    and ( c.NAME like concat('%',#{likeName,jdbcType=VARCHAR},'%') or co.NAME like concat('%',#{likeName,jdbcType=VARCHAR},'%') )

    <resultMap id="ResultMapExport" type="com.xy.xyd.rest.crm.entity.CrmClientExport" >
    <id column="ID" property="id" jdbcType="BIGINT" />
    <result column="NAME" property="name" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
    <result column="CITY_ID" property="cityId" jdbcType="BIGINT" />
    <result column="AREA_ID" property="areaId" jdbcType="BIGINT" />
    <result column="PRO_ID" property="proId" jdbcType="BIGINT" />

    <!-- 新增字段 -->
    <result column="contactId" property="contactId" jdbcType="BIGINT" />
    <result column="contactName" property="contactName" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
    <result column="title" property="title" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
    <result column="mobile" property="mobile" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
    <result column="sex" property="sex" jdbcType="INTEGER" />
    <result column="position" property="position" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
    <result column="org" property="org" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
    <result column="mainRes" property="mainRes" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
    <result column="Qq" property="Qq" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
    <result column="email" property="email" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />

    <select id="exportClient" resultMap="ResultMapExport" parameterType="map">
    c.ID ,
    c.NAME ,
    c.IS_SHARED ,
    co.ID as contactId,
    co.`NAME` as contactName,
    co.TENCENT_QQ as Qq,
    co.EMAIL as email

    from crm_client c
    left join crm_contact co on c.ID=co.CLIENT_ID
    where c.OWN_COMPANY_ID=#{companyId,jdbcType=BIGINT}
    <if test="outLevel != null" >
    and c.`LEVEL` not in(${outLevel})
    <if test="proId != null" >
    and c.PRO_ID = #{proId,jdbcType=BIGINT}
    <if test="addProvince != null" >
    and c.ADD_PROVINCE like concat('%',#{addProvince,jdbcType=VARCHAR},'%')
    <if test="mainBusiness != null" >
    and (select count(b.ID) from crm_main_business_client b where b.CLIENT_ID=c.ID and b.MAIN_BUSINESS_ID=#{mainBusiness,jdbcType=VARCHAR})>0
    <if test="type != null" >
    and c.TYPE = #{type,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
    <if test="level != null" >
    and c.LEVEL = #{level,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
    <if test="likeName != null" >
    and ( c.NAME like concat('%',#{likeName,jdbcType=VARCHAR},'%') or co.NAME like concat('%',#{likeName,jdbcType=VARCHAR},'%') )

    <!-- 根据客户自动降级设置的条件:查询客户 {某个企业、多少天为跟踪的、指定级别的客户}c.CREATE_TIME < '' 过滤掉新创建的客户,其也没有符合条件的跟进记录-->
    <select id="selectNotTrack" resultMap="ResultMap" parameterType="map">
    select c.*
    from crm_client c
    where c.OWN_COMPANY_ID=#{ownCompanyId,jdbcType=BIGINT} and c.LEVEL=#{level,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
    <!--铁单、重点客户: 有上级无下属的员工{才执行跑批:自动降级跑批使 -->
    <if test="saleMan != null">
    and c.SALE_MAN=#{saleMan,jdbcType=BIGINT}
    <!-- 客户创建时间未达到指定天数,对应的日期,其必然不符合要求 -->
    and date(c.LAST_CHANGE_TIME) <![CDATA[ < ]]> date(#{createTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP})
    and not exists( <!-- 不存在跟踪记录,则说明,30天没有跟踪了 -->
    <!-- 30天内的跟踪记录 -->
    SELECT 1 from crm_track_recording r
    where r.CLIENT_ID=c.ID and r.NEW_LEVEL=#{level,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
    and r.NEW_SALE_MAN=c.SALE_MAN and
    date( r.CREATE_TIME) <![CDATA[ > ]]> date(#{createTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP}) and r.TYPE=1

    <!-- 根据客户自动降级设置的条件:查询客户 {某个企业、多少天未升级的、指定级别的客户}c.CREATE_TIME < '' 过滤掉新创建的客户,其也没有符合条件的跟进记录
    r.OLD_LEVEL!=r.NEW_LEVEL 查询出升级记录
    <select id="selectNotUp" resultMap="ResultMap" parameterType="map">
    select c.*
    from crm_client c
    where c.OWN_COMPANY_ID=#{ownCompanyId,jdbcType=BIGINT} and c.LEVEL=#{level,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
    <!-- 客户创建时间未达到指定天数,对应的日期,其必然不符合要求 -->
    and date(#{createTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP}) <![CDATA[ > ]]>date(c.LAST_CHANGE_TIME )



    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd" >
    <mapper namespace="com.xy.xyd.rest.crm.repository.CrmClientRepository" >
    <resultMap id="ResultMap" type="com.xy.xyd.rest.crm.entity.CrmClient" >
    <id column="ID" property="id" jdbcType="BIGINT" />
    <result column="NAME" property="name" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
    <result column="LATITUDE" property="latitude" jdbcType="DOUBLE" />
    <result column="IS_DEL" property="isDel" jdbcType="INTEGER" />
    <result column="CREATE_BY" property="createBy" jdbcType="BIGINT" />
    <result column="CREATE_TIME" property="createTime" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" />
    <result column="MODIFY_BY" property="modifyBy" jdbcType="BIGINT" />
    <result column="LAST_CHANGE_TIME" property="lastChangeTime" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" />

    <sql id="Base_Column_List" >

    <!--find查询列 -->
    <sql id="Find_Column_List">

    <sql id="Where_Clause">
    <if test="id != null" >
    and a.ID = #{id,jdbcType=BIGINT}
    <if test="inClientIds != null">
    and a.ID in (${inClientIds})
    <if test="outClientIds != null">
    and a.ID not in (${outClientIds})

    <if test="proId != null" >
    and PRO_ID = #{proId,jdbcType=BIGINT}
    <if test="lastChangeTime != null" >
    and a.LAST_CHANGE_TIME = #{lastChangeTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP}

    <sql id="Order_By">
    order by
    <if test="sort!=null">
    <if test="sort==&quot;id&quot;">
    a.ID ${order}
    <if test="sort==&quot;name&quot;">
    a.NAME ${order}
    <if test="sort==&quot;sortOrder&quot;">
    a.SORT_ORDER ${order}
    <if test="sort==null">
    <sql id="Paging">
    <if test="firstResult!=null"> limit #{firstResult,jdbcType=DECIMAL} ,

    <!--按Id查询 -->
    <select id="selectById" resultMap="ResultMap" parameterType="Long">
    <include refid="Base_Column_List" />
    from crm_client a where id=#{id}

    <!--按Id删除 -->
    <delete id="deleteById" parameterType="Long">
    delete a from crm_client a where id=#{id}

    <!--条件查询,只查询ID -->
    <select id="selectToId" resultType="long" parameterType="map">
    <include refid="Find_Column_List" />
    from crm_client a where 1=1
    <include refid="Where_Clause" />
    <include refid="Order_By"/>
    <include refid="Paging" />

    <select id="select" resultMap="ResultMap" parameterType="map">
    <include refid="Base_Column_List" />
    from crm_client a
    where 1=1
    <include refid="Where_Clause" />

    <!-- 同一家公司,在省的范围内,简称查重 ,如有重复,返回所有重复的客户简称及归属人姓名 -->
    <select id="findRepeatListInProvince" resultType="java.util.Map" parameterType="map">
    a.ID AS id,
    a.NAME AS name,
    a.SHORT_NAME AS shortName,
    a.SALE_MAN AS saleMan
    from crm_client a
    where 1=1
    <include refid="Where_Clause" />
    <include refid="Paging" />

    <select id="findClientInfo" resultType="java.util.Map" parameterType="map" >
    a.NAME AS name,
    a.SHORT_NAME AS shortName,
    a.LATITUDE AS latitude,
    b.DICT_VALUE AS typeValue,
    a.SALE_MAN AS saleMan,
    c.NAME AS saleManName,
    a.LEVEL AS level,
    d.DICT_VALUE AS levelValue,
    a.INTRODUCTION AS introduction

    from crm_client a
    LEFT JOIN cm_dict_type b on a.TYPE = b.DICT_CODE AND b.type ='Client_Type'
    LEFT JOIN cm_xyduser c on a.SALE_MAN = c.ID
    LEFT JOIN cm_dict_type d on a.LEVEL = d.DICT_CODE AND d.type ='Client_Level'
    where 1=1
    <include refid="Where_Clause" />

    <delete id="delete" parameterType="java.lang.Long" >
    delete from crm_client
    where ID = #{id,jdbcType=BIGINT}

    <insert id="save" parameterType="com.xy.xyd.rest.crm.entity.CrmClient" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="id">
    insert into crm_client
    <trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides="," >
    <if test="id != null" >
    <if test="name != null" >
    <if test="cityId != null" >
    <if test="areaId != null" >
    <if test="proId != null" >
    <if test="lastChangeTime != null" >
    <trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides="," >
    <if test="id != null" >
    <if test="name != null" >
    <if test="cityId != null" >
    <if test="areaId != null" >
    <if test="proId != null" >
    <if test="lastChangeTime != null" >

    <update id="update" parameterType="com.xy.xyd.rest.crm.entity.CrmClient" >
    update crm_client
    <set >
    <if test="name != null" >
    NAME = #{name,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
    <if test="cityId != null" >
    CITY_ID = #{cityId,jdbcType=BIGINT},
    <if test="areaId != null" >
    AREA_ID = #{areaId,jdbcType=BIGINT},
    <if test="proId != null" >
    PRO_ID = #{proId,jdbcType=BIGINT},
    <if test="lastChangeTime != null" >
    LAST_CHANGE_TIME = #{lastChangeTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP},
    where ID = #{id,jdbcType=BIGINT}

    <!-- 批量修改 -->
    <update id="updateBatch" parameterType="List" >
    <foreach collection="list" item="obj" index="index" separator=" ; " >
    update crm_client
    <set >
    <if test="obj.name != null" >
    NAME = #{obj.name,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
    <if test="obj.shortName != null" >
    SHORT_NAME = #{obj.shortName,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
    <if test="obj.ownCompanyId != null" >
    OWN_COMPANY_ID = #{obj.ownCompanyId,jdbcType=BIGINT},

    <if test="obj.proId != null" >
    PRO_ID = #{obj.proId,jdbcType=BIGINT},
    <if test="obj.lastChangeTime != null" >
    LAST_CHANGE_TIME = #{obj.lastChangeTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP},
    where ID = #{obj.id,jdbcType=BIGINT}

    <select id="count" resultType="java.lang.Integer" parameterType="map" >
    select count(1) from crm_client a
    where 1=1
    <include refid="Where_Clause" />

    <select id="countShareClientNUmber" resultType="java.lang.Integer" parameterType="map" >
    select count(*) from crm_client a
    where 1=1
    <if test="isShared != null" >
    and a.IS_SHARED = #{isShared,jdbcType=INTEGER}
    <if test="saleMan != null" >
    and a.SALE_MAN = #{saleMan,jdbcType=BIGINT}
    <!-- 级别筛选 -->
    <if test="level != null" >
    and a.LEVEL IN
    <foreach item="levelArray" index="index" collection="level"
    open="(" separator="," close=")">

    <select id="findClientList" resultType="java.util.Map" parameterType="map">
    distinct(a.ID) AS id,
    a.NAME AS name,
    b.MOBILE AS mobile,
    a.SALE_MAN AS saleMan,
    c.NAME AS saleManName,
    a.IS_SHARED AS isShared,
    a.LEVEL AS level,
    d.DICT_VALUE AS levelValue,
    date_format(a.CREATE_TIME,'%Y%m%d%H%i%S') as createTime,
    date_format(a.LAST_TRACK_TIME,'%Y%m%d%H%i%S') as lastTrackTime
    from crm_client a
    LEFT JOIN crm_contact b on a.ID = b.CLIENT_ID AND b.IS_DEFAULT_CONTACT = 1
    LEFT JOIN cm_xyduser c on a.SALE_MAN = c.ID
    LEFT JOIN cm_dict_type d on a.LEVEL = d.DICT_CODE AND d.TYPE = 'Client_Level'
    <if test="mainBusiness != null" >
    inner JOIN crm_main_business_client e on a.ID = e.CLIENT_ID
    where 1=1 and a.IS_DEL = 0 and a.SALE_MAN>-3
    <!-- 省份筛选 -->
    <if test="addProvince != null" >
    <foreach item="typeArray" index="index" collection="addProvince"
    open="(" separator="," close=")">
    <!-- 主营行业筛选 -->
    <if test="mainBusiness != null" >
    <foreach item="typeArray" index="index" collection="mainBusiness"
    open="(" separator="," close=")">
    <!-- 归属筛选 -->
    <if test="ids != null" >
    and a.SALE_MAN IN
    <foreach item="typeArray" index="index" collection="ids"
    open="(" separator="," close=")">
    <if test="ownCompanyId != null" >
    and a.OWN_COMPANY_ID = #{ownCompanyId,jdbcType=BIGINT}
    <!-- 级别筛选 -->
    <if test="level != null" >
    and a.LEVEL IN
    <foreach item="typeArray" index="index" collection="level"
    open="(" separator="," close=")">
    <!-- 类型筛选 -->
    <if test="type != null" >
    and a.TYPE IN
    <foreach item="typeArray" index="index" collection="type"
    open="(" separator="," close=")">
    <!-- 跟踪日期 -->
    <if test="endTrackTime != null" >
    <!-- and ( a.LAST_TRACK_TIME IS NULL OR a.LAST_TRACK_TIME <![CDATA[ < ]]> #{endTrackTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP}) -->
    and a.LAST_TRACK_TIME &lt;= #{endTrackTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP}
    order by a.CREATE_TIME desc
    <include refid="Paging" />

    <select id="countClientListNumber" resultType="java.lang.Integer" parameterType="map">

    from crm_client a
    LEFT JOIN crm_contact b on a.ID = b.CLIENT_ID AND b.IS_DEFAULT_CONTACT = 1
    LEFT JOIN cm_xyduser c on a.SALE_MAN = c.ID
    LEFT JOIN cm_dict_type d on a.LEVEL = d.DICT_CODE AND d.TYPE = 'Client_Level'
    <if test="mainBusiness != null" >
    inner JOIN crm_main_business_client e on a.ID = e.CLIENT_ID
    where 1=1 and a.IS_DEL = 0 and a.SALE_MAN>-3
    <if test="item != null" >
    and a.ITEM = #{item,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
    <!-- 省份筛选 -->
    <if test="addProvince != null" >
    <foreach item="typeArray" index="index" collection="addProvince"
    open="(" separator="," close=")">
    <!-- 主营行业筛选 -->
    <if test="mainBusiness != null" >
    <foreach item="typeArray" index="index" collection="mainBusiness"
    open="(" separator="," close=")">
    <!-- 归属筛选 -->
    <if test="ids != null" >
    and a.SALE_MAN IN
    <foreach item="typeArray" index="index" collection="ids"
    open="(" separator="," close=")">
    <if test="ownCompanyId != null" >
    and a.OWN_COMPANY_ID = #{ownCompanyId,jdbcType=BIGINT}
    <!-- 级别筛选 -->
    <if test="level != null" >
    and a.LEVEL IN
    <foreach item="typeArray" index="index" collection="level"
    open="(" separator="," close=")">
    <!-- 跟踪日期 -->
    <if test="endTrackTime != null" >
    and (a.LAST_TRACK_TIME IS NULL OR a.LAST_TRACK_TIME <![CDATA[ < ]]> #{endTrackTime,jdbcType=BIGINT})
    <!-- 类型筛选 -->
    <if test="type != null" >
    and a.TYPE IN
    <foreach item="typeArray" index="index" collection="type"
    open="(" separator="," close=")">


    <!-- 客户搜索 begin zyf -->
    <select id="selectSearchToId" resultType="long" parameterType="map">
    from crm_client a
    <if test="tell != null" >
    LEFT JOIN crm_contact b ON a.ID = b.CLIENT_ID
    where 1=1
    <if test="ownCompanyId != null" >
    and a.OWN_COMPANY_ID = #{ownCompanyId,jdbcType=BIGINT}
    <if test="userIds != null" >
    and a.SALE_MAN in(${userIds})
    <if test="isDel != null" >
    and a.IS_DEL = #{isDel,jdbcType=INTEGER}
    <if test="name != null" >
    a.NAME like '%${name}%'
    or a.SHORT_NAME like '%${name}%'
    <if test="tell != null" >
    or a.TELL like '${tell}%'
    OR (a.SALE_MAN > 0 and b.MOBILE like '${tell}%')
    <include refid="Order_By"/>
    <include refid="Paging" />

    <select id="selectSearchCount" resultType="java.lang.Integer" parameterType="map" >
    select COUNT(DISTINCT a.ID) from crm_client a
    <if test="tell != null" >
    LEFT JOIN crm_contact b ON a.ID = b.CLIENT_ID
    where 1=1 and a.SALE_MAN > -3
    <if test="ownCompanyId != null" >
    and a.OWN_COMPANY_ID = #{ownCompanyId,jdbcType=BIGINT}
    <if test="userIds != null" >
    and a.SALE_MAN in(${userIds})
    <if test="isDel != null" >
    and a.IS_DEL = #{isDel,jdbcType=INTEGER}
    and (
    <if test="name != null" >
    a.NAME like '%${name}%'
    or a.SHORT_NAME like '%${name}%'
    <if test="tell != null" >
    or a.TELL like '${tell}%'
    OR (a.SALE_MAN > 0 and b.MOBILE like '${tell}%')
    <!-- 客户搜索 end -->
    <select id="findClientContactList" resultType="java.util.HashMap" parameterType="map">
    c.ID as clientId,
    c.NAME clientName,
    c.short_name shortName,
    c.OWN_COMPANY_ID companyId,
    c.ADD_PROVINCE as province,
    d.dict_value as type,
    dt.dict_value as level,
    c.SALE_MAN as saleMan,
    c.IS_SHARED as isShared,
    co.ID as contactId,
    co.`NAME` as contactName,
    co.MOBILE as mobile,
    co.SEX as sex,
    co.POSITION as position

    from crm_client c
    left join crm_contact co on c.ID=co.CLIENT_ID
    left JOIN cm_dict_type d on d.DICT_CODE=c.type and d.type='Client_Type'
    left join cm_dict_type dt on dt.DICT_CODE=c.level and dt.type='Client_Level'
    where co.IS_DEFAULT_CONTACT =1 and c.OWN_COMPANY_ID=#{companyId,jdbcType=BIGINT}

    <if test="outLevel != null" >
    and c.`LEVEL` not in(${outLevel})

    <if test="proId != null" >
    and c.PRO_ID = #{proId,jdbcType=BIGINT}
    <if test="addProvince != null" >
    and c.ADD_PROVINCE like concat('%',#{addProvince,jdbcType=VARCHAR},'%')
    <if test="mainBusiness != null" >
    and (select count(b.ID) from crm_main_business_client b where b.CLIENT_ID=c.ID and b.MAIN_BUSINESS_ID=#{mainBusiness,jdbcType=VARCHAR})>0
    <if test="type != null" >
    and c.TYPE = #{type,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
    <if test="level != null" >
    and c.LEVEL = #{level,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
    <if test="likeName != null" >
    and ( c.NAME like concat('%',#{likeName,jdbcType=VARCHAR},'%') or co.NAME like concat('%',#{likeName,jdbcType=VARCHAR},'%') )
    <include refid="Paging" />

    <select id="findClientContactListCount" resultType="java.lang.Integer" parameterType="map">
    SELECT count(1)
    from crm_client c
    left join crm_contact co on c.ID=co.CLIENT_ID
    left JOIN cm_dict_type d on d.DICT_CODE=c.type and d.type='Client_Level'
    left join cm_dict_type dt on dt.DICT_CODE=c.level and dt.type='Client_Level'
    where co.IS_DEFAULT_CONTACT =1 and c.OWN_COMPANY_ID=#{companyId,jdbcType=BIGINT}
    <if test="outLevel != null" >
    and c.`LEVEL` not in(${outLevel})
    <if test="proId != null" >
    and c.PRO_ID = #{proId,jdbcType=BIGINT}
    <if test="addProvince != null" >
    and c.ADD_PROVINCE like concat('%',#{addProvince,jdbcType=VARCHAR},'%')
    <if test="mainBusiness != null" >
    and (select count(b.ID) from crm_main_business_client b where b.CLIENT_ID=c.ID and b.MAIN_BUSINESS_ID=#{mainBusiness,jdbcType=VARCHAR})>0
    <if test="type != null" >
    and c.TYPE = #{type,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
    <if test="level != null" >
    and c.LEVEL = #{level,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
    <if test="likeName != null" >
    and ( c.NAME like concat('%',#{likeName,jdbcType=VARCHAR},'%') or co.NAME like concat('%',#{likeName,jdbcType=VARCHAR},'%') )

    <resultMap id="ResultMapExport" type="com.xy.xyd.rest.crm.entity.CrmClientExport" >
    <id column="ID" property="id" jdbcType="BIGINT" />
    <result column="NAME" property="name" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
    <result column="CITY_ID" property="cityId" jdbcType="BIGINT" />
    <result column="AREA_ID" property="areaId" jdbcType="BIGINT" />
    <result column="PRO_ID" property="proId" jdbcType="BIGINT" />

    <!-- 新增字段 -->
    <result column="contactId" property="contactId" jdbcType="BIGINT" />
    <result column="contactName" property="contactName" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
    <result column="title" property="title" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
    <result column="mobile" property="mobile" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
    <result column="sex" property="sex" jdbcType="INTEGER" />
    <result column="position" property="position" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
    <result column="org" property="org" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
    <result column="mainRes" property="mainRes" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
    <result column="Qq" property="Qq" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
    <result column="email" property="email" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />

    <select id="exportClient" resultMap="ResultMapExport" parameterType="map">
    c.ID ,
    c.NAME ,
    c.IS_SHARED ,
    co.ID as contactId,
    co.`NAME` as contactName,
    co.TENCENT_QQ as Qq,
    co.EMAIL as email

    from crm_client c
    left join crm_contact co on c.ID=co.CLIENT_ID
    where c.OWN_COMPANY_ID=#{companyId,jdbcType=BIGINT}
    <if test="outLevel != null" >
    and c.`LEVEL` not in(${outLevel})
    <if test="proId != null" >
    and c.PRO_ID = #{proId,jdbcType=BIGINT}
    <if test="addProvince != null" >
    and c.ADD_PROVINCE like concat('%',#{addProvince,jdbcType=VARCHAR},'%')
    <if test="mainBusiness != null" >
    and (select count(b.ID) from crm_main_business_client b where b.CLIENT_ID=c.ID and b.MAIN_BUSINESS_ID=#{mainBusiness,jdbcType=VARCHAR})>0
    <if test="type != null" >
    and c.TYPE = #{type,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
    <if test="level != null" >
    and c.LEVEL = #{level,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
    <if test="likeName != null" >
    and ( c.NAME like concat('%',#{likeName,jdbcType=VARCHAR},'%') or co.NAME like concat('%',#{likeName,jdbcType=VARCHAR},'%') )

    <!-- 根据客户自动降级设置的条件:查询客户 {某个企业、多少天为跟踪的、指定级别的客户}c.CREATE_TIME < '' 过滤掉新创建的客户,其也没有符合条件的跟进记录-->
    <select id="selectNotTrack" resultMap="ResultMap" parameterType="map">
    select c.*
    from crm_client c
    where c.OWN_COMPANY_ID=#{ownCompanyId,jdbcType=BIGINT} and c.LEVEL=#{level,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
    <!--铁单、重点客户: 有上级无下属的员工{才执行跑批:自动降级跑批使 -->
    <if test="saleMan != null">
    and c.SALE_MAN=#{saleMan,jdbcType=BIGINT}
    <!-- 客户创建时间未达到指定天数,对应的日期,其必然不符合要求 -->
    and date(c.LAST_CHANGE_TIME) <![CDATA[ < ]]> date(#{createTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP})
    and not exists( <!-- 不存在跟踪记录,则说明,30天没有跟踪了 -->
    <!-- 30天内的跟踪记录 -->
    SELECT 1 from crm_track_recording r
    where r.CLIENT_ID=c.ID and r.NEW_LEVEL=#{level,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
    and r.NEW_SALE_MAN=c.SALE_MAN and
    date( r.CREATE_TIME) <![CDATA[ > ]]> date(#{createTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP}) and r.TYPE=1

    <!-- 根据客户自动降级设置的条件:查询客户 {某个企业、多少天未升级的、指定级别的客户}c.CREATE_TIME < '' 过滤掉新创建的客户,其也没有符合条件的跟进记录
    r.OLD_LEVEL!=r.NEW_LEVEL 查询出升级记录
    <select id="selectNotUp" resultMap="ResultMap" parameterType="map">
    select c.*
    from crm_client c
    where c.OWN_COMPANY_ID=#{ownCompanyId,jdbcType=BIGINT} and c.LEVEL=#{level,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
    <!-- 客户创建时间未达到指定天数,对应的日期,其必然不符合要求 -->
    and date(#{createTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP}) <![CDATA[ > ]]>date(c.LAST_CHANGE_TIME )



  • 相关阅读:
    ZJNU 1138
    ZJNU 1133
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ctaixw/p/6181713.html
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