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  • 3D数学基础:图形与游戏开发

    Chapter 4 Vectors 第4章 向量

    4.1 Vector — A Mathematical Definition  向量——数学定义

    4.1.1 Vectors vs. Scalars  向量和标量

    “velocity” and “displacement” are vector quantities, while “speed” and “distance” are
    scalar quantities

    4.1.2 Vector Dimension 向量的维度

    4.1.3 Notation 记法

    Row vs. column vectors 行向量列向量

    4.2 Vector — A Geometric Definition 4.2 向量——几何定义

    4.2.1 What Does a Vector Look Like? 箭头,包含大小和方向

    4.2.2 Position vs. Displacement  4.2.2 位置与位移

    4.2.3 Specifying Vectors 4.2.3 向量的表达

    The numbers in a vector measure signed displacements in each dimension


    4.2.4 Vectors as a Sequence of Displacements  4.2.4 将向量表示为位移序列.

    break the vector into its axially aligned components.

    When these axially aligned displacements are combined, they
    cumulatively define the displacement defined by the vector as a whole.


    The different orderings correspond to different routes along the axially aligned bounding box con-
    taining the vector.


    4.3 Vectors vs. Points

    A “point” specifies a position, and a “vector” specifies a

    4.3.1 Relative Position

    reference frame 参考系

    4.3.2 The Relationship Between Points and Vectors

    When you think of a loca-
    tion, think of a point and visualize a dot.When you think of a displacement, think of a vector and
    visualize an arrow.

    chapter 5 Operations on vectors 第5章 向量运算

    Normalized Vectors

    5.8 Vector Addition and Subtraction

    vector addition is commutative(交换律), but vector sub-
    traction is not。

    5.10 Vector Dot Product

    dot product (also known as the inner product).


    5.11 Vector Cross Product

    cross product or outer product  叉乘,外积


    The operation a·b×c is known as the triple product

    anticommutative: a×b= –(b×a).

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cute/p/2229339.html
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