[文章标题] .Net强名称带本机代码程序调试一例
[Subject ] Crack a .Net Assembly with Strong Name Signature and Native Code
[Author ] FucKiNi (It's lccracker)
[withTool] OD + Ms.Net SDK + Reflector and so on
[System ] Win2003 + .Net Framework 1.1 and SDK
[SoftName] a Commercial Program in Specified Field
[Download] N/A
[Protect ] Native Code Mixed + Soft Dog Hardware
[Descrip.] This software is not protected with S/N or Lience but Soft Dog Hardware.
It's a really bad thing that we can't enter any Lience by any way to make
it run corectly. This article will show you how to make it working.
[Disclaim] Only tell what I had done, no any warranties of any kind for responsibility.
[PreserveSig, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Unmanaged, MethodCodeType=MethodCodeType.Native), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
public static int modopt(CallConvCdecl) Check();