Hbase适用于大表的存储,通过单一的RowKey查询虽然能快速查询,但是对于复杂查询,尤其分页、查询总数等,实现方案浪费计算资源,所以可以针对hbase数据创建二级索引(Hbase Secondary Indexing),供复杂查询使用。
Key-Value Store Indexer是Hbase到Solr生成索引的中间工具。在CDH5中的Key-Value Store Indexer使用的是Lily HBase NRT Indexer服务
Lily HBase Indexer是一款灵活的、可扩展的、高容错的、事务性的,并且近实时的处理HBase列索引数据的分布式服务软件。它是NGDATA公司开发的Lily系统的一部分,已开放源代码。Lily HBase Indexer使用SolrCloud来存储HBase的索引数据,当HBase执行写入、更新或删除操作时,Indexer通过HBase的replication功能来把这些操作抽象成一系列的Event事件,并用来保证写入Solr中的HBase索引数据的一致性。并且Indexer支持用户自定义的抽取,转换规则来索引HBase列数据。Solr搜索结果会包含用户自定义的columnfamily:qualifier字段结果,这样应用程序就可以直接访问HBase的列数据。而且Indexer索引和搜索不会影响HBase运行的稳定性和HBase数据写入的吞吐量,因为索引和搜索过程是完全分开并且异步的。Lily HBase Indexer在CDH5中运行必须依赖HBase、SolrCloud和Zookeeper服务。
- 分工:hbase负责海量数据存储;solr负责构建索引和提供对外查询;Indexer负责提供hbase到solr的索引构建。
- 索引创建流程:Hbase->Lily HBase Indexer->Solr
- 数据使用流程图
2.hbase表开启REPLICATION功能(1表示开启replication功能,0表示不开启,默认为0 )
- 已存在的表
disable 'table'
alter 'table',{NAME => 'cf', REPLICATION_SCOPE => 1}
enable 'table'
- 1
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- 新创建的表
create 'table',{NAME => 'cf', REPLICATION_SCOPE => 1}
- 1
solrctl instancedir --generate /home/data/collectionSmsDay
- 1
- 编辑已生成的schema.xml
<field name="_version_" type="long" indexed="true" stored="true"/>
<!-- points to the root document of a block of nested documents. Required for nested
document support, may be removed otherwise
<field name="_root_" type="string" indexed="true" stored="false"/>
<field name="timestamp" type="tdate" indexed="true" stored="true" default="NOW+8HOUR" multiValued="false"/>
<field name="text" type="text_general" indexed="true" stored="false" multiValued="true"/>
<field name="id" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" required="true" multiValued="false" />
<!-- points to the root document of a block of nested documents. Required for nested
document support, may be removed otherwise
<field name="send_number" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="false"/>
<field name="send_parent_account" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="false"/>
<field name="busi_type" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="false"/>
<field name="cnts" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="false"/>
<field name="day_id" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="false"/>
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solrctl instancedir --create collectionSmsDay /home/data/collectionSmsDay
- 1
- 登陆zk客户端查看节点:ls /solr/configs/collectionSmsDay,该节点下有solrconfig.xml、scheme.xml等配置文件;ls /solr/collection/下有collectionSmsDay
[root@db1 ~]# cd /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/zookeeper/bin/
[root@db1 bin]# ./zkCli.sh
[zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 3] ls /solr/configs/collectionSmsDay
[admin-extra.menu-top.html, currency.xml, protwords.txt, mapping-FoldToASCII.txt, solrconfig.xml.secure, _schema_analysis_synonyms_english.json, _rest_managed.json, solrconfig.xml, _schema_analysis_stopwords_english.json, stopwords.txt, lang, spellings.txt, mapping-ISOLatin1Accent.txt, admin-extra.html, schema_bak.xml, xslt, synonyms.txt, scripts.conf, update-script.js, velocity, elevate.xml, admin-extra.menu-bottom.html, schema.xml, clustering]
[zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 4]
[zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 3] ls /solr/configs
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- solrctl工具使用方法
[hadoop@db1 lib]$ solrctl --help
usage: /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-5.5.1-1.cdh5.5.1.p0.11/bin/../lib/solr/bin/solrctl.sh [options] command [command-arg] [command [command-arg]]
solrctl [options] command [command-arg] [command [command-arg]] ...
--solr:指定 SolrCloud 的 web API,如果在 SolrCloud 集群之外的节点运行命令,就需要指定该参数。
--zk:指定 zk 集群solr目录。
command 命令有:
init [--force]:初始化配置。
--generate path
--create name path
--update name path
--get name path
--delete name
collection:维护 collections。可选的参数有:
[--create name -s <numShards>
[-a Create collection with autoAddReplicas=true]
[-c <collection.configName>]
[-r <replicationFactor>]
[-m <maxShardsPerNode>]
[-n <createNodeSet>]]
--delete name: Deletes a collection.
--reload name: Reloads a collection.
--stat name: Outputs SolrCloud specific run-time information fora collection.
`--list: Lists all collections registered in SolrCloud.
--deletedocs name: Purges all indexed documents from a collection.
core:维护 cores。可选的参数有:
--create name [-p name=value]]
--reload name: Reloads a core.
--unload name: Unloads a core.
--status name: Prints status of a core.
--get-solrxml file
--put-solrxml file
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solrctl collection --create collectionSmsDay -s 6 -m 15 -r 2 -c collectionSmsDay -a
其中-s是6个分片(shard),我们的solrclound是6台机器,-r是2个副本(replication),-c是指定zk上solr/configs节点下使用的配置文件名称,-a是允许添加副本(必须写,否则创建不了副本),-m 默认值是1,注意三个数值:numShards、replicationFactor、liveSolrNode,一个正常的solrCloud集群不容许同一个liveSolrNode上部署同一个shard的多个replic,因此当maxShardsPerNode=1时,numShards*replicationFactor>liveSolrNode时,报错。因此正确时因满足以下条件:
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- 创建solr分片时,要根据实际情况定shard、replication,maxShardsPerNode,否则报错
[root@db1 conf]# solrctl collection --create solrtest -s 7 –r 2 -m 20
Error: A call to SolrCloud WEB APIs failed: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Content-Type: application/xml;charset=UTF-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2016 01:11:36 GMT
Connection: close
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<lst name="responseHeader">
<int name="status">
<int name="QTime">
<str name="Operation createcollection caused exception:">
org.apache.solr.common.SolrException:org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Cannot create collection solrtest. Value of maxShardsPerNode is 1, and the number of live nodes is 6. This allows a maximum of 6 to be created. Value of numShards is 7 and value of replicationFactor is 1. This requires 7 shards to be created (higher than the allowed number)</str>
<lst name="exception">
<str name="msg">
Cannot create collection solrtest. Value of maxShardsPerNode is 1, and the number of live nodes is 6. This allows a maximum of 6 to be created. Value of numShards is 7 and value of replicationFactor is 1. This requires 7 shards to be created (higher than the allowed number)</str>
<int name="rspCode">
<lst name="error">
<str name="msg">
Cannot create collection solrtest. Value of maxShardsPerNode is 1, and the number of live nodes is 6. This allows a maximum of 6 to be created. Value of numShards is 7 and value of replicationFactor is 1. This requires 7 shards to be created (higher than the allowed number)</str>
<int name="code">
[root@db1 conf]#
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- 如果修改/home/data/collectionSmsDay/confs下的配置文件schema.xml,需要重新上传加载,执行以下语句:
solrctl instancedir --update collectionSmsDay /home/data/collectionSmsDay
solrctl collection --reload collectionSmsDay
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- web端查看新创建的collection
其中morphlineId 的value是对应Key-Value Store Indexer 中配置文件Morphlines.conf 中morphlines 属性id值。morphlineId不要和hbase的table名称相同。
[hadoop@db1 hbase-solr]$ pwd
[hadoop@db1 hbase-solr]$ vi morphline-hbase-mapper-smslogday.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<indexer table="tb_sms_log_day" mapper="com.ngdata.hbaseindexer.morphline.MorphlineResultToSolrMapper">
<param name="morphlineFile" value="morphlines.conf"></param>
<param name="morphlineId" value="smslogdayMap"></param>
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7.修改Morphlines配置文件, 在CM中进入Key-Value Store Indexer面板->配置->类别->Morphlines-Morphlines文件;如果添加多个morphline,用逗号分隔。
id : smsdayMap
importCommands : ["org.kitesdk.**", "com.ngdata.**"]
commands : [
extractHBaseCells {
mappings : [
inputColumn : "cf:send_number"
outputField : "send_number"
type : string
source : value
inputColumn : "cf:send_parent_account"
outputField : "send_parent_account"
type : string
source : value
inputColumn : "cf:busi_type"
outputField : "busi_type"
type : string
source : value
inputColumn : "cf:cnts"
outputField : "cnts"
type : string
source : value
inputColumn : "cf:day_id"
outputField : "day_id"
type : string
source : value
{ logDebug { format : "output record: {}", args : ["@{}"] } }
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8.将morphline-hbase-mapper-smsday.xml注册到Lily Hbase Service服务中
- -n表示indexer的名称,-c表示加载的indexer的配置文件名称,–connection-param表示连接的solr的zk地址和对应的collection名称,–zookeeper表示indexer要上传到的zk地址。
hbase-indexer add-indexer
-n smsdayIndexer
-c /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/hbase-solr/morphline-hbase-mapper-smsday.xml
--connection-param solr.zk=nn1.hadoop:2181,nn2.hadoop:2181,dn7.hadoop:2181,dn5.hadoop:2181,dn3.hadoop:2181/solr
--connection-param solr.collection=collectionSmsDay
--zookeeper nn1.hadoop:2181,nn2.hadoop:2181,dn7.hadoop:2181,dn5.hadoop:2181,dn3.hadoop:2181
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- 查看索引器是否创建成功,关键Processes是否都是running processes
[hadoop@db1 hbase-solr]$ hbase-indexer list-indexers --zookeeper nn1.hadoop:2181
Number of indexes: 1
+ Lifecycle state: ACTIVE
+ Incremental indexing state: SUBSCRIBE_AND_CONSUME
+ Batch indexing state: INACTIVE
+ SEP subscription ID: Indexer_smsdayIndexer
+ SEP subscription timestamp: 2016-10-22T11:13:48.888+08:00
+ Connection type: solr
+ Connection params:
+ solr.collection = collectionSmsDay
+ solr.zk = nn1.hadoop:2181,nn2.hadoop:2181,dn7.hadoop:2181,dn5.hadoop:2181,dn3.hadoop:2181/solr
+ Indexer config:
268 bytes, use -dump to see content
+ Indexer component factory: com.ngdata.hbaseindexer.conf.DefaultIndexerComponentFactory
+ Additional batch index CLI arguments:
+ Default additional batch index CLI arguments:
+ Processes
+ 2 running processes
+ 0 failed processes
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- 如果索引器需要重建,删除使用下列方法。如果删除不了,始终在删除中的死循环中,就需要到zk上手动删除节点信息:ls /ngdata/hbaseindexer下。
hbase-indexer delete-indexer -n smsdayIndexer --zookeeper nn1.hadoop:2181
- 1
put 'tb_sms_day', '20161012000000001', 'cf:send_number', '15173751522'
put 'tb_sms_day', '20161012000000001', 'cf:day_id', '2016-10-21'
put 'tb_sms_day', '20161012000000001', 'cf:cnts', '1'
put 'tb_sms_day', '20161012000000001', 'cf:busi_type', 'SMS'
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