1.1 channel.exchangeDeclare():
direct类型的Exchange路由规则也很简单,它会把消息路由到那些binding key与routing key完全匹配的Queue中。
routing key为一个句点号“. ”分隔的字符串(我们将被句点号“. ”分隔开的每一段独立的字符串称为一个单词),如“stock.usd.nyse”、“nyse.vmw”、“quick.orange.rabbit” binding key与routing key一样也是句点号“. ”分隔的字符串。
binding key中可以存在两种特殊字符“”与“#”,用于做模糊匹配,其中“”用于匹配一个单词,“#”用于匹配多个单词(可以是零个)
durable:true、false true:服务器重启会保留下来Exchange。警告:仅设置此选项,不代表消息持久化。即不保证重启后消息还在。
原文:true if we are declaring a durable exchange (the exchange will survive a server restart)
原文1:true if the server should delete the exchange when it is no longer in use。
/** * Declare an exchange. * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Exchange.Declare * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Exchange.DeclareOk * @param exchange the name of the exchange * @param type the exchange type * @param durable true if we are declaring a durable exchange (the exchange will survive a server restart) * @param autoDelete true if the server should delete the exchange when it is no longer in use * @param arguments other properties (construction arguments) for the exchange * @return a declaration-confirm method to indicate the exchange was successfully declared * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered */ Exchange.DeclareOk exchangeDeclare(String exchange, String type, boolean durable, boolean autoDelete, Map<String, Object> arguments) throws IOException;
1.2 chanel.basicQos()
global:truefalse 是否将上面设置应用于channel,简单点说,就是上面限制是channel级别的还是consumer级别
备注:据说prefetchSize 和global这两项,rabbitmq没有实现,暂且不研究
QoS = quality-of-service, 顾名思义,服务的质量。通常我们设计系统的时候不能完全排除故障或保证说没有故障,而应该设计有完善的异常处理机制。在出现错误的时候知道在哪里出现什么样子的错误,原因是什么,怎么去恢复或者处理才是真正应该去做的。在接收消息出现故障的时候我们可以通过RabbitMQ重发机制来处理。重发就有重发次数的限制,有些时候你不可能不限次数的重发,这取决于消息的大小,重要程度和处理方式。
channel.BasicQos(0, 1, false);
/** * Request specific "quality of service" settings. * * These settings impose limits on the amount of data the server * will deliver to consumers before requiring acknowledgements. * Thus they provide a means of consumer-initiated flow control. * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Qos * @param prefetchSize maximum amount of content (measured in * octets) that the server will deliver, 0 if unlimited * @param prefetchCount maximum number of messages that the server * will deliver, 0 if unlimited * @param global true if the settings should be applied to the * entire channel rather than each consumer * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered */ void basicQos(int prefetchSize, int prefetchCount, boolean global) throws IOException;
1.3 channel.basicPublish()
routingKey:路由键,#匹配0个或多个单词,*匹配一个单词,在topic exchange做消息转发用
BasicProperties :需要注意的是BasicProperties.deliveryMode,0:不持久化 1:持久化
/** * Publish a message. * * Publishing to a non-existent exchange will result in a channel-level * protocol exception, which closes the channel. * * Invocations of <code>Channel#basicPublish</code> will eventually block if a * <a href="http://www.rabbitmq.com/alarms.html">resource-driven alarm</a> is in effect. * * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Publish * @see <a href="http://www.rabbitmq.com/alarms.html">Resource-driven alarms</a>. * @param exchange the exchange to publish the message to * @param routingKey the routing key * @param mandatory true if the 'mandatory' flag is to be set * @param immediate true if the 'immediate' flag is to be * set. Note that the RabbitMQ server does not support this flag. * @param props other properties for the message - routing headers etc * @param body the message body * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered */ void basicPublish(String exchange, String routingKey, boolean mandatory, boolean immediate, BasicProperties props, byte[] body) throws IOException;
1.4 channel.basicAck();
/** * Acknowledge one or several received * messages. Supply the deliveryTag from the {@link com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.GetOk} * or {@link com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Deliver} method * containing the received message being acknowledged. * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Ack * @param deliveryTag the tag from the received {@link com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.GetOk} or {@link com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Deliver} * @param multiple true to acknowledge all messages up to and * including the supplied delivery tag; false to acknowledge just * the supplied delivery tag. * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered */ void basicAck(long deliveryTag, boolean multiple) throws IOException;
1.5 channel.basicNack(delivery.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag(), false, true);
/** * Reject one or several received messages. * * Supply the <code>deliveryTag</code> from the {@link com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.GetOk} * or {@link com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.GetOk} method containing the message to be rejected. * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Nack * @param deliveryTag the tag from the received {@link com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.GetOk} or {@link com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Deliver} * @param multiple true to reject all messages up to and including * the supplied delivery tag; false to reject just the supplied * delivery tag. * @param requeue true if the rejected message(s) should be requeued rather * than discarded/dead-lettered * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered */ void basicNack(long deliveryTag, boolean multiple, boolean requeue) throws IOException;
1.6channel.basicReject(delivery.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag(), false);
channel.basicNack 与 channel.basicReject 的区别在于basicNack可以拒绝多条消息,而basicReject一次只能拒绝一条消息
/** * Reject a message. Supply the deliveryTag from the {@link com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.GetOk} * or {@link com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Deliver} method * containing the received message being rejected. * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Reject * @param deliveryTag the tag from the received {@link com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.GetOk} or {@link com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Deliver} * @param requeue true if the rejected message should be requeued rather than discarded/dead-lettered * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered */ void basicReject(long deliveryTag, boolean requeue) throws IOException;
1.7 channel.basicConsume(QUEUE_NAME, true, consumer);
autoAck:是否自动ack,如果不自动ack,需要使用channel.ack、channel.nack、channel.basicReject 进行消息应答
/** * Start a non-nolocal, non-exclusive consumer, with * a server-generated consumerTag. * @param queue the name of the queue * @param autoAck true if the server should consider messages * acknowledged once delivered; false if the server should expect * explicit acknowledgements * @param callback an interface to the consumer object * @return the consumerTag generated by the server * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Consume * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.ConsumeOk * @see #basicConsume(String, boolean, String, boolean, boolean, Map, Consumer) */ String basicConsume(String queue, boolean autoAck, Consumer callback) throws IOException;
1.8 chanel.exchangeBind()
channel.queueBind(queueName, EXCHANGE_NAME, bindingKey);
/** * Bind an exchange to an exchange, with no extra arguments. * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Exchange.Bind * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Exchange.BindOk * @param destination the name of the exchange to which messages flow across the binding * @param source the name of the exchange from which messages flow across the binding * @param routingKey the routine key to use for the binding * @return a binding-confirm method if the binding was successfully created * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered */ Exchange.BindOk exchangeBind(String destination, String source, String routingKey) throws IOException;
1.8 channel.queueDeclare(QUEUE_NAME, false, false, false, null);
durable:true、false true:在服务器重启时,能够存活
exclusive :是否为当前连接的专用队列,在连接断开后,会自动删除该队列,生产环境中应该很少用到吧。
/** * Declare a queue * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Queue.Declare * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Queue.DeclareOk * @param queue the name of the queue * @param durable true if we are declaring a durable queue (the queue will survive a server restart) * @param exclusive true if we are declaring an exclusive queue (restricted to this connection) * @param autoDelete true if we are declaring an autodelete queue (server will delete it when no longer in use) * @param arguments other properties (construction arguments) for the queue * @return a declaration-confirm method to indicate the queue was successfully declared * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered */ Queue.DeclareOk queueDeclare(String queue, boolean durable, boolean exclusive, boolean autoDelete, Map<String, Object> arguments) throws IOException;
ref:RabbitMQ Channel 参数详解 - 简书 (jianshu.com)