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  • Caffeine缓存详解


    Caffeine是一个高性能,高命中率,低内存占用,near optimal 的本地缓存,简单来说它是 Guava Cache 的优化加强版,有些文章把 Caffeine 称为“新一代的缓存”、“现代缓存之王”。

    本文将重点讲解 Caffeine 的高性能设计,以及对应部分的源码分析。

    与 Guava Cache 比较

    大家都知道,Spring5 即将放弃掉 Guava Cache 作为缓存机制,而改用 Caffeine 作为新的本地 Cache 的组件,这对于 Caffeine 来说是一个很大的肯定。为什么 Spring 会这样做呢?其实在 Caffeine 的Benchmarks里给出了好靓仔的数据,对读和写的场景,还有跟其他几个缓存工具进行了比较,Caffeine 的性能都表现很突出。

    使用 Caffeine

    Caffeine 为了方便大家使用以及从 Guava Cache 切换过来(很有针对性啊~),借鉴了 Guava Cache 大部分的概念(诸如核心概念CacheLoadingCacheCacheLoaderCacheBuilder等等),对于 Caffeine 的理解只要把它当作 Guava Cache 就可以了。

    使用上,大家只要把 Caffeine 的包引进来,然后换一下 cache 的实现类,基本应该就没问题了。这对与已经使用过 Guava Cache 的同学来说没有任何难度,甚至还有一点熟悉的味道,如果你之前没有使用过 Guava Cache,可以查看 Caffeine 的官方 API 说明文档,其中PopulationEvictionRemovalRefreshStatisticsCleanupPolicy等等这些特性都是跟 Guava Cache 基本一样的。

    下面给出一个例子说明怎样创建一个 Cache:

    private static LoadingCache<String, String> cache = Caffeine.newBuilder()
                .expireAfterAccess(2, TimeUnit.DAYS)
                .expireAfterWrite(2, TimeUnit.HOURS)
                .refreshAfterWrite(1, TimeUnit.HOURS)
                .writer(new CacheWriter<Object, Object>() {
                    public void write(@NonNull Object key, @NonNull Object value) {
                        log.info("key={}, CacheWriter write", key);
                    public void delete(@NonNull Object key, @Nullable Object value, @NonNull RemovalCause cause) {
                        log.info("key={}, cause={}, CacheWriter delete", key, cause);
                .build(new CacheLoader<String, String>() {
                    public String load(@NonNull String key) throws Exception {
                        return "value_" + key;
                    public String reload(@NonNull String key, @NonNull String oldValue) throws Exception {
                        return "value_" + key;

    Caffeine 的高性能设计

    判断一个缓存的好坏最核心的指标就是命中率,影响缓存命中率有很多因素,包括业务场景、淘汰策略、清理策略、缓存容量等等。如果作为本地缓存, 它的性能的情况,资源的占用也都是一个很重要的指标。下面

    我们来看看 Caffeine 在这几个方面是怎么着手的,如何做优化的。

    (注:本文不会分析 Caffeine 全部源码,只会对核心设计的实现进行分析,但我建议读者把 Caffeine 的源码都涉猎一下,有个 overview 才能更好理解本文。如果你看过 Guava Cache 的源码也行,代码的数据结构和处理逻辑很类似的。


    W-TinyLFU 整体设计

    上面说到淘汰策略是影响缓存命中率的因素之一,一般比较简单的缓存就会直接用到 LFU(Least Frequently Used,即最不经常使用) 或者LRU(Least Recently Used,即最近最少使用) ,而 Caffeine 就是使用了 W-TinyLFU 算法。

    W-TinyLFU 看名字就能大概猜出来,它是 LFU 的变种,也是一种缓存淘汰算法。那为什么要使用 W-TinyLFU 呢?

    LRU 和 LFU 的缺点

    • LRU 实现简单,在一般情况下能够表现出很好的命中率,是一个“性价比”很高的算法,平时也很常用。虽然 LRU 对突发性的稀疏流量(sparse bursts)表现很好,但同时也会产生缓存污染,举例来说,如果偶然性的要对全量数据进行遍历,那么“历史访问记录”就会被刷走,造成污染。
    • 如果数据的分布在一段时间内是固定的话,那么 LFU 可以达到最高的命中率。但是 LFU 有两个缺点,第一,它需要给每个记录项维护频率信息,每次访问都需要更新,这是个巨大的开销;第二,对突发性的稀疏流量无力,因为前期经常访问的记录已经占用了缓存,偶然的流量不太可能会被保留下来,而且过去的一些大量被访问的记录在将来也不一定会使用上,这样就一直把“坑”占着了。

    无论 LRU 还是 LFU 都有其各自的缺点,不过,现在已经有很多针对其缺点而改良、优化出来的变种算法。


    TinyLFU 就是其中一个优化算法,它是专门为了解决 LFU 上述提到的两个问题而被设计出来的。

    解决第一个问题是采用了 Count–Min Sketch 算法。

    解决第二个问题是让记录尽量保持相对的“新鲜”(Freshness Mechanism),并且当有新的记录插入时,可以让它跟老的记录进行“PK”,输者就会被淘汰,这样一些老的、不再需要的记录就会被剔除。

    下图是 TinyLFU 设计图(来自官方)

    统计频率 Count–Min Sketch 算法

    如何对一个 key 进行统计,但又可以节省空间呢?(不是简单的使用HashMap,这太消耗内存了),注意哦,不需要精确的统计,只需要一个近似值就可以了,怎么样,这样场景是不是很熟悉,如果你是老司机,或许已经联想到布隆过滤器(Bloom Filter)的应用了。

    没错,将要介绍的 Count–Min Sketch 的原理跟 Bloom Filter 一样,只不过 Bloom Filter 只有 0 和 1 的值,那么你可以把 Count–Min Sketch 看作是“数值”版的 Bloom Filter。

    更多关于 Count–Min Sketch 的介绍请自行搜索。

    在 TinyLFU 中,近似频率的统计如下图所示:

    对一个 key 进行多次 hash 函数后,index 到多个数组位置后进行累加,查询时取多个值中的最小值即可。

    Caffeine 对这个算法的实现在FrequencySketch类。但 Caffeine 对此有进一步的优化,例如 Count–Min Sketch 使用了二维数组,Caffeine 只是用了一个一维的数组;再者,如果是数值类型的话,这个数需要用 int 或 long 来存储,但是 Caffeine 认为缓存的访问频率不需要用到那么大,只需要 15 就足够,一般认为达到 15 次的频率算是很高的了,而且 Caffeine 还有另外一个机制来使得这个频率进行衰退减半(下面就会讲到)。如果最大是 15 的话,那么只需要 4 个 bit 就可以满足了,一个 long 有 64bit,可以存储 16 个这样的统计数,Caffeine 就是这样的设计,使得存储效率提高了 16 倍。

    Caffeine 对缓存的读写(afterReadafterWrite方法)都会调用onAccesss 方法,而onAccess方法里有一句:



    static final long[] SEED = { // A mixture of seeds from FNV-1a, CityHash, and Murmur3
        0xc3a5c85c97cb3127L, 0xb492b66fbe98f273L, 0x9ae16a3b2f90404fL, 0xcbf29ce484222325L};
    static final long RESET_MASK = 0x7777777777777777L;
    static final long ONE_MASK = 0x1111111111111111L;
    int sampleSize;
    int tableMask;
    long[] table;
    int size;
     * Increments the popularity of the element if it does not exceed the maximum (15). The popularity
     * of all elements will be periodically down sampled when the observed events exceeds a threshold.
     * This process provides a frequency aging to allow expired long term entries to fade away.
     * @param e the element to add
    public void increment(@NonNull E e) {
      if (isNotInitialized()) {
      int hash = spread(e.hashCode());
      int start = (hash & 3) << 2;
      int index0 = indexOf(hash, 0);
      int index1 = indexOf(hash, 1);
      int index2 = indexOf(hash, 2);
      int index3 = indexOf(hash, 3);
      //根据index和start(+1, +2, +3)的值,把table[index]对应的等分追加1
      boolean added = incrementAt(index0, start);
      added |= incrementAt(index1, start + 1);
      added |= incrementAt(index2, start + 2);
      added |= incrementAt(index3, start + 3);
      if (added && (++size == sampleSize)) {
     * Increments the specified counter by 1 if it is not already at the maximum value (15).
     * @param i the table index (16 counters)
     * @param j the counter to increment
     * @return if incremented
    boolean incrementAt(int i, int j) {
      int offset = j << 2;
      long mask = (0xfL << offset);
      if ((table[i] & mask) != mask) {
        table[i] += (1L << offset);
        return true;
      return false;
     * Returns the table index for the counter at the specified depth.
     * @param item the element's hash
     * @param i the counter depth
     * @return the table index
    int indexOf(int item, int i) {
      long hash = SEED[i] * item;
      hash += hash >>> 32;
      return ((int) hash) & tableMask;
     * Applies a supplemental hash function to a given hashCode, which defends against poor quality
     * hash functions.
    int spread(int x) {
      x = ((x >>> 16) ^ x) * 0x45d9f3b;
      x = ((x >>> 16) ^ x) * 0x45d9f3b;
      return (x >>> 16) ^ x;


     * Returns the estimated number of occurrences of an element, up to the maximum (15).
     * @param e the element to count occurrences of
     * @return the estimated number of occurrences of the element; possibly zero but never negative
    public int frequency(@NonNull E e) {
      if (isNotInitialized()) {
        return 0;
      int hash = spread(e.hashCode());
      int start = (hash & 3) << 2;
      int frequency = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
      for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        int index = indexOf(hash, i);
        //这个操作就不多说了,其实跟上面incrementAt是一样的,定位到table[index] + 等分的位置,再根据mask取出计数值
        int count = (int) ((table[index] >>> ((start + i) << 2)) & 0xfL);
        frequency = Math.min(frequency, count);
      return frequency;




    为了让缓存保持“新鲜”,剔除掉过往频率很高但之后不经常的缓存,Caffeine 有一个 Freshness Mechanism。做法很简答,就是当整体的统计计数(当前所有记录的频率统计之和,这个数值内部维护)达到某一个值时,那么所有记录的频率统计除以 2。


    if (added && (++size == sampleSize)) {


    /** Reduces every counter by half of its original value. */
    void reset() {
      int count = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < table.length; i++) {
        count += Long.bitCount(table[i] & ONE_MASK);
        table[i] = (table[i] >>> 1) & RESET_MASK;
      size = (size >>> 1) - (count >>> 2);

    关于这个 reset 方法,为什么是除以 2,而不是其他,及其正确性,在最下面的参考资料的 TinyLFU 论文中 3.3 章节给出了数学证明,大家有兴趣可以看看。

    增加一个 Window?

    Caffeine 通过测试发现 TinyLFU 在面对突发性的稀疏流量(sparse bursts)时表现很差,因为新的记录(new items)还没来得及建立足够的频率就被剔除出去了,这就使得命中率下降。

    于是 Caffeine 设计出一种新的 policy,即 Window Tiny LFU(W-TinyLFU),并通过实验和实践发现 W-TinyLFU 比 TinyLFU 表现的更好。

    W-TinyLFU 的设计如下所示(两图等价):

    它主要包括两个缓存模块,主缓存是 SLRU(Segmented LRU,即分段 LRU),SLRU 包括一个名为 protected 和一个名为 probation 的缓存区。通过增加一个缓存区(即 Window Cache),当有新的记录插入时,会先在 window 区呆一下,就可以避免上述说的 sparse bursts 问题。

    淘汰策略(eviction policy)

    当 window 区满了,就会根据 LRU 把 candidate(即淘汰出来的元素)放到 probation 区,如果 probation 区也满了,就把 candidate 和 probation 将要淘汰的元素 victim,两个进行“PK”,胜者留在 probation,输者就要被淘汰了。

    而且经过实验发现当 window 区配置为总容量的 1%,剩余的 99%当中的 80%分给 protected 区,20%分给 probation 区时,这时整体性能和命中率表现得最好,所以 Caffeine 默认的比例设置就是这个。

    不过这个比例 Caffeine 会在运行时根据统计数据(statistics)去动态调整,如果你的应用程序的缓存随着时间变化比较快的话,那么增加 window 区的比例可以提高命中率,相反缓存都是比较固定不变的话,增加 Main Cache 区(protected 区 +probation 区)的比例会有较好的效果。


    一般缓存对读写操作后都有后续的一系列“维护”操作,Caffeine 也不例外,这些操作都在maintenance方法,我们将要说到的淘汰策略也在里面。


       * Performs the pending maintenance work and sets the state flags during processing to avoid
       * excess scheduling attempts. The read buffer, write buffer, and reference queues are
       * drained, followed by expiration, and size-based eviction.
       * @param task an additional pending task to run, or {@code null} if not present
      void maintenance(@Nullable Runnable task) {
        try {
          if (task != null) {
        } finally {
          if ((drainStatus() != PROCESSING_TO_IDLE) || !casDrainStatus(PROCESSING_TO_IDLE, IDLE)) {

    先说一下 Caffeine 对上面说到的 W-TinyLFU 策略的实现用到的数据结构:

    long maximum;
    long weightedSize;
    long windowMaximum;
    long windowWeightedSize;
    long mainProtectedMaximum;
    long mainProtectedWeightedSize;
    double stepSize;
    long adjustment;
    int hitsInSample;
    int missesInSample;
    double previousSampleHitRate;
    final FrequencySketch<K> sketch;
    //window区的LRU queue(FIFO)
    final AccessOrderDeque<Node<K, V>> accessOrderWindowDeque;
    //probation区的LRU queue(FIFO)
    final AccessOrderDeque<Node<K, V>> accessOrderProbationDeque;
    //protected区的LRU queue(FIFO)
    final AccessOrderDeque<Node<K, V>> accessOrderProtectedDeque;


    /** The initial percent of the maximum weighted capacity dedicated to the main space. */
    static final double PERCENT_MAIN = 0.99d;
    /** The percent of the maximum weighted capacity dedicated to the main's protected space. */
    static final double PERCENT_MAIN_PROTECTED = 0.80d;
    /** The difference in hit rates that restarts the climber. */
    static final double HILL_CLIMBER_RESTART_THRESHOLD = 0.05d;
    /** The percent of the total size to adapt the window by. */
    static final double HILL_CLIMBER_STEP_PERCENT = 0.0625d;
    /** The rate to decrease the step size to adapt by. */
    static final double HILL_CLIMBER_STEP_DECAY_RATE = 0.98d;
    /** The maximum number of entries that can be transfered between queues. */


    /** Evicts entries if the cache exceeds the maximum. */
    void evictEntries() {
      if (!evicts()) {
      int candidates = evictFromWindow();
     * Evicts entries from the window space into the main space while the window size exceeds a
     * maximum.
     * @return the number of candidate entries evicted from the window space
    //根据W-TinyLFU,新的数据都会无条件的加到admission window
    int evictFromWindow() {
      int candidates = 0;
      //查看window queue的头部节点
      Node<K, V> node = accessOrderWindowDeque().peek();
      while (windowWeightedSize() > windowMaximum()) {
        // The pending operations will adjust the size to reflect the correct weight
        if (node == null) {
        Node<K, V> next = node.getNextInAccessOrder();
        if (node.getWeight() != 0) {
          //加入到probation queue,相当于把节点移动到probation区(晋升了)
          setWindowWeightedSize(windowWeightedSize() - node.getPolicyWeight());
        node = next;
      return candidates;


     * Evicts entries from the main space if the cache exceeds the maximum capacity. The main space
     * determines whether admitting an entry (coming from the window space) is preferable to retaining
     * the eviction policy's victim. This is decision is made using a frequency filter so that the
     * least frequently used entry is removed.
     * The window space candidates were previously placed in the MRU position and the eviction
     * policy's victim is at the LRU position. The two ends of the queue are evaluated while an
     * eviction is required. The number of remaining candidates is provided and decremented on
     * eviction, so that when there are no more candidates the victim is evicted.
     * @param candidates the number of candidate entries evicted from the window space
    void evictFromMain(int candidates) {
      int victimQueue = PROBATION;
      //victim是probation queue的头部
      Node<K, V> victim = accessOrderProbationDeque().peekFirst();
      //candidate是probation queue的尾部,也就是刚从window晋升来的
      Node<K, V> candidate = accessOrderProbationDeque().peekLast();
      while (weightedSize() > maximum()) {
        // Stop trying to evict candidates and always prefer the victim
        if (candidates == 0) {
          candidate = null;
        if ((candidate == null) && (victim == null)) {
          if (victimQueue == PROBATION) {
            victim = accessOrderProtectedDeque().peekFirst();
            victimQueue = PROTECTED;
          } else if (victimQueue == PROTECTED) {
            victim = accessOrderWindowDeque().peekFirst();
            victimQueue = WINDOW;
          // The pending operations will adjust the size to reflect the correct weight
        if ((victim != null) && (victim.getPolicyWeight() == 0)) {
          victim = victim.getNextInAccessOrder();
        } else if ((candidate != null) && (candidate.getPolicyWeight() == 0)) {
          candidate = candidate.getPreviousInAccessOrder();
        // Evict immediately if only one of the entries is present
        if (victim == null) {
          Node<K, V> previous = candidate.getPreviousInAccessOrder();
          Node<K, V> evict = candidate;
          candidate = previous;
          evictEntry(evict, RemovalCause.SIZE, 0L);
        } else if (candidate == null) {
          Node<K, V> evict = victim;
          victim = victim.getNextInAccessOrder();
          evictEntry(evict, RemovalCause.SIZE, 0L);
        // Evict immediately if an entry was collected
        K victimKey = victim.getKey();
        K candidateKey = candidate.getKey();
        if (victimKey == null) {
          @NonNull Node<K, V> evict = victim;
          victim = victim.getNextInAccessOrder();
          evictEntry(evict, RemovalCause.COLLECTED, 0L);
        } else if (candidateKey == null) {
          @NonNull Node<K, V> evict = candidate;
          candidate = candidate.getPreviousInAccessOrder();
          evictEntry(evict, RemovalCause.COLLECTED, 0L);
        if (candidate.getPolicyWeight() > maximum()) {
          Node<K, V> evict = candidate;
          candidate = candidate.getPreviousInAccessOrder();
          evictEntry(evict, RemovalCause.SIZE, 0L);
        if (admit(candidateKey, victimKey)) {
          Node<K, V> evict = victim;
          victim = victim.getNextInAccessOrder();
          evictEntry(evict, RemovalCause.SIZE, 0L);
          candidate = candidate.getPreviousInAccessOrder();
        } else {
          Node<K, V> evict = candidate;
          candidate = candidate.getPreviousInAccessOrder();
          evictEntry(evict, RemovalCause.SIZE, 0L);
     * Determines if the candidate should be accepted into the main space, as determined by its
     * frequency relative to the victim. A small amount of randomness is used to protect against hash
     * collision attacks, where the victim's frequency is artificially raised so that no new entries
     * are admitted.
     * @param candidateKey the key for the entry being proposed for long term retention
     * @param victimKey the key for the entry chosen by the eviction policy for replacement
     * @return if the candidate should be admitted and the victim ejected
    boolean admit(K candidateKey, K victimKey) {
      int victimFreq = frequencySketch().frequency(victimKey);
      int candidateFreq = frequencySketch().frequency(candidateKey);
      if (candidateFreq > victimFreq) {
        return true;
      } else if (candidateFreq <= 5) {
        // The maximum frequency is 15 and halved to 7 after a reset to age the history. An attack
        // exploits that a hot candidate is rejected in favor of a hot victim. The threshold of a warm
        // candidate reduces the number of random acceptances to minimize the impact on the hit rate.
        return false;
      int random = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt();
      return ((random & 127) == 0);

    climb方法主要是用来调整 window size 的,使得 Caffeine 可以适应你的应用类型(如 OLAP 或 OLTP)表现出最佳的命中率。


    我们看看 window size 的调整是怎么实现的。


    static final double HILL_CLIMBER_RESTART_THRESHOLD = 0.05d;
    static final double HILL_CLIMBER_STEP_PERCENT = 0.0625d;
    static final double HILL_CLIMBER_STEP_DECAY_RATE = 0.98d;
      /** Adapts the eviction policy to towards the optimal recency / frequency configuration. */
    void climb() {
      if (!evicts()) {
      long amount = adjustment();
      if (amount == 0) {
      } else if (amount > 0) {
      } else {


    /** Calculates the amount to adapt the window by and sets {@link #adjustment()} accordingly. */
    void determineAdjustment() {
      if (frequencySketch().isNotInitialized()) {
      //总请求量 = 命中 + miss
      int requestCount = hitsInSample() + missesInSample();
      //默认下sampleSize = 10 * maximum。用sampleSize来判断缓存是否足够”热“。
      if (requestCount < frequencySketch().sampleSize) {
      //命中率的公式 = 命中 / 总请求
      double hitRate = (double) hitsInSample() / requestCount;
      double hitRateChange = hitRate - previousSampleHitRate();
      double amount = (hitRateChange >= 0) ? stepSize() : -stepSize();
      //下次的调整大小:如果命中率的之差大于0.05,则重置为0.065 * maximum,否则按照0.98来进行衰减
      double nextStepSize = (Math.abs(hitRateChange) >= HILL_CLIMBER_RESTART_THRESHOLD)
          ? HILL_CLIMBER_STEP_PERCENT * maximum() * (amount >= 0 ? 1 : -1)
          : HILL_CLIMBER_STEP_DECAY_RATE * amount;
      setAdjustment((long) amount);
    /** Transfers the nodes from the protected to the probation region if it exceeds the maximum. */
    void demoteFromMainProtected() {
      long mainProtectedMaximum = mainProtectedMaximum();
      long mainProtectedWeightedSize = mainProtectedWeightedSize();
      if (mainProtectedWeightedSize <= mainProtectedMaximum) {
      for (int i = 0; i < QUEUE_TRANSFER_THRESHOLD; i++) {
        if (mainProtectedWeightedSize <= mainProtectedMaximum) {
        Node<K, V> demoted = accessOrderProtectedDeque().poll();
        if (demoted == null) {
        mainProtectedWeightedSize -= demoted.getPolicyWeight();
     * Increases the size of the admission window by shrinking the portion allocated to the main
     * space. As the main space is partitioned into probation and protected regions (80% / 20%), for
     * simplicity only the protected is reduced. If the regions exceed their maximums, this may cause
     * protected items to be demoted to the probation region and probation items to be demoted to the
     * admission window.
    void increaseWindow() {
      if (mainProtectedMaximum() == 0) {
      long quota = Math.min(adjustment(), mainProtectedMaximum());
      setMainProtectedMaximum(mainProtectedMaximum() - quota);
      setWindowMaximum(windowMaximum() + quota);
      for (int i = 0; i < QUEUE_TRANSFER_THRESHOLD; i++) {
        Node<K, V> candidate = accessOrderProbationDeque().peek();
        boolean probation = true;
        if ((candidate == null) || (quota < candidate.getPolicyWeight())) {
          candidate = accessOrderProtectedDeque().peek();
          probation = false;
        if (candidate == null) {
        int weight = candidate.getPolicyWeight();
        if (quota < weight) {
        quota -= weight;
        if (probation) {
        } else {
          setMainProtectedWeightedSize(mainProtectedWeightedSize() - weight);
        setWindowWeightedSize(windowWeightedSize() + weight);
      setMainProtectedMaximum(mainProtectedMaximum() + quota);
      setWindowMaximum(windowMaximum() - quota);
    /** Decreases the size of the admission window and increases the main's protected region. */
    void decreaseWindow() {
      if (windowMaximum() <= 1) {
      long quota = Math.min(-adjustment(), Math.max(0, windowMaximum() - 1));
      setMainProtectedMaximum(mainProtectedMaximum() + quota);
      setWindowMaximum(windowMaximum() - quota);
      for (int i = 0; i < QUEUE_TRANSFER_THRESHOLD; i++) {
        Node<K, V> candidate = accessOrderWindowDeque().peek();
        if (candidate == null) {
        int weight = candidate.getPolicyWeight();
        if (quota < weight) {
        quota -= weight;
        setMainProtectedWeightedSize(mainProtectedWeightedSize() + weight);
        setWindowWeightedSize(windowWeightedSize() - weight);
      setMainProtectedMaximum(mainProtectedMaximum() - quota);
      setWindowMaximum(windowMaximum() + quota);

    以上,是 Caffeine 的 W-TinyLFU 策略的设计原理及代码实现解析。


    一般的缓存每次对数据处理完之后(读的话,已经存在则直接返回,不存在则 load 数据,保存,再返回;写的话,则直接插入或更新),但是因为要维护一些淘汰策略,则需要一些额外的操作,诸如:

    • 计算和比较数据的是否过期
    • 统计频率(像 LFU 或其变种)
    • 维护 read queue 和 write queue
    • 淘汰符合条件的数据
    • 等等。。。

    这种数据的读写伴随着缓存状态的变更,Guava Cache 的做法是把这些操作和读写操作放在一起,在一个同步加锁的操作中完成,虽然 Guava Cache 巧妙地利用了 JDK 的 ConcurrentHashMap(分段锁或者无锁 CAS)来降低锁的密度,达到提高并发度的目的。但是,对于一些热点数据,这种做法还是避免不了频繁的锁竞争。Caffeine 借鉴了数据库系统的 WAL(Write-Ahead Logging)思想,即先写日志再执行操作,这种思想同样适合缓存的,执行读写操作时,先把操作记录在缓冲区,然后在合适的时机异步、批量地执行缓冲区中的内容。但在执行缓冲区的内容时,也是需要在缓冲区加上同步锁的,不然存在并发问题,只不过这样就可以把对锁的竞争从缓存数据转移到对缓冲区上。


    在 Caffeine 的内部实现中,为了很好的支持不同的 Features(如 Eviction,Removal,Refresh,Statistics,Cleanup,Policy 等等),扩展了很多子类,它们共同的父类是BoundedLocalCache,而readBuffer就是作为它们共有的属性,即都是用一样的 readBuffer,看定义:

    final Buffer<Node<K, V>> readBuffer;
    readBuffer = evicts() || collectKeys() || collectValues() || expiresAfterAccess()
            ? new BoundedBuffer<>()
            : Buffer.disabled();

    上面提到 Caffeine 对每次缓存的读操作都会触发afterRead

     * Performs the post-processing work required after a read.
     * @param node the entry in the page replacement policy
     * @param now the current time, in nanoseconds
     * @param recordHit if the hit count should be incremented
    void afterRead(Node<K, V> node, long now, boolean recordHit) {
      if (recordHit) {
      boolean delayable = skipReadBuffer() || (readBuffer.offer(node) != Buffer.FULL);
      if (shouldDrainBuffers(delayable)) {
      refreshIfNeeded(node, now);
       * Returns whether maintenance work is needed.
       * @param delayable if draining the read buffer can be delayed
      boolean shouldDrainBuffers(boolean delayable) {
        switch (drainStatus()) {
          case IDLE:
            return !delayable;
          case REQUIRED:
            return true;
          case PROCESSING_TO_IDLE:
            return false;
            throw new IllegalStateException();


     * A striped, non-blocking, bounded buffer.
     * @author ben.manes@gmail.com (Ben Manes)
     * @param <E> the type of elements maintained by this buffer
    final class BoundedBuffer<E> extends StripedBuffer<E>

    它是一个 striped、非阻塞、有界限的 buffer,继承于StripedBuffer类。下面看看StripedBuffer的实现:

     * A base class providing the mechanics for supporting dynamic striping of bounded buffers. This
     * implementation is an adaption of the numeric 64-bit {@link java.util.concurrent.atomic.Striped64}
     * class, which is used by atomic counters. The approach was modified to lazily grow an array of
     * buffers in order to minimize memory usage for caches that are not heavily contended on.
     * @author dl@cs.oswego.edu (Doug Lea)
     * @author ben.manes@gmail.com (Ben Manes)
    abstract class StripedBuffer<E> implements Buffer<E>


    具体实现是这样的,StripedBuffer维护一个Buffer[]数组,每个元素就是一个RingBuffer,每个线程用自己threadLocalRandomProbe属性作为 hash 值,这样就相当于每个线程都有自己“专属”的RingBuffer,就不会产生竞争啦,而不是用 key 的hashCode作为 hash 值,因为会产生热点数据问题。


    /** Table of buffers. When non-null, size is a power of 2. */
    transient volatile Buffer<E> @Nullable[] table;
    static final long TABLE_BUSY = UnsafeAccess.objectFieldOffset(StripedBuffer.class, "tableBusy");
    static final long PROBE = UnsafeAccess.objectFieldOffset(Thread.class, "threadLocalRandomProbe");
    /** Number of CPUS. */
    static final int NCPU = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
    /** The bound on the table size. */
    static final int MAXIMUM_TABLE_SIZE = 4 * ceilingNextPowerOfTwo(NCPU);
    /** The maximum number of attempts when trying to expand the table. */
    static final int ATTEMPTS = 3;
    /** Table of buffers. When non-null, size is a power of 2. */
    transient volatile Buffer<E> @Nullable[] table;
    /** Spinlock (locked via CAS) used when resizing and/or creating Buffers. */
    transient volatile int tableBusy;
    /** CASes the tableBusy field from 0 to 1 to acquire lock. */
    final boolean casTableBusy() {
      return UnsafeAccess.UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, TABLE_BUSY, 0, 1);
     * Returns the probe value for the current thread. Duplicated from ThreadLocalRandom because of
     * packaging restrictions.
    static final int getProbe() {
      return UnsafeAccess.UNSAFE.getInt(Thread.currentThread(), PROBE);

    offer方法,当没初始化或存在竞争时,则扩容为 2 倍。

    实际是调用RingBuffer的 offer 方法,把数据追加到RingBuffer后面。

    public int offer(E e) {
      int mask;
      int result = 0;
      Buffer<E> buffer;
      boolean uncontended = true;
      Buffer<E>[] buffers = table
      if ((buffers == null)
          || (mask = buffers.length - 1) < 0
          || (buffer = buffers[getProbe() & mask]) == null
          || !(uncontended = ((result = buffer.offer(e)) != Buffer.FAILED))) {
        expandOrRetry(e, uncontended);
      return result;
     * Handles cases of updates involving initialization, resizing, creating new Buffers, and/or
     * contention. See above for explanation. This method suffers the usual non-modularity problems of
     * optimistic retry code, relying on rechecked sets of reads.
     * @param e the element to add
     * @param wasUncontended false if CAS failed before call
    final void expandOrRetry(E e, boolean wasUncontended) {
      int h;
      if ((h = getProbe()) == 0) {
        ThreadLocalRandom.current(); // force initialization
        h = getProbe();
        wasUncontended = true;
      boolean collide = false; // True if last slot nonempty
      for (int attempt = 0; attempt < ATTEMPTS; attempt++) {
        Buffer<E>[] buffers;
        Buffer<E> buffer;
        int n;
        if (((buffers = table) != null) && ((n = buffers.length) > 0)) {
          if ((buffer = buffers[(n - 1) & h]) == null) {
            if ((tableBusy == 0) && casTableBusy()) { // Try to attach new Buffer
              boolean created = false;
              try { // Recheck under lock
                Buffer<E>[] rs;
                int mask, j;
                if (((rs = table) != null) && ((mask = rs.length) > 0)
                    && (rs[j = (mask - 1) & h] == null)) {
                  rs[j] = create(e);
                  created = true;
              } finally {
                tableBusy = 0;
              if (created) {
              continue; // Slot is now non-empty
            collide = false;
          } else if (!wasUncontended) { // CAS already known to fail
            wasUncontended = true;      // Continue after rehash
          } else if (buffer.offer(e) != Buffer.FAILED) {
          } else if (n >= MAXIMUM_TABLE_SIZE || table != buffers) {
            collide = false; // At max size or stale
          } else if (!collide) {
            collide = true;
          } else if (tableBusy == 0 && casTableBusy()) {
            try {
              if (table == buffers) { // Expand table unless stale
                table = Arrays.copyOf(buffers, n << 1);
            } finally {
              tableBusy = 0;
            collide = false;
            continue; // Retry with expanded table
          h = advanceProbe(h);
        } else if ((tableBusy == 0) && (table == buffers) && casTableBusy()) {
          boolean init = false;
          try { // Initialize table
            if (table == buffers) {
              @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
              Buffer<E>[] rs = new Buffer[1];
              rs[0] = create(e);
              table = rs;
              init = true;
          } finally {
            tableBusy = 0;
          if (init) {


    /** The maximum number of elements per buffer. */
    static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 16;
    // Assume 4-byte references and 64-byte cache line (16 elements per line)
    static final int SPACED_SIZE = BUFFER_SIZE << 4;
    static final int SPACED_MASK = SPACED_SIZE - 1;
    static final int OFFSET = 16;
    final AtomicReferenceArray<E> buffer;
     public int offer(E e) {
       long head = readCounter;
       long tail = relaxedWriteCounter();
       long size = (tail - head);
       if (size >= SPACED_SIZE) {
         return Buffer.FULL;
       if (casWriteCounter(tail, tail + OFFSET)) {
         int index = (int) (tail & SPACED_MASK);
         buffer.lazySet(index, e);
         return Buffer.SUCCESS;
       return Buffer.FAILED;
     public void drainTo(Consumer<E> consumer) {
       long head = readCounter;
       long tail = relaxedWriteCounter();
       long size = (tail - head);
       if (size == 0) {
       do {
         int index = (int) (head & SPACED_MASK);
         E e = buffer.get(index);
         if (e == null) {
           // not published yet
         buffer.lazySet(index, null);
         head += OFFSET;
       } while (head != tail);

    注意,ring buffer 的 size(固定是 16 个)是不变的,变的是 head 和 tail 而已。


    • 使用 Striped-RingBuffer来提升对 buffer 的读写
    • 用 thread 的 hash 来避开热点 key 的竞争
    • 允许写入的丢失


    writeBufferreadBuffer不一样,主要体现在使用场景的不一样。本来缓存的一般场景是读多写少的,读的并发会更高,且 afterRead 显得没那么重要,允许延迟甚至丢失。写不一样,写afterWrite不允许丢失,且要求尽量马上执行。Caffeine 使用MPSC(Multiple Producer / Single Consumer)作为 buffer 数组,实现在MpscGrowableArrayQueue类,它是仿照JCToolsMpscGrowableArrayQueue来写的。

    MPSC 允许无锁的高并发写入,但只允许一个消费者,同时也牺牲了部分操作。

    MPSC 我打算另外分析,这里不展开了。


    除了支持expireAfterAccessexpireAfterWrite之外(Guava Cache 也支持这两个特性),Caffeine 还支持expireAfter。因为expireAfterAccessexpireAfterWrite都只能是固定的过期时间,这可能满足不了某些场景,譬如记录的过期时间是需要根据某些条件而不一样的,这就需要用户自定义过期时间。


    private static LoadingCache<String, String> cache = Caffeine.newBuilder()
            //.expireAfterAccess(2, TimeUnit.DAYS)
            //.expireAfterWrite(2, TimeUnit.HOURS)
            .refreshAfterWrite(1, TimeUnit.HOURS)
            .expireAfter(new Expiry<String, String>() {
                public long expireAfterCreate(@NonNull String key, @NonNull String value, long currentTime) {
                    return 0;
                public long expireAfterUpdate(@NonNull String key, @NonNull String value, long currentTime, @NonNegative long currentDuration) {
                    return 0;
                public long expireAfterRead(@NonNull String key, @NonNull String value, long currentTime, @NonNegative long currentDuration) {
                    return 0;
            .build(new CacheLoader<String, String>() {
                public String load(@NonNull String key) throws Exception {
                    return "value_" + key;

    通过自定义过期时间,使得不同的 key 可以动态的得到不同的过期时间。


    而当使用了expireAfter特性后,Caffeine 会启用一种叫“时间轮”的算法来实现这个功能。


    expireAfterAccessexpireAfterWrite的实现是用一个AccessOrderDeque双端队列,它是 FIFO 的,因为它们的过期时间是固定的,所以在队列头的数据肯定是最早过期的,要处理过期数据时,只需要首先看看头部是否过期,然后再挨个检查就可以了。但是,如果过期时间不一样的话,这需要对accessOrderQueue进行排序&插入,这个代价太大了。于是,Caffeine 用了一种更加高效、优雅的算法-时间轮。


    因为在我的对时间轮分析的文章里已经说了时间轮的原理和机制了,所以我就不展开 Caffeine 对时间轮的实现了。

    Caffeine 对时间轮的实现在TimerWheel,它是一种多层时间轮(hierarchical timing wheels )。


     * Schedules a timer event for the node.
     * @param node the entry in the cache
    public void schedule(@NonNull Node<K, V> node) {
      Node<K, V> sentinel = findBucket(node.getVariableTime());
      link(sentinel, node);
     * Determines the bucket that the timer event should be added to.
     * @param time the time when the event fires
     * @return the sentinel at the head of the bucket
    Node<K, V> findBucket(long time) {
      long duration = time - nanos;
      int length = wheel.length - 1;
      for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        if (duration < SPANS[i + 1]) {
          long ticks = (time >>> SHIFT[i]);
          int index = (int) (ticks & (wheel[i].length - 1));
          return wheel[i][index];
      return wheel[length][0];
    /** Adds the entry at the tail of the bucket's list. */
    void link(Node<K, V> sentinel, Node<K, V> node) {


    Caffeine 还有其他的优化性能的手段,如使用软引用和弱引用、消除伪共享、CompletableFuture异步等等。


    Caffeien 是一个优秀的本地缓存,通过使用 W-TinyLFU 算法, 高性能的 readBuffer 和 WriteBuffer,时间轮算法等,使得它拥有高性能,高命中率(near optimal),低内存占用等特点。

    其他学习Caffeien 资料:(25条消息) Caffeine cache实现本地缓存(简单又清楚)_黄叶。的博客-CSDN博客

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cy0628/p/15246732.html
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