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  • Python staticmethod

    1 @staticmethod 静态方法

    when this method is called, we don't pass an instance of the class to it (as we normally do with methods).
    This means you can put a function inside a class but you can't access the instance of that class (this is useful when your method does not use the instance).



    class C(object):
        def f(arg1, arg2, ...):

    以上实例声明了静态方法 f,类可以不用实例化就可以调用该方法 C.f(),当然也可以实例化后调用 C().f()



    # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
    class C(object):
        def f():
    C.f();          # 静态方法无需实例化
    cobj = C()
    cobj.f()        # 也可以实例化后调用


    # 类中
        def is_date_valid(date_as_string):
            day, month, year = map(int, date_as_string.split('-'))
            return day <= 31 and month <= 12 and year <= 3999
    # usage:
    is_date = Date.is_date_valid('11-09-2012')


    2 @classmethod 类方法

    when this method is called, we pass the class as the first argument instead of the instance of that class (as we normally do with methods). 
    This means you can use the class and its properties inside that method rather than a particular instance.

    关于参数:该方法强制要求传递一个必须参数, 不需要self参数,但第一个参数需要是表示自身类的cls参数。


    # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
    class A(object):
        bar = 1
        def func1(self):  
            print ('foo') 
        def func2(cls):
            print ('func2')
            print (cls.bar)
            cls().func1()   # 调用 foo 方法
    A.func2()               # 不需要实例化



    # 类中
    def from_string(cls, date_as_string): day, month, year = map(int, date_as_string.split('-')) date1 = cls(day, month, year) return date1 date2 = Date.from_string('11-09-2012')



    1. We've implemented date string parsing in one place and it's reusable now.
    2. Encapsulation works fine here (if you think that you could implement string parsing as a single function elsewhere, this solution fits OOP paradigm far better).
    3. cls is an object that holds class itself, not an instance of the class. It's pretty cool because if we inherit our Date class, all children will have from_string defined also.


    3 实例方法

    4 最后:



    class Date(object):
        def __init__(self, day=0, month=0, year=0):
            self.day = day
            self.month = month
            self.year = year
        def from_string(cls, date_as_string):
            day, month, year = map(int, date_as_string.split('-'))
            date1 = cls(day, month, year)
            return date1
        def is_date_valid(date_as_string):
            day, month, year = map(int, date_as_string.split('-'))
            return day <= 31 and month <= 12 and year <= 3999
    date2 = Date.from_string('11-09-2012')
    is_date = Date.is_date_valid('11-09-2012')
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cymwill/p/8723462.html
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